Tempting a Sinner (24 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Tempting a Sinner
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Adam patted her hand. “Malinda, we all care about you. Nothing is too much trouble.”

She lowered her gaze to his hand. “I don’t deserve such regard. I lied to you all about my involvement with the ambushers. I want to tell you the truth.” She drew an unsteady breath. “My father and I planned the whole thing.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Benedict snapped.

Adam gave him a pointed look and turned back to Malinda. “What exactly do you mean by ‘planned’?”

“The marquis threatened to trump up a charge and court-martial my father because of my involvement with Benedict. He called me several uncomplimentary names, which didn’t sit well with my father. He was very proud of his reputation in the regiment and furious that after all his years of loyal service he might be disgraced over nothing. When the opportunity arose to steal the marquis’s gold, he decided to take it. The plan was that some of his friends from the regiment would ambush the mule train, steal the gold, and he’d share the proceeds with them.”

“And why did that necessitate your involvement?” Benedict asked.

She still wouldn’t look at him. “Because I was the one who was supposed to show the men where to hide the gold after the raid.”

He stared at her, one hand gripping the bedpost so hard it hurt. “Your father died in that ambush. Have you forgotten that?”

“He wasn’t supposed to die. One of the men in his party suddenly realized what was happening.” She swallowed hard. “He shot my father in the back before he could get away with the others.”

“And what happened to the gold?”

She raised her gaze to his. “How do you think I managed to live once I’d left you?”

He shook his head, his throat tight. “This is nonsense!” He gestured at her face. “Whoever beat you frightened you enough to make you say this.”

“No, he beat me because I took most of the gold and didn’t share it in what he considered to be a fair fashion. When I told him that there was nothing left, he became enraged and decided to teach me a lesson.”

Benedict had to turn his back on her and walk away to the window. Outside, he saw Dr. Finbar emerging from a hackney cab through the fog, his bag in his hand and his gaze on the frontage of the Sinners.

“You should be pleased, Benedict,” Malinda said. “This exonerates your father.”

He didn’t turn around. He couldn’t. “Why did you pursue my father so relentlessly if you knew he was innocent?”

She sighed. “Because I thought I’d gotten away with everything and that it was safe to return to England. On my return, certain people threatened me and I needed your help to protect me. That part at least is true, Benedict. I also assumed your father had finally found out what happened. I needed to get to him through you and stop him from speaking out.”

He shook his head and stared blindly out of the window into the shrouded square below.

“I didn’t know that we were still married.” She hesitated and her voice cracked even more. “I would never have involved you if I’d known that.”

“So you are saying the ambush was a plot by your father to punish mine for daring to criticize our relationship. That the ambush went badly wrong, and your father was killed, but you still managed to steal the gold and live off it when you ran away.”

He turned to face the bed, saw Faith’s horrified expression and that Adam remained his usual calm self. He concentrated his gaze on Malinda’s clenched hands.

“Recently, your father’s coconspirators decided they needed more gold, and were enraged when you declared it was all gone. In retaliation, they kidnapped you and beat you severely. Do I have that right so far?”


He nodded. “And what do you think should happen to you next, love?”

Adam stirred. “Benedict . . .”

“It’s a reasonable question, isn’t it? After all, she attempted to drag my family’s name in the mud to cover up her father’s guilt—and her complicity. What exactly do you want me to do, Malinda?”

“I want it to stop. I want
to stop. Punish me, and let it end here.”

“You don’t think you’ve been punished enough?”

She licked her lips. “I deserved what happened to me, Benedict. I also accept that as a representative of my father, you or the marquis might wish to formally charge me for stealing the gold.”

He advanced toward her, clapping his hands.

“What an outstanding performance, my dear.” He smiled at Adam, who rose to his feet, his hand outstretched. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch her. She’s suffered quite enough, hasn’t she? And she damn well knows it. Here’s another thing she knows. She’s my wife, and if I wish to preserve a shred of my reputation I have no ability to bring her to trial for

“Well played, Malinda. If you wanted revenge on my family, you’ve certainly achieved your aim.” He locked gazes with her. “As requested, I shall do
except what you’ve wanted all along. I give you permission to leave for Alford Park, where I hope you’ll live out your days in peace and prosperity.”

