Read The Accidental Alchemist Online

Authors: Gigi Pandian

Tags: #french, #northwest, #herbal, #garden, #mystery, #food, #french cooking, #alchemy, #cooking, #pacific, #ancient, #portland, #alchemist, #mystery fiction

The Accidental Alchemist (6 page)

BOOK: The Accidental Alchemist
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“Yeah, Blue’s teashop. That’s where I know Detective Liu from, too. Hey, are those chili peppers floating in that bottle?” He jumped up and pulled back the half-closed curtain that shaded my nook of herbs. He lifted a glass jar of sesame oil infused with peppers. “Wicked. I love spicy food. Did you make all this stuff? Is that lemon balm and pineapple sage floating in these other bottles?”

“How on earth did you recognize those?”

He shrugged. “Blue loves wildcrafting. She taught me about what that meant and about finding plants in their natural habitats. She harvests herbs for her teas and other stuff.”

I hadn’t met many wildcrafters. Under other circumstances I would have asked him more about it. But now, I had more pressing matters to deal with. “You were telling me about Charles Macraith visiting the teashop.”

“Yeah, nobody had anything against him.” Brixton set the bottle back on the shelf and looked right at me. “That gargoyle of yours is the only logical explanation for why he’s dead.”


Brixton offere
d to live
up to his end of the bargain and weed the yard, but the rain pelting on the roof of the trailer assured me there wouldn’t be any gardening that day. Brixton had heard the rain too. I wondered if he’d have made such a generous offer if there was any chance I would have taken him up on it. He was a smart kid. I sent him ho
me with a clear conscience, but as I watched him ride off on his bike, I wondered if I had been too trusting.

I could see the crime scene tape on my porch from the window of the trailer. Also in view was the tarp covering a huge section of my roof. It swayed in the strong winds but looked like it was holding firm. I had no idea where Dorian could be. I didn’t know if I’d lost his alchemy-that-wasn’t-alchemy book or if he’d taken it with him. Brixton’s assumption about Dorian couldn’t be right. It couldn’t be.

n spite of the rain, I needed to walk and clear my head. I grabbed my silver raincoat and headed out.

Portlanders weren’t afraid of a little rain. Or even a lot of it. Hawthorne Boulevard was packed. Locals poured out of organic restaurants, coffee shops, and an annex of Powell’s Books. I stopped in a café and ordered an orange and pomegranate salad. It was good but didn’t compete with Dorian’s cooking. I looked out into the nighttime downpour.
Where was he?

That night, I feel asleep to the sound of the wind whispering to the rain, but woke up a few hours later with an irate gargoyle standing over me.

Ou est mon livre
!?” Dorian screamed. “Where is my book!?”

The trailer was nearly pitch black. Dorian hadn’t turned on a light, but I knew his voice and smelled his fruity breath close to my face. Could he see in the dark? I sat up abruptly at the thought, accidentally head-butting his snout. I hadn’t realized he was
close to me.

,” he mumbled, hopping down from the edge of the bed as I flipped on a light.

“Where have you been?” I asked as Dorian’s claw snagged the blanket and pulled it to the floor along with him. Luckily I was fully covered by my white cotton nightgown. I’d had it handmade by a seamstress in North Carolina several years ago, based on a pattern from the previous century. Seventeenth-century women had to wear scratchy, heavy, and overall burdensome clothing, but the night clothes from the Victorian era were the most comfortable I’d ever encountered.

“This city,” Dorian said, rubbing his snout, “she has a different lunar cycle than Paris. I did not realize the sun would rise an hour earlier. I was not yet close to the house when day began.”

“You had to hide.”

He nodded and sniffed. “I could not return without being seen.”

“I’ve been worried. I’m glad you’re safe.” I thought about what Brixton had suggested about Dorian, but pushed it from my mind. Besides the fact that I had already grown quite fond of Dorian, I wasn’t lying to myself that it didn’t make any sense for him to have killed the handyman.

“I hid in one of the forests. There were many to choose from. I chose one that had wild blueberries and blackberries.”

“I don’t think they’re technically forests—” I began. I don’t know why I said such an inane thing, except that I wasn’t at my best after being woken up after midnight by a furious creature who smelled like wild berries and could see in the dark.

“What has happened?” Dorian asked. “When night returned, I found my way back.
… there is blood at the door and the bright strips of plastic that say ‘police line do not cross.’ When I went inside—”

crossed the police line

“I thought my book was inside.”

