Tempting Her Best Friend's Father (12 page)

BOOK: Tempting Her Best Friend's Father
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Mona was speechless. This certainly wasn’t what
she’d expected to hear from Kara. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Can we put what happened behind us? I want to
support you in whatever you do, and if that means being with my father, then I
support you one hundred percent.”

Mona opened her mouth, but before she could say
anything Kara started talking again.

“Don’t respond right away. Just listen to
everything and then tell me what you think.” Mona nodded and Kara continued.
“Well, when I found out I was pregnant I told Marcus. He denied it was his
until his face was blue, of course, but I didn’t care. I knew I would keep this
baby and would raise it without him. I didn’t care about being a single mother
because that’s what I wanted. Marcus is the last person that should be
procreating, but shit happens.”

Kara chuckled softly but it wasn’t one of humor.
“My dad wasn’t too pleased, to say the least, but he had his own plate full.”
The look of Mona’s face must have spoken volumes because Kara’s expression
looked almost sympathetic. “My dad was all gung-ho on taking Marcus to court,
but it was like the heavens smiled down on us because shortly after I found out
about the baby he was arrested for rape.”

“Oh God, Kara. I’m so sorry.”

Kara shrugged. “I’ve come to grips with it. It
is what it is and I can’t change it, but I can make things better for this
little one.” Kara smiled broadly as she rubbed her belly some more.
“Needless to say, once he was arrested for
rape, several more girls stepped forward. He got the maximum and won’t be
getting out for a very long time.”

Mona was once again speechless. Things had
certainly changed since she had been away. “The house is going to be full with
two little babies running around.” Mona swallowed roughly.

“I can’t believe you haven’t heard.”

Mona shook her head. “What else could there
possibly be?”
Oh God, please don’t tell
me Isaac and Holly eloped.

“Holly isn’t pregnant, never was.”

Mona’s heart stopped. “Wh-What?”

“Yeah, the lying bitch made it all up.
Apparently she is one of those psycho exes that will do just about anything to
be with her obsession.”

“How did you guys find out, well, aside from the

“My dad overheard her on the phone talking about
needing some ultrasound pictures. I guess she thought she would get pregnant in
the meantime and then there wouldn’t be any questions, but once she was caught
she couldn’t make up her lies fast enough. You know my dad and how persuasive
he is at getting the truth.”

fucking shit.
Holly wasn’t pregnant?

“He kicked her ass to the curb and got a restraining
order when she wouldn’t leave him alone.” Kara chuckled again and this time it
was filled with humor. “She lost her job, and last I heard moved out of state.”

Mona felt her mouth hanging open at everything
Kara revealed.
Holy shit.
“Wow, I
really did miss a lot.”

Kara didn’t respond, but instead just stared at
her. “I was so pissed at you for keeping that from me, but after all of this
happened, I knew that you are my best friend and we have to stick together.
Besides, I can’t have a baby without you around to help me. She needs her
Auntie Mona.”

“Oh, Kara, I’m so sorry for everything.” Tears
tracked down Mona’s face. She got up and sat next to Kara. Wrapping her arms
around her best friend, she hugged her until they had no more tears to cry. At
that exact moment, the sound of the front door opening broke the silence. Mona
and Kara pulled back and wiped the tears away.

“I’ve got some stuff to do upstairs.” Just like
that she was gone, leaving Mona alone to face Isaac.

She felt him watching her. She turned and saw
him standing in the entryway, staring at her with such intensity that her whole
body shook. He still held his briefcase, and with his black pressed suit and
blood red silk tie, Isaac looked like power personified. He set the briefcase
down took a step toward her. Mona didn’t dare move—she probably couldn’t even
if she wanted to.

“I didn’t expect to see you here, ever.”

Neither had she, but a lot of things had come to
light in the past half hour. “Kara asked me to come over.” She sounded timid, like
she was frightened to even say anything. Her nerves were shot, and the closer
he came to her the more the anticipation for what would happen next increased.

He didn’t respond, just nodded once and took a
seat across from her, right where Kara had been sitting. What could she say
that hadn’t already been said? Although things were different now, nothing had
really changed. Despite Kara giving her blessing to a relationship with her
father, Mona didn’t know if she and Isaac could rekindle what they once had. It
still felt so fresh to her. The love she felt for him still had her dreaming of
him at night.

“You’re still the last thing I think about
before I go to bed and the first thing on my mind when I wake up.”

Her heart skipped a beat. Throat so dry it felt
like sand filled it, Mona tried to swallow. “Kara told me everything, Isaac.”

He nodded again and ran his hand through his
hair. “There is so much I want say to make this right. I tried to call you but
your number didn’t work.”

That had been the first thing she had done when
she moved into her apartment, changed her number. She wanted a fresh start, and
that had seemed like the most logical place to start.

“I assumed you wanted nothing to do with me so I
didn’t pursue it, but you have to know that I thought about you,
about you, every single day.”

They didn’t say anything else for a very long
time. The silence was almost deafening. Here she sat, hearing the exact thing
she had wanted to hear come out of his mouth since she had left, and she sat
there like an idiot.

“Things are so much different now, Mona. Kara
doesn’t want us to be apart, and neither do I, but I know that you probably
need time, and I’m willing to wait, for however long you need.”

Mona stood and sat next to him. He leaned back,
looking slightly surprised that she was that close to him.

