The Accident (6 page)

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Authors: Diane Hoh

BOOK: The Accident
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While they waited in the hall for Mrs. Bench, Hilary said angrily, “He didn’t believe me. So he won’t have it investigated, and whoever pushed me will get away with it, just like he’s getting away with the car tampering.”

“He won’t get away with it. The sheriff is still investigating, according to my mom.”

Hilary shrugged.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Megan asked with concern. “Your face is the color of my old gym socks. And your eyes look glazed, like you’re not really in there.”

“I’m fine. I’m just mad now. Quit worrying. Let my mom do that. It’s her job.”

When Hilary had been deposited safely in her mother’s very competent hands, Megan went to look for Justin. He had said he’d be in the

Walking down the hall, the sight of Hilary falling, falling, returned to Megan’s mind, and she closed her eyes, feeling like she’d been riding on an out-of-control Ferris wheel. If Hilary hadn’t caught that rope … Megan leaned against the wall until the nausea passed.

Why was all this happening? In the past two days
girls had narrowly escaped death. And every one of them was a good friend of Megan’s.

Was she in danger, too? Was that why she felt shadowed? Because someone
watching her? Watching … and waiting …

Shaking her head to erase the image of Hilary’s dreadful fall, Megan continued on down the hall.

The door to the
office was open when she arrived. As she stepped inside, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck rose. Justin was seated at his desk as usual, a pencil nesting over one ear. But seated on his desk, not at all as usual, was Vicki Deems, a bright red halter top and a black leather miniskirt fitted snugly around her beautiful body. She was leaning forward, a curtain of silky black hair draping one tanned cheek. She seemed to be whispering in Justin’s ear.

And what was worse, he seemed to be listening.

Megan froze in the doorway. What if she’d waited too long to ask Justin to be her date for the party? What if he asked Vicki? After all, Justin was a healthy, normal, red-blooded American male. And that was
halter top.

“Oh, hello, Megan,” Vicki said in a husky voice that set Megan’s teeth on edge.

Megan allowed herself the satisfaction of seeing Justin glance up guiltily, his gorgeous face flushing scarlet, before she turned and ran. Even when she heard him calling out her name, she kept going.

She ran all the way home in a vain effort to escape two awful images. One was of Hilary plunging toward the stage, a picture that sent Megan’s stomach into sickening nausea. The other image was of Justin with his head next to Vicki’s. That one filled her with fury.

When she was safe in her own room, in her own house, she grimly put all thoughts of friends in danger, vicious vipers, and treacherous males out of her head. She had more important things to think about.

Because ever since Hilary had grabbed that rope and hung on for dear life, ever since they’d put that ladder up there and a shaky but unharmed Hilary had slowly climbed down to safety, Megan had known that she was going to trade places with Juliet. She just hadn’t been ready to admit it to herself. Until now.

The idea no longer seemed so crazy, so impossible. The way she felt now had something to do with four of her closest friends almost losing their lives but being lucky enough to survive. Luckier than Juliet. And all Juliet wanted was one tiny little week. That wasn’t very much.

Her gratitude that Hilary’s body hadn’t crashed into that hard wooden stage made her feel generous. Scared,
even, but generous. What was a week, anyway? Practically nothing.

Hadn’t Gram said Megan marched to a different drummer? Maybe it was time to prove that. Something deep inside her, something she had never listened to before, was willing to do this incredibly frightening thing. It was time to pay attention to that part of her.

Dropping her books and purse on the bed, Megan took a deep breath and walked over to the mirror. “Juliet, are you there?” she called softly. “I want to talk to you.”

The mirror remained clear. There was no plume of purplish haze, no faintly glowing silvery light, no whispering voice. There was nothing but glass and Megan’s own reflection.

Chapter 8

blankly back at her, Megan fought a mixture of relief and disappointment.


Every five or ten minutes during the evening, Megan called out Juliet’s name. But there was no answer.

After phoning Hilary to make sure she was really okay, Megan crawled into bed, but she wasn’t planning on sleeping. She would stay awake and continue trying to summon Juliet.

But the horrors of the day had exhausted her. She fell asleep.

