Test Drive (23 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

BOOK: Test Drive
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How would a fuzzy brain get her nursing-care plan done in time for Monday’s class?

“You okay?” he asked after they’d dropped the girls off with her dad. She’d made Johnny stay in the car while she ran the girls in, bribing both of them to stay quiet about Johnny, at least until she felt ready to tell her parents about him. But what the heck would she call him? Her new boyfriend?

He didn’t mind her driving. What kind of a jerky womanizer who buried his hands in cars all day felt comfortable letting a woman drive? He was
not living up to any of her preconceived notions. Not a womanizer, but a charmer. Not a jerk, but a funny guy with a sense of humor she appreciated. Not a superficial, unfeeling lout. He loved books and enjoyed spending time with her. He talked
her, not
her. And when he kissed and touched her, he wasn’t making love to
body, but to Lara. His immense good-guy persona made falling for him a dangerous possibility.

She cleared her throat. “Um, just thinking about a paper due on Monday I’m behind on.”

“You probably should have worked on it this morning, huh? I don’t want to distract you from school.”

You’re already distracting me, damn it.
“I have no one to blame but myself. I’d rather spend time with you than my laptop.” She groaned—because she meant it.

“So I guess coming back to my place after work is out? What if I promise not to molest you while you sleep?”

“What a great offer.” They both laughed. “I should probably get a good night’s rest—at my home—by myself. I’m off tomorrow night though. We could hang out if you want.”

“Oh, I want.” His green eyes lit with joy. “But only if you finish your work. I am not an excuse for lagging on assignments, Nurse Valley.” He gave her his stern voice. Then his expression evened, and he changed the subject. “You know, I hadn’t realized how often you help out with the girls. Kay was telling me they spend a lot of time with their favorite Aunt Lara.”

“Their only Aunt Lara.” She shrugged. “I know they’re not my kids, but I feel responsible for them. I love Kristin, but she’s a mess. While she gets herself together, my folks and I help with the girls.” She’d always felt the need to give back, knowing how much her parents had sacrificed for her.

“You’re a good person.”

She blinked at him. He sounded so sincere.

“I mean it. A lot of people put on a good show, but you’re genuinely kind.”

She tried not to wince. “‘Kind’ is boring. Like saying you’re a nice guy with a great personality,

“Nah. It’s underrated, you want my opinion. Anyone can look beautiful with the right clothes and makeup. Or lighting.”

“So you’re saying I’m hot as long as I’m in the dark?”


She scowled, trying not to grin.

He chuckled. “You’re fucking sexy as hell. My point is, being pretty ain’t what life’s about. It’s being good to other people.”

“Says the guy who’s so pretty he can get most any woman just by winking at them.”

“Not true. I first winked at you over four years ago. You rolled your eyes and served Lou without a word to me.”

She remembered the moment but was surprised he did. Instead of making a big deal out of it, she tried to change the subject. “Well, to continue our earlier discussion, I have to work ’til closing. I’ll sleep in until nine, then bust my butt finishing up my paper. I should be done by dinnertime, and I do owe you for pizza the other night, when I forgot to cancel on you.”

“That’s true. You do owe me.”

“So, do you want to come over, or what?”

“You have to ask me nicely. Remember, women everywhere want me. You’re the lucky one at this moment. Make it last.”

“Oh my God. You make me want to hit you just about every time we’re together.”

“I seem to have that effect on people. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’m in danger at work.”

“Knowing Sam and Lou, I can just imagine.”

“Foley too. He’s a real bastard.”

He said nothing more, so she chanced a look at him before turning her attention back to the road. “What?”

“I just noticed you didn’t include Foley. What’s with you and him? He kissed you at the bar, and you’re all thinking he’s nice and safe. But maybe nice and safe are good things.” He scowled.

“You have issues.”

“He seems like he’s this big teddy bear. Women love him before they realize he’s not a commitment type of guy.” A pregnant pause. “I mean, I’m not saying I’m out to marry you or anything, like
a big commitment guy. I’m just… I would never hurt you. Your heart, I mean. I don’t hit women. Not that Foley does either. But—”

“I’ll just stop you right there and say I get it.” Inside, she was crowing with glee. Johnny was jealous of Foley, of all people. “For the record, I like Foley. He’s a nice guy who’s a friend. Like Rena is a friend. That’s it.”

