The Adonis of Weho (5 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: The Adonis of Weho
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“I’m…” Adonis peeked up at the ceiling. “I guess I am.” He had no idea what to say.


Zeus chuckled as he gazed down from Mount Olympus. He twirled his finger and a sports car, cherry red, appeared in the driveway of Adonis’ home. “What else will you need to find a mate, my boy?” Zeus thought hard. He nodded to himself.
Electronic devices. Yes. All that these mortals need to
communicate. Entertainment equipment…sound system…oh yes,
how about jewels to adorn your body…?

“What are you doing?”

Zeus stood straight and faced Hera. “Nothing. Mind your own business.”

She peered down. “What have you done? Are you making it easier for him down there?”

“How do you expect him to find a mate when you saddle him with wings? Hm? Then he is expected to live on the dirt? Hera, you already tortured enough of my sons. Let this one find a nice woman.”

“Who are those men he is with?”

“He has found friends. They are helping him.”

“How come they help a man with wings? They should think he is a freak!”

Zeus bit his tongue, knowing Hera’s temper was painful to endure. “Maybe they do not mind. Perhaps they love Adonis for who he is, not what he looks like.”

“He is the god of beauty and desire! Of course they will only love him for his looks, not his personality. Really, Zeus, you are getting stupid in your old age.” She walked off.

Glaring after her, Zeus looked down at his son again. “You show them you’re not just a beautiful face, my boy.” He smiled and tossed him a few more nuggets to help him get by.


“Are you kidding me?” Doug pointed to a picture, framed and on the wall. “You know Brad Pitt?”

“Who?” Adonis stood closer to him. There he was, in a photo, standing side by side at some kind of celebration on a red carpet, with a handsome man. Adonis peeked up at the ceiling.

“Don’t you think you’re pouring it on rather thick?”

“Huh?” Heath asked, wandering around the room to inspect the details.

“Nothing.” Adonis began sorting through the clothing, hanging it up in a huge walk-in closet. His companions continued to explore and occasionally Adonis would hear a shouted exclamation or a ‘dude!’

He looked up at the ceiling and smiled. “Thanks, Dad.”

Heath and Doug raced back. “Can we use your Jacuzzi?”

“Um. Sure?” Adonis followed them to where they headed. Through a sliding glass door outside the kitchen, which had stainless steel appliances and white marble floors and counters, was a sunken round pool, lit by underwater spotlights. The two men opened the sliding door and began stripping. Adonis stood by, giving the patio and potted trees a onceover. He could see his father’s taste all over the place. Opulent. Luxurious. Bordering on the sublime.

How he was getting away with this under Hera’s nose was beyond Adonis. If those two decided to fight it out, no doubt he’d be the one either sprouting horns and a tail, or showered in gold coins.

Once both young men were in the pool, they asked, “Are you coming, Smith?”

“One moment.” He reentered the home to look at everything, since it appeared to be full of surprises. On the white marble kitchen counter was another set of keys. Adonis picked them up and was about to ask what they were for when he figured it out. He raced to the outside of the house and there, parked in his drive, was a fiery red sports car. “Dad! I love you!” he shouted to the sky.

He danced around in joy and his wings began spreading, flapping as if he were a dog wagging his tail.


Reese had fallen asleep after Harper left, but now, for some reason, he was awake.

He checked the clock. It was nearing two. Moaning in annoyance at not sleeping well, Reese rolled over and tucked the pillow under his chin. He closed his eyes but they opened again staring at the strange moonlight filtering through his window blinds.

He was loneliest in the middle of the night. Reaching to the empty side of the bed, Reese imagined a man there, one who was so incredible, he would never look for another after him. But that man simply did not exist.

Though he was exhausted and unhappy, Reese stared out at the blue-tinged light until he finally dozed off again. Chapter 4

Adonis opened his eyes. He was still dressed and lying across the width of his big bed. As he came around to the ