Read Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency historical jane charles england

Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord (31 page)

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord
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Yet, there she stood in the sunlight,
pale and beautiful. His heart ached and arms itched to pull her
close. It was time. And if she said no, he would convince her

He slowly approached and watched as
she hugged each child and listened to Jamie babble on about knights
and castles. She had a world of patience for the children and would
make a wonderful mother. Hopefully it would be a mother to his

She glanced up and their eyes met.
“Good afternoon.”

Good afternoon,” she

Would you care for a

Elle bit her bottom lip then pulled
herself away from the children. “Yes, I would like that very

He secured her hand on his arm and he
led her down the path toward the summer house. She didn’t say
anything, but allowed him to lead her through the shade of the
trees and Clay thought of the many words he would use, but none
satisfied him. He was not one to make speeches and he was at a
complete loss as to how to convince her.

They stopped at the bottom of the
steps leading into the summer house. Elle glanced up at him,
concern wrinkled her brow. What was she thinking?

I believe I have my
answer,” her words were quiet.

To what?”

She looked away toward the lake.
“Whether you wished to continue our liaison.”

He could kick himself. Of course she
would think that since he brought her here. Clay placed a finger
under her chin and forced her to look at him. “I don’t want you to
continue to be my mistress.”

Her shoulders relaxed. “Good. I don’t
think I could.”

It was wrong of me to ask
it of you in the first place.” Clay led her up the steps and into
the summer house and over to the chaise. He did not sit next to
her, but took a chair across from Elle.

I am sorry,” he blurted

Elle’s eyebrows rose. “I beg your

I am an ass. A judgmental
prig. I am not worthy of you.” He stood and paced, thrusting his
fingers through his hair. “You are nothing but good, wonderful,
passionate, devoted, and kind. I am a selfish and pompous ass who
decided your fate without asking questions. I determined one thing
based on one observation. I treated you horribly and have said and
done the wrong thing so many times I am surprised you are even here
with me now. I’ve hurt you and you deserved none of it.” He swung
around and looked at her. “You should tell me to go to the very

Elle sat back and stared at him, her
mouth agape. “I don’t understand.”

I want you, Elle. I need
you. You are what makes my life bright and happy. You are all I
think about. You are in my first thoughts in the morning and the
last when I fall asleep. Can you ever forgive me?”

Forgive you?”

He knelt before her and grasped her
hands in his. “For assuming the worst of you and Jamie. For making
you my mistress for a night and taking that which should only be
given to a husband. For walking out on you in such a cold

Hush.” She put her finger
to his lips.

Clay pulled back. “I can’t, not until
you forgive me. Please say you will and I will make it up to you.
Whatever you need is yours.”

Tears glistened in her eyes. “This is
unnecessary. You saved my life.”

I don’t want gratitude.”
He pulled away. “I want you to forgive me for being a bloody

The smile started slowly, then spread
across her face. A moment later she was laughing. Elle was laughing
at him. Was she going to send him to the devil or had she forgiven
him? Clay couldn’t laugh, he couldn’t breathe. He needed to hear
the words.

Of course I forgive you.
It is impossible not to.”

Relief surged through his being and
every emotion he had been holding tight rein on burst free. She
forgave him. Maybe someday she would love him as well. Unable to
control his thoughts or actions Clay pulled her to him and brought
her lips to his. He had her and he was never letting her

Chapter 27

Elle melted against him, her heart
hammering in her chest, pulse quick with hope. He didn’t want her
for a mistress, but wanted her to forgive him. Hope surged, but
even if he wanted nothing else from her, she had him now and she
wasn’t about to give up this moment for anything. Despite
everything they had been through, he was her anchor and Elle
grasped his shoulders and pulled him close as he deepened the kiss.
Heat swept through her body and her breasts ached to be touched.
The room became oppressive and she longed to strip from her gown
and lay on the bed with Clay, naked, with the breeze cooling their
skin. He may not wish for her to be his mistress, but she had only
one thing to give him and one thing she wanted from him at the
moment. Eleanor didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, or even
today, but right here and now, she wanted Clay. She wanted to
experience that joy of being in his arms and of making love. It may
be her one and only chance and she was going to take it, whether he
wished it or not.

His hands molded around her ribs as
his lips left hers, trailing a path to her jaw then neck. Her
breasts were heavy, straining against her clothing and his thumbs
lay just below the mounds. Why wouldn’t he bring them up? Why
wouldn’t he touch her?

His tongue darted out and trailed the
skin just above her bodice. A groan came from the back of her
throat and Elle let her head drop back, enjoying the sensations
that rioted through her body. The secret place between her thighs
began to pulse and she tightened her legs for added pressure. She
hadn’t even known such a spot existed, or the release it could
bring until Clay had touched and kissed her there. Oh how she
wanted him to do that again.

His hands moved to the
shoulders of her gown and he began pushing the sleeves down her

Damn and

Elle opened her eyes and
looked at Clay. He was pushing her dress back into place and
pulling away.
Wait, what was he

I am sorry. It seems I
lose my right mind whenever I am near you.”

What do you mean?”
Certainly he wasn’t going to leave her now, especially in this
state. He couldn’t.

I will not treat you in
such a manner.”

Was it so horrible being with her
before? “You don’t want me?”