I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

“Yet my book was not there,” Dorian continued. “Last night you fell asleep at the table with your head on the pages. I did not wish to disturb you. Dorian Robert-Houdin is a gentleman.”

I stood up and looked around the trailer. The bedside lamp cast stark shadows, but illuminated the whole interior. The door was closed, as I’d left it.


“Dorian … How did you get in here?”

His throat rumbled. I couldn’t tell if he was growling or attempting to imitate an awkward cough. He held up his clawed fingers. “Better than lock pick

broke in

“My father was a great magician. He taught me many things.”

I groaned again and sat back down on the bed. I’m no good at being awake in the middle of the night. When the sun disappears and the plants sleep, I feel myself drawn to sleep as well.

“Robert-Houdin,” I said in my foggy state. “Wait. That name. Your father was Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, the famous French stage magician!”

I told you this.”

“You told me
first name, not his.”

“There is no other Robert-Houdin. He joined his surname with his wife’s. Quite unheard-of at the time.”

“He was an alchemist?”

I knew of the French stage magician who was a huge sensation in the mid-1800s. I had once seen him perform on stage. He was talented, performing feats that seemed like magic to sold-out theater audiences. I had believed, then, that he was simply a skilled stage magician. He was, after all, such a master magician that he was asked by the French government to avert a military crisis in Algeria by showing French magic to be more powerful than that of local tribal leaders. The history books had recorded Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin’s feats as illusions, skillful tricks performed by a master showman. But now I had to wonder—had he used real magic?

was no alchemist,” Dorian said. “Yet he was the one who brought me to life.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“He did not understand what the book was capable of.” He shook his head. “I was meant to be a prop in a stage show. The book is filled with lyrical passages of text. He found them quite theatrical. But he never considered the power in the pages from which he read. I will show you. Where is the book?”

“Dorian, we need to talk. About a lot of things.”

“Yes, I agree. I do not see my book. You have put it away?”

His little black eyes looked at me so expectantly that I hated to tell him what had transpired.

“I’m sorry,” I began. “The book is gone.”

I must not understand your English; I am nearly fluent, yet—”

“The man who was going to fix and secure the house was killed this morning. That was the blood you saw.”

Je suis desolé
. But what does his death have to do with my book?

“When he was killed,” I said slowly, “the house was also burglarized. Your book was one of the thin
gs stolen.”

Dorian’s eyes grew wide. His stony shoulders tensed and his wings flew out from his sides, knocking over my pot of chervil with one wing and scraping a gash into a wood panel with the other. The pot shattered as it hit the floor.

“You let someone steal
book?” His body shook, adding additional gashes to the wooden wall paneling surrounding him. Even after seeing how his wing had chipped the fireplace, I hadn’t realized just how strong and heavy they were.

“We’ll get it back. The police are investigating.”

“You told
the police
about my alchemy book?”

“Not about your book in particular. And of course not about you. Or me, for that matter. Many of my rare books were stolen.” My head felt heavy at the reminder of everything that had been lost in the past day. In addition to losing much of my livelihood, I’d lost a book that didn’t belong to me, and a man had lost his life.

“You knew how valuable my book was. How could you have let this happen?”

“There was no reason for it to happen!” I said, struggling to keep the heavy feeling in my head from turning into a massive headache. I got myself a small glass of water and added a few drops of peppermint oil to stimulate my senses and wake me up; Dorian glared at me as I did so. “It must have been a crime of opportunity. Charles Macraith was killed, and the person who killed him saw items that looked valuable and grabbed them. The police think they were in a hurry.”

“You were not there? How could you not be there?” Dorian stamped his clawed feet like a toddler throwing a tantrum. I would have offered him some tea to calm his nerves except that my kettle was inside the house beyond the crime scene tape.

Nobody knew
we had valuable books inside the house. There was no reason to think I couldn’t go on a short walk to buy some food before Charles was due at the house. But you’re right. When I couldn’t find you, I shouldn’t have left your valuable book alone. I’m so very sorry, Dorian.”

Dorian’s wings collapsed back to their usual resting place at his sides. “I understand your desire to buy food,” he said, “yet leaving the book unattended was unwise. Someone had to have known about it.”

?” Was there more going on here than he’d told me? “Do you have a particular person in mind?”

“I do not know! This is why I came to you!” His wings vibrated, but didn’t fly out.

“Does anyone know you came here to see me and get my help?” I asked.

“No. It is not possible.”

“Then how—”

“I do not know!”