He bowed low. “Have a safe journey, my dear. I’m sure Adam can be relied upon to sort out the details for you.”


Ignoring Faith’s plea, he walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He didn’t make the mistake of going into his study and finding the compassionate Alistair Maclean this time; he just kept walking until he was out on the street. Eventually, he reached a white-stucco mansion backing onto Barrington Square and took the private route into the Delornay House of Pleasure.

He was welcomed by Christian Delornay, who took one look at him and got out of his way. Benedict found himself a seat in the far corner of the main salon, ordered a bottle of brandy, and set about drinking himself into oblivion.


“For what it’s worth, my lady, I don’t believe a word of your story either.”

Adam’s cold words stung, but Malinda could do nothing to defend herself. “I wish I had time to chat, but my priority is to stop Benedict from doing something stupid, like going in search of the man who beat you and tearing him apart.”

“I don’t want him to do that, I just—”

“Whatever you may think about him, Benedict is hardly the man to sit back when his wife has been violently hurt.”

“Please . . .” Malinda’s voice wobbled. “
don’t let him. He
me, he wouldn’t . . .”

“Why do you care when you just ripped out his heart?” Adam stared down at her. “I don’t understand you at all.”

“That isn’t important. As you said, Benedict is the one you have to protect. Please keep him safe, and keep him away from the Red Dragon.”

“I’ll do my best.” Adam bowed and went out, leaving Malinda alone with Faith.

“Why did you lie, Malinda?”

Unlike Adam, Faith’s expression was full of concern as she took Malinda’s hand.

“Please don’t be kind to me. I don’t deserve it.”

“Even if I believed what you’d just told us, I still would be kind to you.” Faith hesitated. “You were only seventeen when you became involved in this horrible mess. Everyone deserves a second chance. What I want to know is why you are determined to destroy yours?”

“I have no

“There is always a choice, my dear.”

“Not always.” She couldn’t confide in Faith, she couldn’t afford to trust anyone. “Will you help me get back to Alford Park?”

“If that is truly what you wish, but oh, my dear, I think you’re making a terrible mistake.”

Malinda forced a smile. “Benedict gave me his permission.”

“Are you sure that you don’t want to trust him with the truth?”

“This is the truth. My father was a traitor who stole from his own companions.”

“Then surely the shame is his and stays with him in his grave?”

“But I benefited from that.” Malinda met Faith’s steady gaze. “I have to go home.”

Faith stood up. “Then I will arrange for you to leave as soon as you are able to travel.” She glanced at the clock on the mantelpiece. “I believe Dr. Finbar is waiting to see you. I’ll consult with him as to whether you can be moved today.”


Benedict glanced up as Adam took the seat beside him in the busy salon, and poured himself a large glass of brandy from Benedict’s bottle.

“Go away, Adam. I don’t need a nursemaid.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I promised your wife I’d keep you safe.”

Benedict belched. “What wife?”

“It’s obvious that she’s lying, Benedict. I just don’t understand why.”

“I don’t understand why you are pursuing the subject when I’ve come here to obliterate her presence from my mind.”

“Your mind, or your heart?”

He turned slowly toward Adam, grabbed a handful of his waistcoat, and yanked him off his chair and almost on top of him. “Be silent.”

“Or what?” Adam put his hands on Benedict’s shoulders and stayed put. “She obviously cares about you.”

“She likes to fuck me, but she doesn’t trust me. It’s an arrangement that suited us both perfectly.”

“Because you don’t trust her either?”

“I don’t trust anyone.” Benedict stared into Adam’s calm gray eyes. “Shut your mouth, my friend, or I’ll find some other use for it.”

Adam shoved at his chest and Benedict let him stand up.

“Now get the hell away from me.” Benedict stood, too, swaying slightly from the effects of the brandy. “I’m going upstairs to find someone to fuck.”

“No, you are not.” Adam blocked his path. Benedict tried to move past him, but Adam resisted. “If you want to fuck, use me, use my mouth, push me down on my knees and make me suck your cock.”

