Texas Stranger (11 page)

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Authors: Janet Muncy

BOOK: Texas Stranger
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“What can I do for you Mr. Richards?”

“May I sit down?” He smiled at her from across the room. Taking a chair and pulling it closer to the desk. January nodded her head and sat down, realizing her knees were getting weak just standing there with him so near.

“You and I haven’t talked much about the plans for the new addition, I thought I would stop by and see if you’ve made any changes.”

“I’m sorry, I guess I’ve been a little busy lately, but I’ve made no changes, it’s just what I want, and the sooner they get started the better.”

“Good, I was hoping you would say that, we will get started tomorrow, and just maybe it will all be done before BJ’s and Mary’s wedding.” He said, standing, and folding the papers on her desk. “You know we only have two more weeks.”

Two weeks for what January wasn’t quite sure what he was talking about. Was it two weeks for Mary and BJ or Kathy and him?

“Yes just two weeks and our best friends will be married and as they should be.” Carl continued.

“Yes, it should be some occasion.”

January followed him to the door, and he stopped for only a second watching her intently as though he had something else to say before changing his mine and nodding his goodbye.

The week had started off with construction and workers everywhere. But January had so much to do with the aerobic competition the up coming week-end, she barely had time to say two words to Carl, as he took full charge in seeing his men were getting the job done to her liking. But it seemed like she would know every time he would be in the area. Just the sound of his voice would be exciting.

It was Friday, she needed to open some mail, do some books, and write pay roll checks. She wanted to get out of there early so she could get a little rest before the aerobic competition tomorrow. It was six thirty when Carl strolled through the office door.

“Hi, I know it’s short notice, but would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

“Oh Carl, I think tonight I’ll just go home and rest I have the aerobic competition tomorrow, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t be much company.” She declined, hating herself for not spending what little time she could with him. “Besides I would need to change clothes and freshen up. I really think tonight is a bad one.”

“I’ll drive you home and you can rest on the way. We can pick up a pizza or some Chinese food, and I’ll fix dinner at your apartment.”

“I’ll need my car for tomorrow, the aerobic competition is at one o’clock, I need to be there at twelve.”

“I’ll pick you up and we’ll get it tomorrow. Now don’t argue, you don’t have the strength, and I won’t have to throw you over my shoulder, although, I’d enjoy it,” he started toward her.

“Oh no you don’t.” Afraid if she didn’t stop him, he would do just that. “I’ll go peacefully,” she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Carl pushed it open for her, grinning from ear to ear. He put his hand on her arm as he walked toward his car. She seated herself on the velvety smooth seat and watched him as he walked around to the other side.

His tallness, the powerful movement of his muscular body, was almost more than she could stand. As he slipped in beside her. She could smell the musk odor of his cologne, still lingering after a long day. She had a strange feeling it was going to be a night to remember.

“January.” He said softly as he put his hand on her shoulder. “Your home.”

January looked up realizing she must have falling to sleep. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“That’s okay, I didn’t realize just how tired you really were.” He said helping her out of the car up the stairs.

“I have a good idea, why don’t you let me fix you dinner tonight. I’m a fairly good cook. That way you can relax in the tub for a few minutes, then enjoy a nice dinner without having to leave the apartment.”

“There’s nothing thawed out to fix.” January apologized. Remembering the food Carl had bought weeks ago. “And besides I can’t let you do that.”

“Why not? Are you afraid I can’t cook, or are you afraid, I may poison you?”

He said in a devilish tone.

“Okay, okay, I believe you. I’m not much for fighting tonight.” She laughed.

“Good, now take your time, I’ll find everything I need. You just go and do what ever women do when they bathe.” He said, slightly pushing her toward the bedroom.

Although the tub felt good, she was still very much aware of Carl in the next room. He was whistling and singing a happy tune.

