Tempted by the Bear - Complete (14 page)

BOOK: Tempted by the Bear - Complete
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Chapter 5


at the house that used to be my home is strange. Especially when I come in to help cook, and things have been moved around. Utensils rattle in a drawer as I search for the tongs I like to use for bacon.

Carly hands them to me. “Here. Sorry, I haven’t been very good at keeping things up to your standards.”

I wave my hand at her as I move over to the pan that pops with sizzling pork. “It’s your kitchen now.”

“Maybe so, but you had it organized with precision, and I’m ruining all your systems.” She bumps my hips with hers. “And we really miss your cooking. I don’t like not having you here.”

“I miss you, too.” I turn to her so I can see her reaction. “Guess what’s arriving at my house this afternoon?”

The waffle maker beeps, and I remove golden-brown squares to place them on a plate. I grin at Carly. “Tristan’s mother and three five-year-old girls.”

My sister-in-law squeals. “Triplet girls? Oh my gosh, Annie, you’re going to have so much fun.”

“I know. I can’t wait. Only I’m going to have to scramble to get things ready for this afternoon, because Tristan only told me last night.”

“How strange.” Carly’s spatula scrapes against the pan as she loads a bowl with eggs. “Why the secrecy?”

I shrug. “I’m not sure. But I think it might have to do with his past. Either that, or he was trying to ignore it.”

“Huh?” She hands me a plate for the bacon. “Well, in any case, let me know what I can do.”

Mother breezes into the kitchen like a gust of wind. “Triplet girls. Goodness, Annie, you’re going to have your hands full.”

Carly laces her words with a hint of sarcasm, “Good morning, Donna. Was that your way of offering to help?”

I chuckle, because I have every intention of employing my mother.

“I adore children. You know that.” Mother places the teakettle on a burner, and the gas starter ticks as she turns it on. “Just let me know when I should come by.”

I say, “I’m not sure what we’ll need to do for care when they get here, but I suspect we’ll have a wardrobe shopping trip. Summer’s going to be quite the culture shock.”

“Oh, that’s right,” Carly says. “Living on a glacier must be cold year-round. I bet all the humans will be a bit overwhelming for them, too.”

“Do you suppose they’re feral little beasts?” Mother is joking, but maybe only a little. Isabelle’s temper tantrum when she blazed a new trail in our woods left quite the impression on her.

“Stop,” I say. “They’re going to be lovely little girls who need a little TLC. You’ll see.”

Carly hugs my shoulders with an arm. “Well, you’re the woman to do it. Nobody has a bigger heart than you do.”

Brady has entered the kitchen, and a cabinet clicks as he opens it to get a mug. “What’s this I hear about little girls? Are Tristan’s kids here?”

“They’re coming today.”

“Wonderful. I can’t wait to meet them.”

Carly says, “I know what we should do. You should come here for a barbecue this weekend.” She winks at me and turns to Mother. “I’m sure Donna’s dying to meet your mother-in-law-to-be.”

Mother snorts. “I’d rather have a root canal. I’ve heard she’s a bitter woman.”

“Mother.” My tone is stern. “We don’t know that.”

“While I applaud your ability to always see the best in people, I’m afraid you’re in for some difficult times, dear.” The teapot whistles, and she removes it from the stove. “But every one of us is here to help. Just say the word.”

Keith and Ashton come through the back door, and they’re laughing when they enter. Mother walks in front of them to go sit with her tea and says, “Good morning, gentlemen.”

They say in unison, “Donna.” I grin when they try to cover whatever they found funny with boyish smiles.

Keith notices the basket of bear claws Carly made and grabs one. “I love these things.” I watch the happy version of my friend and smile. While the loss of his mate, Taylor, will haunt him forever, he’s making progress, and it’s nice to see.

Voices are loud and cheerful as everyone loads up a plate and settles down to eat. I take a moment to reflect on how wonderful the leadership of the Le Roux clan is. Much of it is due to my mother’s insistence on our weekly breakfasts to maintain our close bonds. I hope I can nurture the same thing when I become prima of the De Roziers.

Brady catches my eye and communicates with me.
“What are you thinking over there?”

“I’m giving thanks for this and hope I can turn my new family into the same loving environment.”

“Deep thoughts. But don’t worry. You have a knack for this.”


I take my place at the table,
and my astute mother asks, “Keith, rumor has it you have an adorable co-ed intern working for you. Seems she’s putting a little spring in your step these days.”

Keith is used to my mother’s teasing and takes it in stride. “Tori’s made me realize I should let the career placement office at Orono know I’ll take interns. Her enthusiasm is contagious.”

“Tori?” Carly asks. “Is she still dreaming about you?”

Keith shrugs and puts a forkful of food into his mouth.

“My, my. Be careful—we don’t need her heart broken,” says Mother. She frowns. “I should get a bead on Delia’s boys.”

“Nothing’s going on,” Keith says. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. She’s like a little sister to me.”

