Read Tempting Meredith Online

Authors: Samantha Ann King

Tempting Meredith (7 page)

BOOK: Tempting Meredith
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“You’ll remember it?”

“Of course,” she bristled.

“Good.” He sat back again, resting his arms across the back of the couch. “You understand how this works, right? You say red, I stop immediately. No hesitation. No forcing you. I don’t even try to convince you to take it further. I say red, same rules. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.” He paused. “Understand?”

She nodded and croaked, “Yes.”

“Excellent. Now, take off your shirt.”

This time the order didn’t rankle so much as excite. Still she hesitated.

“Don’t make me tell you again.” The voice. So different from his conversational tone. Almost impossible to resist. She hadn’t expected it. That country boy charm made him seem laid back. He wasn’t. Relaxed? Yes. Confident? Yes. Laid back? No. He’d been in charge of this date since he’d suggested it. They hadn’t just shot targets at the range. He’d led her through a lesson.
decided when it was time to leave.
picked the restaurant and ordered for her. Yeah, he’d let her drive, but she suspected that was because he knew exactly how far to push her.

She dragged the stretchy tank over her head. When she didn’t remove the cami beneath, he flicked his hand at it. “That too.”

She slipped one thin strap off her shoulder, then the other, enjoying the sensation of her own hands against her skin as much as his hot gaze. She shimmied her arms out then inched down the cottony fabric until it bunched at her hips. Cool air bathed her tight, exposed nipples. She continued to push her cami over her hips. Bending over, she scooted it down her legs then stepped out of the puddle of fabric and stood.

Charlie was too unaffected, too calm with his arms draped across the back of the sofa. She wanted him drooling, panting.

“Cup your breasts.”

She hesitated, although she didn’t know why. Just the idea of touching herself had her hands trembling, her heart skipping.

“Ahh, sweet Meredith. Do you want tender words? Hmm? This is a hookup, remember? No tender words. Just a dirty, no-strings fuck.”

Exactly what she wanted. What she needed. She flattened her hands on her belly and slowly slid them up her ribs, smooth skin on smooth skin, until the plump weight of her breasts filled her palms. She lifted them, pressed them together in offering. They were pale, large—especially considering her small frame—tipped with small, rosy pink nipples. He’d told her to cup her breasts, not thumb her nipples, but she wanted to. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. She really wanted to.

“Go ahead,” he said.

Was he reading her mind—or her feet—giving her permission? “What?”

“Touch them. I know you want to.”

She swept the pads of her thumbs over the taut buds and moaned as exquisite shards of pleasure pierced her clit.

“Do you like the way that feels?”

She gave a quick, shallow nod.

“It only gets better. Take off your jeans.”

As reluctant as she was to leave her breasts, the anticipation of standing nude before him was just about her undoing. Her fingers fumbled as she unbuttoned and unzipped. Then, wiggling her butt, she scooted the jeans over her hips and down her legs. Bending over to push them off her feet, she was aware of her breasts jiggling and took her time to tease Charlie. She wanted him cross-eyed with lust. She straightened and slipped her thumbs in her panties.

“Huh-uh,” he warned. “We’ve got all night. And I like that lacy white thing. Virginal, isn’t it? Angelic.” He chuckled. “On the outside. Not so much inside. I like that.”

Her hands fisted at her sides as she resisted the urge to touch herself. Somewhere. Anywhere. Fuck, she wanted someone’s hands on her. His. Hers. Didn’t matter.

“Come here.” His voice sounded rough, raw. That was good, encouraging.

She stopped inches in front of him, but he wasn’t satisfied. His big, warm hands clasped her waist and tugged until she stood between his thighs. Holding her in place with one hand, the other traced circles around her belly button, and her muscles tightened at the exquisiteness of his callused fingers sliding over her skin. The circles became larger and larger until he brushed the edge of her panties, then over them, closer and closer to her clit. His hand slipped between her legs and covered the lace crotch, soaked through with the proof of her arousal.

His smile was wicked. His pupils were so dilated that only a narrow band of blue ringed them. He was enjoying this. “Put your foot on the sofa.”