Blow drying her hair she could smell stakes broiling, and the sound of Carl singing in the other room. She wondered if it were any other man how she would feel about the situation. She dismissed the thought. She really was going to have a nice evening even if she did feel a little feverish. Unwrapping the towel that covered her slender well shaped body she dusted herself with her favorite white shoulders power. She then pulled the caftan from the hanger. The garment was made of fine cotton. The oriental print, she loved was softly colored in dark yet exciting colors. As she pulled the caftan over her head she could feel the soft fabric slide over the fullness of her breast.

A touch of make-up, she smoothed her hair down and opened the door to enter the dinning room. On the table candles were burning and there was a fire in the fire place. Carl was standing there watched her as she entered.

“You shouldn’t have gone through so much trouble,” she said, in a low sexy voice.

“Believe me it was no trouble, besides I enjoyed it. By the way you look beautiful.” he said, not taking his eyes off of her.

“Thank you,” she said lowering her head from the twinkle she noticed in his dark green eyes.

“Would you like a drink? I’m afraid the only thing I have is brandy and white wine.” she offered him.

“You sit down, I’ve been known to fix a mean glass of white wine.” He said moving toward the kitchen.

“I’ll just bet you have.” January laughed.

January was standing in front of the fire place when he returned with the drinks. As he handed her the glass, their hands touched slightly. January looked up startled, for only a second. The electricity she felt was dangerously arousing.

“Let’s make a toast, to the competition tomorrow. May you win hands down, and to such a beautiful lady, may she always be as beautiful as she is tonight. And one more, I want to toast to our new friendship, may it be for always.”

As they touched glasses again, January remembered the wedding of him and Kathy coming up. I wonder how good of friends, we’re going to be after that.

“You seem to be in deep thought?” he questioned her.

She only smiled and headed back toward the dinning room.

“Well now, you sit down and relax. I must have a word with the chef. I don’t like my steaks over done,” he smiled, heading toward the kitchen.

“You probably eat yours raw, like a wild animal.” She giggled.

“What did you say.” He asked not really paying any attention to her.

“Nothing.” she giggled again.

They ate with little conversation she was very pleased he had made her steak just the way she liked it medium well.

“Tell me where did you learn to cook like that?” She asked as she carried her plate to the sink.

“I guess the maids and mother mostly. Although I camped out a lot and every true Texan knows how to cook. Besides, it was really trial and error.” He laughed.

Together they cleaned the kitchen. The nearness of him electrifying. They actually tried not to touch each other. Surely he didn’t feel the same way she did, finding it hard not to get to close.

“We work well together don’t we?” Carl asked, looking around the spotless kitchen.

“Not bad,” She smiled, looking around herself.

They walked into the living room, the fire had died down. “Let me fix you a drink and I’ll fix the fire.” He offered.

“Carl why are you doing this? You act as though this is your home and I’m the guest. I’ll fix the drinks.” She started to turn away, but he gently grabbed her arm.

“January, I know this is your home. But I feel I owe it to you for the way I acted the other night at the hospital. I at least want us to be friends if we can’t be anything else.” He lowered his head and turned slowly toward the fire place. Bending down to stir the logs.

Chapter 14

anuary had kicked off her shoes and curled her long legs under her. She was feeling pleasantly drowsy, but not yet ready for sleep. “This is very nice,” she murmured, softly.

“It certainly is, I can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed.” Carl smiled, not taking his eyes off of her.

January had enjoyed the evening, but somehow it seemed a strain on his behalf. Something was bothering him, but what she wasn’t sure.

Several minutes later they were both silent, both in their own thoughts. The soft music and low flames relaxed her, and she held her gaze on the fire.

“Would you like another drink?” January asked taking her glass into the kitchen sink to rinse out.

“I don’t think so, I better let you go to bed, I’ve kept you up long enough.” He said standing up and taking his glass into the kitchen himself. Within seconds he was back standing there in the middle of the floor. Waiting to say goodbye. But he seemed to be uneasy about something as he leaned down to attend to the fire again. The flames started dancing and their shadows danced on the wall. He looked at them for some time before he
finally reached out to touch her hand. She felt an explosion of emotions about to burst inside her. She was wilting by the second from the shear desires he transmitted through his touch. She tired to manage the rush of emotions, but it was hard to think straight with him touching her in such a slight manor. He was watching her now taking in her full beauty. Her lips parted soundlessly and without knowing, she moistened them with the tip of her tongue.

