Tentyrian Legacy (48 page)

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Authors: Elise Walters

Tags: #tentyrian legacy, #paranormal romance, #tentyrian, #paranormal, #vampire, #romance, #elise walters, #vampire series

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There is a pit of worry in my stomach as I
direct the taxi driver to 840 Twelfth Avenue. The zodiac necklace
is nestled safely under my dress. I still can’t believe that with
its help I was able to shift across continents and oceans. I wonder
if the necklace itself has magical properties or if it only served
as an instrument to channel my power?

I concentrate on my game plan and avoid
thinking, or rather fantasizing, about how delicious the cab
driver’s blood would taste. He isn’t particularly clean or
attractive. But the sound of his pulse, in such close proximity, is
making my mouth water. I am disgusted at my reaction and instead I
remind myself of what’s at stake. The reminder serves to dampen the
fire in my throat temporarily. I tip the cabbie $20 extra in an
attempt to assuage my guilt.

Stepping onto the sidewalk, I feel exposed in
the too-bright sun. I should have thought to bring a disguise. But
the reality is, if the Dark Coven is as powerful as I suspect it
is, a disguise is going to do very little. Number 840 is a tall
brick building, with remnants of vintage advertising for auto parts
painted on its side.

I carefully do a lap around it, scoping the
surrounding area while trying to look natural and human. If that’s
even possible. It looks like an abandoned warehouse, with no
indication that anyone is inside. Panes of glass are missing in
several places, and in many instances thin pieces of plywood board
up the empty windows. There are no cars parked nearby, and there
certainly are no passersby, except for me. It doesn’t feel like I’m
in New York City anymore. It’s more like I’m at a stretch of
defunct warehouses in Detroit.

My heart is beating furiously. This is it.
Carefully smoothing the tendrils of hair that have escaped my hair
tie, I give a knock on the metal front door edged in rivulets, the
numbers “840” weathered and rusty. There is no answer. I try again
and impatiently wait as the minutes tick by. I glance to my left
and my right. There is no one. Finally, I decide to push on the
handle, and to my surprise, the door opens slowly. I step

The air is cool and the room is dark. It
smells like mold and filth. Moving out of the summer light, my eyes
take a moment to adjust. But with my night vision, I can soon
easily see the details of the room. Graffiti is everywhere. The
concrete floor is littered with garbage, likely left over from
vagrants looking for shelter. Rusted auto equipment is piled in a
corner of the vast room, and the mold smell is coming from a
stagnant puddle of water taking up another corner. But this place
is otherwise empty. Did they give up and think I wouldn’t come?

“Hello?” I call out. My voice bounces off the
walls eerily, and it sounds like I’m inside a tin can. I walk
forward, the clicks of my heels reverberating throughout the room.
The hairs on my neck prickle. I feel a cool breeze behind me. As I
turn to address it, there is a sharp jab in my left arm. I whirl
behind me to see the man in the picture Ryan showed me. Not
Stavros, but Calix. And he is holding an empty syringe.

“We were wondering when you were going to
show up. Bravo, Ms. Parker.” His voice is filled with mocking and

“What did you just inject in me?” I demand,

“A special serum that will prevent you from
shifting. You arrived in a cab, so I can’t be sure you have the
ability yet. But better to be safe than sorry.”

“Shifting? What are you talking about?” I rub
my arm in the painful spot where the needle jabbed. I turn my
facial expression into one of utter confusion and panic. The panic
isn’t difficult to fake, as it is very much real. “I have no idea
who you are or why you have my friends, but I took your threat
seriously. I came alone,” I say desperately.

“Interesting, she feigns no knowledge . . .”
he says aloud to himself placidly.

“Are they alive? Laura and Raad?” I ask.
“You’ll have to see for yourself.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you explain why
you have kidnapped my friends.”

“Right, like you have no idea.”

“Listen, asshole, I don’t!” I scream at him.
“I came back from a jog to find my friend gone and his house
ransacked. I immediately went to the police, and they have been
actively investigating his disappearance. Now, as I just get back
from a business trip, I learn that Laura has been taken too.”

“There is no need to use derogatory language.
My name is Calix, as I suspect you already know. And you say you
have been on a business trip?” he asks condescendingly.