“Yeah, okay. Good.”

“So if you’re done being green with jealousy for the sexy, amazing Foley Sanders”—she ignored his growl—“how about we get to Ray’s before I’m late? I’m sorry. I wanted to drop you off so you’d have your car, but with the extra time we spent at the fairy Q&A, I don’t have time to go back.”

“What about your uniform?”

“I have an extra shirt in the trunk.” She couldn’t remember what her shirt said. Ray was all about keeping it simple. So if her shirt said “Bartender,” she’d be tending bar.

“I hope it doesn’t say Waitress. I don’t like those assholes groping you.”

“They don’t. You’re the only asshole groping me lately.”


She snickered at him, and he laughed as well. They made it to Ray’s with ten minutes to spare, and after she grabbed her backpack from the trunk, he hustled her inside after sharing a fist bump with the bouncer.

“Big John and Johnny. You guys don’t look alike. Maybe fraternal twins?” she teased and made a beeline for the back, threading through the already growing crowd—at barely seven in the evening? Oh right, dollar shots until nine.

Johnny followed, right on her heels. “Very funny. I suppose I should be glad you didn’t say identical twins.” Big J, the bouncer, had no neck. His eyes were very close together, and he shaved his head because he thought he looked meaner. It actually made him look like a mountain of a cue ball, but Lara hadn’t wanted to hurt his feelings. Along with every other sane person in the place.

When they arrived in the back, near a storage closet Lara and the girls used as a place to store their belongings and occasionally as a changing room, Lara turned and bumped into Johnny. “Oh, sorry. Well, I guess I’ll say good-bye, then.”

“Not quite yet.” He reached past her, turned the doorknob, and guided her inside. Then he shut the door behind them. “Now. That little matter of me being lucky…”

“What?” She couldn’t see him in the dark.

He found the pull switch and bathed them in dim overhead lighting. In the shadows, he looked dark and mysterious, and of course, like a sexy temptation bent on her undoing.

“You know. You said you’d make me all better if I was lucky.” He pulled her hand to his fly, and she felt him thick and hard beneath it. “I’m with you, so I consider myself lucky.
How lucky
is the question.”

He smiled and leaned close to kiss her. Nothing sweet about the ravishment going on in here. She hadn’t realized she’d dropped her bag until she heard it fall. Then he turned her to face the wall. She heard his zipper, the tear of a foil packet, and knew he’d donned a condom.

Already aroused from that kiss and the suggestion of something so…dirty…she felt ready for whatever came next. She’d never had sex at work before. It seemed fun, naughty, and something that fit right in with Ray’s.

She had to stifle a giggle at the thought, feeling drunk on her own lust.

“I’m in love with this ass, Lara.” Johnny palmed her through her jeans. “It’s just bitable. But we’ll have to save that for when we have more time.” He pulled her hair out of the way and kissed her neck, then turned her head to kiss her lips.

While kissing her, those clever hands of his unbuttoned her jeans. He slid them and her panties down her legs to her ankles. “You ready for me?”

“I don’t know… At work, Johnny?” she whispered, hearing her own excitement in the high pitch of her voice.

“Never done it at work before, huh? You’re such a
girl.” He nudged her feet as far apart as her jeans would let her and slid his fingers between her slick folds. Then he tilted her hips and spread her wide. “But not too good,” he rasped and entered her in one swift push.

The intrusion, in her present position, made him feel
. “

“Yeah. I like this.”

Outside she heard the bustle of the bar. Rena barked orders at Josie, while Ray and Brian cooked up a storm as they bitched about the work. And Johnny breathed hard while he pounded into her. He reached around to finger her clit, and the excitement became too much to bear. She’d never been quick on a climax, but damned if she wasn’t going to come after a few thrusts.

“I’m coming,” she whispered—and shattered.

“Me too.” He hammered into her, no finesse, just good, hard fucking. And then he moaned and stilled, gripping her hips hard enough to leave bruises. He just stood there, emptying into her—into the condom—while she trembled, braced against the wall.

