Thawing the Ice (3 page)

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Authors: Shyla Colt

BOOK: Thawing the Ice
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“Oh, yes, yes.” She lifted her
hips, pushing up onto his fingers.

Ryan growled as he stirred behind
her. They’d agreed he’d be the one who broke her in. Ryan was rough on a good
day, and to be fair, big brother had gotten the first taste. He adjusted his
body and took her lips. Their tongues dueled, battling, thrusting, and parrying
as he prepared her. When her liquid ran down his wrist, Casey removed his
fingers and gripped his cock, rubbing the length between her drenched lips.
Casey broke the kiss, nipping her swollen lower lip.

“So damn wet.” Coated in her
essence, he clutched the head of his cock and teased her entrance, pushing in
and out as he rubbed her clit. “You’re ready for me, aren’t you, little one?”

Ryan reached down and placed her
leg over his, opening her up further. She hooked her arm around Ryan’s neck and
rolled her hips. Casey pushed in slow, careful to fill her a little at a time.
Her walls clung to him, and the muscles in his arms strained as he kept a tight
leash on his desire.

“You feel so good, baby. Are you
okay?” Casey whispered.

“Yes, don’t stop.” Her voice shook

He made the final push, and she
cried out, tensing.

“It’s okay, baby, relax.” Ryan
said, kissing her neck, fondling her breasts, and moving down to rub her clit.
Casey captured her lips, coaxing them open. Together, he and Ryan eased her
passed the pain. Her body relaxed, and Casey pulled out.

“You have the tightest pussy I’ve
ever felt, little one,” Casey said.

“Casey, feels so good.” Her hand clamped
down on his shoulder, and they found a rhythm. He gritted his teeth, determined
to hold off his pleasure until she found her own. Ryan circled her clit faster.
Her walls fluttered around Casey.

“Come for us, little one,” Ryan

She flexed her muscles, shaking as
she found release. Casey let go, filling her with to the brim. He’d never been
inside a woman bare. It hadn’t appealed to him. But the frank conversation
about birth control and tests woke a primal instinct inside him. He wanted to
mark her inside and out. Casey bent down and sank his teeth in the flesh
between her neck and collarbone as she milked him dry.

Satiated and cradled between her
sweet thighs, Casey wanted to drift off to sleep, but at six-foot-four, he
couldn’t rest on her five-eleven frame for too long. Reluctantly, Casey pulled
out and slid beside her. Ryan stroked her hair back from her face, and Casey
nuzzled her neck, pressing their bodies close together. “Are you okay, little
one?” Casey said, peppering gentle kisses up her neck.

“I had no clue it could be like
that,” she said.

Ryan snickered. “I’d wager to say
neither did we.”

“Oh, you’ve never done this

Casey pulled back and framed her
face with his hands, catching her gaze. “Leighton, no.” He shook his head. “You’re
the only person we’ve ever both wanted. We’d never even consider this with
anyone else.”

“Oh.” She smiled shyly, and he

“Don’t get cold feet on us now,
baby We’ve swapped fluids, the deal is sealed,” Ryan said, squeezing her hip

Leighton giggled, and the pressure
building in the space dissolved. “Glad to see the new roles haven’t turned the
resident smart ass into a hopeless romantic.

“Would you want me any other way?”
Ryan asked.

Casey rolled his eyes. “Yes. I’ve
been putting up with you like this my whole life.”

Leighton smirked. “Stop. You two
wouldn’t know what to do without each other.” A bright smile lit up her
heart-shaped face in the moonlight. Her button nose crinkled, and full red lips
begged to be kissed again. The smooth transition made him hopeful about what
would come. They had a lifetime of experience assessing each other’s moods,
communicating, and riding the waves of change as the years rolled by.


Casey rolled onto his back and
allowed the light filtering into the windows wake him in small increments. His
stomach rumbled, and he inhaled. The smell of bacon and waffles filled his
nose. He pried his eyes open and smiled.
They cooked
. He swung his legs
over the side of the bed and stood, grabbing a pair of jeans and a long sleeved
t-shirt from the closet. Dressed, Casey padded down the stairs, pausing at the
bottom of the landing. Clad in a pair of black leggings and a faded Metallica
shirt he recognized as Ryan’s, she was laid-back and happy. A wide smile
stretched across her lips. She leaned back against the island in the kitchen
with her arms looped around his waist. Ryan bent down to kiss her, and Casey
Thank God, no morning after buyer’s remorse.

