
Read Territory Online

Authors: Susan Bliler

BOOK: Territory
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Susan Bliler

Copyright © 2011 by Susan Bliler










All rights reserved.

No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from Susan Bliler.

Thanks so much to Vincent Hie for the awesome cover art.

Check out his work at:


This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidences are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




For Cindy

My hero.

Chapter 1

Kya woke to find herself chained by the ankle to a towering tree in the middle of the forest. Pine needles crunched under her slight weight as she pulled at her ankle, frantically trying in vain to free herself. She shoved long wavy sheets of glossy brown hair from her flawless features as she glanced up at the sky with large brown eyes and saw the reddish hue indicating that the sun was setting.

Oh God no!
Kya quickly stripped her trapped foot of the canvas shoe and ankle sock she wore.

She tried again to free her leg, straining against the chains that held her captive. The fine hairs on the back of her neck rose as Kya suddenly realized she wasn’t alone.

She spun to find a large man stepping out from behind a tree. She only caught the briefest glimpse before she dropped her eyes. The man was much taller than she was and was broad in the chest. His short black hair and angular dark eyes were deep set in a handsome tan face.

“My name is Dell. Dell Blackbird. I am the Alpha in this territory.” His smooth voice was neither threatening nor welcoming.

“I-I apologize for being here. I was only passing through. If you release me now, I will be gone from your territory before sunset. I swear it.” Kya’s hands were clenched into tight fists at her side. She refused to meet his gaze as she stood with her whole body trembling.
Josephine! That deceitful bitch. If I survive this…

Dell stood motionless staring at Kya, “I doubt you’d be able to clear my territory by sunset. My domain covers the entire state of Montana and into Wyoming, the Dakotas, Washington, and Canada.”

Kya’s stomach dropped, “I-if you grant me pardon I will pass directly through. I will not stop.”

“We frequently have…
pass through our territory. It is of no consequence to me so long as their intentions are good. Nonetheless, it is nearly night and as you must know, it will be a full moon. I invite you to hunt with us as our guest.”

“Us?” Kya questioned breathlessly.

“Yes, my pack is quite large compared to most. Twenty-two of us in all.” Dell raised an arm and a second man stepped up to Dell’s side.

Kya kept her head down, but peeked up quickly, her eyes darting only to the second man’s broad chest then back down. He was much taller and had wider shoulders than Dell. The tight fitting black sweater he wore clung to his massive frame like a second skin. Kya could see the muscles of his chest, abdomen and thick arms outlined with perfect detail.

“This is my brother, Briggs.”

Kya fought to keep herself from visibly shaking, ignoring the introduction. “Thank you for your offer, but I do not wish to intrude. I’d prefer to leave your territory.” She inhaled a shaky breath.

“How old are you?”
“Where are you from?” Dell asked. “Which pack?”
Her head still down, Kya twitched nervously, “I…have no pack. I am a nomad.”
“Everyone has a pack!” Dell’s brother bit out angrily, stepping closer to Kya.
In her fear, Kya backed up and raised her hands in a gesture of self-defense, her eyes locking with the Beta’s.

It didn’t seem fair that a man should be that handsome. His aquiline nose sat over full lips as his square jaw clenched in impatience. Jet-black hair perfectly matched the fine brows that contorted in pain over his angry honey colored eyes. His deep bronze skin seemed even darker when Kya caught a glimpse of even white teeth as Briggs winced, sucking in a deep breath.

The moment their eyes met Kya felt instantly queasy, and Briggs fell to his knees. He moaned deep and hard as he clutched his stomach.

What the…
Kya looked from Briggs to Dell, shock etched in every line of her face. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but knew with all certainty that she was the cause.

To Kya’s astonishment, instead of dropping to his brother’s aid, Dell threw back his head and howled with laughter.
Briggs’ moan turned into a low deep growl as he rested on his hands and knees panting to catch his breath.
Kya backed as far from the brothers as the chain locked around her ankle allowed.
Dell smiled at her, “Delightful. You’re going to be more fun than I ever could have possibly hoped for.”

Terrified, Kya held up her hands, palms out, “I-I’m s-sorry. I don’t know what…” Kya retrieved a large branch from the forest floor, drawing the attention of both men to her. She crossed to stand halfway between herself and the brothers before placing the branch on the ground and retreating to the end of her chain. “Alpha, I don’t know what I’ve done.” Kya swallowed hard, “But I will accept the punishment, and then be gone.”

Kya jumped as Briggs loosed a feral growl, her knees nearly giving out.

Briggs was still trying to regain his composure as Dell looked down at the branch then back up at Kya, concern etching his face “What have they done to you?”

Kya didn’t respond as she stood with her head dropped and eyes down. Submissive.

“Chloe,” Briggs gritted out between clenched teeth, one hand still clutched his stomach while the other curled deeply into the earth, “Get Chloe.”

Kya’s belly dropped. She knew Briggs must be summoning his mate, and for all her years of torture and beatings, the one thing Kya refused to do was submit to another female.

Dell didn’t leave the clearing, but closed his eyes. Kya knew he was calling the female through the pack ties that allowed each pack to communicate with each other no matter where they were.

Kya had never truly been part of her former pack, so she’d never experienced the pack ties, but she knew they existed.

A few moments passed with Briggs panting on the ground before a woman stepped through the trees, joining the trio in the clearing. The woman was a petite beautiful native woman. Her satiny straight black hair hung to her waist. Her almond eyes held none of the hatred or contempt Kya had expected.