And was awakened during the night by a terrifying nightmare, the worst she’d ever had. A dense forest of cobwebs, soft and furry as caterpillars, imprisoned her. She struggled frantically to break free, but the steel-strong network refused to release her. Off in the distance, a giant spider approached slowly on thick, black, hairy legs.

Megan thrashed and moaned, desperately seeking freedom. But the web held.

Somewhere in the distance, she heard her name called softly. But she was powerless to answer.

Panicking halfway between sleep and wakefulness, she bolted upright in bed, suddenly wide awake. Stunned, she looked around her, but could see nothing in the pitch-black. The dream had been so real. She had felt so absolutely trapped. The feeling of helplessness stayed with her. Her stomach lurched, her head ached with a pain that hurt her eyes, and she was very, very cold.

And then she realized that the cold came from the now-familiar plunge in the room’s temperature.

Megan shivered, desperately wanting the darkness to disappear. She could still feel the threat of that enormous hairy spider ambling toward her in the dream web. Shuddering again, she wrapped her arms around her chest and watched numbly as the mirror began to fill with the shimmering lavender image.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come earlier,” Juliet apologized. “I heard you calling me. But I was scared you’d decided not to trade, and I couldn’t stand to hear you say it.” Then, “Megan, what’s wrong? You look awful!”

“I’m okay.” Megan took a deep breath and exhaled. “Juliet, I’ve thought about it. I want you to explain again about trading.”

The plume danced with amazement and joy. “You do?”

“Yes. Exactly how would we do it? Tell me everything.”

“Oh, it’s so easy!” Juliet’s voice rose and fell with excitement. “Once you agree, all you have to do is step into this mirror. And I will step out … as you. It takes only a second.”

“And I will be invisible, but you will be able to hear me?”

“Yes. And nothing from your world can touch you.”

“But … it can touch
And you will be
That scares me, Juliet. It means that whoever hurt my friends and pushed Hilary off the catwalk, could go after me … you … next. Are you
you can protect yourself better than I could?”

“Yes, Megan, I am sure. I’ll be careful.”

Megan wished she could have talked to someone about all of this. But who would believe her? She hardly believed it herself.

Reading her thoughts, Juliet warned, “You can’t tell anyone, Megan. I know it’s hard, but that would ruin everything. The only one who can know is the lender, and that’s you. No one else.”

“You think you know enough about me to act and talk like me?” she asked Juliet.

“It’s only for a week, Megan. I can handle that.”

“And you will look just like me?”

“I will
you, Megan. I will look like you and talk exactly like you. But inside, I’ll still be me. And you’ll still be you. No one can take your real inner self from you.”

Juliet’s voice was calm and reassuring, as if they were discussing taking a walk around the lake.

Megan tried to relax. “We would have to practice switching before I agreed.”

“Of course. There’s nothing to it. You step into the mirror and I step out. As you.”

She was right. There wasn’t anything to it. After each transformation, Megan felt nothing but a peculiar sense of weightlessness, the way she imagined a soap bubble might feel. She disliked the dark emptiness of the mirror, but Juliet reminded her that there was no need for her to remain there.

“You can go anywhere you want, as long as you don’t leave the lake area.”

They switched back and forth four times without a hitch. The strangest part was looking out from inside the mirror and seeing her physical self, now Juliet, standing there before her. When Megan wanted to be herself again, she simply said, “I am Megan, and I want to be me again.” And she was.

Her voice quivering with excitement, Juliet said after the fourth trial, “When can we do this, Megan? It has to be soon. There’s hardly any time left before your birthday.”

Megan made up her mind. She had thought about her friends, all nearly losing their lives so young, like Juliet. Narrow escapes had saved them. Juliet hadn’t been so lucky. Juliet had this one chance to live again, for one tiny little week. It would be wrong not to let her have that. One week wasn’t such a big deal.

And there was something else. If there was any chance at all that Juliet could somehow sense who was responsible for the pain and fear in Lakeside, Megan had to take that chance.