The doorknob rattled, and they both froze. “Who’s in there?”

Lara blew out a breath while Johnny slowly withdrew from her body. “I’m getting changed, Sue. Out in a minute.”

“Oh, hey, Lara. Sorry. Didn’t see you come in.” Footsteps signaled her leaving.

Lara remained bent over, toward the wall, trying to catch her breath.

She heard Johnny fiddling with his clothes. Then he eased her panties and jeans back up. He turned her around, holding the shirt she’d stashed in her bag. She stripped out of her sweatshirt and put on her work shirt. She’d packed a black bartender tee, which seemed to please him, because he nodded and handed her a hair band.

“Found it in the bag.” He waited while she put her hair into her trademark ponytail. “Good. I don’t want them seeing you with your hair down.”

She said nothing, unsure of what to say after that
wham bam, thank you, Johnny,
session. He watched her, waiting, and she blurted, “You’re not going to be all possessive now, are you?”

“Who me?” He kissed her, hard. “Nah. I know we’re just having fun. But it’s just
having fun. Not me and some other woman, and not you and some other dude.”

“Right. Just us. Casually having fun dating.” She smiled. “And doing wicked things in the closet.”

“Yeah.” He sighed. “I’ll sleep like a baby tonight thanks to that. You’re dreamy.”

“Cheesy, but I’ll take it.”

His crooked grin melted more of her marshmallowy heart. “Have a good shift. I’ll swing by tomorrow for dinner, say six?”


“Want me to bring anything?” He kissed her again and stroked her cheek.

What was
that affectionate gesture? It made her want to hug him and keep on hugging him. She cleared her throat. “Just bring your sexy self and an appetite.”

“That I can do. I’d stick around tonight, but the guys and I told Dad we’d help at Strutts. Even Lou’s swinging by for a beer, and he considers himself above the T&A crowd.”

“Don’t you?”

“It’s different with me. They’re family.” He shrugged.

“Well, go be with your family. Just keep your clothes on and your fly zipped,” she warned.

His slow grin embarrassed her. “Yes, dear. Don’t worry about me.”

“And I’m not jealous.”

“Uh-huh. Just like I’m not jealous of Foley. That ass.” He chuckled then left before she could caution him to take care not to be seen as he departed out the back.

She needn’t have bothered. After she tucked her shirt into her bag and left the closet, praying Johnny had at least taken his used condom with him, she ran into Rena, who stared at her with wide eyes.

Chapter 14

Tuesday afternoon, Johnny hadn’t noticed the others around him until it dawned on him only his whistling could be heard in the confines of the garage. He looked out from under the hood of his favorite jalopy, which its owner had affectionately named Gizmo, since it was a green ’75 AMC Gremlin, and saw the guys staring at him.

“What?” He wiped his hands on the towel hanging out the back pocket of his coveralls.

“We heard you on your way out yesterday,” Lou said, brawny arms crossed over his chest in a surprisingly clean white T-shirt.

“About you and
having plans,” Foley explained.

He’d known this was coming. “And?”
Play it cool, man. No more whistling. And stop smiling all the time.

we want to know how long this has been going on,” Lou said. “This is big news. I mean, she barely used to talk to you. Now you’re dating?”

“She’s seen the light. What can I say?”

“What the hell are you guys doing?” Del growled from her office doorway and marched toward them. “This isn’t
a coffee klatch
. It’s called work.” Well, that answered that question. Apparently she
heard Foley the other day making fun of her for joining a book club. It wasn’t that Del couldn’t enjoy a good book, but that she’d joined a
book club when she didn’t seem to have a romantic bone in her tough-as-nails body.

Today she’d styled her ash-blond hair in some funky twisted braid. Her jeans had seen better days, but her steel-toed boots gleamed with black polish, and her Scooby-Doo T-shirt looked new. No doubt a gift from McCauley—the little one. She wore a new loop in her brow, and the overhead light caught the gleam of the ruby stud in her nose. Feminine but with an edge, their Del. “Scatter and chitchat on your own time.”

“Technically, I’m on a break,” Sam tried.

She glared at him, and he quickly took his big ass back to the Chevy he’d been working on earlier. Foley took one look at Del and joined him.

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