Tempting Me: A Bad Boy Romance (2 page)

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Authors: Natasha Tanner,Roxy Sinclaire

BOOK: Tempting Me: A Bad Boy Romance
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Ella and London are among the women who left the tables to crowd at the end of the stage. Jasmine is sitting across from me with her mouth agape.

He comes down the stage steps and women are cheering and raining money on him. The dancer is coming toward me, and I want to look away but can’t. He grinds his hips as he approaches my table and stops directly in front of me. He is so close that I can reach out and touch him if I want to. And oh boy, I really want to. He grips the back of my chair with his hands on either side of my head. We stare at each other; he is looking down and I am looking up. A sexy smile slowly spreads across his face.

From a million miles away, I can hear Jasmine yell, “Go Aria!”

In one swift move, he is sitting over me. His chest is a fraction of an inch away from my face. I have to fight the urge to kiss, lick, and taste him. He runs his strong hands down my body and under my rear end.  Before I know what’s happening, I am in the air and then straddling his shoulders. I am not behind his head, but in front, and his face is buried between my legs with nothing but my panties as a barrier between us.

I arch my back and press myself into his face. I have lost all composure and it feels wonderful. I know the other women and my friends are still in the club but I can’t hear them anymore. It is only myself, writhing in pleasure on the shoulders of an unknown man. He lowers me down, and the full length of my body drags across his. I can feel the entirety of his strength pressed against me. He is taut rippling muscle and when he grinds against me, I can feel the hard length of his manhood against my stomach.

The music ends too soon and he disappears with the other dancers. I am breathless and collapse into the chair. Ella and London run over to rejoin the table.

“I can’t believe that just happened. You are so lucky,” Ella cries.

“He is
incredibly hot,” Jasmine adds.

Then all three stop talking at once and are staring at something behind me.  A chair drops down next to mine and I turn to see what is going on. It’s the dancer.

He smiles easily and holds out his hand. “I’m Ryan,” he says.

I take his hand and am caught in his green eyes like a wasp in amber.

“Um … Aria,” I manage to stammer. I am still holding onto his hand.

“May I join you? I’d like to buy you a drink,” he says, as he waits for me to answer.

I sit there, mute, until Jasmine mercifully pokes me in the side and brings me back to the present.

“Yes,” I blurt enthusiastically. I don’t even care that I sound like a little kid being offered candy. I really want him to sit with me.

He sits and pushes his dark hair back from his forehead.

“Thank you for being such an amazing dance partner,” he tells me.

I am blushing again and curse my mother’s side of the family and the fair Irish complexion I inherited from them.

“That was … you were … I’ve never seen anything like it,” I finally manage to say.

He let out a friendly contagious laugh.

“Thank you. I had beautiful inspiration tonight. I saw you sitting here when I was still backstage.”

I break into a wide smile before I can stop myself. I knew I wasn’t imagining things and that he had been looking right at me from the start. Not at all the other women here.

The music starts again and everyone excuses themselves to get a better view of the next dance but not before they all manage to give Ryan the once over and me the thumbs up.

be the one to find a handsome dancer during this song,” Ella says as she leaves.

I can’t help but notice that Ryan is the only dancer who is at a table. Many of the women in the place are shooting me envious looks and desperately trying to catch Ryan’s eye.

He scoots his chair closer and his long muscled legs take up almost all of the space under the table. He leans in so we can talk over the music.

“When I first saw you I thought your eyes would be brown because of your dark hair, then when I got close to you,” he reaches up and strokes my hair away from my face. “I saw they are blue. A crystal blue.”

My stomach flips and my whole body heats up like it did after I downed the tequila shot. I can’t remember the last time, if ever, that Xavier made me feel this way. Here is a gorgeous stranger imagining what color my eyes are after seeing me in a crowded room full of women.

“Can I bring you more champagne or would you like something else?”

“I would love a cosmopolitan,” I say instantly.

Ryan laughs again. “A Cosmo, for the lady who knows what she wants. I will be back with your drink; don’t you dare disappear on me.”

I watch him head to the bar and so does every other woman in the place. I straighten my dress, smooth down my hair, and try to stop fidgeting.
Is this really happening to me?

He comes back with my drink and what looks like a whiskey for himself.

He holds his glass up and I follow suit.

“What should we toast to?” he asks.

‘To the unknown,” I tell him, surprising myself.

“The unknown,” he clinks his glass against mine.

I take my first ever sip of a Cosmo and it is just as good as I knew it would be. Ryan puts his drink down after taking a long swallow. He leans even closer to me.

“To you, Aria,” he whispers into my ear, his voice husky.

He brushes his lips lightly against mine. I respond and kiss him back. The kiss deepens and I can taste the whiskey and a hint of salt. His lips are soft, softer than I thought they would be. He opens his mouth further and our tongues intertwine. I feel my pulse quicken and I put both my hands on his chest. I want more of this. He tangles his long tapered fingers into my hair and I respond with a hunger I didn’t know was in me.