Ryan glanced up and grinned.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” He stepped back, pulling Leighton with him and
spinning her body to face him. “Give our girl a hello kiss.”

Casey walked over and bent down,
placing a sweet kiss on her lips. The energy flowed between them, cementing
their bond. The rightness resonated in his soul. She hummed, wrapping her arms
around his neck as she leaned her body back into Ryan for support. Breathless,
they parted.

“Morning, Case.”

“Morning, little one.”

“We made your favorite, blueberry
waffles and bacon,” she said.

“Are you buttering me up for
something?” Casey asked, eyeing Ryan skeptically.

“It is your turn to chop more wood.
We have a storm front due in today or tonight.” Ryan grinned.

Suddenly, the prospect of being
snowed in took on a new spin.

“I’ll handle it after breakfast,”
Casey said, nodding at Ryan.

“Well, now that the gang’s all
here, let’s eat. She wouldn’t let me start without you.”

“Are we talking about food?” Casey
lifted an eyebrow.

“Both.” Ryan grinned.

Leighton rolled her eyes. “What do
you want to drink, Case?”

“Orange juice, please.”

“Sit down. I’ll do the catering
tonight. After last night, it’s my turn to make you both feel special.” She
bumped Casey’s hip, and slapped Ryan on the ass before sashaying to the fridge.

“Dude.” Casey mouthed to Ryan.

“I know.” Ryan mouthed back.


Leighton stared at the white flakes
swiftly accumulating outside. Winters in Alaska were brutal. Though, she’d
never looked forward to being stranded the way she did right now.

“How’s it looking out there?” Ryan
asked, stepping up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist.

“Bad. We’ll probably have a good
six inches plus before nightfall.” She rested her head on his shoulder, soaking
up the heat from his body as Casey refilled the wood burning stove.

“So. What should we do now?” Ryan

“I was thinking a nice game of
Scrabble.” She lifted her gaze to his and winked.

“You hear that, Casey? Our girl
wants to play some games.”

“Oh, I think we should.” Casey
stood and wiped his hands off on his pants. “With one or two twists.”

“What do you have in mind, Case?”
Intrigued, she turned her body toward him. Her Scrabble battles with Casey were
legendary. Often snowed in together, they turned to games for entertainment.

“Instead of points, we play for
clothing,” Casey said.

“Already trying to get me back out
of my clothes, boys?” She glanced from Casey to Ryan.

“Hey, this is his gig.” Ryan held
up his hands. “I’m just agreeing because I like the way this is going.”

Leighton snickered. “Well, if you
think you can take me, bring it, bitches.” She wagged her fingers toward her.
With a degree in English, she felt pretty confident about her word skills.

“Oh, she’s talking smack?” Ryan
laughed. “Feeling cocky?” He arched a brow.

“Feeling like I’m going to win
either way it goes.” She winked.

“Game on, Pulver, I’ll get the
board,” Casey said, walking to the closet.

Seated around the coffee table a
few minutes later, they began the game.

“Ladies first,” Casey said.

“I’m not scared.” She picked up her
letters and grinned. Laying them down, she spelled out
“Thirteen points.”

Casey’s eyes gleamed with
intelligence and his brow furrowed. He took the game seriously. He carefully
arranged his letters. Excitement danced in the pit of her belly.

“Jacuzzi.” He spun the bar around
to face her and grinned.

“Over achiever.” She rolled her
eyes. ”What about you, Ryan?”

“Cloister.” Ryan shrugged and
turned his lips downward.

“You’re not even going to try, are
you?” Leighton said.

“Can you blame me? Strip down,
sexy.” Ryan winked. She rolled her eyes and removed a slipper.

The excitement in his eyes faded,
and she laughed.

“You didn’t think I was going to
make it easy, did you?” she said.

“I hoped.” Ryan pouted.

“Odds are against you, little one,”
Casey said with a smirk.

“We’ll see.” She narrowed her eyes,
hoping for a good hand.

The banter continued as their
clothes littered the carpet. Down to her bra and panties, she pushed aside her
wooden letter holder. “I yield you cheaters.” She huffed.

“We’re not cheating, we just formed
a united front,” Ryan said.

“Well, now it’s my turn to be in
control,” she said. The men exchanged a look and turned to her with eager
expressions on their faces.