“It was hard, so very hard being away from you.
I don’t know what will become of our relationship.” She stopped talking and
stared into his eyes. Could she do this? Really be with Isaac? “I’m willing to
try, one step at a time.”

He smiled down at her and lifted his hand. The
feel of his finger on her cheek had her closing her eyes and holding back the
tears. There was so much more she had to say, so much more she wanted to ask
the both of them, but she would take it one day at a time.

“We have all the time in the world, Mona.” His
breath teased her lips and then he was kissing her. If she hadn’t been feeling
the intense emotions going through her she would have thought it a dream. It
seemed like forever since his mouth had been on hers, yet it was still so very

“I shouldn’t have let you leave that day. I
should have fought harder for you.”

She held back the tears, but didn’t respond.
Instead she kissed him back harder. She was right where she needed to be.

“I’m glad we all came to our senses.”

Mona and Isaac broke their kiss and turned
toward Kara. She stood in the entryway with a big smile on her face. Mona felt
her face heat at the fact Kara had seen her kissing her father.

“Come on, let’s eat.”

Kara turned and disappeared and Mona looked back
at Isaac.

“This is where you belong, Mona.” Isaac took her
hand and placed it over his heart.

A content sigh escaped her. Yes, this was
exactly where she belonged.





Two years later


Mona waved out the window at Kara and Abigail.
Kara’s daughter was the spitting image of her. Mona hated seeing them leave,
but since Kara got her own place and wanted to be more independent, they
weren’t seeing each other nearly enough as Mona would like. As she watched them
drive off, she reflected back on the past two years. A lot had changed since
she found out Kara was pregnant. It had been hard at first, but each passing
day proved easier.

Her relationship with Isaac was strong and
secure. They had grown as a couple over the years, and had just recently made
the step toward their future by Mona moving in. Now that Mona lived with Isaac
she was commuting to and from school. The half hour drive wasn’t horrible, and
that time away from everything gave her the space she needed to think and clear
her mind.

Although Isaac had proposed to her on more than
one occasion, he understood her stand on waiting until she was finished with
school and things were more solid. There were too many things going on right
now and Mona didn’t want to take anything away from anyone. Abigail needed this
time to grow and be loved and not have anything overshadow her. Mona also
wasn’t ready, as a person, to marry Isaac. True, she wanted to be with him for
the rest of her life, but like he said, they had all the time in the world.

With two years of college under her belt, Mona
could actually see her future brightening and growing. She wrapped her arms
around her waist and continued to stare out the window. Her father had been out
for several months now, but the last time she had seen him she knew he had
started drinking again. There was only so much Mona could do for her dad. He
was a grown man and his actions affected his life, not hers. She wouldn’t let
him bring her down anymore.

Her mother had left him, actually going back to
school and studying toward getting her degree in psychology.
It warmed her heart to see her mother making
such positive decisions in her life. Things were definitely looking up for her

She saw Isaac’s reflection in the glass and
smiled when he wrapped his arms around her. Her whole body warmed from the
physical contact. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his
chest. They stood like that for several minutes and then she turned around and
looked into his eyes. Her attraction for him was still as strong as it had been
when she first realized what he meant to her.

She needed him, right at that moment. She needed
to feel alive and loved, and Isaac was so very good at making her feel both.
So, without speaking, Mona took his hand and led him up the stairs and into
their room. He knew what she needed and he didn’t waste any time. Their clothes
were off in a matter of seconds, and their mouths fused. Their tongues moved
erotically against each other and she felt her pussy become wet and her nipples

Isaac pushed her back on the bed and stared down
at her. His cock was hard and straining forward, and a drop of pre-cum dotted
the tip. She pushed herself up and gripped the base of his shaft. The sound of
him sucking in a breath had her smiling up at him. Ever so slowly Mona brought
her mouth to the tip of him and gently blew a stream of warm air across his
erection. He breathed hard and fast and she knew her teasing was driving him

“Do it, Mona, suck my cock in your mouth.” He
looked down at her with half lidded eyes and she didn’t prolong his torture.

She sucked the head into her mouth and swirled
her tongue along the underside. Isaac groaned and started to gently thrust
himself in and out of her mouth. The taste of him was so addicting that Mona
couldn’t help but close her eyes and groan in pleasure. Faster and faster she
moved her head until Isaac was forced to push her away or come in her mouth,
which was what she had been going for. She wanted his cream coating her tongue
and slipping down her throat.

“You’ll be the death of me, woman.” Perspiration
started to dot his chest and she felt herself lick her lips involuntarily.

The sight was too alluring. All those defined
muscles, rippling just below the surface of skin turned her on to the point she
couldn’t breathe. She leaned back on the bed, thrust her chest out and spread
her legs. He stared at her for a long while as he scanned her body from top to

“I need to be here.” He emphasized his point by
placing his finger right at the entrance of her pussy.

Oh, he knew what he was doing, running that
finger in slow circles before pressing it into her. She needed him desperately
when he finally replaced his finger with the tip of his shaft.

Isaac didn’t press into her right away; instead
he cupped each side of her face and brought his lips to hers for a soft kiss.

“I love you, Mona, and I’ll love you until there
is nothing left of me.” With that, he rocked into her.

If someone would have told her this was how her
life would have turned out, she would never have believed it, because frankly,
she never thought she could be so lucky.


The End





BOOK: Tempting Her Best Friend's Father
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