Then as quickly as it started, he breaks away from me.

“So Aria, what should we do to celebrate tonight?” he asks.


Chapter 2



“We have a bachelorette party tonight,” Mickey tells me the moment I walk in the door.

“The bridesmaids want our bachelorette to be showered with extra special attention.” He says as he gives me a crude grin and knowing wink, just in case I don’t catch his drift.

“The girl said, and I quote, ‘don’t hold back in any way shape or form.’”

“What exactly does she mean by that?” I ask.

“Just do your thing,” Mickey says. “They’ll leave happy.”

I dance for bachelorette parties all the time. Normally, the bridesmaid requests that the dancers not do anything that will make any members of the party uncomfortable. The sister-in-laws to be are most often whom they are worried about offending. The “
don’t hold back,”
requests are usually for divorce parties and bad break-ups.

Maybe the bride is kinky and can’t enjoy the show unless it’s hands on. Or maybe the bridesmaid is hoping to get some good pictures and embarrass her friend. With this job, nothing surprises me. I am proficient in women after stripping for five years and what I know is that women are unpredictable, or in Mickey’s words, “Bitches be

How will this girl react to a personal erotic dance? It won’t take long to determine how into it she is once she gets to the club. It has been my experience that most women love it. Venus is much more like Mars than the world likes to acknowledge.

“Is the party here?” I ask Mickey.

We have a private room in back for the more discreet patrons. We also travel to hotels and private homes. More often than not, however, the special occasion is celebrated in the main room with the rest of the club-goers.

“The whole thing is a set up. The bachelorette has no idea she’s even coming to a strip club,” Mickey tells me.

“Any idea how old they are?” I ask.

My choice of music and costume is geared to the audience.  I even change up my moves depending on the age. The older ladies can freeze up if it gets too nasty. The younger girls like it dirty.

I do get propositioned. I can’t say I never take them up on it, but I sure as hell don’t stick around for breakfast the next day. A one-night stand is just that.

“Twenty-one, according to the bridesmaid. She promises everyone in the group is of age, but we’re carding nonetheless.”

As a rule, the younger women don’t tip as well. They are just starting out in their careers and don’t have a husband’s money to spend. Money or not, they are almost always still a good time.

In the dressing room, the guys jump all over Mickey. They yell about how unfair it is that I get the bachelorette dance and of course the extra money that goes with it. There are rumors flying around that these girls are money. Not your typical New York socialite money, but oil money. This could turn out to be a real payday. I understand why they are jealous, but if they could work it like me, they would be dancing instead of whining.

For younger women, I keep my dance and costume urban. If the rumors are true and these girls come from money, the rich ones love slumming, in my experience. I go for ripped jeans and a thick leather belt, a white tank and a plaid flannel shirt. Underneath, I have on nothing but a black thong. Whether or not they want to admit it, wealthy women are attracted to a working man.

I tell Mickey to make sure the other guys are in similar attire and I assign the songs I want them dancing to. Normally, I would tell them myself, but I wasn’t in the mood to navigate their bullshit. This is going to be a get in and get out kind of night. I am going to give this girl an experience that will keep her warm when her husband is staying late at work to do the secretary.

I go backstage to watch a new cowboy routine that some of the guys have put together. City girls can’t get enough of cowboys. The dance is well-choreographed and the women love it. A new dancer in the back, whose name I don’t know, is off on his timing. He’ll either get it together in the next two weeks, or he’ll be looking for a new job.

Mark is leading a group of women to a table right in front that is held for parties, big tipping groups, and VIP’s. This must be my bachelorette party. I do a quick survey to pick out which one is the future bride. Usually it’s easy because she is wearing a ridiculous tiara or a veil.

The woman walking next to Mark is a hot blonde in an almost non-existent white dress. I peg her as the “give my friend the night of her life” maid of honor. The blonde is all over Mark. Despite the expensive clothes, shoes, jewelry and salon blonde hair, she still looks cheap. The next woman is an entirely different story.

She has long hair that is dark to the point that it’s almost black. It is straight and sleek and so shiny that it reflects the light. She is tall, at least a few inches taller than the other women in her group. She walks with the ease and confidence of someone who has everything they have ever wanted and know their future is set for them.

Her dress is black and shimmers in the club lights. It clings to her breasts and hips, accentuating a flawless body. The dress does not show too much skin though. She has long legs and covered curves and it’s making me hard. 

Money or not, this bachelorette is a class act. I have to give props to the man who managed to tie her down while she is still so young.

young; by the looks of her, younger than me, and I’m only twenty-two. What could drive someone who is so young and hot to want to get married? Could it be true love? After my parents and this job, I don’t believe there is such a thing as true love. Whatever her reason for getting married, it’s not my business and it has nothing to do with my job. I can guarantee, however, that I will make her forget the groom, no matter who he is, before this night is over. 

