Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle (88 page)

BOOK: Terry Spear’s Wolf Bundle
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Three wolves peered down the hill at her from the roadway. “I’m all right,” she hollered, feeling foolish to be talking to wolves, yet immensely relieved to see they were unharmed.

Two tore off down the incline toward Rourke’s truck that was even deeper in the ravine than she had envisioned. Trees blocked her view of the truck. The biggest wolf of the three, a beautiful gray, his face masked in white, made his way slipping and sliding to her. And she wanted so to give him a big hug and kiss.

He nuzzled her hand and then her face where she hadn’t been hurt. But she couldn’t get over the fact that this big furry beast was a god in the flesh when he wasn’t in his wolf suit.

“I’m…I’m all right. What about the others?” As if he could say anything more in response than woof. She sighed. Although she was damned glad he scared the men off, she was having a hard time believing Hunter and the wolf were one.

She tried to pull herself up, but as soon as she put weight on her right ankle, pain shot through it. She gritted her teeth and forced herself up. “Go. Help the others. I’ll
be fine.” As long as she hadn’t broken anything. But she wasn’t going to be a burden to them. Not when two of them were still unaccounted for, and she imagined they had been badly hurt.

Hunter watched her struggle as she grasped at tree branches, trying not to put any weight on her ankle. She could crawl up the hill if Hunter wasn’t observing her. He began to shapeshift, his gorgeous wolf form quickly shifting into the bronzed god she knew best. One minute, a feral wolf, and the next, a dangerously seductive semi-immortal.

“Jeez, Hunter, you’re going to get frostbite.”

Naked, he lifted her in his arms and hurried her up the hill to the SUV, his tight embrace heated, comforting, possessive, but still, she couldn’t combat being annoyed with herself for her helpless condition when the others desperately needed Hunter.

As soon as he set her on the car seat, he commanded, “Stay. And lock the doors.”

She didn’t want to delay him, especially while he was standing naked in the frigid weather, but she had to know. “What happened to the others?”

“Rourke’s unconscious. Cara’s hurt. We can’t get the doors unjammed. I’ll be back soon.” He kissed her forehead and locked the door, then shut it. Then he stretched, and began to shift, the transformation so fast, she couldn’t get over how he could be a human in one moment and a wolf in the next. The change was fluid in its sensual elegance, powerful, seductive, and for a moment, she wanted to know what it felt like—exchanging skin for fur, brace-straightened small human’s teeth for killer canines, having the speed and endurance and strength of a wolf instead of human frailties.

God, he was beautiful, no matter what form he took. Strong, gentle, protective.

A flash of a thought crossed her mind. What would
look like as a wolf if he changed her? Small, raggedy? Red?

Hunter loped off in his wolf coat and vanished down the hill.

Great. Just great.
Here the others needed her and she was totally useless. Worse.
A handicap.

She yanked down the visor to look in the mirror and see what a mess she really was. Cheek red and swollen. Matching knot on her forehead. Runny nose, red as Rudolph’s. But her ankle throbbed worst of all. Although a pounding headache and aching hip came in for second place.
Damn the stalker and his brother.

She peered out the window. How badly were Cara and Rourke hurt?

Headlights shone in the side mirror. She jerked her head around.

It couldn’t be.

The adrenaline in her system spiked again.

Had they been watching, waiting for Hunter and the others to leave her alone again? Or was it another truck that looked like the stalker’s, pale blue, darkly tinted windows, slowly making its approach like before.

Chapter 13

, T
forgot all her aches and pains. Her heart beat with renewed dread as she watched the truck’s progress. The driver paused again some distance from the SUV. It had to be them. She looked in the backseat for a weapon. Ashton’s rifle! Relief washed over her.

Her hands shaking, she grabbed the weapon and then unlocked the SUV’s passenger door. With the greatest care, she managed to climb out without putting any weight on her ankle and leaned against the SUV’s icy metal. Aiming the rifle at the pickup’s windshield, she hoped they would get the message and back off, turn around, and leave for good, no matter who they were without having to fire a shot. No way did she want Hunter and the others to come running to protect her when they needed to rescue Rourke and Cara.