“Then why do you think this is about your book?” Now that I was a little more awake and coherent, I was beginning to realize that there may have been more going on than a crime of opportunity. “Tell me more about this book.”

Dorian’s snout flared, but he remained mute.

“What,” I said, “aren
’t you telling me?”

Dorian’s shoulders slumped. He sat down next to me on the edge of the bed. “I did not lie to you.”

“I didn’t say you did. But you didn’t tell me everything either.”

“I did not think you would believe me.”

“You’re a living gargoyle and I’m an alchemist who was born over three hundred years ago, but you didn’t think I’d believe you about a book?”

“It is for that exact reason that you could not know,” he said. “I thought it would be easier for you to solve the riddle of my book without already having a particular outcome in mind. If a scientist thinks he knows what the result will be, it prejudices the study.”

“I understand,” I said. “But I’m so far from understanding what’s going on that you need to tell me everything you can.”

“Now that the book is gone, it does not matter.” His wings
crumpled like a wilting flower as he shook his head.

“The book isn’t entirely gone.” I lifted my cell phone from the side table, tapped a couple keys, and handed it to Dorian. “Take a look. I took photos of some of the more interesting pages of the book.”

“Zoe Faust, I take back what I was thinking about you.”

I thought it wise not to ask what he was thinking about me. “Thank you,” I said. “I think.”

“I might have a chance yet.”

“A chance at what?”

“I am dying,” Dorian said. “This book is the only way to save me.”


“My body,” Dorian said,
“is slowly turning back into stone. You might say this is the natural state of things, for us all to die. But this is not a natural death. When I turn to stone, I do not sleep. I will be awake but forever trapped in this stone shell.”

“Oh, Dorian—”

He held up a clawed hand. “I did not wish to speak of it. It makes it more the truth. Now that the book has been stolen—” He broke off and shook his head.

“Why is this happening now? What changed?”

“I do not know. If I had known this would happen, I would have sought you out before now. Now that I am here, you can help me by deciphering the remaining pages of the book. Perhaps there are answers in the pages you found interesting enough to photograph.”

“Maybe, but I need to understand more—”

“Yet I know very little.” His words were clipped. “This is why I have come to you.”

I felt the weight of his words sink in. He was putting so much faith in me, and I didn’t know if I would be able to help. But I had to try.

“You know more than you think you do,” I said. “Tell me about the transformation. The day Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin brought you to life.”

“I do not remember the moment,” he said, his voice softening. “It is a blur, as they say. I will tell you the story told to me by my father. He had been given a great gift from his friend, the architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, who was restoring the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. Father’s friend had fanciful plans for the cathedral, including a balcony of stone chimeras. Unlike the water spout gargoyles along the sides of the cathedral, his stone carvings had personality. I was one of his prototypes. I was not large enough, though. Because my father collected many items for his stage performances, Viollet-le-Duc thought he would appreciate this carving—and he was correct.”

“That’s amazing,” I said, thinking of the gallery of gargoyles at Notre Dame I had climbed many times. When I had first seen Dorian, he reminded me of one of the gargoyles there. Now I knew why.

“My father created mechanized automatons. He was planning on building an automaton based on my stone carving. He had already retired to Saint-Gervais and was working on his memoirs, but his mind was restless. He wished to continue innovating for the stage. The idea for his new illusion was to read from an ancient alchemy book, at which point the automaton would begin to move—the illusion of coming to life.” Dorian closed his eyes and paused.

“I know it must be difficult to talk about this, but it will help me understand what happened to you.”

Dorian nodded. “As my father built his clockwork automaton, he placed the stone prototype—me—on stage, to practice. He was not very good at reading Latin. He practiced again and again so the words would sound dramatic for his audience. One day, he pronounced the words properly. This is the day I came to life.”

“If I’d known what was happening to you, I could have read the Latin out loud to rejuvenate you.”

Dorian shook his head. “I have already tried this.
, it is not that simple. That is why I need you.”

“Where did your father get the book?”

“This,” Dorian said sadly, “I do not know.”

“You must know something.”

“What I know is that my father found stage magic accidentally. He had ordered two books on his vocation, clockmaking. In their place, he received books on magic. It is for this reason that he always collected an assortment of books. The more happenstance, the better. Friends and well-wishers knew this of him. Many people gave him strange books. There is no way to trace the origins of
Non Degenera Alchemia

“He didn’t remember who gave it to him?”

