That Summer (Part Two) (16 page)

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Authors: Lauren Crossley

BOOK: That Summer (Part Two)
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following night there’s a thunderous storm, one which has been looming all day.
It circles the house with its mournful cry, howling down the chimney so the
flames of the fire flicker and tremble with each gust of wind.

frightening roar increases as the night goes on, swirling through the expansive
grounds which surround the house like a terrifying monstrosity, unwavering in
its intent to devour everything in its path.

I’m going to have to go out and get some supplies. We’re running really low on
groceries, not to mention milk, logs for the fire and money which I need to
give Annette tomorrow morning.” Cole informs me, grabbing his car keys off the
kitchen counter.

are you saying? You want us to go out in this weather?” I exclaim

you. I’m the only one who’s going out there.” He says firmly. “I’ll be back in
half an hour, I promise.”

you can’t leave me here by myself.” 

lock the door behind me and I’ll close the electric gates. The entire house is
secure. I’ll even activate the burglar alarm until I get back.” He assures me,
reaching for his jacket.

that mean I can’t get out?” I ask him, not sure if I like the idea of being
locked in.

just means you can let me in when I get back but no one can even attempt to break
in here without this pager going off.” He tells me, showing me a small device
which he places in his back pocket.

don’t even want to
about someone trying to get in here.” I
tremble, crossing my arms defensively.

no one will try. I just want you to feel safe until I get back. Now keep your
phone with you and call me every five minutes if you have to. I’ll be back as
soon as I can.”

makes his way towards the front door and opens it, revealing the true extent of
the tumultuous chaos which is going on outside. Raindrops are pelting down with
a vengeance, reigning down against the windows like small pebbles. The sky is
black and the clouds are drawing even closer. There’s something extremely
disconcerting and almost… foreboding about them, threatening to swoop down and

it’s really not safe for you to be out driving in this.”

be fine.” He promises, squeezing my hand tightly. “I’ll be right back.”

kisses my forehead and gives me one more of his dazzling smiles, assuring me that
everything will be alright.

watch him get into his car and pull out of the driveway, turning right before he
disappears down the narrow lane. I close the door behind me and make sure that
it’s locked. Deciding to keep myself occupied while he’s gone, I make my way
into the kitchen and switch on the kettle.

must have only been five minutes when a frantic hammering on the front door can
be heard. I jump up from the sofa, spilling my hot cup of coffee everywhere.
I’m certain it won’t be Cole because he would have phoned to say he was on his
way home. I also know he wouldn’t frighten me by banging on the door like that.

first instinct that I have is to run and hide but that thought is soon erased
when I hear a female voice coming from the other side of the front door.

please let me in! I need to talk to you!” The mysterious woman yells,
persistent and desperate.  

is it?” I ask, struggling to hide my fear.

Fiona. Is Cole there? I know he lives here.” She replies, sounding desolate and

do you want?”

I’m begging you. Let me inside and I’ll explain everything.”

not here right now.” I reply, wondering what on earth I’m supposed to do.

I come in and wait? I swear I’ll leave as soon as I’ve spoken to him.”

think I should call him first.” I answer, grabbing my phone off the coffee

begging you… let me in first.” She pleads with me once more, softening my
resolve against letting her inside.

on my instincts, I unlock the door and swing it open, taking in the petite
blonde girl in front of me. She’s absolutely soaked and can’t stop shivering.
She has nothing except a small handbag which she clutches tightly, as though I
might steal it from her at any moment.


widen the door for her so she can step inside and I observe her closely. Her
eyes take in the opulent furnishings and splendour of the living room, clearly
amazed by the affluence to which I’ve become accustomed over the past few

you for doing this.” She trembles, turning around to face me.

fine. I just want to know who you are.” I persevere, compelled to find out the
identity of this woman.  

is he? Is Cole here?”

looks terrified and anyone can see that she is highly vulnerable. She must have
walked miles because the nearest town from here is half an hour away and I doubt
she got here by car.

not here right now. He’s popped out for a few minutes.”

I wait for him to get back? I really need to speak to him.”

clearly decided that she’s not going anywhere until she speaks to Cole and I
guess I have no right to stop her. I watch her take a seat next to the fire,
gazing into its bright flames as she attempts to warm her hands in front of it.

you say your name was Fiona?” I ask, hovering by the door in case I need to
make a quick exit anytime soon.

he mentioned me?” She enquires, appearing hopeful.

no.” I answer her truthfully. “I’m sorry.”

are you? Are you his girlfriend?” She demands, her eyes filling up with unshed

pause for a moment, considering how much I should reveal to her. I figure I
should respond with something which won’t involve a lot of questions and blurt
out the first thing that comes into my head.

