Tender Savage (Siren Publishing Allure) (14 page)

Read Tender Savage (Siren Publishing Allure) Online

Authors: Rosemary J. Anderson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Tender Savage (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Slowly lowering herself to the ground beside the man, she smiled beguilingly and, pointing to her chest, said her name. After repeating it, he gave his as Manual and, without any preliminaries, placed a dirty hand on her naked thigh.

Eleanor lent further against Manual, put her hand on his shoulder, and, glancing across to Abraham, blew gently into the man’s ear.

Manual needed no further encouragement, and before she had time to do more than place a restraining hand on his chest, his mouth was on hers and his tongue was stuck down her throat. Gagging, she suffered his bad breath, rotting teeth, and invading tongue with a modicum of dignity, before pushing him urgently away. Looking into his disgruntled face, she laughingly fanned herself. One thing she didn’t want to do was make him angry. She’d only started this just to make Abraham jealous, but it wasn’t turning out the way she expected. She had wanted Abraham to jump up snatch her from Manual’s arms and declare that she was his and his alone, but that wasn’t happening.

Abraham looked on with interest, wondering how far Eleanor would go before she cried for help. He knew her game, knew she wanted him to act the possessive male and save her from a fate worse than death, but he was beginning to get fed up with her antics, and what she was doing now was just playing with fire. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to get badly burned.

Chapter Eighteen


Eleanor was beginning to get worried. Why wasn’t Abraham stepping in? He couldn’t really believe she wanted to have sex with this man, could he? He was, well, he was just vile, and the thought of him inside her made her squirm in disgust. Manual grabbed a breast and began roughly squeezing it. Suffering in silence, she chanced a glance at Abraham, but he was looking into the fire, completely unconcerned with what was happening with her.

Ready to end the silly game she had begun, Eleanor shoved at Manual’s chest, but he was too quick for her, and one minute she was sitting beside him, the next she was sprawled on the ground and his weight was on top of her, pressing her to the ground. Her legs splayed, he was wriggling his way between them. Choking back a sob, she began fighting in earnest.

Then the next moment she was free, and Abraham was standing like an avenging angel above her and Manual was scuttling off into the undergrowth.

Reaching down a hand, Abraham waited until she placed a small trembling hand in his, and then he hauled her to her feet.

“Are you out of your tiny little
!” he asked angrily. “Do you know what you were asking for, playing such stupid games? Men like Manual, men from this tribe, don’t indulge in sophisticated games. If a woman shows she’s willing, then they don’t ask questions. They just take what’s on offer.
Is that what you wanted
He shook her slightly. “
Answer me, dammit

Lips trembling and tears shimmering in her eyes, Eleanor wrung her hands.

“I–I.” She swallowed. “I didn’t think. I just wanted to…”

She broke off and looked at him appealingly.

“What? You wanted what?” he demanded. “Get yourself raped!”

“No, no, never that! I, err, I just wanted to show you, that’s all. I never thought it would go that far, I thought you might, you might have ...” She began to sob, her shoulders hunching in misery.

Abraham looked at her down bent head and vulnerable neck.

Taking her in his arms, he held her until the sobs grew less and she quietened against him.

“Yes, I know what you thought, but I furnished you with a bit of common sense. However, it appears I was wrong to let you lose on your own. Come on. Let’s get some rest. We’ll be out of here in the morning, and then we’ve only another day’s walk and we’ll be at the pickup point.”

Eleanor looked back at the fire, her eyes appearing enormous and bruised in her pale, tear-stained face. “But what about—what about Manual?”

A grin slashed across Abraham’s face. “Don’t you worry about Manual. I’ve claimed you as mine, so he won’t bother you again. He’s considered quite a catch among the single women here, so he’ll be snuggled up against another girl by now—one who’s not quite so unwilling.”

Entering the hut she was first taken to, Abraham lit the torch and looked around.

“You should be safe here. There’s nothing to cause you any harm.”

He turned to go, but Eleanor stopped him by placing a hand on his arm.