“Hmpf,” says Mother. “I’ll bet. You’re probably having the same dreams.”

One of the characteristics of the call we put out was that the two to be mated would experience dreams that predicted their future, and we discovered they were often the same sexy fantasy for both participants. Keith’s cheeks flush pink, and he clears his throat. “She has a boyfriend.”

Mother lifts her teacup and speaks over it. “I don’t suppose you know who the boyfriend is? Is it a Le Roux?”

Keith shrugs and shoves food into his mouth.

Brady takes pity on his best friend and changes the subject. “Ash, how’s Isabelle’s training?”

“Good. She’s a gifted warrior.”

“Excellent. I thought we might use her for the mission to Southern Maine. We need to rein in the rogue clan before trouble with humans breaks out. The reports I’m hearing aren’t good.”

Ashton taps the side of his head. “She’s not ready.”

I frown, wondering what he means, even though I think he’s talking about her anger-management issues. I glance at Ash, and he holds my gaze as if he’s trying to tell me something. I make a mental note to ask him about it later.

But first things first. I’ve got Le Roux business to get through and a new family to prepare for. I sip my coffee and smile with my excitement. A new chapter in my life is about to begin, and I can’t wait.

Chapter 6


push mashed
potatoes around on my plate with my fork. Ever since Tristan let me know my mother’s coming, I’ve lost my appetite. She should be here by now, and dread is a lump in my stomach as I wait for my brother to insist I see her. Luke’s talking about something, but his voice is white noise. A cool hand on my arm startles me, and I glance up into his face. “What?”

“You haven’t heard a word I said. What’s wrong?”

“My mother’s in town.”

Luke doesn’t know much about my past, but he does know that my father is dead and that I don’t get along with my remaining parent. “Have you seen her?”

“No. But I’m sure that’s temporary.” My fork is loud when it crashes against the plate.

“Would you like me to go with you when you do?” Luke picks up the bit of potato I splattered on the table and sets it on the side of his plate.

He’s so sweet. If only I believed he could actually protect me. “Maybe. But you’re going to meet her at some point, because she’s moved to Maine.”

“Right. She’ll be living on the land the Le Roux gave your family.”

I nod and reach for my glass of wine. Suddenly, the need to get numb is strong, and I try to be discreet about drinking half the glass by taking a large mouthful. Luke has mentioned he thinks I drink too much, and I don’t want his judgment.

“So where will she live? With your brother?”

“Um-hmm. And I’ll be summoned when she’s ready for me.”

Ever since the day I broke down with Ashton, memories have been flooding my mind. I’m reliving incidents of my parents’ cruelty in my nightmares Things I’d forgotten, and I haven’t been getting much sleep.

My bear is unhappy, too. She’s always at the surface, wanting to get out, and I’ve had to run every day to keep her calm. Otherwise...

I reach for my glass again and lift it to my mouth. I take another large mouthful and wonder if the tannins in the red wine stain my tongue the color of blood.

“Hey, where did you go?” Luke asks.

I shake my head. “Nowhere.” I paste on a smile and reach for Luke’s arm. “Tell me about your day.”

He frowns. “I just did.” He lifts my hand and threads his fingers through mine. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Izzy? You’ve been distant for days now.”

“It’s nothing.” I turn away to avoid his gaze.

“It’s something.” Luke grabs my chin and turns my face back toward him. “I know you’ve been having nightmares. Jumping out of bed and locking yourself in the bathroom to cry doesn’t hide them from me.”

I pull away from his touch and grab my wine glass to empty it. “I don’t need your pity.”

Luke sighs. “Izzy, you’re in pain, and I want to help.”

I get up and grab the wine bottle. “There’s nothing you can do.” I fill my glass again and walk over to the couch to sit nestled in the corner. I let the overstuffed cushions cuddle me.

Luke walks toward me and lowers himself slowly on the sofa to face me. He growls, “You underestimate me. There’s a lot I can do. Tell me who’s causing your nightmares, and I’ll take care of it.”

I’m not sure what Luke means, but for a moment, I’m tempted to ask him if he can put a hit on my mother. But I shake my head, because I don’t need her death on my hands. My past already haunts me. “I wish it were that easy.”

“Do you want to talk to somebody? I have resources.”

“You mean a shrink?” I gulp down another mouthful of alcohol. “I’ll be fine.”

“So you’re just going to drink yourself into a stupor and pass out until your horror wakes you up again?” Luke stands up and glares at me. “Great plan.”

I tilt my glass at him. “Works for me.”

“Actually, Izzy, it doesn’t. When you’re ready to try something that will, let me know.” He walks off, and silverware clashes on the dinner plates as he clears the table.

I should get up and help, considering he made dinner, and the deal is the cook doesn’t have to clean. I guzzle the rest of my wine and go to the kitchen to take over.

