That Summer (Part Two) (2 page)

Read That Summer (Part Two) Online

Authors: Lauren Crossley

BOOK: That Summer (Part Two)
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I want to thank you.” I say, choosing to disturb our peaceful silence.


taking me with you.”

remains silent for a few moments, considering his response.

you for letting me.” He replies, resting his chin against the top of my head.
“Everything will work out, Serena. We’re going to be ok. I promise you.”

if… what if you can’t keep that promise?” I ask him timidly.

will keep it.” He assures me, leaning back so he can look me in the eyes. “I’m
never going to let you go, Serena. You’re
. You’ve always been mine
and you’re the only one who has been able to shed light on the darkness which
is inside of me. You’re the only one who has gathered all the broken and
fragmented pieces of my soul and put them back together again. You make me
whole and you’ve somehow managed to heal a part of myself I thought was broken.
You are my hope, baby. My strength, my weakness and my future. You’re
everything to me and I swear I don’t think I could live a single day of this
life without you.”

begin to tremble as my mind starts to process the severity of his words.
Everything is happening so, so fast. My mind feels like its racing ahead of me
and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. My life is crumpling around me and the
only thing, the only person I have to cling onto is Cole.

I don’t know what to say.” I admit, burying my face against his chest. “I’m
still so concerned about Lisa. I don’t know what she’s going to think when she
realises I’ve gone missing. She’ll be so worried.”

still doesn’t know I told her everything before we left and I plan on keeping
it that way. Cole would go berserk if he found out I told her we were related.

make sure they never find us.” He promises, squeezing me tightly. “I don’t plan
on giving up, even if that means we have to keep on running.”

terrifying part is I actually believe him. I know he will stop at nothing to
keep us together, even if that means we have to keep on hiding.

we still need to talk about what you did at school.” I remind him, putting some
distance between us. “You have to realise you can’t react like that every time
someone says something you don’t like about me.”

what should I have done?” He challenges me. “How could I just stand there and
let that piece of scum say those things about you?”

course not but there’s other ways of dealing with things.”

don’t know any other ways, Serena. This is the way I am and the only way I know
how to be. I grew up around so much violence, my whole childhood is tainted
with it and I’m not trying to excuse myself, I just want you to understand how
hard it is for me to stay calm in those sort of situations and not lash out. I
love you and will do everything in my power to protect you. That’s never going
to change.”

exhale slowly, wondering how on earth either one of are going to get through
this. Being on the run from the police and trying to pretend that we don’t know
the truth about one another. I just don’t know if I have the strength or
determination to see this through. What if we’re find out? What if the police
find us and send Cole to prison? Where will I go and how would I exist without
him? All these crazy thoughts keep swirling around inside my head, consuming
every part of me until I feel suffocated by it all.

I…I don’t think I can take much more right now. All I want to do is close my
eyes and go to sleep so I can pretend that none of this is even happening.” I
wail, covering my face with my hands in an attempt to stop myself from crying.

it’s ok. It’s all going to be ok.” He soothes me, pulling my body against his
so he can embrace me. “I don’t want you to be afraid of anything anymore, not a
single thing. I will take care of everything and most importantly… I’ll take
care of

still remember the day I first met him and how I barged right into him when I
was making a quick escape from the girl’s bathroom. I should have known that
our collision was an omen of what was about to follow. Our entire relationship
has been tumultuous and crazy. We’ve experienced more heartbreak in the few
weeks that we’ve known each other than people do in a whole lifetime. However,
we’ve faced the darkest of times and still come through it all.

have this moment and we have each other. There might only be a small glimmer of
light amongst the shadows but it’s the small flicker of hope I intend to cling

don’t know what will happen next or what the future might bring but what I
know is that I love Cole. I can’t exist without him and don’t intend to for a
single moment.

is mine and I am his… nothing else matters.


Chapter Two

both sleep in late the next morning, neither one of us waking up until
lunchtime. The afternoon sunlight which is streaming in through a small gap in
the curtains is what wakes me and I turn over, sighing with contentment when I
feel Cole’s strong, muscular body right beside me.

never thought we would be together like this again. I had actually convinced myself
that sharing a bed with Cole was a thing of the past, something I would only be
allowed to experience through my memories.

stirs beside me, turning over onto his left side so that he’s facing me. I
watch him intently as his eyes start to open and he takes in his surroundings.

morning.” I say, smiling at him warmly.

morning, beautiful. How long have you been awake?” he asks, resting his hand on
my hip so he can pull me close against him.

long.” I reply truthfully, shifting underneath his touch.”