She stood, enjoying being the one
with the upper hand. “I think the two of you are overdressed.” The men
scrambled to their feet, and shed their pants and white t-shirts. Laughter
bubbled up in her throat. Awkwardness was impossible to maintain. Waking up
between the two of them, she had a mini moment of freak out until Ryan pulled
her close and nuzzled into her neck, stealing her anxiety. Maybe they’d been
working their way toward this all along. The sight of their broad shoulders and
muscular chests made her lick her lip. Honed from hunting and chopping wood,
they had a panty-wetting, rugged appeal. Her core throbbed, and she walked over,
trailing her fingers down their tan skin.

Their muscles tightened, and her
chest swelled with pride.
I did that to them, not some floozy from a bar
The realization that her days of hiding were over hit her like a two-by-four
over the head. They were hers to do what she wanted with. A purr rumbled in her
chest as she explored their sculpted flesh, making her way down to the bulges
in their boxer briefs. She cupped their swollen lengths, stroking down as they

“You like that?”

“Jesus, Lei.” Ryan’s voice wavered,
giving wings to the sense of power blossoming inside her.

“Yes.” Casey moaned.

She coaxed them to their full
lengths. “Last night was about me. Today is about you.” She slowly lowered to
her knees. “Time to present your weapons, gentlemen.”

They pulled their cocks out, and
she marveled at the differences, holding each one in her hands as she
worshipped their tips with her tongue, circling without taking either in her
mouth. Casey was large and thick with a bulbous head turned an angry red. Ryan
was slimmer and longer with a weeping mushroom tip tinged almost purple. Veins
stood out on the sides and underneath. She took her time tracing each one.

“God, Lei, you’re so good at this,”
Ryan rasped.

“Only for you two.”

“Fuck yes. So hot,” Casey said.

She sucked Casey into her mouth,
pumping Ryan in time to her head bobs. His salty fluid flavored her mouth. She
craved more. Wanting them both, she gripped them tight in each hand and
alternated sucking their tips. Two sets of fingers tangled in her hair, guiding
her as she continued to stroke them and take them as deep as she could manage.
Moisture flooded her panties.

“Fuck, you’re going to make us
come, baby,” Ryan said.

She hummed, willing them with her
eyes to understand that’s exactly what she wanted.

“You want that? Having us spill
down your throat?” Casey whispered.

She moaned, stroking them faster,
and they bucked their hips out right, fucking her mouth in a rhythm they’d
developed trading off every couple of minutes. The raw, desperate behavior had
her teetering on the edge. Ryan hit the back of her throat, and she choked,
then forced the unused muscles to relax. Tears rolled down her face, and the
pleasure she took knowing what she did for them overrode the slight curve of
learning pain. Ryan twitched and flooded her mouth with their creamy goodness.
She took down every drop, stroking them until not a drop was left, and turned
to Casey, repeating the process

Chapter Three

Leighton peered across the room and
smiled at the sight of one of her two boyfriends. If someone had told her a
couple of months earlier that her crushes would become an insane reality, she
would’ve laughed in the person’s face. Now, it was as natural as breathing. Of
course, boyfriend didn’t really begin to cover the bond they’d begun to spin.
Childhood ties morphed into something more, blending, blurring, and reshaping
into something far beyond what they’d hoped for in the beginning. Life up here
in the isolated town was harsh, dirty, messy, and testing. However, she knew how
to get along with men in small quarters. The only child to a rough-and-tumble
outdoorsman, she’d perfected the art long ago.

”You’re thinking too hard. I can
feel it.” Ryan’s voice drifted into the room from the bathroom.

“Just because you strive to think as
little as possible, doesn’t mean I’m trying to attempt rocket science,” she
said, swinging her legs off the side of the bed.

“Mmhmm.” Ryan paused in the middle
of shaving and glanced at her. “So, what were you thinking about?” The set of
his jaw and his narrowed eyes told her he’d never let it go.

“Dad,” she admitted.

“Yeah, and that’s not heavy.”
Sarcasm dripped from every word.

“Shut up, Ry.”

He winked and turned back to the
mirror. The water stopped in the shower, and the curtain pulled back to reveal
the bronze Greek god they referred to as Case. She licked her lips and skimmed
her gaze down to his chest. More than just tall, he was big, solid, and
sculpted in all the right places.

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