
Read Temptation Online

Authors: Liv Morris

BOOK: Temptation
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(Touch of
Tantra #1.5)



Liv Morris






Copyright © 2013 Liv Morris


Digital Edition: December 2013


Cover Design by Jada D’Lee Designs


Edited by
Write Divas Editing
and Marla Esposito


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Chapter 1




A sense of satisfaction hits me once I have all the necessary elements for my Tantra session in place. I survey the room and watch the candles’ flickering flames bounce an amber glow over the silk tapestries. The soft music playing from hidden speakers sounds out a hypnotic beat. Like a rhythmic pulse—steady and paced. The setting and sensual ambiance are impeccable. I want nothing short of perfection for this session as it’s my client’s last scheduled visit with me. A grand finale of sorts. I’m looking forward to seeing him demonstrate his newly acquired techniques. Off with the old way,
getting off
with the new is my hope.

While I adjust a wedge pillow situated on the cushioned floor mat, the front desk buzzer sounds throughout my apartment, signaling my appointment’s arrival. I leave my candlelit office, run to the in-house phone in my hallway, and pick up the receiver.

“Hello,” I respond into the phone, winded.

“Mrs. Delcour, Mr. and Mrs. Browning are here in the lobby. They say you have an appointment with them.”

“Thanks, Carl. I do. Please send them up.”

“Yes, Mrs. Delcour.” I appreciate Charlie’s formal address, but referring to me as
makes me feel so matronly.

Being a widow at thirty-four
makes me acutely aware I’m an unusual specimen. Old before my time, and very much on my own, I can’t even remember the last time I went for a wax. That’s something to add to my to-do list for later this afternoon at the spa.

Waxing hasn’t been a big priority since I haven’t had
sex in the last two years, although the thought of it comes to mind and more often than I’d like. The familiar craving of being with a man, having him fill and possess me, fills my thoughts and arouses an aching need in me I’ve locked away.

The problem is it takes two for the tango I have in mind, and I haven’t found a single man in this entire city of millions who has raised my temperature or interest. All the men I’ve met have been mundane, at best, with absolutely no chemistry between us at all. I need a challenge.
A sparring partner. A man with passion—or at least passion for me. A tangible heat would be nice, too.

A solid knock on the front door echoes through the marbled entryway, announcing the Browning’s arrival.

One last glance at the hallway mirror, followed by a quick adjustment of my tight camisole, and I’m ready for the session to begin. This client is bringing his wife with him for the first time. He came to me as a referral. One of the first “it’s all about me when it comes to the bedroom” men I’ve had the pleasure of teaching how to please a woman. Mr. Browning said the results in the bedroom were so great for him; he’d be my slave for a day in thanks. I begin to chuckle at that thought as I pull the door open.

“Hello, Ross.”
I greet the two happy and eager faces in front of me with a warm smile. “This must be Lily.”

“Good morning, Kathryn.” Ross gives me a light kiss on each cheek. His eyes dance as he pulls away from me. He’s one excited man. “This is my lovely wife, Lily.”

“Hello, Lily.” Smiling at one another, we shake hands as I welcome her to my apartment and then motion them inside. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

“Oh, it’s so great to finally meet you, Kathryn. First off, I have to thank you. Good God. Where do I even start?” She giggles and collapses into Ross’s side. He closes his arms around her. Their physical intimacy is apparent, and I can’t help but smile, fully satisfied at what I see before me.

“No need to say another word. I can see you appreciate what Ross has learned.” Lily looks up at me, nodding. I wink knowingly and offer my arm to Lily. It’s time to get this show on the road.

We head down the hallway with Ross in tow. I peer over my shoulder and give him a big smile of approval. I have a wonderfully happy wife on my arm. A far cry from what he described the day I met him.

They are a young couple—early thirties and newly married. Recently, an old flame started making contact with Lily. It was a man she’d dated in her midtwenties. She claimed to have never been in love with him, but this old lover knew how to fuck her into oblivion, as Ross put it.