Without dropping her eyes from the woman’s, Kya offered, “I’m sorry to have…for whatever is happening to your mate. I don’t know what I did, but…”

The woman shook her head in disbelief as she turned to look up at Dell startled, “She doesn’t know?”

Dell placed his hand possessively on the woman’s shoulder, “This is Chloe, and she is

Kya dropped her eyes, “I’m sorry. I-I assumed I would be fighting his mate.” She inclined her head slightly in Brigg’s general direction.

Chloe stepped from under Dell’s hand and approached Kya.

Expecting a fight, Kya offset her feet, raised her head, and squared her shoulders, before she drew in a ragged breath and tensed.

Chloe shook her head approaching Kya. As she smiled warmly at the trembling woman, she extended her hand.
Behind Chloe, Briggs growled as he struggled to his feet.
Chloe stopped and dropped her hand peering over her shoulder at him, “I’m not going to hurt her you idiot!”
Kya glanced from Chloe to Briggs. He appeared to be restraining himself with barely checked rage.

With the dark burn of anger singeing his high cheekbone, he took one-step towards the women when Dell placed a restraining hand on his chest holding him in place.

Jesus, he’s going to kill me!

Chloe turned her eyes back to Kya and smiled at her again, “Men are so dumb.” Chloe held out her hand and brushed Kya’s cheek with the backs of her curled fingers as Kya tensed. “Did you feel anything when you looked at Briggs, before he fell to the ground?”

Kya looked over Chloe’s shoulder to Briggs, “S-something...sorta. I don’t know. No.”

“What did it feel like?” Chloe prompted.

Kya tore her eyes from Briggs to frown at Chloe, “I don’t know.” Kya half expected to be struck for her ignorance, but no blow came.

Chloe gently grabbed Kya by the shoulders and peered at her. The two women stood at about the same height. “Did it feel like an overwhelming sensation of safety, protection? Did it feel like you belong? Like being home?”

Kya licked her lips before swallowing, shaking her head, “I don’t…wh-what does that feel like?”

Briggs growled behind Chloe and Kya instinctively backed up a step. She wasn’t trying to be difficult; she just didn’t know what Chloe was trying to get at.

Chloe’s expression turned sad, “Which one? How does it feel to be safe or to feel like you belong?”

Kya’s eyes darted from side to side, as she fidgeted nervously, “Both.”

Chloe’s hand went to her mouth as she turned to stare at Dell, tears filling her eyes. At Chloe’s reaction, Kya pulled back from the woman, tripping as her shackled leg prevented her from going any further. She was falling backwards when she saw Brigg’s lunge towards her. Kya gasped and landed with a hard thud on the ground as Briggs was restrained by Dell and Chloe.

“Not now Briggs, it’s too soon.” Chloe shoved her brother-in-law motioning with her chin for him to reclaim his position next to Dell.

Kya’s heart thundered in her chest.
He can’t wait to tear me apart. Oh God!
Kya tilted her head up toward the sky. It was mere minutes from sunset and she had to get free before then.

“Please let me go,” she pleaded as she pulled at the chain. Briggs stood scowling down at her, while Chloe looked up to Dell and slowly shook her head.

“I’m afraid it is too late in the day for that,” Dell informed her smoothly. “The moon will rise soon and we’d like you to stay with us, at least for the night. I’d feel better keeping an eye on you rather than sending you off into unfamiliar territory on the night of a full moon.” Dell squeezed Chloe’s shoulder reassuringly.

Panic flooded Kya as she felt the sun bury itself on the horizon. “Oh please let me go! I-I’m sorry I ever entered your territory. I’m so sorry, if you’d just let me go. I’ll...”

Chloe stepped away from Dell and Briggs cutting Kya off as she knelt before her, “If it’s the change your worried about. I can guarantee you privacy.” Chloe looked back over her shoulder and Dell turned to leave, but Briggs remained frowning down at Kya.

They stared at each other intently for several moments, Kya’s belly dancing with that same strange sensation she felt when they had first locked eyes. She looked away first and peeked up to see Dell grab Briggs by the front of his shirt and pull him away.

Chloe smiled at Kya before she too turned to leave.

Kya followed to the end of her chain before she cautioned, “W-what are they going to do with me?”

“Nothing.” Chloe shook her head turning back to Kya. She crossed the small space between them and grabbed Kya’s hands reassuringly. “Kya, no one here is going to hurt you. I swear it.”

Unsure if Chloe could be trusted, Kya peered over Chloe’s shoulder in the direction Dell and Briggs had retreated. “What about the large one? Briggs? He seems really angry.”

A smile cracked Chloe’s soft features, “Oh I promise you he is angry, but not with you. As a matter of fact I’m betting that at this very second the only thing he’s angry with is his behavior.” Chloe leaned in and kissed Kya’s cheek gently before Kya pulled away uncomfortably. “I’d better go. The moon’s about to rise. Don’t worry. No one will come into the clearing until you’ve fully shifted. Tonight we’ll hunt together and tomorrow we’ll talk.” Without waiting for a response, Chloe turned and ran off through the trees.

Chapter 2

Alone in the forest, Kya tried again frantically for several moments to free her leg. If she shifted, the chains would slide off her foot, but there’d be no hope of escape with so many wolves nearby. Her only hope was going to be at a great cost to her.

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