.” He warns me,
tightening the hold he has on me so I can’t pull away from him.

I wasn’t doing anything.” I lie, trying to act oblivious to his caution.

move away from me. Don’t flinch every time I touch you and don’t try to put any
distance between us. Ever.”

tone is almost threatening, laced with bitterness and a hint of anger.

this is going to take me some time, ok? There’s things I need to adjust to and
I need you to be patient when it comes to the two of us being intimate.”

have patience, Serena. I just don’t want you to pull away from me. I don’t want
anything to have changed between us because I still feel the exact same way
about you that I always have. That is never going to change.”

the strippers didn’t manage to do anything for you?” I ask him sourly,
struggling to contain my envy.

sighs heavily before he places one of his fingers underneath my chin, tilting
my face up towards his.

sorry that I hurt you. I wish I had never done any of
those things but you have to understand how much torment I was in. I felt like
I was going to die from my misery and I was willing to try anything and
everything I could to ease just a small amount of that pain I was feeling.”

don’t think I was in pain too?” I snap, jumping out of bed in anger. “I was
hurting too, Cole! I was in torment as well. I couldn’t eat, sleep or even
straight but I didn’t run to anyone else and I didn’t flaunt anyone in front of
you just to hurt you.”

know you didn’t.” He groans despairingly, cradling his head in his hands as he
sits up in bed.

turn away in an attempt to avert my eyes from his magnificent physique. He’s
still shirtless and I hate the fact that this is enough to distract me from the
seriousness of our conversation.

just… it’s going to take me a while to forgive you.” I murmur softly, being
completely honest with him.

understand.” He whispers, lowering his gaze. “What I did was unforgivable.”

a moment of silence between us as I try to get my head around everything that’s
happened in the last twenty-four hours.

there’s something I need to know.” I admit, wringing my hands together in
anguish. “I need to know if you slept with anyone during the time we spent

course I didn’t. You really think I could do that?” He growls, leaping up from
the bed so he can stride over towards me.

am I supposed to know that? You were all over the girls at school. You
deliberately kissed someone right in front of me.” I remind him, frantically
trying to banish the image I now have of the two of them from my head. “God
knows what you did when I wasn’t there.”

know why I did that.” He says desperately. “It was despicable of me but I just
wanted to get a reaction out of you. I couldn’t take you ignoring me anymore
and I knew I had to do something to make you realise what you would be throwing
away if you gave up on us.”

the next time I want a reaction from you I’ll just have to make sure I kiss
someone as well.” I reply bitterly, struggling to ignore his advances as he
closes the small space between us.

think that’s something you really want to joke about with me?” He challenges,
forcing me back until I meet the wall behind me.

just saying…”

.” He growls once more, lowering his lips towards mine. “I mean it,

just get ready.” I stammer helplessly, clenching both of my fists. “We have a
big day ahead of us. We still need to figure out what we’re going to do with
the rest of our lives and where we’re going to go next.”

relinquishes his hold on me with a great deal of reluctance, allowing me to
sneak past him so I can make my way into the bathroom. I learnt my lesson when
it came to locking the bathroom door behind me last night and decide to leave
it unlocked. However, I still decide to close it whilst I take my shower.

the warm water cascades over my body, I realise I don’t even have any shampoo.
I left home in such a hurry last night, I barely managed to pack any of my
belongings. I’ve always washed my hair every single day and cry out in

what’s wrong?” Cole asks, barging straight into the bathroom without knocking.

still behind the shower curtain but instinctively wrap my arms around my naked
body, worried that he might see me.

forgot to bring any shampoo with me!” I wail, still trembling underneath the
steady stream of water.

that all?” He asks, struggling to contain the humour in his voice.

need it, Cole. There’s so many things I need.”


things.” I answer curtly, mortified by the idea that I’ll have to explain to
him that my period is due soon and I’m going to need something for it.


shampoo, conditioner and… girl’s things.” I reply evasively, unwilling to say
the actual words.

things?” He chuckles softly, hovering close by me… dangerously close.

can see the silhouette of his frame on the other side of the curtain. One swipe
of it and I would be exposed to him. The thought of this enough to turn my
stomach and arouse my deepest desires at the exact same moment.

know what I mean…” I trail off, squirming with embarrassment.

ok.” He placates me gently, picking up on my discomfort. “Why don’t you finish
up in the shower and we can go out and get everything we need?”