It made him take notice of their sex life. Ross knew Lily loved him, but he felt the need to up his game in the bedroom. I found that to be quite the understatement upon learning more. I remember him confessing on many occasions
that Lily didn’t climax during sex. He hadn’t really thought much about why. Lucky for Ross, I’m not a dominatrix or he would’ve left my office with a sore and red ass.

Lily tugs my arm to get my attention. “I’ve been telling my girlfriends all about you, Kathryn. I can’t believe what’s happened in our bedroom.”

Lily’s voice fades away at the end. I glance her way and notice she’s drifted off into her thoughts. If I wasn’t holding on to her, I swear Lily would float off in some dreamlike state.

“I’m happy things are working out so well for you. Ross has obviously learned how to put this blissful smile on your face.” I squeeze her hand and release our arms as we stand at the entrance to my guest bedroom.

Ross joins Lily at the door and pulls her into his side. She melts into his embrace and lays her hand across his chest. They could pass as lovesick teenagers. I have to shake my head and wonder if I could become a little sick from their sweetness before the session is finished. Yes, I might be a little jealous, I admit, but I am truly happy for them.

“I placed a couple of robes on the bed for you.” Turning to face Ross, I continue. “Have you decided what you want to practice today?”

Ross exchanges a knowing smile with Lily. One she quickly returns along with a deep red blush. Their reactions to my question leave me slightly puzzled and curious what Tantra technique they’ve decided to practice for Ross’s last session. I strongly suggested the Yab-yum to Ross last week, but something tells me he opted for something else.

“Well,” Ross speaks with roguish smile. “I believe we have the Yab-yum down pat. However, I want to make sure I master the Yoni massage. I know it’s very intimate and requires the woman to be naked, but Lily has agreed to it. What do you think, Kathryn?”

Damn. What a loaded question. I’ve studied and observed this massage of the female genitalia in teaching, even partially preformed it once for my Tantric certification. All my experience seems clinical now that I have real live people, my clients, standing in front of me. I knew someone would want to perform this massage during a session sooner or later. The joys of being a new teacher...awkward firsts.

“I’m fine with you performing a Yoni massage on Lily.” I turn toward Lily. I need to see her approval, too. We just met, and this massage is one up close and intimate act. “Are you aware of what the Yoni massage entails?”

“I am,” Lily answers quickly. Her eyes are bright and alight with enthusiasm. She appears to be game. Hell, I guess I am, too. “We’ve watched all the instructional DVDs you gave Ross. The only thing we have left to attempt is the Yoni massage.”

“What makes you want to try it today in front of me?” I’m curious to know what has motivated Ross and Lily to choose this particular act with me as their audience. It’s a rather bold move, in my opinion, since this is Lily’s first time here with me. They will have to bury every sexual inhibition to have a fruitful session.

“I want to get it right.” Ross’s eyes are steadfast on mine and he’s dead serious. There is no wavering in his expression. He wants to please his woman. And damn if she isn’t some lucky lady to have her man want to please her like this. I stuff my jealousy away, knowing it’s time to break the sex drought in my life. Pronto!

“All right, you two. Go ahead and change into the silk robes lying on the bed and meet me in my office.” I gently tug on Ross’s arm to stop him from following Lily into the bedroom. I need to clear up a few things before we go any further.

“I will quietly coach you through the massage. But I’m going to be watching Lily’s reactions, and if at any time I’m not convinced she’s comfortable with me observing, then I’ll step out of the room and allow you two some privacy.”

“Sounds fair enough.” He looks away, in thought. “I did some research on this massage, and I read sometimes a woman will cry during this massage.”

“Yes. It’s not unusual for people to cry during any Tantra sessions. They tend to bring healing to people in the most unexpected ways.”

“Do you think she might have trouble with this?” Ross’s voice
is now a mere whisper. I take that as reason to believe Lily isn’t supposed to overhear our conversation, so I move closer.

“I don’t think she’ll have trouble with it. She might have some unexpected responses to what happens during the massage. Be prepared and know if she cries, her tears are tears of healing.” I pat him on the upper arm in reassurance.