The driver didn’t back off. In fact, the truck inched forward. She fired a warning round in between the driver and front seat passenger, blasting a hole in the glass, the gunfire reverberating in the woods. The rifle butt recoiled against her shoulder blade, bruising it, like the last time she’d shot at the stalker, only in wolf form that time. The truck spun around, slid, stopped, and retreated. She let out her breath, feeling she’d had a reprieve.

“What the hell’s going on?” Ashton hollered, carrying Cara across the road. Her head was bleeding, and she looked dazed, her eyes focusing on nothing.

“Oh, Cara.” Tessa nearly dropped the rifle when she got the door for Ashton and stepped with her full weight on her injured ankle. Pain shot all the way up through her thigh, and she gritted her teeth, stifling a pathetic whimper.

“I’ve got my hands full,” Ashton grouched. “I can’t be carrying both of you at the same time.”

“Oh, shut up, Ashton,” Cara mumbled. “Give the poor woman a break.”

Despite his scowl and the hint of sarcasm in his voice, he sounded upset to see Cara hurt. “You’re bleeding to death, and you think I’m not shook up about it?”

Cara cast him a sardonic smirk. “It’s one way to get rid of your mate in case you’re already dissatisfied.”

“You’ll live.” Ashton helped her into the SUV. “At least Hunter warned me you would.”

Cara puckered her lips and blew him a kiss. “Hmm, the honeymoon’s already over.”

But Tessa didn’t think so. Rather, the way he acted so tenderly toward her, despite his disdain, he seemed to suit Cara perfectly. A match made in werewolf heaven.

Tessa hurried to sit with Cara and slipped her hat over the head wound, wishing she had a scarf instead. She applied pressure and hoped Cara would be all right.

“Go help Hunter. Tessa’s taking good care of me,” Cara ordered Ashton.

He grunted, considered her for a moment longer and then checked to make sure the truck hadn’t returned. “Stay in the vehicle this time,” he said to Tessa, then
closed the door, and took off across the road, disappearing down the hill.

As if she planned on going anywhere now. “Are you really going to be all right?” As big a gash as Cara had, Tessa figured she might need a blood transfusion and stitches.

“Yes. Don’t look so worried. On second thought, continue to look worried. It’s nice having a friend who’s anxious over my welfare. It’s not really part of our lifestyle. We get hurt. We get better. Life goes on. Everyone knows that in a pack. No worry.”

“What about Rourke?”

“He’ll be fine.”

But the way Cara avoided looking at Tessa, she was pretty sure Cara didn’t know the truth.

“Did you kill any of them? The men in the truck?” Cara asked, her voice hopeful.

“I was afraid it wasn’t them. What if it was some other motorist with a pickup that looked like theirs?”

“It was them. The truck had the same engine rumble. Hunter couldn’t leave Rourke’s truck, as he was wedged in between the half-jammed door, trying to get it opened wide enough to get me out. Ashton was in the same predicament, and Hunter didn’t want Meara leaving, figuring you were safe inside the locked SUV. But when you fired the rifle, he swore you’d never mind him if you joined the pack. Meara said you nearly unmanned the one guy, and if she’d gotten a hold of him, she would have done the rest. You got her vote. Guess you’re an alpha after all.”

“Sure.” Like Tessa really believed that now, laid up with an injured ankle, unable to help anyone.

The sound of footfalls crunching on the frozen roadway caught their attention, and Tessa was relieved to see Hunter and the others, although seeing Rourke unconscious made her heart hitch.

“Here comes the rest of the crew. Help me into the very backseat, will you, Tessa? It’s going to get a little crowded.”

Tessa helped Cara into the backseat and was mad at herself for saying
when she pressed against her ankle. Cara and Rourke were the ones with the real injuries.

She smiled at Tessa. “Believe me, my head doesn’t hurt a bit. I know what it’s like to have torn ligaments or a broken ankle.
It hurts.
Nothing to be ashamed of. And if you hadn’t dove over the cliff, that maniac might have injured you a hell of a lot worse.”

