Tempting a Sinner (6 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Tempting a Sinner
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“And you must agree not to travel until I say your shoulder is sufficiently healed to withstand the journey.”

“I’ll stay as long as it takes for the men to settle in and no longer.”

She considered him, her teeth biting into her lower lip.

“Do we have an agreement, Malinda?”

“Why would you do this after everything that has happened ? Why would you offer to help me?”

He bent down and kissed her stubborn mouth. “Because you are as devious as a fox, and I hate to be beaten.” He kissed her again, his tongue probing between her lips to tangle with hers. “In a little while, I’ll untie you and you can go and tell your sister and staff that you are coming with me and that they will be safe until you return.”

She tugged impatiently at her bounds. “Untie me right now, and I’ll accept your offer.”

“You’ve already accepted it. One thing I do know, is that you are a pragmatist.” He moved down to the space between her spread thighs and smiled at her. “So I’m sure you’ll understand that having you bound hand and foot in my bed is too good an opportunity to miss exploiting.”

“You wouldn’t

He crawled up to her shoulder, his cock and balls cupped in his hand. “Oh, I dare, and, by God, by the end of it, when I’ve had my cock in your mouth, your cunt, and your arse, you’ll be screaming my name, I swear it.” He rubbed the wet crown of his cock against her luscious mouth and prayed she wouldn’t bite.


alinda glanced over at her companion. He rode with his pistol in his right hand, and his left loosely holding the horse’s reins. The terrain they were passing through seemed deserted, but he hadn’t relaxed his guard since they’d left the house. His complexion was pale, and there were dark shadows under his eyes. If she was very lucky, he’d overestimated his strength and would soon succumb to exhaustion. Then she would be free to leave.

But where would she go? When she’d contacted him, she’d known he was her last chance of survival. If he couldn’t protect her from her enemies, then no one could. And if he was in league with those she feared? Then her death would be unavoidable. It wasn’t the first time she’d had to face such uncomfortable facts, but now she had less youthful optimism that she’d somehow survive.

He’d helped her survive the first time as well....

It started to rain and she cursed the heavy fabric of her riding habit, which would soak up the water and weigh her down even more.

“We’ll stop at the next inn.”

When he spoke, he barely glanced at her, but she knew he’d been aware of her position for the entire journey. When she nodded, water tipped off her hat and down her neck, making her shiver. There were faint lights in the distance, and she hoped it was the inn he’d mentioned. They’d been traveling since dawn and had barely stopped all day. Gwen and Doris hadn’t wanted her to leave, but she’d explained that in order to carry out the remainder of her plan, she had to go with Lord Keyes. She’d tried to sound more confident than she felt and they seemed to understand. She only hoped she’d see them again. Nothing was certain anymore.


He reached across to grab her reins and guided her down a short slope to the welcoming lights of a small inn. He dismounted in the small stable yard and turned to help her down. She all but fell into his arms. He winced as he bore her weight down to the muddy cobblestones.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured.

He took her elbow and led her into the inn. It was warm inside and smelled of peat smoke and beer. A small woman came toward them and Benedict bowed.

“Good evening, ma’am. I’m Mr. Benedict of Crouch End. My wife and I were caught in the storm. Do you have a room available for the night?”

“Yes, sir, I do. I’m Mrs. Goodman. Will you be wanting dinner?”

He gave her a grateful smile. “Perhaps you could bring something up to us on a tray? I suspect my wife is longing for her bed.”

“Aye, ’tis a nasty night out there, sir. Now, follow me.” She started up the stairs and Malinda obediently walked behind her. “Lizzy will bring you up some nice hot water in just a moment.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

Even his voice and mannerisms sounded different. Gone were the aristocratic tones of privilege, replaced by the more humble accent of a county gentleman of no particular interest at all. He’d claimed he was used to acting a part. Now she believed him. She tripped over the long hem of her skirt and his hand was immediately there to steady her.

“Here you are, sir, ma’am.” Mrs. Goodman opened the door into a low-ceilinged room with curved oak beams stretching down to the windows. There was a large bed under the eaves that drew Malinda’s longing gaze. She couldn’t wait to close her eyes and sleep.

With Benedict, Lord Keyes.

If he’d let her sleep.

She was still sore from their previous encounter where he’d been true to his word and had her in every possible way he could until she screamed his name and begged him. Her knees went weak at the memory, and she grabbed hold of the back of the nearest chair. At this point she didn’t care if he bedded her or not. She’d probably sleep through it, which would be a just revenge.