She rested her hands lightly on his shoulders for balance and placed the ball of her foot on the worn and faded plaid next to his hip. The scrap of fabric covering her swollen pussy shifted to the side, partially exposing her. His gaze locked on her sex. His thumb slid over her outer labia then sank into her folds before teasing the entrance to her vagina. She tilted her hips, angling for penetration, but he slid his thumb to her anus and circled. She gasped at the delicious awareness. She hadn’t realized that area was so sensitive. The barrage of sensations had her torn. Charlie needed more hands. She wanted him everywhere. Her fingers clutched his shirt and yanked, desperate to see all that skin and muscle underneath, to feel him pressed against her. The fabric bunched in her hands, but that was as far as she got.

When he leaned forward and took her nipple between his lips, she forgot all about his state of dress. She just held on and hoped her legs didn’t collapse as they became weaker and shakier. She was one mass of erotic sensation, standing on the verge of orgasm. Skin tingling, breasts swollen and achy. His thumb pressed harder. His teeth grazed her nipple, tugged and she exploded, flashes that blinded and roared before fading to effervescent bubbles, twitching and tingling.

When her mind cleared of the data overload, Charlie was cradling her in his lap.

He didn’t say anything, didn’t wait for her to fully recover. With one hand, he yanked off her panties. He stood, still cradling her, then lowered her until her ass planted in the nubby fabric. He kneeled in front of her and lifted both legs over his shoulders, leaving her completely open, bare. As if that bit of lace had provided any protection. It hadn’t, but without it she felt even more vulnerable.

His fingers stroked the skin between her belly button and her left hip. “Nice tat.”

She glanced down her body, and her breath caught. She’d only had it a couple of months and had forgotten about it. Other than the tattoo artist, he was the first to see it.

He didn’t say more, but kissed it before moving to the inside of her thighs. His beard was prickly, a little tickly, a stimulating combination. When he nuzzled her sex, she held her breath, afraid the sensation would be too much after the orgasm. But it wasn’t, and she relaxed. Maybe because it hadn’t been a clitoral orgasm. She was going to come again and it wasn’t going to take long. But she wanted more. She was so swollen, so achy, she needed Charlie’s cock.

“Stop,” she said. “I want you inside me.”

His hot tongue flattened against her and licked from back to front.

She gasped. “Now, Charlie. I need you inside me now.”

When he didn’t give her what she wanted, it suddenly occurred to her that he couldn’t. She stiffened at the thought. “You have condoms, right? Good lord, please tell me you have some.”

He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Get them,” she ordered.

“Not yet. You’re not ready.”

“Get the fucking condoms.”

He chuckled. “Who’s in charge here?”

She grabbed handfuls of his thick, coarse hair and hauled his face close to hers. “I am.”

He pried away her grip, finger by finger, then held her hands above her head. “See? You’re not ready.”

“Charlie,” she warned.

“Put your hands behind your head.”

“I want—”

“Put your hands behind your head,” he snapped.

She obeyed instantly.

He shrugged her legs off his shoulders and strode to the middle of the room, where he stood with his hands on his hips, one knee cocked. So sexy, so sure of himself. She started to lower her arms but stopped when he lifted an eyebrow in what could only be interpreted as a warning. He watched her without speaking, and she wondered what he was thinking, what he was trying to do.

Trickles of her juices tickled her pussy and ass, and she squeezed her thighs together for control. She desperately wanted him to hold her again, touch her. She wanted his spicy scent layered over hers. She wanted to know what his sweaty skin would feel like sliding against hers.

“Spread your legs.”

She widened her knees a couple of inches.

He frowned and spoke more forcefully. “Spread your legs.”

She pulled her knees back until her hips strained, willing to do anything so he’d touch her.

“Ahhh. Look at that.” She didn’t think it was an order until he snapped, “Look at your pussy, Meredith.”

She lowered her gaze to the glistening, dusty red folds, slick and smooth since she’d visited her wax tech on Friday.

“See how beautiful you are?”

She’d much rather look at his cock.

He unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged out of it. She sighed. He was the one who was beautiful. Broad shoulders, muscular pecs tapering to smooth abs. No body-builder ripples there. Just flat and tight.

He unbuttoned his jeans, and she held her breath as he parted them and the blunt tip of his penis peeked out. Commando. She swallowed, her dry mouth making it almost impossible. Charlie was a no-briefs man. It was one surprise after another with him. Normally, she didn’t like surprises, but—

He pushed his jeans lower on his hips, centimeter by centimeter, diverting her line of thought as he revealed his cock in tantalizing increments.



