Temptation (The Temptation Series)

BOOK: Temptation (The Temptation Series)
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Book 1 in The Temptation Series

Cover Design by: Wade Angelo



Copyright 2012

Published by Kelly M. Golland

ISBN: 978-0-646-59361-6


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
by any means, or transmitted, or translated without the permission of the





I first and foremost need to thank my husband and children
for allowing me the time and space to finally put this story to paper.

I would also like to thank my mum and friend Leanne for their
keen eye for detail in the editing process.

Lastly but not least, to all my friends and family for your
support and feedback. The encouragement you gave me was instrumental in
completing my book.
































Fastening the last bobby pin
into my hair, I looked in the mirror. Black pinstripe skirt-suit with a pale
pink blouse and black peep-toe heels,
your feet are going to hate you
tonight Alexis, surely you realise this
. My blonde hair was neatly twirled
into a bun and I had just a touch of make-up on. I had recently lost 20kg from
a mad affair with my local gym and now fit into a size 12 which I was more than
happy with. Today was the day I start my first full time job since having my
two children and I was so nervous.

Argh, this will do.
I really didn’t know how to look the corporate part
anymore, I was used to shrugging on a pair of jeggings and t-shirt or gym pants
and a tank. The last 9 years of my life were spent getting the kids ready for
school and kinder, therefore make-up was the last thing on my mind, if anything
my ritual was a quick glance in the mirror on the way out, checking I had no
food stuck to my face or teeth.

“Ok Ratbags, are you ready we
need to leave or Mummy will be late for her first day at work.” Both my
adorable children were waiting by the garage door, Charlotte was 6 and in her
first year of Primary School.

“Sweetheart your shoes are on
the wrong feet, Nate can you please help her fix them?” Nate rolled his eyes,
bent down and fixed his little sister’s shoes.

“Mum I really don’t want to
go to before-school care, it’s for babies.”

“Nate, it’s not for babies
and you don’t have a choice, please don’t make this difficult, I’m really
excited about my new job, anyway it will give u a chance to sit quietly and
draw your pictures.” Nate dropped his head and turned for the car, my 9 year
old son was very much a mummy’s boy and was not happy about my decision to go
back to work.

“What time will you be home?”

“I’m not sure Sweetheart,
hopefully before dinner, Dad will pick you both up at the gate after school and
the slow cooker is on, so it’s all sorted.” With that I kissed his golden head
and gently pushed him towards the car where his sister was already seated and
buckled in.

The drop-off was much easier
than I had expected, Charlotte was more than happy to play with the other kids
before school, she really was a social butterfly, but Nate, well he had the
best talent in making me feel guilty, he’ll come around I know he will.

Turning onto the Tullamarine
Freeway I felt somewhat free,
OMG Alexis, you are really doing this.
knew this day would eventually come, but being a stay at home mum for the past
9 years was what I had grown accustomed to, driving into the city at 7:30 in
the morning however, was definitely something I wasn’t used to. The traffic was
horrendous, stop start, stop start, how did my husband do this day in and day
out? I’d never really had to deal with bumper to bumper traffic, I was a
Secretary to a suburban Solicitor not too far from home before deciding to stop
work and have children at the age of 25. This new job however was completely
out of my comfort zone, not only was I taking on a complete career change, I
was doing it in the biggest Entertainment Complex in Victoria. My new role was
to be one of the Concierge Attendants at City Towers, which is a luxury 5 star
Hotel with 43 floors, 481 rooms, 30 Villas and the Penthouse Residence. I’d
always loved City Towers and had the privilege to have stayed in a suite with
my fiancé, now husband Rick, a year after we got engaged.

As I pulled into the City
Complex staff car park I was running short on time, I hated being in a rush,
you’d think that after 9 years of raising my babies I’d be used to it,
nonetheless I wasn’t and of all the days I could be late, today was not going
to be one of them. I found the closest car spot and bee-lined straight for the
entry knowing where I had to be at 9am. Despite my crazy busy lifestyle, with
sports pick-ups and drop-offs, running errands, shopping etc, I was brilliant
at organisation and multi-tasking so had already visited the complex 3 times in
the past fortnight to become familiar with where I was going to be starting my
new career. I had made up some time by taking a few short cuts, this allowed me
to pop into Gloria Jeans for my favourite drink, hot white chocolate with a
marshmallow. The young attendant was bright and bubbly and obviously enjoyed
her job, as she handed me my drink I noticed her cheeks flush and her entire
demeanour change.

“Thank you.” I said slightly
confused by this sudden change of personality. I spun around and began to head
for the Hotel Foyer when I slammed straight into the person in line behind me
spilling my entire white chocolate down the front of me and him.

“Oh Shit, Shit, Geezus that
is HOT, oh I am so sorry.” Looking up, I expected to see an extremely livid
gentleman, after all I had stupidly and clumsily doused him in my milky drink.
Staring down at me however, could only be described as the most delectable specimen
of a man I had ever seen and he was smirking at me, yes ‘smirking’ not livid or
furious as I had expected but smirking.

“I am so sorry, I didn’t even
stop to think that someone was behind me, I’ll get you a towel, hang on a

“Never mind that Alexis, it’s

“Mr Clark, I’ll get you a wet
cloth.” The bubbly attendant glared at me like she was about to pounce over the
counter and scratch my eyes out.

“No Stacey, that’s quite
alright, Alexis and I will have to change.” With that, this sexy beast of a
man, gently, yet with complete command and control grabbed me by the arm and
directed me out of the café. After what seemed like only seconds, I snapped out
of my stunned state, stopped in my tracks and gently shrugged out of his grasp.

“I’m sorry, who are you and
how do you know my name?” He looked somewhat amused and placed his hand on the
small of my back which sent currents right up and down my spine.

“Ms Summers, your name is on
your ID tag pinned to that soaking blouse of yours and I am Bryce Clark, your
Oh Shit, Crap, Balls.
What have I done?
What I had
done is spill my drink over my boss before I had even started my first shift.
start to the rest of your life Alexis, you Idiot.

“I don’t know about you Ms
Summers but I don’t like to wear hot chocolate to work.”

“No, I don’t blame you.” Crap
my mind started to race, I don’t have any spare clothes, and I certainly don’t
have a spare pair of trousers or shirt for Bryce, I mean Mr Clark.

“Come with me,” and he
applied pressure to my back, ushering me forward.

Before I knew it we were in
front of Versace.

“After you, Ms Summers.” He
directed me into the glamorous store and I was dazed by the gorgeous dresses,
suits, shoes and handbags that were on display around us, I had never been into
such a prestigious shop and felt very uncomfortable. Bryce approached the lady
behind the counter, she had an aura of sophistication and was a naturally
beautiful brunette with flawless skin.

“Clarissa, Ms Summers and I
had a bit of an accident with a hot chocolate, I’ll need a suit and Alexis will
need something suitable for the Hotel’s Front Office.”

“Right away Sir, follow me.”
Clarissa led Bryce and I into the change rooms, they were very extravagant, a
large circular room with the change areas circling the outside. It was also
elegantly decorated, with rich brown carpet and seats covered in a deep blue
and gold fabric.

“If you’d like to go in here
Ms Summers I will be back in just a minute with a beautiful day dress, which
should be just what you need and Mr Clark if you’d like to go in there, I will
be back with your replacement.” Clarissa gracefully left the room.

“Mr Clark, I really don’t
think I need a new dress, I mean really my blouse isn’t too bad, I can just
wear my Blazer over the top.” He was at my curtain holding a lovely black wrap
dress which looked very smart, the material was silky and definitely something
I would wear if I could afford it

“Alexis, please put on the
dress, you are not wearing a blouse soaked in hot chocolate around my Hotel.”
He handed me the dress and raised his eyebrows in a seductive glare that
twisted my stomach, I took the dress and gave him a sheepish grin.

“Of course not, thank you.”
He closed the curtain and at that point it hit me.
OMG what was I doing here
in Versace holding a…..Shit a $2,000.00 dress? and to top it off my boss was so
Fucking Hot
. I fanned my face with my hand and nearly stumbled into the
wall, he is the most glorious looking man I have ever seen with his clean cut,
dark blonde hair, chiselled cheek bones and jaw line and the most alluring blue
eyes imaginable. I could have sworn he was flirting with me? Surely not, why
would he be flirting with me? Alexis Summers, 35 year old mother of two and
married, yes happily married to Rick Summers, my childhood sweetheart. I shook
my head, no I’m imagining it and with that I stripped off my damp blouse and
skirt, put on the dress and stood there looking in the mirror. I didn’t always
recognise myself, it wasn’t that long ago I was a size 16 and very plump in all
the wrong places. I had always struggled with my weight and after giving birth
twice had stacked on a horrible 20kg. I found out recently that I had Fructose
Malabsorption, I was finally put on a diet that didn’t make me horribly ill and
with a lot of exercise I had reached a weight and body shape I was happy with.
This dress suited me, I could honestly say I loved it, except I couldn’t get the
zipper up.

“Um, Clarissa would you mind
giving me a hand?”

“Is everything alright
Alexis?” It was Bryce.

“Um yes, I just need a little
help with the zip, is Clarissa there?”

“No, I’ll help you.” He moved
the curtain aside and eyed me from top to toe, I think my face resembled a
beetroot, I turned, baring my back to him, I was terribly embarrassed but also
shocked by his brazenness. I anticipated his touch, my skin was buzzing with
expectations, he gently grasped the zip and with his other hand placed just
above my bra strap began to pull the zip up, slowly, very slowly.
Oh shit, I
shouldn’t be feeling this. I’m a married woman.
I think I flinched and I
think he noticed.

“Are my hands cold?” He said
almost defensively, he let go and rubbed them together.

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