The Accidental Highland Hero (9 page)

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“But what if the ruse angers Catriona, and she refuses me?”

“Then she is not the one for you.”

“I am not interested in my distant cousin.” He glanced in the direction of the stairs that led to the chamber. “What about Eilis?  Will she go along with this?”

“I will speak to her and ask if she will play the game. ‘Tis the least she can do for us for providing her shelter for a few more days.”

Not one to play games, James wasn’t overmuch interested in the prospect. But if it would force Catriona to see him, it was worth a try. “Aye. I shall send a messenger at once.”

But the business concerning his brothers also still troubled him. He motioned to Eanruig. “What news have we of my brothers?”

“Nary a word, my laird. Mayhap they are already enroute from Brecken Castle. Or possibly they are still trying to solve the mysteries there.”

“Send a messenger to Brecken. I wish to know if I can rely on my brothers’ help or not.” James knew his brothers would help him anytime he needed their assistance, which meant something must have gone wrong.


Early that evening while melting tallow scented the bedchambers and the flicker of candlelight cast shadows against the bare stone walls, Eilis stared at Lady Akira, not believing she understood the lady correctly. She had never heard anything so absurd in all her life, although in truth she still couldn’t recall her past. The very idea she would have to pretend to care for James in an attempt to make his real intended envious seemed ludicrous.

She looked at the healer, Tavia, who gave her a slight smile. Turning to Lady Akira, Eilis folded her arms. “I thank you for your kindness and generosity in taking care of me after I nearly drowned, but I do not see how acting smitten with His Lairdship will aid him in obtaining Catriona’s hand. ‘Tis folly I wager to believe this. I would more than likely anger her instead and ruin His Lairdship’s chance with her.”

“Worry not your bonny head, dear,” Lady Akira responded. “You just play your part well. Act the adoring lass, besotted with the laird of the manor. Should be easy to do as handsome as James is, and the fact he is chief should help also. The better you play your part, the sooner James will marry. The clan will forever be in your debt.”

“His Lairdship can barely abide me. How can I act infatuated with him when he only returns scowls?”

“He will be well-studied in returning your simple gestures of affection. Never fear. As soon as Catriona arrives, the game shall be a success. In the meantime, you and James shall practice the deception.” Lady Akira patted Eilis’s hand. “I have to ready some of my daughter’s gowns. They should fit you well. I will have a maid fetch threads and material so that you may embroider while you stay with us once you feel well enough.” She touched Eilis’s head. “Your fever has abated, but I worry about you taking a ride just yet. Mayhap a short stroll in the garden with His Lairdship would suffice for now.”

Eilis’s stomach twisted into knotted hemp. She didn’t think any man had ever attempted to “woo” her, even if it wasn’t really the laird’s true intention. Yet, she hadn’t a clue as to what to do. Had her da made sure no clansman ever approached her?  What if she were betrothed to someone important?  He’d want James’s head.


Early the next morning, Dougald MacNeill glanced at Gunnolf, blond-haired and bearded, brilliant blue eyes, looking like one of the Viking warriors who had landed in Scotland some years earlier as they now made their way to his home at Craigly Castle.

Gunnolf had served as James’s bodyguard until he became laird of Craigly Castle, and Dougald and his brothers sought English brides with lands to make their own. Now Gunnolf served Dougald, though he never thought of the Norseman as anything but the best of friends, in many respects like a brother.

“Has Malcolm sent word ahead, telling Laird James he has married Lady Anice?” Gunnolf asked.

Dougald shook his head.

Gunnolf grunted. “He will not be pleased that you are the only one returning to aid him against the raiding Dunbarton.”

“Malcolm had to stay behind to protect his bride from the Robertson Clan who still seek her head. Angus will not be able to use his sword arm for a fortnight after the clash with Lady Anice’s enemies. Besides, you make up for our fewer numbers.”

‘Twas oft said Gunnolf shared the berserker traits of his forefathers. He could kill four men for every one Dougald or any of his brothers put down. ‘Twas good the Norseman was on their side.

“What about Lady Akira?”

Aye, his mother would have a fit to learn Malcolm had taken a wife without a word to her. Her first son finally married and to the cousin of Queen Matilda at that. He had done himself proud, despite the trouble he could have gotten himself into over the matter. Well and
gotten into.

Dougald smiled to himself. ‘Twas he who normally got himself into a mess with the ladies, not any of the rest of his brothers.

“I will tell my mother the situation when we arrive.”

Gunnolf slowed his horse. “All of it?”

Dougald shook his head. “Nay all of it, although I will give a full accounting to James. He would appreciate a good laugh.”

“He will not believe the saga.”

Dougald chuckled. “I still do not believe it myself.”

The men had kept a wary eye out for thieves and Dunbarton’s men on the way home, but when they reached the MacNeill clan border near dark, Dougald finally relaxed a bit in the saddle.

But the relief he felt at reaching his clan’s border instantly vanished when they spied Dunbarton clansmen rustling sheep in the distance.

Neither Gunnolf nor Dougald said a word but unsheathed their swords. They were outnumbered six to one, but they would not allow this affront to MacNeill sheepherders and to James’s good name. If they went for help, the Dunbarton clansmen would already have stolen the sheep and been safely away.