The star of the party appears nervous sitting at the table. She is looking everywhere and anywhere but at Mark when he brings them shots and champagne. She is just as timid about doing the shot as she is of looking at the waiters, in their hot shorts. It’s refreshing for me to see a woman in this place that isn’t jaded and predatory. I wonder what kind of friend this bridesmaid is, to think this is the best idea for her bachelorette party.

“What’s her name?” I ask Mickey. He looks down at the yellow notepad he uses for everything.

“Aria,” he tells me. “What the hell kind of name is that,” he grumbles.

“I like it,” I say. “It suits her.”

The music comes on and four dancers go out to warm up the crowd for me. Not that I need a warm-up act, but it does get the women loosened up. Then when I get on stage, I can focus on Aria, and the other guys can keep the rest of the girls busy. Many of the women are already out of their seats and rushing the stage. My target hasn’t even turned around to watch the show. I just hope she isn’t frigid and decides to bolt when the show gets too hot.

I never think about or observe a woman in the audience for long. So why is it that can’t I take my eyes off of her? I shake it off, telling myself that I’m not nervous because of this one woman. It’s the potential monster tip that has me on edge. To be honest, it’s the tip, her long dark hair, and killer figure all combined that have me on edge.

I come out on stage and many of the regulars shout out my name. I do a quick scan of the crowd to orient myself and to make sure every lady in the place feels special. When I look to the bachelorette table, we lock eyes. I kid you not. I have actual tunnel vision when I look at her. She’s this glowing pinpoint of light and everything and everyone else become nothing but a blur of color.

The song I chose for my dance is a slow groove. I’m grateful that it’s slow. This gives me time to regain my bearings before I work my way down the stage. But even with the temptress watching me, it doesn’t take longer than a second for me to ease into my dance. Dancing for women is like second nature.

I can tell I don’t have to worry about her being frigid. The beauty’s entire body is responding to me. I grasp her small waist with both hands and lift her. Her dress feels as silky as it looks and rises up beneath my hands. I move my hold down her hips and let my fingers splay across her ass. It is skin on skin; her flesh is hot and feels like satin. I know she must be wet. I want to slip my fingers under her panties and find out for sure. Good thing for me, wanting and doing are two different things.

I lift her higher and she straddles my shoulders. She presses against me and moans. It’s a good thing the dance is about to end because I don’t know how much longer I can control myself.

I don’t usually chat up the women I dance for. There’s not a whole lot to say to each other. This girl has put a spell on me, though. I’m not going to give myself time to think better of going to her.

I sit down and what I immediately notice is that her eyes are blue. She has dark hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. This is my dream girl. I know she’s getting married but right now, I don’t care. She is shy with me, but doesn’t break eye contact. Her friends leave the table. The blonde looks at me like I’m dessert when she passes by.

“I’m Ryan,” I introduce myself to her.

I put out my hand to shake. Not because I’m feeling formal but because I need an excuse to touch her again. When she answers, I catch a faint hint of a southern accent.

“Where are you visiting the Big Apple from?” I ask.

I can’t believe I just said the Big Apple; talk about cheesy.

“I actually live in Brooklyn. I go to college there. I’m from Austin, originally,” she tells me.

“A country girl. I thought I noticed an accent.”

“Austin is a city, thank you very much,” she scolds me but with a smile, so I know she’s teasing. “If I’m completely truthful though, I grew up on a ranch way on the outskirts of Austin.”

A college girl, and she grew up on a ranch … I am willing to bet she can ride a horse like she’s Clint Eastwood and then cook an apple pie from scratch. Then she tells me she just graduated with a business degree and is going to work for her father.

“Do you like business?” I ask.

She hesitates before answering me and bites her bottom lip as she thinks about her answer.

“I think you’re the first person who has ever asked me that.”

I take her hand and stroke her palm with my thumb. I want to kiss away her concern and nibble on the lip she was just biting. How is this girl so accomplished and so vulnerable? I want to protect her even though I’m in awe of her.

“I studied business because that’s what my family wanted. I always knew this was what I was expected to do, so I never questioned it.” She is looking down at our clasped hands while she talks.

“It’s the same with Xavier. That’s my fiancé,” she blushes and pulls her hand away when she brings him up.

“What? You mean your parents arranged your marriage?” I ask, incredulous.

She lays out a story about how their families are friends and this is what everyone has always envisioned. She has known him her entire life. It will be a merging of families and enterprises.

From what she says about Xavier, I get the impression they haven’t had sex. And she certainly hasn’t been fooling around on him. That means this angel sitting across from me is a virgin. You could knock me over with a feather when I put the pieces together.

Her friends come back and it puts an end to our exchange.

I see Mickey motioning to me out of the corner of my eye. I have work to do and she has friends that are here to celebrate with her. Before I get up, I lean over to whisper goodbye in her ear. Instead of goodbye, I say something to her that I have never said to anyone. I tell her to come find me if she doesn’t go through with the wedding.

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