“But where will you be?”

“Not far. I’ll just be by the fire.”

“No! No please, please stay.”

Abraham looked thoughtfully at her. She looked exhausted, her face pale in the harsh light from the torch. He cupped her cheek, and she rubbed her face against his hand, her eyes looking imploringly at him.

“I’ll not be far, Eleanor. You will be perfectly safe, I promise you.”

“Please, Abraham, please stay. I’m—well, I’m frightened. Please stay!”

Drawing a deep breath, Abraham, knowing when he was beaten, nodded.

“Very well. I’ll stay, but…”

He held a hand up when she was about to interrupt. “But we just sleep, Eleanor. That’s all, okay?”

Eleanor nodded, breathing a sigh of relief.


* * * *


It was dark when Eleanor awoke. She sat up. Her arm was asleep from where she’d been lying on it, and she moved it gingerly, wincing at the pins and needles that stabbed at her flesh. She looked across at Abraham, who was lying on his back a short distance away. His chest was softly rising and falling with his breathing, and he was asleep. Reassured, she lay back down, wondering what the time was. Turning on her side, she determinedly closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep, but she was wide awake, and sleep became elusive.

Tossing and turning, she tried counting sheep and then tried thinking of all the things she would buy when she got back to civilization. She would need a new wardrobe, for one thing. She thought of the clothes she’d ruined during her hike through the jungle. She tried imagining the delicious meals she would eat and even tried imaging how much chocolate ice cream she could put away in one sitting. But it was no use. She just couldn’t get back to sleep. Feeling suddenly cold, she pulled the one cover she had up and over her shoulders. Her hip hurt where it touched the hard ground, and her head ached. She shivered again. The rain was teeming down outside. She could hear the patter of water as it hit the hard earth, and she could hear the drops as they dripped incessantly from the roof and from the trees. If only she could get warm!

Making a decision, Eleanor scuttled over to Abraham where he lay asleep and snuggled up beside him. She threw her blanket over both of them, and wrapping her arm around his waist, she curved into his body.

Abraham awoke to her wriggling. He drew her closer and kissed the top of her head before mumbling, “Sleep now, Eleanor.”

Closing her eyes, Eleanor, reassured, drifted into a light doze, only to wake again a few hours later. It was still dark, but light was beginning to creep into the hut.

“Quit your wriggling, princess.” Abraham growled softly.

“Sorry,” Eleanor breathed, glad he had woken. She felt safer with him awake and alert.

Settling back down to sleep, Abraham’s eyes opened as he felt a small, soft hand creep between the buttons of his shirt.

“Eleanor, if you continue to do that, you
what will happen.”

“Yes,” she breathed seductively. “I want you, Abraham, and I know you want me.” Her hand found its way to his hardening cock.

“But I thought you were angry with me, Eleanor.”

“Mmm, yes, but don’t you know Abraham—makeup sex is the best kind.”

Rolling on top of Eleanor, Abraham inserted a leg between her naked thighs.

“If we do this, Eleanor, then there must be no recriminations in the morning. You fully understand that nothing can come of this, do you understand?”

“Yes,” she breathed again, widening her thighs in invitation. “But,” she said stopping him momentarily. “Abraham, you’re not married are you? I mean, I wouldn’t like to think we were cheating on someone.”

Abraham stared deep into her eyes.

“It’s a little late to be asking that, don’t you think. But no, I’m not married, Eleanor. Never have been and never will be.” He caught hold of her chin and drew her attention fully to him. “You do realise, Eleanor, this is just sex, no more, no less.”

“Yes! Now kiss me,” Eleanor cried.

“Say it, Eleanor.”

Eleanor suppressed a small smile, using his words against him, and looked ingenuously into his eyes. “It’s just sex, Abraham,” she parroted. “Just sex!”

Enfolding her into an embrace, Abraham kissed her, his mobile mouth tasting and sipping from her lips, his arms a harbour of warmth and safety.

