Tension : A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Tension : A Bad Boy Mafia Romance
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Chapter 11



“I’m not in love.” She whispers to herself, her cheeks flushing a light pink as she tries to rationalize her thoughts from the past few days.


  She always figured her first time would be rough and awkward and a whole hell of a lot more painful.


  Olivia leans against the counter, smiling off in the distance to herself as she remembers back to the way his warm breath tickled her…


  She spins around to face the counter, shaking her head out of its daze as she begins to put the boxes of various teas she ordered into a black metal rack she got for the counter.


  Her heart pounds in her chest as she listens to the kitchen door slowly swing open, noticing Vince walk through the doorway out of the corner of her eye.


  Olivia smiles to herself, pretending to ignore him as the butterflies in her belly flutter as she hears him walk up to her and feels him wrap his arms around her waist.


  She listens to him sigh as he buries his nose in her hair.


“I hate that kind of tea.” He says, breaking the tension, his voice low and gruff. “Tastes like sticks.”


“You’re not the only one here, so I couldn’t care less.” She whispers back to him playfully. “What kind of tea would you rather I get?”


“Apple. Peach. Raspberry.” He lists.


“Oh, yeah?” She says, spinning around in his arms to face him before running her fingers over his silk tie. “I kind of feel like fruit teas are cheating.”


“Cheating how?” He says, chuckling as he leans into her face to press his lips against her cheek.


“It’s just boiled fruit broth at that point.” She whispers.


“Well, get some.” He says, kissing her neck.


“Anything else I can do for you?” She asks, closing her eyes as she feels her body heat up. “Do you actually need anything or are you just here to complain to me about tea?”


“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do need something from you…” He starts, his already low voice getting lower.


“And what can I do for you, Mr. Condello?” She asks, brushing her fingers under his stiff collar.


“Suck my cock.” He says, his voice tickling her as he whispers into her ear. “Get on your knees right here and suck it.”


  Olivia flushes her heart beating in her ears as she unbuckles his belt, pulling it open before her shaking fingers nervously fumble with the button.


  She sinks to her knees as she slowly pulls down his zipper before hooking her fingers into the waist of his pants and pulling the front door, letting his semi stiff cock bounce free.


  She smiles nervously, licking her lips as she leans into him before slowly and gently swirling the tip of her tongue against the tip of his meat.


  She gasps nervously as she hears the kitchen door swing open, making him stuff himself back into his pants quickly before spinning back around.


“Mr. Condello…” She hears as Lisa, his stocky secretary speaks before clearing her throat. “I uh…There’s someone here for you… He’s not in the books but he says you’re expecting him. A Mr. Joe Tabone. He says he’s from Tabone Reality. I don’t know, I can tell him to take a hike if you want…”


“Hm.” He chuckles, waving his finger back and forth by his chest. “Let him back, I think I know who this fool is.”


“Alright. I’ll send him to your office.” Lisa says, stepping out the door. “Sorry to interrupt… whatever it was you were doing.”


  Olivia gets up from her knees, her legs shaking from embarrassment as she walks back over to the counter.


“Getting caught is half the fun, don’t you think?” He asks, walking towards her and rubbing his palm against the top of her arm.


  She squints her eyes angrily at him, huffing through her nose before letting out a small giggle as her lips curl up into a soft smile to compliment her flushed cheeks.


“No!” She says, shaking her head.


  She watches as Mr. Condello backs up away from her, making his way towards the kitchen door. He gives her a small wave before turning around to walk away.


  Olivia sighs quietly as she watches his strong glutes pull on the fabric of his dress pants before the swinging kitchen door pulls her out of her stupor.


  She leans against the counter, before grabbing another box of tea to place on the rack.


“I would have totally sucked his cock…” She whispers to herself. “And swallowed all his cum, too.”


  Olivia bends over to put the extra tea into the drawer under the counter, shivering as she still feels the ghost of his warms hands all over her.


“Maybe I am falling in love…” She says, quietly to herself, the butterflies in her belly somersaulting.

Chapter 12



“Shoot.” Olivia says to herself as she accidentally overfills the small watering can.


  She gently tips it, letting the overflow spill into the sink. She grunts as she lifts it out of the sink, the weight of it pulling her arms down as she walks over to the kitchen door.


  Olivia turns around, pushing the door open with her butt, sighing in annoyance as she notices the trail of dripping water she’s leaving behind on the tile.


“Fuck that.” She says to herself. “I’m not cleaning that up.”


  She struggles down the hallway, her wet blouse sticking to her belly as she walks into the office’s front room.


“The plants are fake, sweetheart!” She hears Lisa call to her as she walks past the reception desk.


“Are you serious?” Olivia asks, setting the heavy watering can down on the floor in front of her.


“No, I’m just kidding.” She says, laughing to herself as she turns her attention back towards her computer screen.


“Oh, okay…” Olivia says, laughing back nervously as she bends back down to pick the watering can back up.


“But…” She hears Lisa call to her. “I know what you’re being paid for. You don’t have to water the plants. Let him hire someone else to water the plants.”


  Olivia blushes as she nods her head up and down.


“I don’t mind.” She says, quickly. “Gotta do something…”


  She walks over to the row of ferns in front of the tall windows, pinching the leaves just to be sure, before listing the nozzle of the can into the pot and tilting it to wet their dirt.


  She pulls it away to do the same to the next, biting her tongue in frustration as she splashes her shoes.