Meara jerked the car door open, letting in a whirlwind of cold and snow. Hunter lay Rourke on the middle seat, his eyes shut, unresponsive.

Her heart hammering, Tessa leaned over the seat to touch Rourke’s forehead. “Is he going to be all right?” He had to be. Didn’t their kind have recuperative abilities? Yet, what if—

“He’s got a concussion. We’re returning to your place,” Hunter said, his voice dark and strained.

“I’ll sit with Rourke.” Meara climbed in and lifted Rourke’s head onto her lap.

Ashton got into the front seat with Hunter, then slammed the door shut.

“You didn’t happen to get a license plate number off that truck, did you, Tessa?” Hunter backed away from where Rourke’s vehicle had left the road and turned around.

“Before or after the one guy slugged me?” she asked. Hell, she was lucky to see that the truck was pale blue and had tinted windows in this snow. And now a bullet hole with a spider web of cracks trailing out from it in the center of the windshield. If they didn’t replace it, she would recognize it anywhere.

Hunter chuckled darkly. “Yes or no would have sufficed.”

“What are we going to do about them?”

“End their pathetic existence.”

Rourke moaned.

“Can you hear me, Rourke?” Meara asked.

Tessa leaned over the seat again to get a look at him, keeping her hand still planted on the hat over Cara’s wound to stem the bleeding. He focused his eyes on Meara and gave her a devilish smile.

Meara leaned away from him and folded her arms. “He’s going to live.”

Hunter looked in the rearview mirror and caught Tessa’s eye. He hadn’t thought Rourke would be all right. But now his shoulders relaxed, and he concentrated on the road again.

She took a deep breath of relief.

“Did you at least shoot one of them?” he asked.

“I shot the windshield. I wasn’t sure the truck was theirs.”

“It was them.”

Rourke said, “I…got…a…call…just…before—”

“Shh, let Ashton tell the story,” Meara said.

Ashton cleared his throat. “The Department of Transportation sent out the word that the coastal highway was closed because of downed electric lines, flooding, slides, and fallen trees and—”

Tessa looked up from pressing the cap on Cara’s forehead to see why Ashton had quit talking.

Hunter pulled to a stop in front of a Douglas fir blocking the road. “Unless anyone thought to bring along a chainsaw, looks like this is the end of the road.”

“How many miles left before we get to Tessa’s place?” Meara asked.

“Two.” Hunter shut off the engine. “Ashton and I can go back and grab your chainsaw, Tessa, and cut up the tree, then we’ll drive home.”

“No,” Tessa said. Everyone waited for her to speak further on the matter. She had expected Hunter would just ignore her response. She straightened her shoulders. “We can’t wait here like proverbial sitting ducks. Unless you think Cara and Rourke are too injured to move, and then we’ll have to take our chances.”

“Not me,” Cara said.

“I’ll be all right. Just someone help me up.” Rourke tried to sit up with Meara’s help.

“I’m thinking of you, Tessa,” Hunter said.

perfectly fine.”

“We’ll discuss this stubborn streak you have later. If everyone is agreeable, we’ll all walk back to Tessa’s place.”

Both Rourke and Cara looked paler than normal, but they put on stoic faces and began the trek home. Tessa had planned to somehow walk on her own, but Hunter lifted her in his arms.

“You can’t carry me all that way.”

Everyone chuckled.

“If I didn’t have a
lupus garou’
s strength, you’d probably be right.”

“I don’t think I’ve heard anyone question Hunter’s strength before and get off that easily,” Meara said, her voice amused. Rourke stumbled and she took hold of his arm and kept glancing at him as if to make sure he was okay.

Ashton had his arm around Cara’s waist, and she snuggled under his arm.

“About the driver of the truck, I couldn’t kill him. I was afraid he might not have been the same guy who was stalking me. And even if he was…” Tessa let her words trail off. She couldn’t have murdered him in cold blood. If he had tried to run her over with the truck again, she wouldn’t have hesitated then.

Hunter shook his head. “The bullets wouldn’t have killed him.”

“Unless they were silver?”