Serena, Cole’s sister.”

never mentioned a sister.” She reflects absent-mindedly. “But it’s really nice
to meet you.”

do you two know each other?” I question her, realising that Cole has been
keeping a few secrets from me… one of them being this woman.

don’t know each other very well but we met a couple of months ago.”

you have a relationship?”



know it doesn’t sound good but I really liked him. I guess he didn’t feel the
same way if he hasn’t even mentioned me to you.” She murmurs sadly, wrapping
her arms around body to keep herself warm. “Do you mind if I take my coat off?”

course. Give it to here and I’ll put it on one of the radiators to dry off.”

take it from her and drape it over the heater, struggling to remain calm and
control my envy as I wait for Cole to walk through the door and give us both
some answers.

really kind of you to let me in here like this, especially when my arrival was

drags her fingers through her hair, attempting to smarten herself up now that
she’s gaining some warmth.

guess I’m just wondering what might have happened for you to turn up here like
this out of the blue.”

wanted Cole to be the first one to know but you seem really nice.” She takes a
deep breath before she goes on, psyching herself up to continue. “Maybe you can
help me figure out a way to tell him?”

him what?” I probe, dreading her answer.

him that I’m pregnant.”


convinced I misheard her, fighting against the little voice inside me head
which is telling me I heard her just fine.

carrying his baby and I think he has the right to know.”

Her statement
confirms it. This random woman turned up so she could tell Cole that he’s going
to be a father. This is the catalyst which will tear us apart and there’s
nothing I can do to stop it.

spend a further ten minutes talking with her before Cole arrives, bursting
through the front door with a smile on his face.

I’m really sorry I left you for so long but the traffic was crazy on the way
back up here.”

freezes, taking in the two of us together. His face drains of all its colour,
resembling someone who has just been caught red handed.

the hell are you doing here?” He growls, forcing Fiona up from her seat by
taking hold of her elbow.

stop it and calm down.” I say, speaking firmly.

the fuck are you here and how did you get in?”

shakes her roughly, struggling to conceal his rage with regards to our

her in.” I inform him, standing up so I can place myself between

would you do that?” He challenges me harshly, turning his anger on me instead.

she begged me to do so and she told me she had to speak to you.”

Serena… she could have been anyone. Why would you put yourself in danger like
that without me being here?”

listen to what she has to say to you.” I advise him, turning away so I can
leave the two of them alone.

do you think you’re going? Stay where you are.” He commands, taking hold of my
hand. “Anything she has to say to me can be said in front of you. Whatever it
is, I want you to hear it.”

already knows.” Fiona interjects, receiving a fierce glare from Cole for her

what? What have you told her?”

she’s pregnant.”

both stop, staring at me in disbelief. I really didn’t mean to blurt it out
like that but I couldn’t take it anymore. We were going round in circles and
Cole’s temper wasn’t helping anyone.

?” He whispers, refusing to break eye contact with me.

having your baby, Cole. I’m eight weeks pregnant.”

stands directly in front of him, desperate for his attention and maybe even
some affection from the man who will be her baby’s father.

lying.” He snarls, scowling at her with hatred.

brought a pregnancy test with me to prove it.” She retorts boldly. “I can go
and take it right now.”

if you pregnant, it doesn’t mean it’s mine.” 

guess a DNA test will prove that once the baby is born but until then… you’re
going to have to take my word for it.”

listen to them argue and feel like a spare part. It’s as though I’m no longer
needed in my own house and I’ve never felt more insignificant or unneeded.

out.” He finally orders, narrowing his eyes at her in contempt. “Get the hell
out of my house and don’t come back here. I don’t know how you found out where
I live but I told you before that there is
between us. I don’t
want you, Fiona. I never did.”

wanted me enough to have sex with me!” She cries, covering her face with her
hands as she starts to sob. “Your sister treated me so kindly. I knew you would
be the complete opposite when I told you.”


related, right?” She glances between us, uncertain and more than a
little consumed.

right we are.” I appease her, smiling weakly. “Look, you two really need to
talk about this in private. I’m going to give you both some space.”

turn to leave the room once more, making my way towards the stairs when Cole
stops me.

not going anywhere. This involves you and you’re not leaving me alone in this.”

places himself at the foot of the stairs, preventing me from taking another

this is
mess and
the only one responsible for it.
Don’t tell me what to do when I’m not even a part of this.”

course you are.” He whispers, attempting to keep our conversation private. “Serena,
please… I swear to God I can explain everything to you.”

you sick of hearing your own excuses by now?”

give me five minutes.” He begs me. “Fiona can wait.”

thanks.” She remarks bitterly, obviously frustrated by our heated discussion
which excludes her.

up.” He fires back at her aggressively. “You think you can just turn up at my
door and unload all of this on me like it’s no big deal?”

thought you had a right to know.”

right I do but you can wait. Right now I’m going to go and talk with Serena in
private so don’t even
about leaving until we’re done, do you

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