The 2012 Story (69 page)

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Authors: John Major Jenkins

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Alejandro, Don
Alexander, Helen
Alli, Antero
Alten, Steve
Alvarado, Pedro de
anagogical symbols
Anastas, Ben
Ancient Maya, The
Andrews, Synthia and Colin
Apocalypse 2012
Archaic Maya Inscriptions
Argüelles, José
Charles Henry and the Formation of a Psychospiritual Aesthetic
correlation used
Crazy Wisdom school
Dreamspell system
Earth Ascending
galactic synchronization concept
Harmonic Convergence
Mayan Factor
as mythmaker
Omega Point and noosphere concepts
on start date of final Katun
13-moon calendar
Transformative Vision
260-day sacred calendar
Aronofsky, Darren astronomy
Atlantis legend and
Creation date and
ecliptic crossings
hearthstone triangle of stars
Maya skill at
naked-eye observations
13-Baktun cycle and
See also
Milky Way galaxy
Atlantis myth
Aveni, Anthony
at academic 2012 conference
on Coba date
on galactic alignment theory
on Izapa solstice orientation
on Maya precessional knowledge
start- and end-date calculations
“Water, Mountain, Sky,”
Aztec Calendar Stone (Sunstone)
Aztec civilization
Calendar Round
mental sophistication
in modern Mexican heritage
settlement in Central Mexico
subjugation by Cortés
worldview and cosmology
Bache, Christopher
Bakan, Joel
Baktunian movement
13-Baktun cycle
Balin, Peter
Barrios, Carlos
Bartholomew, Marko
Bash, Frank
Bauval, Robert
Bear & Company
Behak, Jon
Beneath the Moon and Under the Sun
Bera, Mike
Beyond 2012: A Shaman’s Call . . .
Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy
Biologia Centrali-Americana
Book of the Gods and Rites of the Ancient Calendar, The
Book of the Year
Books of Chumayel
(Brinton, trans.)
Bowditch, Charles
Braden, Gregg
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Étienne
Breaking Open the Head
Bricker, Harvey
Bricker, Victoria
Bringers of the Dawn
Brinton, Daniel
Brotherston, Gordon
Brown, Vinson
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
building dedication ceremonies
Bullock, William
Burroughs, William
Bush, George
calendar priests.
Calendar Round
Calleman, Carl Johan
Campbell, Joseph
on cultural institutions and priorities
definition of myth
Inner Reaches of Outer Space
on key precessional numbers
on Perennial Philosophy and mythology patterns
recognition of universal ideas
subjectivity of
on symbolic meaning of mythology
Canek, Jacinto
Careri, Gemelli
Carlson, John B.
Catherwood, Frederick
Cayce, Edgar
Center of Mayan Time, The
Chac Mool
Chalice and the Blade, The
Champollion, Jean François
Chanchabac, Rigoberto Itzep
Chardin, Teilhard de
Charles Henry and the Formation of a Psychospiritual Aesthetic
Chichén Itzá
Chilam Balam
Chomsky, Noam
Cleveland, Grover
Clow, Barbara Hand
Coe, Michael
on 2012 as cataclysmic event
on 13-Baktun cycle ending
on Jacinto Cunil
end-date calculation
on Izapan civilization
on Maya belief in World Age ending
on racism
action and community-building
Dreamtime state
five sheaths
higher level
meditation practice sacred plants
sensory isolation/LSD
shift in
three stages of development
transrational perspective
Cook, Garrett
Coomaraswamy, Ananda
Copernicus, Nicholas
Corbin, Henry
Corporation, The
codependent partnerships with government
dysfunctional workplace relationships
as Seven Macaw figures
correlation problem
260-day calendar and
“Equation of Maya Time,”
Goodman-Martínez-Thompson (GMT)
settlement of
zero date
Cortés, Hernando
Cotterell, Maurice

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