“Yes,” I say defensively.

“I’m surprised the police let you travel and
that you yourself aren’t a suspect.”

“I’m not a suspect! And the police know how
to reach me. Just ask Officer Lefkowitz of the New Canaan Police
Department. Phone number 203-922-4689. Please, do us the favor of
contacting him,” I taunt him.

“Excellent memory by the way. Photographic?
Funny, no one in your office knows where you have been. They
certainly weren’t aware of any business trip. And no one in your
apartment building has seen you in days. Seems like you just
disappeared, Ms. Parker . . .”

“I disappeared for good reason. I’ve been
interviewing at competitors on the West Coast. I’ve been using my
sick days.”

“Would one of those competitors be Leo

“It was one I was considering. However, the
interview process didn’t work out. They told me I wasn’t what they
were looking for.” Calix looks at my skeptically.

“Say what you want. I only said I’d deliver
you to Stavros. You can tell him all about it . . .”

Calix then grabs my hand and clutches me to
him in what I suspect is a vain attempt at a tease. I could have
easily pulled out of his reach, but to do so would reveal my equal
speed and strength. And right now, I’m playing at being human.

The next thing I know, I’m surrounded by the
cool wind of his energy. Within seconds, we’re standing in a
library. It’s the same one from my dream, with the blood-red
carpet. I must have Hathor’s gift . . . Fortunately, the carpet
appears dry.

Once the dizziness in my head recedes, I
remember the cards I need to play. I only hope my mediocre acting
is somewhat believable.

“How did you just do that?” I exclaim, feebly
pushing myself away from Calix to hide my strength. I appear
distraught. And I am, because I have no idea what my next move

“Alright, princess, stay here,” he says. He
leaves and slams the door behind him. The sound of a click follows,
indicating the heavy wooden door is locked. I run over to the desk
and open all the drawers, looking for any valuable information.
They are empty. In fact, there isn’t a piece of paper or a pen in
sight. I pick up the phone on the desk—no dial tone. Perfect. There
is nothing for me to do but stress and wait.

I seat myself in one of the plush,
forest-green visitor chairs overlooking Central Park and try not to
hyperventilate. I attempt to shift myself across the room with no
luck. Whether it’s the serum or my own lack of ability preventing
me from shifting, I don’t know. But I do know that the power I was
relying on, to protect myself and get Laura and Raad out of here,
is gone. All I have left is my Swiss Army knife tucked into my bra.
I refrain from taking it out; I’m not completely desperate . . .

I strain my ears to listen to any sound or
conversation happening beyond the office. There is nothing but
silence. I begin to nibble on my fingernails, a habit I haven’t
indulged in since childhood. Mother dearest forbade it. My cuticles
are certainly in shabby condition and they are now raw and
bleeding. Which reminds me, I’m incredibly thirsty . . . Trying to
distract myself, I think of the last time I got a manicure with
Laura. It was over a week ago. Poor Laura, she must be so confused
. . . Staring blankly ahead, contemplating my inevitable failure
and how I’ll never see Maximos again, I notice the air in front of
me wavering ever so slightly like the air above a hot road or
sidewalk. The next thing I know, Stavros and Laura are standing in
front of me hand in hand.

“Laur! Thank God you are all right!” I
impulsively stand up to embrace her. Her free hand loosely hugs me
in somewhat of an awkward gesture. Not what I expected. Has Stavros
done something to her? I step back and pull her toward me, breaking
the connection between their two clasped hands. Her face looks
serious but not upset. Stavros merely looks amused. “Who are you
and why have you taken my friend?” I snap, trying to keep my voice

“Calix said you were claiming you have no
idea why you are here. Amusing,” he says. If snakes could smile,
they’d look like Stavros.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. If
you want money, I have lots of it. I’ll give you what you want as
long as you let me and my friend go unharmed. Laur, are you hurt?”
I survey her up and down critically, looking for bruises or bite
marks. She appears fine, almost expressionless. Something is
definitely going on with her. She is also wearing a prim dress she
would never be caught dead in . . .

“Laura is quite alright, as you can see. But
let’s cut to the chase. You are a Luminary.” He steps closer to me,
and I step back.

