Texas Stranger (2 page)

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Authors: Janet Muncy

BOOK: Texas Stranger
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“January darling! How good to see you again. You haven’t forgotten our little dinner party tonight have you?” But without waiting for January to answer she continued. “Everyone will want to hear all about your book and what you’ve been up to in the past couple of years.”

“Of course,” January tried to remember getting the invitation.

“We’ll see you around seven or so, and semi formal of course.”

“Of course, “January repeated.

January didn’t remember getting the dinner invitation but, she wasn’t about to turn down a seven course dinner. Besides, it could be tucked away in her suit case or somewhere.

Sally and January headed to lunch and continued toward the construction area. There had been a tunnel built for the public to walk through since they were doing construction over head.

As the two girls neared the exit of the tunnel, January glanced up at the new window being installed. As she moved back to get a better look she bumped into someone. Turning quickly and apologizing, she froze. Again she had backed into the stranger.

“I’m beginning to think you actually walk in that direction,” he frowned down at her.

“And I’m beginning to think you are actually following me.” She smarted back, putting her hands firmly on her slender hips, staring up at him. But without a single word, he turned and continued through the man made tunnel.

“Oh....You egotistical...patooterroot!” January cursed under her breath at his retreating figure. She could feel her face burn as she hurried toward the entrance of the restaurant. Suddenly she heard Sally laughing almost uncontrollably.

“What is an egotistical patooteroot?” Sally forced from her mouth. January now considering what she had said, started laughing just as hysterically. First to gain control, January ordered herself a cup of coffee and a salad. Sally still faltering, ordered the same.

“So you know our investor?” Sally asked, under her giggles.

It took a second before January realized Sally was talking about the stranger.

“I don’t know him actually, I’ve only had the misfortune of running into him on a couple of different occasions. Do you know him?”

“No, not personally but he owns the construction company that is working on this building.” Sally explained. “He has quite a name in this town and everybody likes him...everyone that is except you. He’s very good looking, in a rugged sort of way, isn’t he?”

“What does everyone in this town call him?” January ignored her question.

“I’m not sure what his real name is, but everyone around here calls him Rich. We don’t get to see him very much, but with the construction going on, he has been hanging around more often.”

January had to admit, he was handsome in a rugged sort of way. His tan, weathered face only heightened the emerald color of his eyes. His dark hair was dignified by a hint of gray. January pondered his powerful height and the way he carried himself. Unable to concentrate on eating, she moved the plate of salad away and took a sip of her hot coffee.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. January caught herself looking toward the construction area often, only to be reminded of the reason she was there, and that was to sign autographs for those into physical fitness which seemed like the entire town of Bloomington. By the end of the day she was drained of all energy and only wanted a relaxing evening watching television. But unfortunately she had promised to go to the Mayors for dinner.

Chapter 4

he rain was coming down in a fury as January opened the door of the motel room to leave for the party.

“Oh, terrific!” she scolded herself looking around the room for something to throw over her head. She then noticed a large, blue, plastic laundry bag the motel supplied for their visitors. She opened it and couldn’t help discovering the large bold, black letters across the entire length. ‘Joe’s Laundry.’

“Oh well, I guess you’ll just have to do.” January stated with disgust, throwing the bag over her head. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time and headed for the door. Safely inside the car she shivered slightly and proceeded to start the engine. It groaned until finally it belched to life.

“That’s the way baby,” she cooed it along. “Just get me there and back and we’ll all be happy.”

January could see the house as it loomed among the tall trees just inside the city limits. It had been quite a while since she’d been there, but she remembered how elegant it looked from
the road. As she pulled the noisy car into the long winding driveway, several cars were parked near the house making it impossible for her to park close. The rain hadn’t let up if anything it had gotten worse. She sat trying to decide how she would get inside the house without getting drenched to the bone. She couldn’t possibly put the plastic bag over her head again. Not only would it look ridiculous, but it held little protection under the howling rain outside.

Thinking that she never had found the invitation that was responsible for her being out in this mess, she made a blinding dash toward the door of the elegant home. ‘
If I can get to the covered porch I’ll not look so bad when they open the door,’
she reasoned, running and jumping over the large puddles. “Look out!” she screamed as a large black umbrella bolted out in front of her.

January groped wildly for something to hold onto, causing her ankle to turn with excruciating pain. Falling backward and unable to catch her balance from the blow, her feet flew out from under her, and she landed in the puddle she distinctly tried to avoid.

“What were you trying to do anyway?” Came the stranger’s voice as he stood over her holding out his hand to help her up.

“You...You idiot! You imbecile! How could you be so blind!” she shouted angrily spitting dirt and water out of her mouth after realizing who had caused the accident. “Now look at me!” she exclaimed. Her auburn hair now down in her face and her dress soaked with mud and water. “Get your hand away!” she slapped at him. “I can get up myself. Just get out of here and leave me alone.” She groaned trying to stand up. But
the pain in her ankle was so bad she sat back down on the cold ground.

“Here let me help you,” he said, barely able to control the urge to laugh.“Haven’t you done enough damage for one evening? Just leave me alone!” she snapped ignoring his outstretched hand.

January was near tears as she shivered from the cold water she was emerged in. Trying to stand up again she managed to steady herself by putting the painful foot on the ground but was unable to put full pressure on it. Hearing his voice again only made her more angry.

“Why don’t you let me help you to the house?” He started to reach out to her again.

