Texas Stranger (17 page)

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Authors: Janet Muncy

BOOK: Texas Stranger
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“Carl, you don’t know what you’re doing, let me explain.” She pleaded.

“Shut up you couldn’t explain anything to me.” He then let her drop from his arms. Screaming, she hit the large pile of hay. Shocked of its softness. She tried to scramble to her feet. His large body covered her quickly, pinning her to the soft hay.

“Carl please,” She pushed at him. “You can’t do this, you...”

“January, listen to me. Do you really think me capable of rape?” He asked trying to hold her down and avoiding her swinging arms. He held her until she quieted down. Then slowly he leaned down to her. Pressing his warm lips against her. She tried not to respond. But the effect was over whelming. She couldn’t control her passion for him any longer. They clung to one another almost frantic with hunger.

Her soft moan of pleasure she returned his kiss passionately. He whimpered in response, his hand moved slowly down her sides, then back up again to feel the firmness of her breast. The nipples hardened to firm peaks as his lips trailed over them. She could feel the hard contours of his manhood through the fabric of their clothing.

Carl realized he could take her now, but thought better of it as he moved away from her almost violently. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I have no right to violate you this way. I lost my head. Please forgive me for wanting you so.”

January laid there trying to understand what he was talking about feeling the emptiness in her.

“Carl, maybe I should explain the reason I kissed Kevin on the cheek.”

“There is no need to explain, I was wrong, I hope you except my apology.” He looked around at her and was about to say something else when they both heard Kathy’s voice calling for Carl outside.

Carl moaned in disgust as he stood up and brushed off his clothes. Hating the girl for ruining the moment she also got up to brush off her clothes of the hay that had clung to her and in her hair.

“There you are.” She heard Kathy say, just before she got to the barn door. “What are you doing out here? Didn’t you hear me calling you?”

“I heard,” Carl answered, jerking her back toward the house.

January didn’t wait until they returned to the house. She followed him out of the barn and smiled as Kathy turned around noticing January. Now it was Carl’s turn to explain to Kathy. She waited until they had entered the house before she headed for her car. The thought of him spending time with Kathy made January’s blood boil. They’ve made love before, she could tell. She wondered if he made love to Kathy like he made love to her. Stepping hard on the gas she left for the city. The long drive, the brandy and the love making, she was totally exhausted when she finally arrived at the apartment. Although it was nothing compared to the house at the ranch, it was home, and she was glad to be there..

Maybe he’ll call me tonight she smiled turning on the warm water to fill the tub. Removing her clothes she could faintly smell the musk cologne he wore. Surely he wouldn’t spend the week-end with Kathy after what happened tonight. Although here were no words of love spoken she could feel them as he kissed her wanting lips.

Chapter 22

he sun was shining through the windows as she sat on the side of the bed. A shower and coffee, should wake her up she thought, as she stumbled toward the bathroom.

Blow drying her hair she could barely hear the ringing of the phone over the noise. Hurrying across the room she just knew it was Carl.


“Hi honey” came the sound of her mothers voice. “I’m glad I caught you before you left for work. Are you going to still be able to make it up for the holiday’s this year?” Her mother asked.

“Well, I’m going to try. I still need to hire a manager. But Mary said she and Tonya may be able to work something out between them. So I’m still kind of up in the air right now.” January answered “Is there a problem?”

“No, not really but you know me, I always make plans as far in advance as I can so there won’t be any problems.”

“Yes, I know how you are,” January laughed. “How’s everyone up north?”

“Just fine your uncle Jim, is thinking about selling the cabin in Colorado. He wanted us to buy it, but we’re not interested.

Although it’s beautiful up there. I told him you may be interested. He doesn’t want much for it. Your father said its well worth the money.”

“Why is he selling it?”

“Oh, he’s getting too old to try to take care of the place, and his money just doesn’t cover much any more. You should give him a call if your interested.”

“Shoot mom, I can barely keep up with money problems around here. I can’t imagine trying to buy a cabin and maintain it as well on what I make. But I might take a few days off and go up there and see how things are going. You know just make sure it is not being vandalized or anything. Maybe my brothers would like to invest with me. We’ll talk about it later, right now I have got to get to work, I went to Mary’s wedding over the week-end and need to get back in the club and see how things are running. So give everyone a kiss for me and I’ll talk with you later. Love you,” January said, hanging up the phone.

Friday had rolled around and still no call from Carl. January was beginning to wonder if he really didn’t want anything to do with her other than to take her to bed. The longer she thought about it the madder she became.

“January, Kevin is on the phone,” Tonya said, late Friday afternoon.

“Thanks,” January said picking up the phone in her office. “Hi Kevin, how are you doing today?”

“Tired, but well, I just thought I’d call to see how your first week back to work was?”

“Slow, it’s nothing like the ranch.” She giggled.

“I know what you mean, it’s beautiful out here. The only problem is it’s lonely when there’s no one around.”

“Oh! Is everyone gone?” She asked, wondering where everyone could be, namely Carl.

“Well, Dad and Mom out of town for the week. Carl is in Dallas, or at least that’s what BJ said, Huh.., on business and the newly weds haven’t been seen” He laughed.

“Yeah, I can see why you are bored, so when do you get to start driving again?”