“You are insane. I don’t know what you are
talking about,” I counter.

“You think so?” he challenges me. Stavros
then lunges for Laura, pulling her back to him like a rag doll. His
fangs are now poised over her neck. He is within seconds of killing
her, just like in my dream. I react instinctually, and my own fangs
come out. The next thing I know, I’m trying to snatch Laura from
his arms. But Stavros is too quick, and he shifts out of reach, all
the while laughing.

“Excellent. Now we can all be honest,” he
says, quieting his chuckle. Foolishly, I’ve betrayed myself with my
own power. My card has been trumped. Why didn’t I tell Ryan where I
was going or at least leave a note? Laura is now by Stavros’ side
again, looking shaken but surprisingly amenable to her position.
Could she have been turned into a Subordinate? Stavros and I keep
our fangs out, our bodies both ready to pounce. “Arianna, I know
what you are, and I want us to work together—not against each
other. We can do great things . . .” he coos in his suave

My pride gets the better of me, and I taunt
him. “Save your breath. I will never join you. You murdered your
own people and you intend to eliminate humanity. Thanks but no

“Do you really think you are in a position to
refuse me?” he challenges.

“Yes. The Brotherhood is on to you. In fact,
they will be here in a matter of minutes.”

“You are a terrible liar. I can hear your
erratic pulse. And no they won’t. First of all, the Brothers would
never have let you come here alone. Your very presence indicates
they have no clue where you are. And second of all, my plan is so
beyond their knowledge base, it’s impossible to stop.”

He’s called my bluff. All I have left is to
bargain for Laura and Raad’s lives.

“If I join you, would you let Laura and Raad

“Well I hate to tell you . . . actually no,
on second thought, I don’t mind telling you at all. Raad didn’t
make it.”

“You killed him?” I ask incredulously. He
can’t be dead.

Stavros’ response is to simply raise his
eyebrows at me as if to articulate, “What do you think?” I see red.
Without hesitation, I go after Stavros. But he places himself out
of reach once again. Laura steps aside, closer to the windows, to
avoid the battle. However, there is not much of a battle, because
Stavros is untouchable. I need to escape with Laura. Now. I grab
her and make a move for the door but it’s no use— Stavros blocks
our exit.

“I can see you need some time, Arianna, to
calm yourself and think about the options available to you. I’ll
have Calix take you to the room we have prepared for you.” I can
only imagine what type of “room” they have prepared. Stavros moves
to take out his phone when Laura places a hand on his arm.

“Stavros, can I speak to Arianna alone for a
moment?” she asks. Laura never calls me by full name. It sounds
strange hearing it from her mouth. “I think if Arianna understands
things from your perspective—and even mine—we could come to an
arrangement that benefits us all. She doesn’t know you like I do .
. .” Laura’s voice is pure sweetness, and I can see the adoration
already in Stavros’ eyes. Good God, she is good. But I know Laura,
and I’ve seen her play this game. She is never one to be heartless
or cruel, but she knows how to play a part when she wants. I’m
always telling her she should pursue a career in acting. Right now,
she deserves an Academy Award.

Stavros looks uncertain. “Haven’t I proven my
loyalty to you?” Laura asks searchingly. He looks at her
thoughtfully and, in a shocking gesture, kisses her forehead

“Fine. But there will be guards right outside
the door. I’ll give you fifteen minutes,” says Stavros. As soon as
he disappears in his shimmering energy, Laura runs into my

“Laur . . .” I begin to say, but she quickly
pulls away and puts her finger to her lips and points to the

“Arianna, I don’t know what the Brotherhood
has told you . . . or that man Maximos,” she says loudly, her eyes
darting from me to the door. “Stavros is not what they’ve described
to you. He is a visionary of something great, and the world he is
planning will be prosperous, simpler, and healthier. We can rule as
queens together . . .” As Laura is talking, she reaches under her
dress and pulls out a piece of paper that she unfolds quickly to
point to a series of addresses. “Stavros is very powerful, Arianna,
but he can also be very sweet . . .” Taking her cue, I continue the

“It sounds as if you like him,” I say,
keeping my voice defensive. “I do. I can’t quite explain it . . . I
might even love him.” Laura

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