With the MacNeill’s mighty battle cry, Dougald shouted,
“Buaidh Na Bas!”

“Aye, to conquer or die!” Gunnolf echoed.

They galloped toward the raiders, intending to stop the thieves anyway that they could.


Tavia helped dress Eilis in a pale blue gown with a girdle of dark blue fabric criss-crossing her bodice in the fashion that showed off a lady’s curves. After attaching a gold belt, Tavia stood back and admired Eilis. “Aye, my lady, ye are bonny indeed. Niall will surely be taken with you.” Tavia opened the door to the guest chambers, paused then crossed the room to a chest.

“Niall?  I thought His Lairdship was the one whose eye I was to catch.” Eilis finished plaiting her hair.

The woman choked on laughter and pulled a gold brooch out of the chest. “His Lairdship is too hard to please. ‘Tis Niall who speaks of you every hour of the day.”

“Then this shall be an interesting game. I have nay interest in His Lairdship, and he has none in me.”

“Is that so, Eilis?”  James stood in the entryway, filling it as he leaned against the doorframe, his arms folded across his broad chest, one dark brow raised in question.

His dark eyes studied her reaction as much as she tried to slow down her hastily beating heart. She wanted to melt into the rushes. Her face felt so hot, she was sure the fever had returned.

Tavia quickly curtsied to His Lairdship then grinned.

“Can you manage a walk in the gardens, Eilis, or are you feverish again?  Your cheeks are positively crimson.”

Her mouth dropped. She didn’t believe she had ever been so overwhelmed by a man’s beauty, the way he carried himself so regally, or observed her like she was his for the taking. ‘Twas only a ruse they were to play, yet the way he looked at her, well, Lady Akira did say he would be well conversed in how he was to handle her to make it seem as though they were smitten with each other. But the look of pure lust that filled his expression made her heart flutter wildly like a caged bird.

Now she really didn’t believe she could do this.

“I can manage a
walk, my laird.”

James eyes sparkled with mirth. He held out his arm, and after she rested her hand on his sleeve, he walked her down the stairs. She tried to ignore the way touching him heated her thoroughly. They were fully clothed, for heaven’s sakes. But it was the long looks he gave her, like he was ready to devour every inch of her, that sent a ripple of tension down her spine.

How could she pretend to care for someone she didn’t know, who had earlier scowled and spoken to her angrily?  She was certain she would have a devil of a time attempting to play his intended false.

Yet, the way her body reacted to his professed interest in her unnerved her. ‘Twas a sign no one had ever courted her, or she wouldn’t feel so…so lightheaded with the way he watched her. She would have to keep her wits about her if she was to pull this off.

James couldn’t believe how beautiful the lass was dressed in the elegant gowns befitting the queen herself. ‘Twas his duty to look at her like a besotted dolt, yet the pleasure he felt in observing the lass, made it all the more easy to feign interest. She moved like an angel, gliding down the steps, her narrow hips swaying slightly, the movement of her skirt rustling, her hand feather light on his arm.  She had the bearing of a fine lady and would give Catriona a good deal of competition. Except that he had no knowledge of who Eilis truly was, and he would exercise no true interest in her, except to attempt this pretense.

He recalled the look on her face, flushed with embarrassment when he had overheard her comment in the guest chamber.

Then this shall be an interesting game. I have nay interest in His Lairdship, and he has none in me.

Yet, he did not believe she was uninterested in him. Not the way she had challenged him earlier with her entrancing eyes. Although for now, she avoided looking at him and seemed much more demure. Had the fever, mayhap being delirious, emboldened her?  And now that the fever had passed, she was like so many of the other women he had considered in marriage, afraid of him, unable to measure up?

He sighed deeply. ‘Twould not be soon enough before Catriona arrived.

His mother and Eanruig watched from the first floor of the keep, as if he was leading his bride to the feast after the celebration. He was only taking a walk with the lass, naught more. He wished his people wouldn’t insinuate further than that.

They walked outside into the inner bailey where the blacksmith pounded a sword on an anvil, sending sparks flying and stone masons worked on the south wall, heaving the heavy stones in place. But everyone stopped what they were doing to watch His Lairdship walking with the lady, an unusual sight for him to be sure, but they need not be so obvious about it.

Eilis seemed mortified, staring straight ahead, looking at no one, as if terrified to see what they thought. Was it so bad to be seen with him?

Aye, she said she had no interest in him, yet, he had observed the way she looked at him with those sea green eyes of hers. He intrigued her, even if she tried to deny it. Unless, she was truly a Dunbarton and was afraid he would discover the truth.

He took a deep breath. If she did not quit acting so afraid of him, the ruse would not be a success when Catriona arrived. “Have you regained any of your memories, Eilis?”


Her answer was not what he wished to hear. Walking her into the herb gardens, he asked, “Have you found everything to your liking here?”


Och, if she did not help with the conversation at all, he could not suffer another moment with her.

“Does it truly distress you to be putting on this charade, lass?”

“I…”  She looked up at him, her eyes misty with tears. “I…I have never been courted before…I do not think.”

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