I put my arms around Luke’s waist as he rinses dishes at the sink. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take it out on you.” I kiss his neck and slide my hand down his pants. His cock twitches against my palm.

“Don’t. Sex isn’t going to chase your demons away.”

“No?” I undo the waistband of his pants with my other hand as I grip his shaft. The skin is hot and silky in my palm. “Then maybe I’ll just have to convince you of the benefits.”

Luke’s chest vibrates as he growls, and he turns around, quickly releasing my hold. He grabs my arms. “Seriously. Every time I try to dig below your surface, this is what you do.”

I drop to my knees and yank his pants down, and his dick springs free. “Doesn’t look like you mind.” I suck him into my mouth before he can protest more.

“Damn it.” He groans and holds my head. He tries to push me away, but I take him so far into my mouth, my lips hit the skin of his groin. Luke shudders and says, “Yeah. You’re right. I don’t mind.”

I let out a low rumble from within as he bumps against the back of my throat. I speak to him in our heads. “
That’s it, baby, push it in. Fill me up.”

Luke’s grip on my scalp gets tighter as he pumps his hips. I swallow so that my throat closes around the tip of his cock, and he says, “Jesus, Izzy, what you do to me.” His body begins to quake, and his butt clenches in my hands as he gets closer. When he tries to pull out of my mouth, I don’t let him. I suck harder and drink in his release.

I sit back and wipe my mouth with my arm as he sinks to the floor to face me. “God, I love you.” His strong hands hold my face as he kisses me.
“One night of sexual healing, coming up.”

Luke stands as we continue to kiss, and he pulls me up. He scoops me up in his arms as he kicks his pants off his feet. When he drops me onto the bed, the springs squeak. I lean up on my elbows to watch him remove his shirt. “
You are so sexy. I want to ravish every inch of you.”

“Uh-uh. My turn.”
My mate crawls over me and tugs my yoga pants and thong. When he gets to my feet, he sucks in a toe and sends a shiver down my spine. He bites in teasing, but I wish it was harder.

I throw my head back and whimper for more. Still on my elbows, I arch my back, and my nipples are hard against the cotton of my T-shirt. I didn’t bother putting on a bra after my shower, and I sit up to remove my shirt as Luke moves up my legs with his nipping. He’s using teeth, and I moan as I fall back onto the mattress. When he gets to my inner thigh, he bites hard, and I yelp.

“Too hard?”

“No. That’s what I want. Make me feel, Luke.”

He growls and latches onto my sensitive slit. His tongue thrusts as he sucks my folds. His teeth close around my clit quickly, and the pain gives way to a burning sensation that makes my juices flow.
“Don’t stop.”

Luke digs his fingers into my butt, and I squirm in ecstasy at the relief I feel when he lessens his grip.
“You like this. Should I spank you?”

“I don’t know.”
I’ve never had sex mixed with pain before, but I’m definitely getting off on it.

Luke’s voice is deep when he says, “On your stomach, hands over your head.”

I roll over obediently and am surprised when he slaps my bottom. The sting makes me growl. And my mate rubs where he hit me. I say, “Again.”

“Hold on to the headboard.”

I slide my hands under the wood and grip it tightly.

He slaps the other side, and I groan. “Oh, God.” I gyrate my hips as if I can create the friction I crave. “Touch me.”

His fingers reach between my legs, and I squirm under his touch. He hisses in amazement, “You’re dripping wet.” He removes his hand, and I let out a small noise of disappointment as he commands. “On your knees. And don’t you dare let go.”

Now I moan and say, “Please, Luke. Please.”

“Please what?”

“Hit me harder.”

Luke’s hands stroke my bottom as if he’s trying to erase the mark. “Izzy, you’re already going to have a bruise.”

“Damn it. Just do it!”

He slaps me again, and I growl,
“Yes. Again.”



This time, he strikes hard and swears. The burn is so sweet, but it’s ruined when the mattress bounces as he gets off the bed.

“What the hell? Where are you going?”

“I can’t do this. I can’t hurt you like this, Izzy. It’s wrong.”

I roll over and notice he’s no longer hard. He’s not the fierce warrior I thought. He shakes his head as he stares at me. I recognize that look.
I’m not crazy.
Don’t leave.

I sit up and say, “C’mere.”

Luke crawls back on the bed, and I hold my arms open for him. “Come love me.”

This time, my mate is tender, and while my first orgasm is good, it’s not exceptional. My mind drifts away from what’s happening as Luke continues to thrust into me. He rubs my clit and does all the right things to bring me another climax. My body responds, but it’s as if I’m watching us from above.
I can’t feel it.

Luke pants out, “I love you, Izzy.” His teeth poke out of his mouth, and he lowers himself to my neck. The moment his canines graze my skin, I flinch away.


He pulls back with confusion.

I shake my head as tears form in my eyes, and I whisper, “I mean yes.” The searing heat of his bite gives way to the intense pleasure I crave, and I sink into the abyss of the mate bond.

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