Mrs. Goodman left after banking up the fire, and Benedict closed the door behind her. He immediately crossed to Malinda’s side and started working on the buttons and ties of her riding habit.

“You’re soaked through.”

“I know.”

He raised his head to stare into her eyes. “Then help me get you out of these clothes.”

She unpinned her hat and laid it on the chair while he stripped off her jacket and undid her skirt. His hands were fast but impersonal, and she was grateful for his help. If it had been left to her, she’d probably have fallen into bed fully dressed and died of a chill by the next morning. He stripped off his heavy, many-caped driving coat and eased himself out of his waistcoat. He’d had to borrow a shirt and coat to replace the ones Malinda had cut off him. There was no sign of any blood oozing from the wound on his shoulder, which made her feel slightly better.

A knock on the door heralded the arrival of Lizzy with a bowl of hot water and soap, which Benedict took from her with thanks. Malinda stepped out of her skirt and petticoats and Lizzy gathered them up to take down to the kitchen to brush off the mud and air the damp out of them. With a sound of distaste, Malinda plucked at her corset.

“Let me.” He turned her away from him and spent a few moments battling with the damp lacing before he managed to ease her out of the contraption. “Now sit.”

She scowled up at him. “You are extremely dictatorial, sir.”

“I’m trying to stop you dying of a chill.”

“Why bother?” She shivered as he washed her face with the warm water.

“Because I want the pleasure of killing you myself? You of all people should understand that.” He washed her throat and then down her arms and over her hands. “I’ll wager you enjoyed putting a bullet in me.”

She didn’t deign to reply as he crouched in front of her and washed her fingers. He reached the cloth toward her breasts and she grabbed his wrist.

“I can do that part, thank you.”

She squeaked as he squeezed the cloth and water ran out, soaking her shift and making it transparent. With a soft sound, he leaned closer and licked her nipple through the muslin. His other hand cupped her between the legs.

“Should I wash you here, instead?”

Her heart was pounding, which was ridiculous because she was too tired to care what he did. She stared down at his blond head, at his hand buried between her thighs. It didn’t matter what she told herself. She’d never forgotten him. Perhaps it was true that the first man who took you was always the one you remembered.

His fingers curled inward, stroking and tempting her to relax into his caress. His hot mouth drifted over her taut nipple, his tongue flicking out to circle her plump flesh. She could do nothing but watch him, her senses too fraught to either stop him or offer him encouragement. Goodness, this would never do. She slid a hand into his hair and yanked hard.


“Our dinner will be here in a moment.”

“I know.” He pulled out of her determined hold. “Which leaves me just a few moments to complete my task.”

He retrieved the washcloth and brought it between her thighs, patting and parting her folds, his mouth following the path of the cloth, and his fingers. She moaned when he licked her clit, her hips bucking to meet his waiting hand. The cloth felt rough on her tender flesh as he continued to clean and arouse her at the same time.

Eventually, when she was on the brink of a climax, he stood up and stripped off the remainder of his garments. Holding her gaze, he washed himself, the water running down in soapy rivulets over his chest and stomach, catching in the dense hair of his groin and dripping off his erect cock. He rubbed the cloth over his shaft and balls and groaned.

“I want you.”

She raised her eyebrows. “But I’m not tied up.”

“That could be arranged.”

“You overestimate your charms, sir.”

“You underestimate yours.” He leaned over the chair, caging her in. “You’re wet and wanting. When I thrust inside you, you’ll come so hard you’ll beg me never to stop.”

“As I said, arrogant and deluded as well.”

“Do you want to wager on it? I managed quite well the other night.”

“I want my dinner, and then I want to go to bed and sleep for all eternity.”

He moved away from her, his hands raised palms up. “Then get into bed.”

Eyeing him suspiciously, she scrambled out of the chair and headed for the bed, turning her back on him to climb up the high side. She realized her mistake as he caught her around the hips, lifted her buttocks, and slid his cock home in her cunt. And God, he was right, she was climaxing within a minute as his fingers closed on her clit and he rubbed her in time to his pounding.

In five more thrusts he was coming, too, filling her with his hot seed, making her climax again with the sheer power of his need. A knock on the door had him expertly sliding her between the sheets and covering himself with the topmost quilt.

“Come in.”

She bolted upright, quivering with a combination of satisfied desire and a reluctant admiration for his tactics and his ability to appear so normal. But he was the great deceiver. Why should she expect anything else?