Begging for her. He wasn’t as calm, as unaffected as he seemed.

“Be still,” he said.

His words made her realize she’d been unconsciously pulsing her hips, imitating intercourse as she’d imagined him filling her, thrusting in and out.

Lowering his gaze, his lips slightly parted, he palmed his cock and swiped his thumb over the tip. “That’s right,” he said. “Now, tell me. Who’s in charge?”

Fuck. She knew the answer. And she didn’t like it because it wasn’t her. “You,” she whispered.

“I saw your lips move, but I couldn’t hear you.” That wasn’t true. He was looking at his cock, not her. He’d heard.

Desperation forced her to speak up. It was the only way to get what she wanted. “You. Okay. You,” she ground out. “You’re in charge.”

His smile lit up his eyes. No boyish dimples hiding behind the beard. He was all man. Harsh angles and sun-deepened lines.

He crossed the room and tossed her over his shoulder. As if her head wasn’t spinning enough already, with his shoulder digging into her diaphragm, she couldn’t breathe.

“What?” she wheezed as she grappled for something to hold onto. She grabbed the waistband of his jeans, but they were loose and did nothing to steady her.

He spanked her bottom, one sharp tap. “Bedroom. It’s where I stash the condoms.”

She wrapped her arms around his torso. Better, except she still couldn’t breathe. She lifted her head a bit, but it was more trouble than it was worth, since she couldn’t see much through her hair. None too soon he flipped her up and lowered her backside onto the cool, smooth sheets, and she sank into the mattress. While the blood drained back from her head to her body, he switched on the bedside table lamp then fished a box of condoms out of the top drawer. He was still way overdressed, and she was beginning to wonder if he would fuck her with his jeans on. She really hoped not, because she’d been admiring his ass since that first firearms class. She wanted to see it without the jeans.

He sat on the edge of the bed. “You want to give me some help here?”

She’d do just about anything to get him inside her. “What do you need?”


She struggled to her elbows and pushed her hair out of her face. “What about them?”

He took her hand and tugged her to her feet then maneuvered her until she was straddling one leg, her backside to him. He lifted his foot, and his leg rubbed her pussy, sending slivers of pleasure through her abdomen. “Grab it and pull.” His thumbs sank into her ass cheeks, steadying her, massaging, teasing.

She slid up and down his thigh, forgetting his request. A nip on her backside pierced the foggy pleasure. “Ouch.”

“Boots,” he said.

She wrapped one hand around the heel and the other on the toe then yanked. The boot slid off so easily, he could have done it without her help. She glanced over her shoulder to find his rapt gaze on her ass. She straddled the other leg and repeated the procedure, her pussy twitching at the idea of his attention focused on that part of her. As soon as she dropped the boot, he drew her back against his chest, buried his face in her neck and filled his hands with her breasts. She relaxed and dropped her head on his shoulder. Through all the sensations, she became aware of his cock pressed against the cleft of her ass, the zipper of his jeans creasing her cheeks.

He continued nipping the side of her neck and thumbing her nipples, sending wave after wave of pleasure flowing through her nerves. Thinking became impossible. He maneuvered her until she faced the bed and then pressed between her shoulder blades, bending her at the waist until her breasts grazed the sheets. His cock slid along her folds, her juices lubricating the condom, and she clenched in anticipation.

Then he was entering her. Slowly, more gently than she wanted or expected. She widened her stance and pressed her ass back.

“Don’t move,” he said tightly.

She froze, afraid he would stop if she didn’t obey. He filled her completely, his balls pressed against her pussy, his cock stretching her. She was almost mindless.

When he began to move, to drive into her, she ignored his warning and met his thrusts. His hands found her breasts and tweaked her nipples, sending wave after wave of pleasure to her cunt. She lifted one knee to rest on the mattress, opening wider so she could take him deeper.

“That’s it,” he groaned. “Right there. Fucking fantastic.”

His thrusts picked up speed and strength until her hips were being pounded into the mattress, just the way she liked it. Her breath caught. She was standing on the outer edge of a black hole’s event horizon. Charlie was the singularity sucking her in. Resistance was futile. She couldn’t escape. Didn’t want to. Each thrust dragged her closer until the hole sucked her in and the orgasm blasted through her. But instead of falling, she soared toward the millions of stars exploding around her.

BOOK: Tempting Meredith
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