A low groan broke from him. He bent his head, and his mouth touched hers. Unthinkingly she responded. She knew what was happening was crazy, she could call a halt immediately. But somehow she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She didn’t want it to end. But she needn’t have worried. Carl broke the spell. He moved away from her for only a short distance. She opened her eyes. Finding him looking at her strangely. She turned quickly, realizing he had figured out his mistake.

“Please don’t turn away from me, I want you,” he whispered in her ear.

“I...” she stumbled, “I want you too Carl.”

Slowly inching his hand up her side, he found the soft fullness of her breast. Each hand cupping the exquisitely shaped mound. He gently massaged them the fire that was burning within her veins came a live with such forced, she pushed herself against him. Tilting her head back softly, to give him easy access to her sensitive throat. He lowered his head to touch the velvety areas, with his hot lips. She moaned with pleasure as he started to turn her around to face him. He then pulled her closer and kissed her wanting lips. Her emotions were out of control.

“Your so beautiful, you were made to love,” he said, kissing her deeply.

She hated the clothes that separated them, yet she couldn’t bring herself to let him have her.

“Please Carl not here not yet.” She pleaded.

He let her go reluctantly. “I guess I over stepped my grounds. I just forgot for a second you belong to Kevin. I’m sorry. Go to bed January, before my strength dissolves, and I take you there myself.”

She breathed a sigh. She wanted him. He wanted her. But there was someone keeping them apart. He thinks it’s Kevin, she knows it’s Kathy. Why oh why did everything have to happen this way. Why couldn’t she love him and he love her without so many problems.

“I’ll let myself out but I’ll take care of the fire first. Please just go to bed,” he turned away from her.

Funny she didn’t hear Carl leave last night even though she didn’t remember going to sleep. But her alarm went off a eight. She needed to get up and showered. She wasn’t sure what time he was going to pick her up if he still does. As she went into the bathroom. She turned on the shower. The coolness of the water felt good on her hot body. As a matter of fact, her body was a little to hot. She wondered if she was coming down with something. She stepped out of the shower and the cool air felt good on her still wet body. She reached for the baby oil and poured some in the palm of her hands. The oily substance felt good on her already silky body. January dressed in a black suit and white silk blouse that showed her slim figure to perfection.
Pinning her hair on top of her head, leaving a few strands to hang free she had a soft yet professional look. A splash of Royal Secret, and a little blush she was ready.

As she was making the bed, she could faintly smell bacon frying and coffee perking. She opened the door from her bedroom and realized it was coming from her kitchen. To her surprise Carl was standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

“How did you get in?” She asked.

“I fell asleep on your sofa, I didn’t think you’d mind, me fixing breakfast for you, after all I fixed dinner last night,” Carl said, turning over the bacon.

“Well, I guess its to late to mind, but I could have come barging out of the bedroom in a towel or even nothing on at all.” She said frowning at him.

“I wouldn’t have minded,” he smiled at her.

“Very funny Carl don’t do it again I don’t think it’s proper.”

“I really didn’t think you would mind or I assure you I wouldn’t have done it. Besides I’ve spent the night before and you didn’t seem to mind. Was it because of last night? Do you feel guilty?”

“You infuriate me Carl, I don’t know why I let you get to me. What run’s through your mind anyway? Do you try to find things to upset me or do you come by it naturally?” She started to yell.

“Eat your breakfast and shut up.” He ordered her.

“I don’t eat breakfast Mr. Richards, and you would have known that if you’d taken the time to ask. And don’t tell me to shut up.”

“I said sit down and eat I would hate to force feed you, so don’t try me.”

“I said I don’t eat breakfast.” Her voice calmed down, and she held her forehead trying to relieve the pounding.

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