Tessa's Temptation (18 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Tessa's Temptation
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Chapter Twenty


Tess stared at her reflection in the mirror, having a hard time believing the image was her looking back. Her hair was pulled into a pile of loose ringlets on the top of her head with a beautiful jewel encrusted barrette, while the remainder of her locks flowed down her back and over her shoulders in soft curls. The strapless silver beaded gown caught the light and sparkled in every direction. The matching stilettos were higher than she was used to, but they accentuated her legs, especially the one that peeked out of the thigh high slit. Her eyebrows were freshly waxed, making them appear sleeker than normal and her makeup was flawless thanks to the woman at the salon. For the first time in her life, she felt all grown up.

Chase came into the room and stood behind her. To her he was impeccable, looking rich, sophisticated and oh so fuckable in his custom fit tux. The scent of his aftershave wafted around her, making her want to drop her panties and do whatever he asked her to do.

“I’m speechless.”

“What’s wrong?” She tried to face him, but he gripped her forearms and held her in front of the glass, taking in her appearance.

“Nothing is wrong.” He swept her hair to one side, keeping his gaze trained on her in the mirror as he kissed her neck. “You’re stunning.” He turned her to face him. “I don’t know how I’m going to keep my hands off you. God help me, how am I going to stop other men from gawking at you and thinking inappropriate thoughts?”

“I hope you don’t keep your hands off me.” She twirled around. “As for the other men, I don’t care about them. This is all for you.”

“Knowing that is the only thing that keeps me sane when other men look at you.” He took her hands in his. “You look like—”

“A princess?” She smiled because that was exactly how she felt even though she had never been a frilly kind of girl.

“A totally kick-ass princess.” His gazed traveled down her body, lingering on her breasts and then her hips as he shook his head. “Are you sure you want to go to this thing? I could think of many other ways I’d like to spend this evening. They all start out with taking that dress off you.”

“Are you crazy? We can have sex when we get home. I want to go to this ball. I’ve waited my whole life to wear a dress like this and be with a man like you.” She squeezed his hands. “This is like a fairytale, and I’ve never believed in those.”

“You’ve never had a reason to.” He let go of her hand and pulled a slender, pale blue box out of his inside pocket. “I can make sure the rest of your life is full of hearts and flowers.”

“I like hearts and flowers, but I’m also quite fond of the sexy, dirty and kinky too.” She leaned in and ran her tongue inside the shell of his ear, blowing a long warm breath before she spoke again. “You promised to do things to me. Pretty nasty things if I recall.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of that too.” He closed his eyes when she ran her palm down his chest and over his erection. “Stop.” He caught her by the wrist. “Or I promise we won’t make it to the ball, princess.”

“Okay.” She pouted because now she was more than ready to let him do whatever he wanted. “So, I really look good?”

“Good, no. You look much better than good. I can assure you that no one will look more amazing than you tonight.”

“You might be biased.”

“Perhaps, but there is one thing missing.” He stroked his fingers across her neck. “Maybe I can fix that.”

“Is it in that box from that expensive jewelry store?”

“I got you a present.” He removed the lid, placing it on the dresser. “I hope you like it.”

She stared at the platinum necklace laced with more diamonds than she could count. In the center of the chain were two hearts intertwined with one another.

“Let me.” He took the necklace from its silken box.

She lost her breath when he put it around her neck. His fingertips tickled her flesh when he clasped the hook.

“It’s so beautiful.” She turned and admired it in the mirror. “I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“Beautiful girls deserve beautiful things.” He stood behind her, reaching for the diamond studded charm in the center. “Your heart belongs to me.” He traced his fingers over the charm. “As mine does to you.”

“You’ve had mine for a long time.” She took his hand and pressed it to her heart. “I’ll gladly accept yours.”

“Tonight.” He lowered his lips to her ear. “When I make love to you, I want you to wear nothing but that necklace.” He stared at her in the reflection. “I’ll make you mine all night. Just when you think you’ve surrendered your last orgasm to me I’ll make you come again.”

“Hmm...” she moaned when he feathered his hand over her breasts, concentrating on her nipples.

“I’ll bring you more pleasure than you can handle.” He ran his other hand up her leg and under the dress, slipping his finger to the waist band of her thong. “Let’s take this off before we go.”

“But the slit in the dress is too high.”

“So?” He tugged at her panties. “Do you know how aroused I’ll be, knowing you’re bare for me? How much more I’ll want you?”

“Take them off,” she whispered, already feeling the heat spreading between her legs. This was going to be a long night.

“That’s my girl.” He shot her a wicked grin as he slid the thong down her legs, helping her step out of it. He turned her to face him. “If you’re uncomfortable they’ll be right here.” He shoved the tiny scrap of lace into his inside pocket. “All you have to do is ask me for them.”

“The things you make me do.” She took his hand and followed him out of the bedroom. “You’re very persuasive.”

“You love all my dirty ideas.”

“I can’t argue.”

He led her down the main staircase. “Are you ready to go?’ He glanced out the foyer window. “The car is here.”

“The car?” She looked over his shoulder. “Holy shit! A limo?”

“Yes, my sweet girl, a limo.” He picked up her small clutch from the foyer table and handed it to her. “Is it up to your standards?”

“I’ve never been in a limo.” She kissed his cheek. “This is going to be the best night of my life.”

“I have a feeling it might be the best one of mine too.”




Chase took Tessa’s hand and tucked it around his arm to escort her into the ball. From the time they stepped out of the limousine, she had the attention of every photographer, waiter, hotel staffer and partygoer. She was unassuming as always and had no idea she was the object of every man’s desire and the envy of any woman she crossed paths with.