“I’m not going into their house in front of all those people looking like a soaked rat, you idiot.” She snapped at him again.

He shot her a cold look and started to turn away. “If you insist on helping yourself, by all means be my guest. I on the other hand am getting wetter as I stand here arguing with you. Good luck, Miss Manson.”

Surveying the damage again to her ankle she cursed. Without warning, someone picked her up and walked toward the other end of the drive.

“Put me down!” she ordered after discovering it was the stranger.

“No, not until you’re safely in my car.” He said with indifference.

“I don’t want to get in your car. Put me down.”

“I really don’t care what you want at this point, no female is going to make me feel like a heel, not even you, Miss Manson.” He stated, ignoring her squirming efforts.

Sitting her down heavily on the car seat, he slammed the door. He was almost to the other side when she opened the car door and started to get out. Misjudging the swollen ankle she put pressure on it and groaned in pain. By this time he was in the car reaching over the top of her and pulling her back inside.

“Don’t try that again Miss Manson, I am wet enough, and I don’t intend to come down with a bad cold.”

“Mr....Rich, I couldn’t care less if you caught a cold or anything else for that matter, just what do you intend to do with me?” She shouted.

Furious green eyes stared at her. “What I’d like to do with you is against the law, but what I’m going to do with you is take you back to the motel so you can get out of that wet dress, which I might add, is too reveling to be seen in public.” He said, through clenched teeth.

Quickly looking down at the front of the silky material, she realized the wet dress was nearly transparent. January swiftly put her arms over her breasts recognizing the devilish grin on the complacent man’s face. Turning to face the window, she avoided looking into his all too powerful eyes.

She was glad it was only a few miles to the motel. Sitting in the car with this man was almost unbearable. ‘
Just what did he mean by, what he would like to do to me was against the law? Probably kill me, or maybe even rape me! Oh great, just what I need to think about in this car with a total stranger. What is the matter with me? I’m freezing, that’s what. Why doesn’t he turn on the heater?’
The sound of his voice brought her back to reality.

“What....what did you say?” She stuttered.

“I said, I understand you are a writer?”

“Among other things,” she snapped.

“I can believe that, but what other things are you talking about?” he looked at her with his eyes-brows raised.

“Nothing you’d be interested in.” She addressed him avoiding his gaze.

“You are probably right.” he grumbled under his breath as he moved the car into the nearest parking space.

“Stay in the car until I can help you out,” he ordered. He then moved swiftly around the car. Taking her arm causing the muscle to tighten under the pressure.

“Firm little thing aren’t you?”

“Not hardly,” she answered liking the feel of warmth his hand gave to her shivering body. “Oh!” she groaned as she stepped down on the swollen foot.

“Here, I’ll carry you. It’s easier than listening to your apparent discomfort.” He said, picking her up in his arms.

“I wouldn’t have this so called discomfort if it hadn’t been for you.” She mocked.

She let him carry her across the parking lot. The feel of his warm body next to hers was comforting.

“Miss Manson, I hate to disillusion you, but if you had been watching where you were going instead of jumping around the drive you wouldn’t have run into me. I must admit, you have a knack for not looking before you leap, so to speak.”

“Mr Rich I....”

“Oh shut up! And quit fighting me,” he interrupted with a growl.

“Put me down,” she raged. “I don’t have to listen to this kind of abuse. Did you hear me let me down!”

“I can’t help hearing you, you are screaming in my ear. Now stop squirming or I’ll drop you, now get your keys and unlock the door you are getting heavier every second.”

She had no choice but to get her keys and unlock the door. It opened with a bang as they stepped through. Tripping over the loose carpet, he stumbled inside the room. Gasping, January clung tightly to his neck, but before they realized what was happening they both had fallen on the bed, him on top of her.

“Get off me you big moose.” She shouted under his pressure.

“Big moose Hugh? Well, I just may stay here until you apologize for that remark!” He provoked holding her arms now over the top of her head.

“Let me up you overgrown bully, or I’ll scream rape.”

“Oh no you won’t.” He stated, covering her mouth with his own.

January tried to fight him, her hands beating wildly against his hard body as he pinned her firmly down. Her struggles became useless, and she was unable to budge the powerful man holding her captive. The feel of his warm body on top of her gave her a strange feeling of protectiveness. For a moment she had forgotten about the fight and laid there drinking in his manly odor. He slowly loosened his hold as he looked now into her blue eyes that seemed to shine silver from the dim light. He moved closer and softly touched her lips in an almost hesitant manner. When he discovered she would give him no more fight, his lips covered hers in a more demanding way.

January found herself returning his kisses with a feverish need that matched his. He rolled over, holding her against him, tasting and exploring her tender lips. He caressed her as his
warm hand rubbed softly up and down her side feeling the firm yet soft curves of her body.

January felt his hand slide gently up her back, his breath was soft and warm as his eyes searched hers in urgent need. January’s thoughts were rushing around like they didn’t know which direction to go as his hand searched tenderly for the soft mounds of her breasts. A sound from outside the room brought her quickly back to her senses.

“Please wait,” she sighed breathlessly, trying to pull away from him. “I think you should leave. I don’t even know you.” she quickly sat up on the side of the bed.

For a moment the stranger laid there unable to move for fear the sounds of rejection he heard were true. He wasn’t even sure what got into him. He had never done anything like that before. He had never pushed his way on a woman. There was just something about this woman, he couldn’t seem to get enough. He could see her faint outline from the dim light outside and wondered how she could change moods in seconds.

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