“If he did, he did not tell me. I did not give the book much thought for many years. Only when my body began to change did I realize my life continued to be tied to the book. I can read and write in many languages, but have never studied alchemy. This secret language of alchemists is a mystery to me. You, Zoe Faust, are the one person I knew of who could help me.”

In spite of my desire to know more, that was all he could tell me. I was also about to fall over. I needed sleep. I wasn’t built to be awake in the middle of the night. I’m so attuned to the sun that simply staying awake at night is challenging.

Dorian cleaned up the broken pot of chervil and told me to get some sleep, saying I looked like I needed it. He assured me he would pay more attention to Portland’s sunrise, then disappeared into the darkness. The sadness on his face before he headed out into the night lingered in my mind. Was he really dying? Could I help? Even if we had the book back, I didn’t know what I could do as an out-of-practice alchemist who didn’t speak whatever coded language the book was written in. But he had been right the night before. He and I were two outcasts who didn’t understand what had happened to us. I didn’t want to let him down—or to lose him.


As always, I awoke with the sun. In spite of my fatigue, I had tossed and turned for several hours. Yawning, I pulled open the trailer curtains, thin muslin from Egypt that assured privacy on the inside but let in natural light from the outside.

With my blender stuck in the roped-off house, I couldn’t start the day with a smoothie of fruits and vegetables. As the sun rose, I ate dried heirloom apples and wild blueberries with a handful of walnuts, and drank a large glass of water with lemon essence. The familiar flavors and hydrating water helped calm my nerves after Dorian’s upsetting revelation.

I tucked my legs under me and sat in the window in the direction of the sunrise, thinking over the strange events of the last two days. If it hadn’t been for the scratches running across the panels near my bed and the broken pot in my herb garden, I might have been able to believe Dorian’s presence the previous night had been a dream.

Was Charles Macraith’s death a result of his own life catching up with him at my front door? He was, after all, known for being
“discreet,” a word with an added meaning that hadn’t occurred to me when the real estate agent gave me his card. Or was his death a consequence of someone in search of Dorian’s book, an unintended casualty because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time? Whatever was going on, Dorian and I were right in the middle of it.

I scrolled through the photographs of Dorian’s book I had on my phone. I stopped on an image of the earth being engulfed in flames. That pretty much summed up how I was feeling about my life.

After my night, I needed a calming cup of tea t
o think straight and decide what to do about Dorian’s dilemma. Since I couldn’t make tea without my kettle, I went in search of the teashop Brixton had mentioned. Brixton hadn’t referred to it by name, but if it was the same teashop I’d visited, it would be easy to find. I remembered it had a large weeping fig tree growing in the midst of the tables.

After a quick shower using my trailer’s nearly depleted water supplies, I slipped on custom-made gray wool slacks and cream cashmere sweater, and grabbed my silver raincoat. I’ve never gotten the hang of wearing off-the-rack clothes. How do people wear clothes that aren’t made specifically to fit their unique shape? Tailored clothes weren’t always considered the luxury item they are today. It was simply how things were done. Once mass-produced clothes were a reality, that’s what felt like a luxury to people. There’s certainly the instant gratification from seeing something you like and taking it home with you, but it doesn’t compare.

I found Blue Sky Teas on Hawthorne Boulevard, several blocks from my house. From the sidewalk, I could see it was the same teashop I remembered. Beyond the tall glass windows, the familiar weeping fig tree filled the welcoming space without dominating it. The plaque above the teashop’s bright orange door read: “‘There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be diminished by a nice cup of tea.’ —Bernard-Paul Heroux.”

It was a few minutes before 7:30 and a woman with wild gray hair was turning a hand-painted wooden sign from “closed” to “open.” She caught my eye and smiled.

The storefront was narrow, but as I stepped inside, I felt as if I’d set foot in an expansive forest. The ceiling was taller than the width of the shop. Mosaic tiles covered the floor except for a spot in the center of the shop where a live weeping fig tree with gnarled roots grew out of a three-foot circle. The branches stretched up to the curved ceiling, which was painted the color of a deep blue sky with wispy white clouds. As long as I didn’t stare directly at it, it felt like real sky hanging above me—minus the fickle Pacific Northwest weather. Eight tables lined the walls, their tops made of solid redwood with the tree rings showing. The walls were unadorned, as I remembered, except now one corner held a framed photo of a young red-haired woman. The picture was surrounded by cards and dried flowers, including fragrant lavender.