Lizzy brought in a large tray and set it beside the fire, modestly averting her gaze from Benedict’s exposed chest.

“Here you are, sir. There’s soup and roast lamb and some potatoes.”

“Thank you.”

Lizzy picked up the bowl of water and the rest of the clothes scattered on the floor and left closing the door firmly behind her.

“Do you wish to eat in bed, or come closer to the fire?”

She glared at him. “
are not a gentleman.”

“No, I’m an aristocrat. As you’ve always been fond of telling me.”

“Only to remind you of why we wouldn’t suit.”

His gaze dropped to her breasts and became heavy. “We suit very well.”

“Only in bed.” She drew her knees up to conceal her chest. “Once I’m over this inconvenient . . .
for you, we’ll have nothing more to say to each other.”

“I doubt that.” He expertly fixed her a plate of food and brought it over to the bed. “Don’t throw it at me, or I’ll be forced to lick you clean.”

She snatched the plate from him and balanced it on her lap. “You forget, I’m not quite such a hoyden anymore.”

“Only in bed.”

“Will you

“But you make it so easy.” He cut into his lamb. “Did you really ask Madame Helene to find you a male prostitute?”

“No, I made it all up.”

“For my benefit?”

She shrugged. “You were the one who lost your memory. I merely wanted to see if you were faking.”

“By telling me you’d bought my sexual services and that my name was Ben?”

“I thought it might shock you into regaining your memory.”

“Liar, you enjoyed it immensely.”

“It was rather fun.” She sighed. “I wish I’d had a few more nights to use you as I wished, though.”

“You can have as many nights as you want. Consider me entirely at your disposal.”

“What about your wife? Won’t she object? You do have one now, don’t you?”

He regarded her steadily. “How could I have a wife when you are still alive?”

She waved away his reply. “We’ve already discussed that.”

“Then why haven’t you married again?”

“Because—” She returned her attention to her food. “This lamb smells excellent.”

For a while there was a blessed silence as they both concentrated on their food. Malinda found her appetite lagging and soon set the plate to one side. She was not getting out of bed and displaying herself to the man again.

He seemed oblivious to her regard, but she knew differently. He was as aware of her as she was of him. It was rather infuriating. She’d hoped that when she saw him again, all the inconvenient lust she’d felt for him as a young girl would dissipate in disgust at what he and his family had done to hers. The strange thing was, they’d also slipped back into their old combative friendship without a second thought. But she needed his compliance if her schemes were to come to fruition.

“Don’t sigh like that.”

He really did know her far too well. She met his gaze. “I’m tired.”

“No, you’re thinking too hard. Would you like to share your concerns with me?”

“The man who’s forcing me to accompany him to London?”

“I’m not forcing you.” His gaze swept over her. “I haven’t chained you to the bed.”

“Coerced, then.”

He put his plate back on the tray. “Malinda, don’t treat me like a fool. We both know that if you hadn’t wanted to come with me, I’d have had the devil’s own job making you.”

There was a hardness to him now that made her doubt that statement was true. Even though he smiled and appeared to be at ease, she sensed the tension vibrating through him like a fine wire. What would happen if he did lose his temper? She didn’t think she wanted to find out. When it became inevitable, she would have to make sure she was as far away from him as possible.

“What do you expect me to do in London, anyway?”

“Identify those who threaten you and let me deal with them.”

“I can deal with them myself.”

He stretched out his legs. “That’s obviously not true, as you’ve asked for my help. Is it my father?”

She froze. “Why would you think that?”

“Because he is a manipulative old bastard and has no cause to love you. You openly challenged him and he never forgets an insult.” He paused. “I don’t see much of him myself these days.”

“Why is that?”

“Because for one thing, he doesn’t approve of me working for the government. He considers it beneath a Keyes to work for anyone.”

“Which is why he hated me, the daughter of his own regimental sergeant who forgot her position in life and married above herself.”

“That’s certainly one of the reasons. Do you think he wants you dead?”

Damn, he was quick to make connections.

“Why would I think that?”

“Because you asked for my help. I’m probably the only man who
protect you from him.”

She forced a tremulous smile and leaned forward, clasping her hands together on her lap. “Yes, that’s it. That’s exactly why I wanted your help.”


Benedict rose to his feet, gathered up the supper dishes, and piled them on the tray. “I’ll take these down to the kitchen and get us both a glass of brandy. I think we need something to warm us up while we talk.”

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