“This place is unreal.” She looked around. “Is that real gold on the doors?”

“I believe so.” He placed his hand on the small of her back. “They have an auction set up in the west foyer if you want to bid on something. All the proceeds go to a children’s charity at the local hospital.”

“That’s a good cause.”

“We’ll check it out on our way in to the reception.”

When a waitress stopped in front of them with a tray of champagne, Chase took two, handing one to Tessa. Her eyes widened in shock as she accepted the glass. “Can I really have this?”

“No one is going to card you here.” He sipped his drink. “If you don’t want it I can get you sparkling water.”

“I’ve never had it before.” She swirled the liquid around in the glass, watching as the bubbles floated to the top. She brought the delicate crystal glass to her lips and crinkled her nose when the fizz exploded in her mouth. “It tickles.” She giggled. “I like it.” She took another sip. “It’s so good.”

“Oh, Tessa, I love your innocence.”

“Hmm,” she whispered into his ear. “Do I need to remind you I’m not wearing any panties?”

“I wouldn’t forget that.” He tapped the lapel of his jacket. “You may not be completely innocent, but I love watching you experience new things. I love showing you new things.”

“There are so many things I haven’t seen or done that your job is easy.” She laughed before finishing her drink. “Can I have another?”

“Maybe later.” He took her empty glass and placed it on the tray of a waiter who tripped over nothing because he was so focused on Tessa. “I wouldn’t want you to get drunk.”

“Afraid you’ll take advantage of me?”

“You’re already going to let me have my way with you.” He took her hand and led her through the crowded room. “I’m not worried about that. I just want you to remember tonight.”

“There’s no way I could ever forget this night. I’ve already done things I never imagined.”

“There’s so much more.”

“There you are,” Audra called from across the room as she and Tanner made their way toward them. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

He tightened his hold on Tessa’s hand when he locked eyes with his attorney. He wasn’t looking forward to seeing her. That was the only part of the evening he had been dreading.

“Ouch,” Tessa whispered as she tried to pull her hand away.

“Sorry.” He brought her knuckles to his lips.

“Chase,” Audra kissed his cheek. “We didn’t think you were coming.”

“We’re not that late.” He gave them a polite smile. “How are you, Tanner?”

“Good.” His intern nodded without making eye contact with Tessa. “Nice to see you both.”

“Hi,” Tessa said. “This place is incredible.”

“First charity function?” Audra asked.

“Yeah,” Tessa responded. “Chase promised to take me after you guys went to the last one.”

“He is a man of his word, isn’t he?” Audra’s voice was laced with sarcasm. “What a spectacular necklace.”

“Thank you.” Tessa brought her hand to her neck. “Chase gave it to me tonight.”

“How thoughtful.” Audra studied the jewelry before turning to Tanner. “Are you ready to go to the table? I could use another drink.”

“Are you guys coming?” Tanner asked.

“In a few minutes,” Chase said. “We’re going to check out the auction before we go in.”

“See you soon.” Audra took Tanner’s hand and pulled him across the room not waiting for Chase to respond.

“They seem like an unlikely pair, don’t they?” Tessa watched the two of them all the way into the ballroom.

“You think they’re together?” Chase asked. “Audra never mentioned that.”

“Does she always tell you who she’s dating?”

In great detail.

“What did you do to poor Tanner?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” It appeared as if his warnings had been heeded. “What would I have done to him?”

“He wouldn’t even look at me. You’re a bully.”

“Call it whatever you want but you’re mine and he knows it.” He kissed her softly. “Come on. I’ll get you another glass of that bubbly stuff you seem to enjoy so much.”





After dinner, Tess watched as Chase worked the room. People seemed to be drawn to his charismatic personality. Not only did he know everyone by name, but he remembered details about them like their kids’ names and what they did for a living. She had been mesmerized by him all night.

“He is something, isn’t he?” Audra sat down at the table with Tess. “Doesn’t seem fair that one man got everything, huh?” She downed her martini. “Although I guess for you it’s a good thing.”

“I think Chase is wonderful.” Tess had noticed Audra’s excessive drinking all night. She never seemed to have an empty glass in front of her. “Are you having a good time?”

“As good a time as you can have at these things.”

“Where’s Tanner?” Tess looked around the ballroom. “I haven’t seen him since dinner.”

“He’s keeping his distance from you.” Audra laughed. “Chase gave him strict orders.”

“He is a little possessive
,” Tess shrugged. “I told him he was being silly.”

“So, you’re not interested in Tanner?” Audra studied Tess, waiting for an answer.

“Of course not,” Tess said. “I think he’s a great guy but I’m only interested in Chase.”

“I just thought after that night at the picnic you were going after Tanner. I could see he was totally into you.” She flagged down a waiter. “I’ll take another.”

“Right away, Ms. Sinclair,” he said.

“Thank you.” Audra watched Chase as he made his way over to the table. “Here comes the man of the hour.”

“What are you two talking about?” Chase placed his hand on Tess’s shoulder.

“You, of course,” Audra said. “And how delicious you are.”

“Umm, I’m glad you’re back.” Tess turned and smiled at him. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, sorry. I got caught up on my way back from the restroom.” He circled his fingertips over the nape of her neck, eliciting a charge that coursed through her and landed right between her legs. Would she ever get enough of him?

“That’s because you’re in such high demand.” Audra tapped her manicured fingers on the white linen tablecloth. “Everyone wants you.”

Everyone can’t have him.

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