“Okay. I just want the best experience for her today, though.” Sweet Ross. He wants her to feel nothing but bliss. However, he’s lost focus of Tantra’s true objective.

“Remember the basis of Tantra is intimacy and healing. Not an orgasm being the end game, although that’s a wonderful side effect.” I nod toward the bedroom where Lily disappeared. “Let an open heart lead you in the session today. I promise Lily will thank you in the end.”

Chapter 2




I position myself next to the wedge pillow on the floor mat and wait for their arrival in my office. It’s taking them some time to make their way to me and I’m beginning to wonder if they’re having second thoughts. Perhaps
all the bravado in the hallway was just that—

My concerns are laid aside as they enter through the double doors to my office. Dressed in the black silk robes I left on the guest bed, their belts are secured loosely at their waists. Lily’s robe hangs from her shoulders and is likely two sizes too big for her petite frame. I think she’s even smaller than me.

Lily glances around the room, her eyes darting to the flickering candles, the tapestry covered walls, and finally resting on me kneeling in front of her. It’s Lily’s first time in my office, and I can tell she’s impressed from the look on her face.

“Welcome, Lily.” I smile at her while she returns my greeting with an inquisitive look. I don’t think the room was what she expected. “Come over to the mat and sit down with me.”

Ross takes hold of Lily’s hand and they walk in unison across the scattered rugs to me. A sense of relief washes over me when I see Lily smiling my way. I believe she’s absorbed her surroundings, and hopefully she’s letting the sensuous atmosphere calm her nerves. Regardless, I know I must tread lightly in my approach with her if she’s going to benefit fully from our time today.

Lily kneels next to me with our knees almost touching. I lightly caress her arm, trying to comfort and reassure her that I’m
on her team of sexual discovery.

“Since you’ve seen a Yoni massage on DVD, you have a pretty good idea what you’re going to be attempting.” I catch Lily’s attention and address her next. “Leave your robe on, Lily, and
lie back with your upper body against the wedge pillow.”

Lily maneuvers herself to the pillow and reclines against the soft cushion. Shifting from side to side, she settles herself in place and adjusts the front of her robe, making sure its length covers her
sex. A sign for me to gingerly ease into nudity with her.

“I’m going to sit behind you on the pillow, Lily. I’d like to stay out of your peripheral vision and
place the focus on you and Ross.” Lily lets out a sigh of relief. Her earlier show of bravery has definitely worn off. I wonder how long I’ll actually stay with them.

“Lily, you’ll need to part your legs.” She moves her legs apart as asked, keeping her hands relaxed at her sides. “Now, Ross,
move between her extended legs with your knees touching the middle of her inner thighs.”

“You’re in the perfect position to start the massage.” Ross rubs his hands over his robe-covered thighs. I sense his anxiousness to start, so I deliberately slow the pace. We will not be rushed today.

“I’ll be gently coaching you two.” I set my voice to where it’s just above a whisper. “Before you begin touching, you’re going to focus on breathing and eye contact.”

Ross and Lily center on each other. “Focus on keeping this gaze the entire time.”

The look Ross is giving Lily intensifies and turns into a smoldering gaze of need. A red-hot sexual energy begins to charge between them. I discreetly raise the volume of the music a notch or two with the remote I’ve kept close at my side. The gentle tempo of the song adds to the feeling of sex in the air.

“Take deep breaths in sync.” My command is whispered but heard as they comply and take deep breaths together. “Deeper and slower now.”

After a minute or two, I notice Lily’s shoulders have drooped in a relaxed state and are no longer holding tension and excess energy. She appears calm, so I decide to move to the next step. Touching.

“Starting at Lily’s forehead, begin.” I give Ross the directive to
commence the Yoni at Lily’s Sixth Chakra, or the third eye. He delicately traces his fingers across Lily’s face. Focusing on this area will help calm her mind and get her body ready to fully receive and focus on Ross’s touch as he continues the massage.