Benedict cupped Adam’s chin. “I’m going to the top floor.”

“So you can take out your anger on some poor submissive man? That’s not what you want.” Adam leaned in and bit Benedict’s lip. “I’ll fight you. I’ll make it plain to you that I think you’re a fool for walking away from your wife when she needs you most.”

“Shut up,” Benedict snarled.

“Make me.”

Benedict wrapped his hand around Adam’s neck and tried to shove his tongue into the other man’s mouth, but his friend was not making it easy for him. He pushed harder, and with a groan Adam opened his mouth and kissed him back, although it was more like they savaged each other. But it was what he needed, what he craved . . .

He pushed down on Adam’s shoulder until his knees buckled and he knelt on the floor in front of Benedict.

“Suck me.”

“Damn you.”

Adam rammed his shoulder into Benedict’s stomach, and he fell backward, barely missing one of the chairs and upending the small table where the brandy bottle sat. Adam was on him in a trice, his forearm wedged beneath Benedict’s chin, forcing his head up.

“You’re a damn coward, Benedict.”

“She doesn’t want me, she doesn’t trust me—how in God’s name am I supposed to help her?”

He lashed out at Adam’s braced shoulder and managed to roll him beneath him. Using his superior weight to hold the other man down, he slid his hand between their bodies and squeezed Adam’s half-erect cock until he bucked against him.

“So you’re going to let her go?”

“That’s what she damn well wants!”

He ripped the button off Adam’s trousers and shoved his hand inside, rubbing Adam’s cock in rough, needy jerks. His companion moaned and grabbed Benedict’s hair, bringing his mouth down to his, but he didn’t want to kiss, didn’t want to enjoy any tenderness.

He rolled Adam onto his front and pressed his hard cock against the other man’s arse. Capturing Adam’s wrists, he drew them over his head until his back arched and kicked his feet apart. It was an easy matter to pull down his lover’s trousers and underthings and unbutton himself. He returned his hand to Adam’s cock and jerked him off until he came all over Benedict’s demanding fist.

“Keyes, I hesitate to interrupt, but do you perhaps wish to retire to a more private room?”

Benedict looked up to find Delornay, the blond-haired owner of the pleasure house, smiling politely down at him. A crowd of guests whose attention was riveted on the two men and the overturned chairs and table surrounded Christian. He moved closer, his appreciative gaze on the swell of Benedict’s cock, and lowered his voice.

“You are known as a man of many appetites, my lord, but Mr. Fisher is not. He might not wish to be . . . exposed in this fashion.”

“It’s too late for that. Mr. Fisher will take whatever I damn well choose to give him.” Benedict panted. “He wanted this.”

Adam groaned what sounded like an assent.

Benedict smiled at Christian. “Are you satisfied now?”

“Not half as satisfied as I suspect Mr. Fisher is. If you do change your mind, the third room on the right is unoccupied.” He half-turned away and then stopped and took something out of his pocket. “You might need this.” He dropped the bottle of oil and Benedict reflexively caught it. “Your cock
rather large.”

He turned away and managed to persuade the vast majority of the watchers to move away with him, leaving Benedict still straddling Adam, his cock throbbing right alongside his anger.

“Get up.” He moved off Adam and hauled him to his feet. “This is pointless. Let me go upstairs.”

“No.” His lover’s gaze fell to Benedict’s exposed cock and he licked his lips.

“Adam, stop this.”

“Why not fuck me here in front of everyone?”

“Because I’m
to preserve your reputation,” Benedict said through his teeth.

“Perhaps Malinda had a point, and you are more concerned with upholding your bloody aristocratic
than dealing with those who love you.”

“She doesn’t love me. She—”

“I wasn’t just talking about her.” Adam shook his head and started to walk away from him. He had to follow, had to slam his best friend against the wall to stop him from leaving.

“Goddamn you, don’t do this!”

“Love you? Devil take it, I wouldn’t dare!” Adam shoved him away. “The high and mighty Benedict Keyes doesn’t need anyone, does he?”

Benedict struggled to breathe as his gaze clashed with Adam’s. “I can’t . . .”

“You can’t love anyone? God almighty, Benedict, we all know that.”

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