“So legend says. I don’t know of anyone who shot a
lupus garou
with silver bullets. But it could have happened. That’s often how legends get started.”

They all grew quiet. The snow fell around them, the wind still blowing hard, and they slipped as they walked on the icy road. After a mile, Rourke had slowed his pace even more, and he seemed to be leaning on Meara’s strength. Ashton finally lifted Cara and carried her. But before they reached the house, Tessa saw a black Hummer parked in the driveway. Her heart tripped.

“Leidolf,” Hunter said, his voice couched in annoyance.

“The red
lupus garou
is back for the redhead,” Meara said. “Don’t you think?”

“Back for me?” Not that there were any other redheads in their little party. “Red
lupus garou

“There are red and grays,” Meara explained.

“Better not be the reason why he’s returned,” Hunter responded.

Tessa didn’t see any sign of Leidolf in the Humvee, then observed him looking out the picture window.

“How’d he get in my house?” Her frigid skin turned icier.

Leidolf opened the front door and came outside. “Back door was unlocked. Road was blocked by downed wires the way I was headed. Looks like you ran into some trouble, too.”

Tessa felt sick to her stomach. At least she was pretty sure she had locked the back door. Unless someone had gone out that way and hadn’t relocked the door.

“Rockslide our way. Then on the return home, a tree had fallen across the road,” Hunter said.

Leidolf dropped his gaze to Tessa as if he had only now noticed her in Hunter’s arms. “Is she injured badly?”

“No, she is
injured badly.” Tessa frowned at him. He didn’t have to act like she was a child or didn’t exist.

He smiled and then looked at Hunter. “We need to talk about the woman.”

Woman, as in her? Hunter didn’t respond, just carried Tessa into the house and headed for her bedroom. The red
lupus garou
intolerably arrogant.

“I guess I’ll play nurse,” Meara said. “Not my favorite role, but I can muddle through.” She followed Hunter into the master bedroom.

“I’m fine, Meara. Go take care of Cara,” Tessa said.

“I’m sure Ashton will want to look after her,” Meara said.

Hunter lay Tessa on the bed, and then pulled off her gloves. “I need Ashton to play guard, and I’ll take
Leidolf with me to cut up that tree so we can return with the SUV.”

“What if they come after you?” Tessa asked, not liking this one bit.

“They won’t mess with two alpha
lupus garou
males, guaranteed.”

“Can you trust Ashton to stay put this time?” Meara asked.

“To protect his injured mate? I think so. Besides, I don’t trust Leidolf to stay here with Tessa.”

Meara laughed. “You know what, dear brother? I don’t either.” She headed down the hall and spoke in Michael’s bedroom. “Here, Ashton, let me take care of Cara. Can you talk with Rourke for a minute? Make sure he’s lying down in the guest bedroom? I’ll see him after I bandage Cara’s head.”

“Did we really leave the back door unlocked?” Tessa asked Hunter. “I know for sure I locked the front door, but we were all busy getting stuff for the trip, I just don’t know about the back door.”

“Either we did, or we didn’t. Don’t worry about it, Tessa. They won’t try to get in with as many of us as there are here now.” He got her a glass of water and some medicine. “I’ll be right back.”

She leaned against the pillow and unbuttoned her parka, trying to ignore her throbbing ankle or the fact the house was frigid.

Hunter soon returned with an ice pack from the freezer. “Good thing you had this handy.” He pulled the boot off her uninjured foot, and then carefully slipped the other off as she gritted her teeth in silent suffering.

“Broken or sprained?” she asked.

“Bruised and swollen. We won’t know whether it’s broken or sprained without an x-ray.”

He placed the ice pack on her ankle, and then helped her out of her coat. Pulling the comforter off the bed, he moved it over her so that it didn’t cover her foot. “Your socks are wet and cold. Let me get some dry ones for you.”

As soon as he pulled open the top drawer, she opened her mouth to tell him where he should have gone. He held up a handful of colorful silk panties and smiled. “Wrong drawer.”

She cleared her throat. “Try the one below that.”

He pulled out a couple of pairs of pastel fuzzy socks and closed the drawer with his hip.

“They don’t match.”

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