Clay choked. “There is no other woman
I want or desire. You could very well have ruined me for all other

A spark of pride lit within her

But, you are not my wife,
and I will not treat you as a mistress.”

What if I want this?” It
was a bold statement but she couldn’t let him walk out of her life.
Not yet.

It is unfair to you. I
need to show you more respect and tossing up your skirts once again
is not a way to do so.”

A smile pulled at her lips as she
glanced down to the bulge in his breeches. While his mind may
insist on one thing, his body wanted another. “What if I toss my
own skirts?” She grabbed her gown and slowly pulled the material,
inch by inch, until her knees were exposed. Elle knew she risked
losing all of his respect, but he said nothing about love or a
future. This could very well be their last moments together and she
wasn’t going to let him walk out of the room without having made
love. She just hoped she could seduce him into staying.

His eyes were fixated on her legs and
Elle continued to draw the skirt up.


He was lost. Clay swore he would not
touch her, and specifically not make love to her until they were
married. But, how could he deny what she was offering. He was not
that strong. His body ached with need and he knew if he touched her
core she would be damp and ready for him. But did he dare? She
hadn’t agreed to marry him. Of course, he hadn’t asked. But, he
wasn’t sure of her answer.

Was now the time?

She nipped his neck and trailed kisses
to his collar bone as her fingers deftly loosed the fastenings on
his shirt. She may want him, may have forgiven him, but that didn’t
mean she was willing to marry him. If he asked her now and she said
no, the moment would be lost. And, he had to be with her, had to be
in her now. He would ask, after. When they could both think clearly

Her fingers slid inside his shirt and
caressed over his nipples. The hand with her broken wrist moved
awkwardly but it didn’t diminish the sensations that caused his
blood to heat and his body to harden further. He would explode if
he didn’t have her soon.

Removing her hands from him, Clay
stood and brought Elle to her feet. Turning so that she faced away
from him, he undid her gown and stripped it from her body, leaving
her only in her chemise, which he quickly pulled from her body
before he picked her up and carried her to the bed where he tossed
her gently. He was going to expire on the spot.

After yanking the shirt over his head
he pulled his breeches from his body, stopped to yank his boots off
and toss them across the room. He fell down beside her. Elle rolled
into him and began kissing his jaw, neck and chest. He cupped her
breast, and molded it, feeling the weight, the nipple already
pebbled in her desire and anticipation.

He pushed her onto her back and took
one peak into his mouth while caressing the other and back and
forth, giving each equal amount of attention. She squirmed beneath
him, lifting her hips toward his body. Clay knew where she ached
and probably pulsed with the same need as he.

Slipping his hand down her stomach he
found the folds within her curls and touched. Elle sighed and
pressed into his hand. This was not going to be a gentle slow
lovemaking. His body was on fire and the way she thrashed and
strained, he knew she wanted her release sooner than

Dipping for the moisture he came
forward again, circling and teasing. She swelled beneath his
fingertips and her groans became louder and more insistent. He knew
she was close and was tempted to draw out her release, but his body
was already aching beyond anything he ever experienced. Her pants
grew quick and a moment later Elle stiffened and cried out before
she collapsed on the bed.

Coming between her thighs she opened
for him and Clay thrust deep into her welcoming channel.


Elle could barely comprehend what had
happened. She had known this explosion before, but didn’t remember
it being so wonderful. Stars sparked behind her eyelids and
everything went black as her body convulsed in the most delicious
release possible. As soon as she could move, she would bring Clay
the same pleasure but he didn’t give her a chance. The ache deep
instead renewed the moment she felt him press against her. She
opened and welcomed him in. He filled her and there was no pain
this time, just exquisite pleasure that would be over too soon.
This is where it had ended last time. It was a shame it couldn’t go

He didn’t stop. Instead, he pulled
back and thrust again. Elle opened her eyes to look at

He took her lips and plundered her
with his mouth and body. Over and over and she tried to meet him
thrust for thrust. The tension inside her belly built again. Surely
it wasn’t possible to do this twice. Goodness, she would expire on
the spot.

His mouth didn’t leave hers. Over and
over he filled her, the tightness built and before Elle knew what
was happening she splintered, crying out against his lips. Clay
groaned, thrust two more times and collapsed on the bed beside

What had just happened? This was so
much better than before and it was a shame it may never happen
again. How could she go on with the rest of her life not
experiencing moments like this ever again?

Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked
them away. She would not let him see her cry. He already carried
too much guilt and she wouldn’t let him carry this. Especially
since she was the one who had insisted they make love.

His arms snaked around her middle and
he drew her close before placing a kiss on her naked shoulder.
“This was not supposed to happen.”

I wanted it to. Are you
angry?” What if he hated her, or lost all respect for her. Before
she hadn’t cared, but she did now. She loved him and couldn’t bear
the thought of him not caring for her any longer.

Clay chuckled. “Far from angry. Very
far from it.”

Relief swept through her. Maybe she
could be his mistress. Would it be so bad? Then they could share
moments like this until they both tired.

No, she dismissed the idea from her
mind. She didn’t want payment to be with him. This wasn’t a
business transaction. But, would he be open to the idea of having
her as a lover?

She bit her lip and pondered the idea.
He may reject it out of hand given what he had said earlier, but if
he desired her as much as she did him, then why shouldn’t they be
together? Now, to determine how she could keep him here, or at
least close to her home.

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 01 - A Misguided Lord
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