Temptations Box Set books 1 & 2 (16 page)

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Authors: Kristin Michelle Adams

BOOK: Temptations Box Set books 1 & 2
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"Serves you right. Krystal has been through enough today and you don't need to add to it." Heather barked pointing her finger in my face. I couldn't help but, play back I snapped at her finger pretending I was going to bite it off. 

Heather giggled, "Stop that Woody. You're not being funny. Krystal has already had some slimy cop hitting on her today she doesn't need a slimy roommate to add to the list. That got my attention.  I looked over at Krystal who was still fuming on a chair across from me.

"Krystal I am sorry I was truly only playing with you. I promise you I didn't mean any disrespect."

I could tell Krystal wanted to believe me but, couldn't figure out if I was being honest or not.  I touched her knee and gave her the puppy dog eyes well, puppy eye anyways. That was my last shot. I could see the moment she relaxed. "It's okay Woody it has just been a long day. So, how is your eye?"

I peeled back the steak from my left eye to show Krystal. "Oh my God! Woody I am so sorry! I can't believe Jerry hit you."

I grabbed Krystal's hand and squeezed it gently. "Thank you for being concern but, Krystal I really am okay.  Just a lucky shot he was quick."

"Yeah Jerry use to box years ago." That threw me for a off. He looked like a football player not a boxer. But, that does explain why he got a good shot at me.

"Jerry was a boxer?" Connor piped in.

"Yeah it was years ago I haven't even seen him box before so I didn't know if he was any good or anything. But, I still never thought that he would hit one of you two or I would have never sent you there. I swear it."Oh hell, she really was felling guilty.

I squeezed her hand a little tighter to get her attention. "It truly is okay Krystal. I'm just sorry that we weren't able to get your belongings. And Krystal, I don't want you to go anywhere near Jerry right now. He seems like a loose cannon at the moment."

"What!? Jerry would never hurt me." Krystal snapped.

"You didn't see how he was acting today." Connor said. That is true that man was freaking nuts.

"I still don't think Jerry would truly hurt me he has never been abusive." She cried out.

"Well, you also didn't think that he would sleep with your sister but, that happened."  Krystal pulled her hand out from under mine so fast and bitch slapped me across the face.  Fuck, I rubbed my face where she hit me.

I looked up at Krystal not understand what just happened she looked shocked. Like she couldn't believe that she hit me either. "Oh my God Woody! I'm so, so sorry. I can't believe I hit you."  Then she stormed off to her room crying. Heather on her heals.

I leaned back and tried to figure out what the hell just happened here.  Connor sat down next to me. "Are you okay man?" All I could do was nod up and down still speechless at the moment. "I think I should go into work for you tonight man you really look like shit."

I was taken aback by this. "What you don't think my battle marks will make me any money?"

"It's not that Woody. I just think you should take it easy tonight and keep ice on your face. It's just one night."

That's true he does have a point. I really shouldn't be dancing with my left side looking like this anyways. "Okay man thanks. I really could use the night off to heal." I also need to try and spend some alone time with Krystal I need to make sure we are okay. But, I wasn't about to tell Connor all of that.

"No problem. Let me go tell Heather and Krystal what is going on."  Connor came back a few moments later. "All is good. I'm going to head out. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Cool and thanks again for doing this for me."

"No problem. Riley's still sleeping let him know that I will see him later."

I can't believe that bum is still asleep. Whatever I guess he only comes out when I don't want him to. This made me think of Krystal's and my kiss this morning. God was that only this morning. It seems so long ago. Connor must of been trying to get my attention because the next thing I knew I was lightly punched in the arm.

I snapped my head up to look at him. "What man?"

Laughing, "Later dude." Then he walked out the door.

I sat there for a few more minutes before I decided I had enough and went into my room to take a nap. Fuck it has been a long day.  My king size bed was calling my name.  I slid back the black corduroy comforter along with my black satin sheets and threw myself face down on my pillow.

Krystal was standing in the door frame wearing one of my button up navy shirts that goes with my costume for work. God she looked fucking hot. She was also wearing my police hat at low on her brow so I was unable to see her Lavender eyes. She seductively rubbed her hands down the sides of her body. "Do you want me Woody? She purred out. Oh I wanted her alright. I was wondering where she was going with all of this.

"Yes, I want you. I have wanted you since the night I stripped for you and Heather." I can't believe I was being so honest with her. But, I felt like I had to make sure she knew just how much I wanted her. I leaned back against my headboard watching her saunter over to the bed. Krystal was slowly moving her hips and unbuttoning her top. She got about three buttons down from the top then she stopped.

Krystal started to move her right hand up to the flap of the shirt and then moved it just under the opening moving down to cup her left breast. Fuck that was hot. I wanted to feel the weight of her beautiful breast under my own two hands. 

I moved my finger in the come here position. Letting her know I wanted her to move forward.  Krystal just shook her here. I laughed to myself seeing that she is playing hard to get. Fine I can handle this. Her long sandy hair fell forward covering her tight little peaks. Then Krystal started to move her hand farther down the shirt and lifted the tail of the shirt to show case her beautiful panty less pussy.

Oh my fucking god! I think I was drooling by this point. She took her slender finger and started to play with her red swollen clit. I didn't even realize that I moved until I was right in front of her.  I got down on my knees and lifted her right leg over my shoulder so I had better access to her sweet little pussy. 

While she continued to rub I licked and suckled the sweet nectar that came out of her.  God it was amazing. I wrapped my arms around her cupping her ass.  I felt Krystal's hand move into my hair grabbing and pulling.  She let out tiny moans causing my dick to jump with excitement. I can't believe she is finally here in my room and wanting me.

I picked Krystal up to carry her to the bed she wrapped her legs around my waist getting in the right position to grind on my cock. "Fuck!" I growled.  I started to kiss her neck making my way down to the opening of my shirt wanting to taste her full breast. I hit the bed and dumped Krystal on top then I crawled on top of her getting ready to lick and nibble ever inch of her body.   I went to kiss her plump juicy lips and got a mouth full of pillow.

"What the fuck?" I blinked a few times. "Son of a fucking bitch!" I snarled.  It was a freaking dream. I should have known of course it was a freaking dream. Krystal is amazing. Fuck my dick is killing me.

I started to think back on the dream and I cupped my cock and started to slide my hand up and down making sure to tighten my grip a little at the tip. Fuck it was Krystal but, I had to take care of this problem.  I started to pump faster and faster and when I was about to explode. I grabbed a dirty sock off the floor and blew my loud into the dirty item and shoved it under my bed. Fuck that's better.

Finally feeling sated I decided I should probably get up and do something. I did after all have a good hour and a half nap in. That is better then what I normally get. I wonder what Krystal is doing. I hope she is okay.

Chapter 8 Krystal


Heather left a little while ago and I'm starting to feel pretty hungry I guess since Woody made breakfast the least I could do was make dinner.  Now I opened up the cabinets to see what I can whip together. Ugh not much is in here other than chips, Twinkies, and pasta. Wait back up Twinkies? I felt like that guy in Zombie land.

My eyes bugged out and I grabbed the box eagerly.  I was jumping up in down like a kid on Christmas morning. God it has been forever since I had a Twinkie due to the fact they stopped making them in the middle of 2012.

"Boy if I knew it was that easy to get you excited I would of pulled those out earlier."

I jump and whipped around on Woody. "God you scarred the shit out of me.  I think I need to put a bell on you or something you're to sneaky. By the way how long have you been standing there?"

Laughing, "Oh baby calm down I just walked up. Help yourself to all the Twinkies in the world I would give you anything to see you that giddy again."

Okay weird. "Um I would but, I only see the one box." I shook it and it sounds like there isn't much in there. I tilted the box and a single Twinkie came out. My bottom lip started to twitch. Oh no I turned I didn't want Woody to see me cry over a freaking Twinkie.  I couldn't stop the single tear that rolled down my face.

Woody grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him.  He cupped my cheeks and rubbed away my tear. "Please don't cry. I promise you  there are more." My eyes got big not sure if I could trust him or not. Woody let go and took a step back. Laughing he went to the cabinets above the fridge and opened the door.  The whole cabinet was filled with nothing but, Twinkies, HoHos, and Ding Dongs.

"Oh my God! I'm in heaven" I screamed.  Somehow knowing I was this close to all the goodness made me cry more. I can't believe I am crying what happened to me? I use to be so strong now I'm nothing but a blubbering Idiot.

Woody wrapped me up in his strong arms. "Please baby don't cry. I wouldn't have showed you if I knew you were going to cry on me. I thought it would make you happy."

I licked my lips and stepped back out of Woody's embraced. "It does make me happy. Thank you Woody are you sure I can have some. I mean once they're gone there gone. I don't want to eat all your lovely rations."

"Don't worry there is no way you can eat all my rations. I have a few freezer storage lockers filled with all this stuff. Thousands of boxes."

I looked up at him in shock. How on Earth did he get all of these boxes for one and he couldn't have paid for all that just stripping? Could he?  Maybe I was wrong about Woody after all. Maybe he is a drug dealer or something just as bad. I mean what do  I really know about him other than the fact he is Connor's best friend and old roommate. Well, that and the fact that Heather slept with him.

"What are you thinking about so hard in that pretty little head of your?"

Dare I ask him? I mean it really isn't my business. But, God I do want to know what I am getting myself into. I started to bite my lip contemplating my wording. As I was thinking about it I unwrapped the Twinkie and took a small bite. "Oh my, this is so freaking good." Woody laughed. God that laugh is so sexy.  Well, I looked down at my feet not wanting to look him in the eyes.  "Um Woody, where did you get all the money to buy all this stuff?"

He looked taken aback by that question. I quickly piped in, "I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I would  understand if you don't."

"No, no it is fine I mean I usually don't tell people about who I really am but, I do want you to know." Now Woody looked a little nervous for some reason. Who is this man in front of me? I heard him take in a deep breath. "My real name in Sebastian Madison.  My father owns the Madison Casino."

Out of anything Woody could have said I wasn't expecting that.  "Your father owns a casino and you're an exotic dancer why?" I was simply confused.

"I love dancing but, in order for me to do so and not ruin my father's business I had to dance under a stage name. Do you understand?"

I thought about that for a second.  And well, yeah I get it. If he danced under Sebastian Madison the
paparazzi would be all over this and it would be bad for the casino. I looked into Woody's beautiful eyes and said," I complete understand."

Woody wrapped me up in a big bear hug. "Thank you Krystal for understanding." I just smiled at him.

"Oh that is how Connor got his job." I got it. I was wondering how he found such a great job so fast.

"Yeah, that wasn't hard Connor is going to make a great Security guard." 

Well, I figured we should change the subject onto something else. "So what do you want to eat?" Just then Riley sauntered out of his room wearing long black gym shorts that were hanging extremely low showing off a little pubic hair and nothing else. God he has an amazing body.  Riley must have caught me staring at his abs because he stopped in mid step and started to roll his stomach. God that is so freaking  sexy. I love it when guys do that oh and the pec thing. Yum bouncing pecs. I licked my lips. But, Woody quickly snapped me out of my little day dream.

"Put a freaking shirt on man." Woody snapped.

"Hey I can't help it if all the girls love the abs." Riley winked at me. I think I felt my face heat up so I turned around to face the cabinets once more "okay what about dinner?"

"We will order pizza tonight. Tomorrow we will have to do some grocery shopping. Oh and Riley shouldn't you be heading to work in ten minutes?"

"Yeah I have to take a quick shower then I'm out of here. I guess it will just be you two tonight.  Connor texted me earlier letting me know he is filling in for you. Nice shiner by the way."

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