Eleanor’s arms wrapped around his back, her nails skimming the surface of Abraham’s skin, seeking out each taut muscle, feeling the tensile strength and power of her Alpha male.

Lifting his hips in one mighty thrust, Abraham entered her. Eleanor gasped as she felt his cock push its way into her pussy. Feeling him stretching her to accommodate his length, she lifted her hips to aid his penetration. He felt so good. He filled her like nothing she had imagined could do. Her internal muscles tightened around his thick shaft, and her legs entwined around his hips. Each forceful thrust of his hips pushed his cock deeper into her, the head brushing her G-spot, causing friction that was hard to ignore.

Abraham groaned as he felt her slick wetness tightening around his cock. She was all woman, eager to please and happy to experiment. Pulling out, he helped her to her knees, and kneeling behind her, he pushed a finger into her pussy. Her juices spilled out onto his hand, the smell of her essence almost making him lose control. One hand on the bottom of her spine, he braced himself and thrust four of his fingers deeper into her pussy. Eleanor cried out, urging him to do it faster. Flicking her clitoris with his thumb, he shoved his fingers in more firmly, working hard to bring her to climax.

Eleanor, feeling like she was not in possession of her own body, bucked and jerked under his ministrations. Opening her legs wider, she pleaded with him to screw her and screw her now. Then it happened, the first fizzing of electricity, the bubbling of blood, and the exploding lights behind her eyelids, and, squealing in ecstasy, she came, instantly, fast, and furiously.

Giving her no time to relax, Abraham’s cock took the place of his fingers, and, grunting, he plunged into her pussy as powerfully as he could, each thrust of his hips jerking her body and jiggling her breasts. Finding her G-spot, Abraham rammed home, his rough hands biting into her hips. He held her steady as he bombarded her G-spot with his cock. A guttural cry from him, a tiny mewing from her, and they came together, Abraham’s hot seed spilling deep into Eleanor’s body.

Chapter Nineteen


It was daylight when Eleanor next awoke. She gingerly sat up. Every bone in her body ached. Abraham was nowhere to be seen, but she could hear the bustling of people going about their tasks. Getting stiffly to her feet and feeling like she’d been pulled through a hedge backward, she finger-combed her hair as best she could, wishing she could give it a good shampooing. She would give anything to sink into a hot tub of steaming, sweet-smelling water, scrub her body and hair clean, and thoroughly brush her teeth before sitting down to a fantastic breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee. Her mouth watered at the thought. However, she would have to be content with a lick and a promise in not-so-clean water and, if she was exceedingly lucky, some trail mix, but as to that she would need to find Abraham. Today they were leaving the clearing and hopefully the rain forest, so she needed to locate her clothes. It was all very well prancing about the village naked except for a few beads, but wading through the jungle and through all the awful creatures that scuttled about there, she would need the protection of something a little more substantial. Needing the loo and a wash, she looked about for the toilet. Not finding one, she realised a little late that the Indians probably went in the jungle. But water! There must be water around somewhere. She began systematically searching each of the pots that were strewn around the floor. About to look in a big pot, she jumped back in surprise, giving a cry of fright. It wasn’t a pot, but the biggest snake she had ever seen. Scuttling backward a few steps, her eyes glued to the reptile, she then stood frozen in terror, her eyes mesmerised at the sight of the snake uncoiling itself and slithering toward her. As it continued to slither nearer, she shook herself from her inertia and started screaming earsplitting cries that rocked the hut.

Eleanor, startled, started screaming even harder as Abraham exploded into the tent, his hand on his knife ready for whatever had frightened her. But she stopped yelling as quickly as she had started when he began laughing. Eleanor couldn’t believe it. A giant man-eating snake was heading toward her and he was laughing—

Launching herself at him, Eleanor began hitting him, her tightly clenched fists landing willy-nilly about his person.

“Whoa!” Catching hold of her wrists, Abraham shook her slightly, obviously in an attempt to stem the flow of hysterical words that were spilling from her lips.

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