Walking through to the counter, located at the back, a cacophony of scents washed over me, but in a pleasing rather than overwhelming way. I could pick out many of the scents—mint, jasmine, honeysuckle, cinnamon—while many of the herbs blended together. Breathing in the fragrance of the teashop had an immediate effect on calming my nerves. I wasn’t exactly relaxed, but poking through my apprehension was the same feeling of hope I’d had when I first visited Portland. I wanted desperately to grab hold of the feeling and not let it go.

“I’m glad I opened early today,” the gray-haired woman said. “Zoe, right? Brixton mentioned you.”

“You must be Blue,” I said. “He mentioned you too.” I hadn’t recognized her until the scent of jasmine triggered my memory. It was the same woman who’d been here the previous year when I bought the best cup of lemon ginger tea I’d ever tasted. If I recalled, her secret ingredients were fresh turmeric and a hint of cayenne.

Though not classically beautiful, here in her element she was radiant. She wore no makeup, but her round cheeks had a natural glow. Curly hair more gray than brown swept halfway down her back, falling on the simple white blouse she wore over faded jeans. She stood behind the counter, a steaming cup of jasmine green tea in her hands.

“Blue Sky,” she said, setting down her cup of tea and offering me her hand. “And yes, that’s really my name.”

“I wasn’t going to ask. It suits you.”

“Thanks for not pressing charges against Brixton. His mom lets him run wild, but he’s a good kid. Anything you’d like, it’s on the house.”

“That’s not necessary. He didn’t do any harm. I was going to have him help weed my yard, but then …”

“Charles,” Blue finished for me. “Such a shame.”

“You knew him?”

“Not well. But this neighborhood is like a small town in many ways. Charles came into the shop, especially while he was off work recovering from a construction accident. He was a man of few words. I always got the feeling he was more comfortable whittling on wood than talking to people. You know—” she paused and frowned. “I don’t even know where he’s from. Portland is a place that gives fresh starts for a lot of people. It’s what the city did for me. I didn’t try to get to know him better. I wish now that I had …”

I never knew what to say surrounding death. You’d think it would get easier, but it never does. Maybe that’s a good thing. I remained silent, letting Blue have the time she needed. No platitude would help.

“I’m sorry that was your introduction to your new home,” Blue continued, then snapped her fingers. “You look like a fan of cinnamon. I bet you’ll like my homemade spicy chai.”

“I don’t do dairy,” I said. “I follow a vegan diet.”

“Even better. There’s no milk in my chai. People often complain about that—until they taste it.”

With a wink, she turned away from me to brew my chai. It gave me more time to look around the teashop. I placed my hand on the rough bark of the tree. It was old. The building must have been built around it. There was so much to love here, but now I knew there was also something to fear.

“See if you like this,” Blue said, startling me from my thoughts.

The intermingling scents of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, fennel, and cardamom wafted up from the clay mug. Unlike many teashops and coffeehouses across the country, the liquid in this mug wasn’t close to boiling. It was hot enough to be steaming, but cool enough to drink. Just as tea was meant to be served.

“Real Ceylon cinnamon,” I said.

“I can tell you’re going to keep me on my toes.”

I felt an immediate sense of warmth spread through my body. “This is exactly what I needed after yesterday.”

Blue smiled, the wrinkles around her friendly eyes crinkling. “You shouldn’t let Brixton off the hook.”

I breathed in the aromatic scent of the tea, hoping it would help me decide what to do about a lot of things. “I don’t know.”

“Cleaning up your yard after he broke your window is exactly what he needs.” She saw the hesitation on my face. “You don’t need to protect him from anything. It’s unfortunate Charles’s life caught up with him outside your house, but life is about moving forward. And that boy needs structure. He’s been in trouble before.”

“What kind of trouble?”

Blue waved off the question. “Nothing serious. Just kid stuff. But I worry.”

“You sound like you know him well.”

“His mom, Heather, had him when she was sixteen. I moved here when Heather was twenty and Brixton was four. What a precocious boy he was—still is.”

“I noticed.”

Blue smiled wryly. “For the last ten years, she’s often left him at the teashop, letting me babysit. Until he was old enough to be on his own after school, he’d often sit at that table by the window and do his homework.” She pointed at one of the smaller tree-ringed tabletops. “The regulars loved to help him with his homework.”

“You said that in the past tense.”

“He’s in high school now. Old enough that he can do what he wants. Which doesn’t seem to involve doing homework.”

A bell chimed and an exceptionally tall young man walked in. He wasn’t especially young, though he looked it to me. He must have been in his late twenties, around the same age people thought I was, which I’d never stop thinking of as young.

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