“I’ve already decided,” Megan said quietly. “It has to be tomorrow night. You’ll have a full week, and we’ll switch back again next Saturday night in time for my party on Sunday. I
to be at my party.” Setting a definite time for the trade sent butterflies of fear fluttering around Megan’s stomach. But she had made up her mind. She wouldn’t go back on her word now.

Juliet shrieked with joy. “I can’t believe it! At last! Oh, it’s going to be so wonderful!” The plume began dancing in excitement. “I’m going to have a whole week!”

The shadows in the room lightened a bit. It was almost dawn. “It’s today already,” Megan murmured, her heart sounding a drumroll in her chest as she thought about what the evening would bring. “It’s Saturday now.”

Juliet moved happily in the mirror. “And you promise you won’t change your mind, will you, Megan?”

Megan shook her head.

“Then I’ll go now. I’m so excited! I hope the day passes quickly. Just call my name tonight when you’re ready, and I’ll be here. And Megan, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

As the mirror image faded, and the room brightened, Megan fought a wild desire to call Juliet back and tell her she’d changed her mind, that the whole idea was impossible. But she turned away from the mirror decisively. She’d given her promise.

Megan took an early shower and spent the day running errands in preparation for her party.

Hilary called to tell her that Jenny still wasn’t allowed visitors, and that there was no news from Sheriff Toomey. “I don’t think he’s even questioned anyone,” she said, adding darkly, “
could give him the names of a couple of good suspects!”

Megan hung up, feeling traitorous. Here she was doing this incredibly strange, scary thing and she hadn’t shared any of it with her best friend. But Juliet had made it clear that telling anyone would ruin everything.

Justin called twice, calls Megan didn’t return. Let Juliet deal with him. Juliet would have to ask him to Megan’s party, too, because it was the only thing left undone on the lists. There it was, in black and white:

Walking over to the mirror after dusk, her hands trembling, her knees like pudding, Megan called Juliet’s name softly, wishing fiercely that she could have told her parents what she was doing. But of course she couldn’t have. They would never understand. Never!

Before she and Juliet actually made the switch, Megan asked tentatively, “There’s just one more thing, Juliet. I was wondering —”

Juliet interrupted her. “Yes, I’ll ask Justin to your party. And he will say yes, don’t worry.”

Unable to think of a good reason to stall any longer, Megan nodded, took a deep breath, and stepped into the mirror.

Chapter 9

sensations that came with the final transformation were very different from the practice switches. Instead of the lightness she’d felt before, there was a horrible wrenching sensation, as if steel arms were tugging and tearing at her.

And when those awful sensations passed, leaving her with no feeling at all, the blackness in which she found herself was unrelieved and icy cold. Beyond the darkness, she could see her room. But it seemed very far away, as if she were looking through a telescope.

Wild with fear, she cried out,
“Juliet! Juliet, are you there? I don’t see you. Where are you?”

And a girl who looked exactly like Megan Logan appeared in front of the mirror, a happy smile on her face. “I’m right here, Megan. I hear you. Relax!” Her voice and speech sounded exactly like Megan, too. “Remember, you can talk to me any time you want.”

Her words failed to dilute the abject terror Megan felt.
What have I done?
she thought wildly.
“Juliet, I feel terrible. So far away from everything. It’s not like it was when we practiced. Why does it feel so different now?”

“It’s because you’re not practicing this time, Megan. But it’s just a week. Anyway, you’ll feel better soon. Don’t worry.”

Then, touching her cheeks, her hair, her arms with wonderment, Juliet said, “Oh, I can’t believe this!” A radiant smile lifted her lips. “I’m going to have such a wonderful time!”

The seven days that had earlier seemed so brief to Megan now stretched ahead of her like a dark, endless tunnel.
This is horrible,
she thought miserably.
I feel like I’ve been sucked into a bottomless pit. I’ll never be able to stand this for seven whole days!

Only Juliet’s obvious joy kept her from reneging on her promise. Megan forced herself to calm down, to tell herself that it would be all right.

She let herself be distracted by Juliet’s excitement.
“You’d better chill out,”
she warned gently.
“I’m not a bouncing-off-the-walls person. People will be suspicious.”

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