Her body visibly responds to his touch as her nipples protrude against the silk of her robe. I can barely see Lily’s lashes over the inclined pillow, but I notice them starting to flutter. “Eyes stay open and on one another.” I reiterate the need for eye contact in a soft whisper.

Ross continues to caress Lily’s body with his hands, lingering on her shoulders with the tips of his fingers gliding across the shiny black robe. I decide it’s better for her to stay clothed at this point. No need to rush.

With gentle, up and down motions, Ross’s hands sweep the length of Lily’s arms. He stops at her upraised palms to delicately outline the creases lying within. A slight moan escapes Lily’s lips.

I smile to myself, knowing how many nerve endings make up the erogenous zones that are littered across the skin. Many of them in the most unlikely places, too. Before Tantra, Lily most likely never thought she’d feel a clenching low in her belly from being touched on her palm’s lifeline. But I saw her squeeze her thighs as Ross’s fingers traced over her sensitive skin.

From where I’m kneeling, it appears Ross doesn’t need much coaching from me on this massage any longer. It’s apparent he’s read the material on the practice of the Yoni massage since he’s now
shifted his hands to her Fourth Chakra, the chest area right above the space between her breasts. His fingers remain on this exposed area, making small circles that extend almost to her collarbone.

skin is still covered by the robe’s shiny silk as Ross skates over the fabric near her firm breasts on each pass of his circles. Impatient for his direct touch, Lily squirms in hopes of eliciting some contact with her nipples. Wisely, Ross catches on to Lily’s desires and keeps his fingers away from them. The words
are forbidden in Tantra, and Ross knows this from my earlier teachings.

Slowly, Ross drags his index finger from the exposed skin over Lily’s heart to the knot in the belt of her robe. He repeats the seductive trail he made while easing his finger under the knot. Lily reacts to his teasing by widening the stance of her legs, welcoming him to move closer.

The responsive gesture shows Lily opening herself up and giving into the feelings being released inside of her. Each touch triggers more pleasure; eventually they will combine and build together to give her a tantric high, leaving her feeling nothing but sensation. Everything else around her will fade away in a blur. Ross’s patient and soft lover’s touch will overpower her other senses.

While keeping his focus on Lily, Ross lowers himself over her breast and eases closer to her aroused nipple. Through the silk, he draws it into his mouth, causing Lily to arch her back and moan. As quickly as he surrounded her, he removes his lips and pulls away. Eager for more, Lily spreads her legs further in an eager invitation of submissiveness. I can barely see the exposed top of her pubic bone as the robe’s front edges separate. The interaction between them skyrockets. Lily confirms the sexual charge in the air by writhing as if she can hardly contain the pleasure exploding within her.

Ross looks up quickly, and his eyes dart from mine to the belt of Lily’s robe. I believe he’s trying to tell me what is possibly his next move, but I can sense a bit of hesitancy to pull open the belt and completely expose his wife in front of me. At this point, I think Lily’s sufficiently lost in sensations and will likely yank the robe apart if he doesn’t. I can tell she’s ready for more as she moans softly.

I nod and it’s the green light he seeks to proceed. Ross fingers the knot as he stares into Lily’s eyes. She’s practically panting now and shows no sign of stopping him. My presence is the last thing on her mind. She wants more of Ross’s hands and fingers exploring her body and easing the ache within.

As I observe Lily and Ross, I realize for the first time that I actually wish I was the client in front of me. Maybe it’s the intensity of the tantric massage, but I almost want to join in. It would be highly unethical and something I’d never do, but dammit, I’m so turned on watching Ross pleasure Lily

Perhaps it’s time to cave in to my mother’s demands to find the perfect man for me. How bad could a date or two be? I just need a little scratch to make this sexual itch go away. One night spent being touched by the rough hands of a real man. Add a willing tongue and a well-endowed...

Startled by my wayward thoughts, I stop my sex-starved mind from wandering down the street to the nearest bar in hopes of a hookup. Though my body isn’t cooperating, I try to refocus on the scene in front of me.