I can’t go out without washing my hair!” I cry, clutching at it in vexation.
“Please, Cole… it will look terrible and I don’t want you to see me like that.
Not yet.”

never knew you were this vain.” He replies in good humour, stifling his

not.” I remind him brusquely. “That’s why I don’t have the confidence to go out
like this. If I was more confident in my appearance then I would.”

you’re beautiful and no lack of beauty products is going to change that.”

you but I still really want the shampoo.” I murmur, trailing my fingers through
my damp hair.

then.” He sighs heavily. “I’ll go out and get you everything you need. Will you
be alright waiting here until I get back?”

can lock the door behind you when you leave, right?”

course.” He states confidence. “And don’t answer it to anyone else but me.”

I acquiesce, turning away from the sound of his voice as I close my eyes once
more, relaxing underneath the shower’s continuous flow of water.

the way…” Cole says, startling me when he pokes his head around the curtain. “I
love you.”

intense gaze wanders up and down my naked body, devouring every single curve
and droplet of water which cascades down each of my curves. Our eyes meet for
just a fraction of a moment, deepening the unbreakable connection which we already
share as well as reminding me that I cannot escape this. I cannot escape him or
the power he still has over me.


gone before I have a chance to respond to him and I’m left standing alone,
fighting the undeniable yearning which consumes me for a man I can never have.

comes back within half an hour and I greet him warmly, practically snatching
the shampoo bottle out of his hand so I can finish my shower.

I come out of the bathroom wearing one of Cole’s T-shirts and towel drying my
hair to find him sitting in front of the muted TV in front of him in some sort
of trance.

is it, Cole? What’s wrong?” I ask him in concern, observing him closely.

brown eyes are glazed over and it’s as though he’s someplace else, somewhere I
can’t reach him. I glance towards the television to see that he’s watching the
news, its main headlines are being played across the screen but I see nothing
of importance or concern. Nothing that should evoke such a response in him.

It’s nothing.” He falters, shaking his head slightly.

me.” I urge him, taking hold of his hand in mine. “What have you seen? Why do
you look so scared?”

it’s nothing.” He assures me, smiling feebly.

tell me the truth.” I persist, relentless in my quest to find out what’s left
him so unnerved.

not a big deal.”

just tell me.” I urge him, refusing to drop this.

just… I just saw myself on the news.” He murmurs softly, struggling to come to
terms with the statement he just made.

are you talking about? What do you mean?”

all looking for me, Serena.” He stammers breathlessly. “The police… everyone.”

I ask, crouching down in front of him in an attempt to make him look at me.

of what I did.”

what did you do?” I ask him gently, tracing small circles against the back of
his hand with my thumb.

all because of that bastard I hurt at school who said those things about you.
They’re after me for what I did to him.”

I sigh wearily, closing my eyes in frustration. “I’ve asked you this before but
now I need you to be honest with me. What did you do to him and how badly did
you hurt him?”

remains silent for several seconds, prolonging the anxiety that’s building up
inside my chest.

did enough to put him in the hospital.” He replies soberly, lowering his head
in shame.

demeanour resembles that of a lost child, someone who is vulnerable, afraid and

would you do that, Cole? How can you be capable of hurting someone like
that?” I ask him, bewildered and distraught by the idea that the man I love has
committed such an extreme act of violence.

takes me by surprise when he jumps up onto his feet, pacing back and forth in
front of me as he starts tugging on his hair in frustration.

don’t know how I’m capable, Serena! I just don’t know how or why I am the way I
am! I told you when we first met that I’m a monster and I told you to stay away
from me. Why the hell didn’t you listen?!”

whirls around to face me, glowering at me with so much hatred and contempt.
It’s enough to take my breath away and it forces me to stumble backwards in
shock and trepidation. I realise I need to calm him, he’s losing sight of
himself and the person he longs to be. He’s allowing himself to be consumed by the
uncontrollable fury that’s coexisted with the goodness inside of him for such a
long time.

I need you to look at me. Look at me and listen to the sound of my voice, ok?
to calm down and you need to let me help you do that. First of
all I want you to tell me what it is they said about you on the news. What
exactly did they say?”

magnificent brown eyes remain locked on my own, slowly granting me the power to
diffuse the situation and console him alongside his anger.

friend of mine told me what state the guy I hurt was in before I turned up at
your house last night.” He reluctantly admits, taking deep breaths as he leans
back against the wall behind him. “And that’s why I knew I had to leave. I knew
I had to get the hell out of there before they caught up with me and that’s why
I decided to run. “I’m eighteen now, Serena. That means I’m old enough to be
arrested and I’m old enough to go to prison. I have enough convictions to get
me sent down and I just know they’re going to throw the Goddamn book at me if
they catch up with me.”

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