“Well, maybe I don’t want to fucking water anymore…” She whispers to herself as she finishes the row, the heavy weight leaving the watering can a little with each pour.


  Olivia perks up, listening as she hears an all the all too familiar chuckle of Vincent’s voice. She glances out of the corner of her eye as she watches him walk a fat man in a grey suit to the large glass door.


  “You just let me know what kind of deal we can work out. We’re looking so forward to working with you.” The jolly man says as Mr. Condello pushes open the door for him.


“Mhm. Alright.” He replies, giving the man a wave as he waddles into the parking lot.


  Mr. Condello turns around swiftly to walk back the way he came before noticing Olivia only a few feet from him. She busies herself, re-watering a fern as she feels him turn toward her.


  She turns to him, smiling softly as she watches him tense his jaw before he reaches out to her, gently grabbing her by the wrist, her body heating up once again as she hears his smoky, deep voice speak to her.


“Come with me.” He says, pulling on her as he begins to walk back down the hall.


“Yes, sir.” She whispers back to him as she quickly places the watering can beside the pot, sliding it back with her foot as she follows him.


  They walk quietly down the hall, the clicking sound of her heals the only pitch in the area as they make their way to the frosted glass door that leads to Vincent Condello’s office.


  He twists the door knob, pushing the door open before walking into his office. Olivia follows him, quietly closing the door behind her as she watches him walk over to his window and push it open.


  She walks towards the comfortable chair, sitting across from him and folding her hands over her lap as she watches him reach into a desk drawer and pull out a soft pack of cigarettes.


  He lights the smoke, taking a long, deep drag as he shakes out his match, making his way back towards the window to blow the smoke out of it.


“What a big fat fuck, right?” He says, chuckling to himself. “Greedy shit.”


  She stifles a giggle by biting her bottom lip as she watches Mr. Condello take another drag of his smoke before snuffing it out on his window sill.


  He walks back over to his desk, sighing out deeply as he lets himself fall into his chair before resting his hands against the back of his head and closing his eyes.


“Is he an investor?” Olivia asks meekly as she watches him sit up in his chair and leave over the desk towards her.


“Huh? Oh, yeah…” He says, squinting as she shakes his head. “I guess you could say that.”


  He looks over his desk, furrowing his brows as he scratches his fingertips over his stubble.


“Oh, by the way.” He starts, perking his shoulders up as he remembers, turning his gaze towards her and softening his eyes. “I need you to come to a dinner party with me tonight.”


“I’d love to!” She says, the invitation taking her by surprise before she clears her throat, not wanting to seem too eager. “…For overtime of course.”


“Overtime?!” He says, leaning back in his chair and kicking his feet up onto the desk. “The way I see it, you still owe me for what was going to happen in the kitchen earlier.”


  She blushes as he smirks at her his eyes focusing on her like a hawk.


“I’ll pick you up at seven.” He says. “And be ready. I don’t like waiting.”

Chapter 13



Olivia lazily walks around her room as she pushes the posts of her shining studs through her ears. It’s been so long since she’s had a reason to wear them she was afraid the holes had grown over.


  She sighs, walking toward her vanity before sitting in the little metal framed chair in front of her mirror.


  She shakes her fingers through her curls, scrunching her nose as she tosses her head before finally deciding to wear her locks up.


  Olivia grabs a large pin off her table as she gathers her hair with one hand before twisting it up and pinning it into place. She slides a few more pins into her curls to hold them in place before gently pulling a few blonde strands out of the hold to frame her face.


  She dabs a vanilla scented perfume against the inside of her wrists before rubbing them together.


  Olivia gets up from her chair, standing tall to smooth out her tight, red little number as she walks over to her full length mirror. She turns around, twisting her waist to look herself over as she bites her bottom lip, unsure if she likes what she sees.


“I really hope no one can tell this was a dress meant for a Christmas party I decided against going to.” She says, fixing the thin straps before pushing up her boobs. “I don’t know anything about who’s going to be there, but I feel like they’re going to be able to tell...”


  She sighs out in frustration as she notices her pantie line peeking through the tight fabric. Olivia walks over to her bed, slowly pushing down her panties as she goes before sitting down on her mattress and sliding them down her thighs before tossing them over to the other side of the room.


“Not like I’ll be needing them anyway…” She whispers to herself, a hot, aching tingle beginning to grow in her belly.


  She moans, letting herself fall onto her back before closing her eyes.


  Olivia always thought losing her virginity would stop all the aching desires, or at least cool them down a bit. Instead they’ve become ten times more intense than she ever thought possible. The thought of Mr. Condello’s hot lips on her skin and his thickness stretching her soaking flower consumed her every thought…


  She sits up, trying to push the erotic thoughts from her mind as she waves her hands over her face, trying to cool the blush from her cheeks.


“It’s not a date, it’s my job.” She whispers to herself, standing up from her bed and walking back over to her closet to pull out a pair of black, matte heels. “Lower your expectations, Olivia…”


  She slips her feet into them as she hears her doorbell ring.


“That’s him!” She says, her heart fluttering as she hurries out of her room, closing her bedroom door behind her, before bouncing down the stairs.


“I’m coming!” She says as she runs over to her front door pulling it open to reveal Mr. Vincent Condello in a dark suit and tie with his hair brushed back, highlighting the prominence of his chiselled jaw.


“You’re ready?” He asks, his eyes trailing up and down her tight, figure hugging dress, making the fire in her belly return.


“Am I ever.”

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