I realize that as I daydreamed, Ross began removing the robe from Lily’s petite body. Brushing the
soft material from her shoulders and arms, she’s now completely exposed. The velvety black silk lies in ripples underneath her, a shadowbox of contrast to her pale and luminous skin.

She’s beautiful. Smaller but firm, her pert breasts thrust upward as she arches her back. Ross brings his hand back above her breast and trails his fingers downward to tease her nipples with a light touch. The movement has me biting my own lip to keep from moaning along with Lily. The sexual charge between them is making it difficult for
me to stay professional.

Ross continues his caressing down to the juncture of her thighs and then separates his hands and lets each one travel down her legs. He keeps his fingers on the outside of her thighs, curving them under each knee—a forgotten pleasure. Lily shows how hard she’s containing herself by gripping the edge of the wedge pillow.

Tantra is about prolonging and heightening the sexual experience, but I fear Lily will detonate the instant Ross touches anywhere near her clit. I hope he realizes this likelihood and delays his direct touch there. If he does, she’ll likely experience the orgasm of her life.
Lucky woman.

Ross slowly continues to ease his fingers down her legs. He circles her ankles delicately. With one hand he encloses her ankle, lifts it to his lips, and begins placing light kisses on the inside of her calves. Making his way up to her knee, he licks the underside at the speed of dripping honey. He somehow
manages to keep his eyes trained on Lily even while they glaze over with desire.

Turning her leg away from him, Ross makes his way up her inner thigh. His nibble-like kisses are making Lily a twisting hot mess. Could she even orgasm without his direct touch? It’s not uncommon in Tantra, but I hope she waits until either his fingers or mouth touch her clit. The feeling will be even greater for her.

As Ross nears the apex of her spread legs, he looks up at me and then focuses on the bottle of body oil next to my legs. I get his message loud and clear. The time has arrived for the central aspect of the Yoni massage.

I grab the bottle off the warming plate.
Nothing worse than body oil cooler than one’s body temperature.
Ross takes the warm bottle from my hand and returns his focus back to Lily. Her body is still and tense, waiting and anticipating his next move.

Ross tips the bottle and starts to let a small stream of oil fall upon Lily’s inner thighs, each toned leg getting a light coating of the warmed oil. Next he leans forward and kisses the area right above her clit, a true sign he worships her body.

After sitting back up, Ross begins to rub the oil against her skin, starting close to her knees and gingerly working his way up her inner things. The lines of oil are dripping as they run down the curve of her thigh, but Ross catches them, and Lily’s skin begins to shimmer in the dancing candlelight.

Ross places his slick hands on the outer lips of her sex. He skates up and down, never touching her inner folds but making sure he caresses the intersection of her legs and body, an area tender and sensitive to the touch.

Lily tries to move her legs together, needing to relieve the sexual tension. Ross is on to her sneaky moves and pushes against her attempt. There is no escaping his slow and lingering assault. She has become his willing captive.

“Ross, Ross.” Lily breathes his name
—her first words since the massage began. The only other sounds are her soft moans and hums of pleasure.

Over and over, Ross rubs and massages the bare skin of her sex. His touch circles from the top of her mound down the sides of her outer core. He leaves her inner folds untouched, but each pass of his fingers gets closer to her clit.

Following the teaching of the Yoni massage, Ross deliberately prolongs Lily’s need for release from the sexual build-up she’s experiencing.

Lily starts to shake, and I wonder what's happening to her. Since she’s facing away from me, I can’t see her face. But it doesn’t take long for me to realize she’s actually crying.
Tears of healing. A common occurrence with deep and intensive tantric sex. I can’t suppress a sense of satisfaction knowing this special touch of Tantra has worked its way into her soul, exposing and healing scarred emotions she likely didn’t know were there.

Ross appears concerned with the tears Lily is shedding. His eyebrows knit together in worry as he glances up at me, asking for unspoken advice on how to proceed from here. I mouth for him to keep going and circle my forefingers in the air in a sign to continue. He heeds my coaching, continuing to move his fingers over her sex. However, he brings his hand to her cheek and wipes away a few tears, acknowledging the agony her soul is experiencing.

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