She asked even though she really wanted to know why Carl was in Dallas again. And she wanted to know where Kathy was and if Carl and Kathy were together.

“As soon as I can put more pressure on my right leg, it’s still weak, but Cheryl comes out about every other day and work’s with me.”

“So how is it going with Cheryl? Are you still madly in love?”

“More so. I think she is preparing for her wedding. I think she thinks I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

“Well, you are aren’t you?”

“Yes, as soon as I can stand up more than ten minutes.” He laughed.

Saturday and still no call from Carl. Just who does he think he is? How could he be so cruel? She wondered if he and Kathy were in Dallas. Taking her time getting to work, she stopped
for another cup of coffee on the way to the club. By the time she arrived she noticed Mary sitting at the reception desk.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were going to take another week off?”

“Just trying to get back into the swing of things. BJ had to go back to work, so I thought there is no reason to sit around the house and do nothing so here I am. Besides there is something I want to talk with you about.” She said following January into the office.

“Oh, what about?” January asked heading around the desk.

“You and Carl.” Mary said.

Still with her back to Mary, she stopped dead still. She slowly put her purse in the desk drawer and turned to Mary. “What about me and Carl?”

“Well, I guess I’ll just come out with it. There’s talk around the ranch, about you and Carl. It seems that you both were caught making love in the family room the night before the wedding. And I guess I wanted to hear it first from you before I believed it. But from the look on your face, it’s true, isn’t it?”

January took a deep breath, and without any coaching she buried her face in her hands and let the tears flow. “Oh, Mary we weren’t making love, we were just kissing. But it was so embarrassing. Marie came through the door and naturally we stopped. It was nothing, nothing.” January lied.

“Yes, I can tell it was nothing. Your in love with him aren’t you? I mean really in love with him?” she smiled.

“Oh, I’ve embarrassed Carl, how will I ever be able to face him? How will I ever be able to face his mother?” January cried even harder.

“Don’t worry about his mother. She’s known it all along. She told me the night of the party. She thought you were in love with Carl. I just laughed, but then I started watching you more closely, and I thought maybe she was right. I mean it shows all over your face every time you look at him. Look don’t worry about it there’s no one who cares one way or the other. Except maybe Kathy and I don’t think Carl loves her she’s just a pain in the neck. Look I didn’t mean to pry, but when Carl came over the other night to talk to BJ about some shipment that was coming in, and the only thing he talked about was you so we figured it out.”

January stared up at Mary. “I thought Carl was in Dallas with Kathy.”

“Hugh....Yes, well, Carl came back Wednesday morning, anyway are you going to see more of him?”

“I just don’t see how that could be possible.” January stalked out of the small enclosed room.

“Look if you’re worried about Kathy, don’t be, she’s just spinning her wheels. BJ said Carl wouldn’t marry her if she were the last woman on earth.” Mary stated, following her out the door.

January straightened up her shoulders. “I doubt if that is quite true Mary, he thinks a lot of her, you can tell by the way he jumps every time she makes a sound and anyway, I’m not interested in Carl, not any more.” January lied.

“Somehow I take that as a cop out for your real feelings but for now I’ll except your statement. I suppose there is some reason for it, and I suspect you’ll tell me in due time.” Mary said, turning back to the reception desk.

Mary was right, she did like Carl, she loved him. But if this was how it was going to be it. She wasn’t interested. At least in someone who would take such advantage of someone knowing they had never been touched by a man before, besides it’s been a week and he still hadn’t bothered to call, and from what Mary said he returned from Dallas on Wednesday, there’s phones all over the world he’s had plenty of time.

The week had gone fast, the addition had been finished and the new people as well as the old were thrilled with the club. The full time manager started work this week. A frail blond girl named Kelly Bentley. She knew the business like the back of her hand and January felt comfortable leaving the club in her hands when she or Mary was not around. Tonya was her assistant.

There was no reason why she couldn’t go up to the cabin a week before the holidays. Besides Carl hadn’t bothered to call her, he must be spending all his time with Kathy.

It was Tuesday and Phillip was waiting for Tonya to get off work when January came out of her office.

“Phillip! How nice to see you, it’s been awhile.” January shook his hand.

“Yes, I guess it has but when you’re enjoying yourself, time just slips away” He said looking dreamily at Tonya and she returning the look.

“Tell me how is Kathy these days’? I heard she may be marrying Carl, is that true?” January lied.

“Well, she does spend a lot of time with him. But I doubt if there’s marriage in the works. Or at least not to my knowledge. They seem to be working on some other project between here and Dallas.” Phillip answered her.

“I guess I must have misunderstood.” January apologized. “Anyway, it’s good to see you again. You can leave if you want Tonya, I can finish closing up.” January stated,

turning back toward the office.

“Thanks, but I can’t leave you here by yourself, you know that is not a good thing to do.” She smiled.

“I promise I won’t go in the sauna as a matter of fact I turned it off about twenty minutes ago.” She laughed.

“That isn’t the only reason, we all agreed to not leave anyone here by their selves, so, I’ll go ahead and change, and wait on you.” Tonya said smiling.

“Okay, your right. I’ll be one minute, and I’ll be ready myself.”

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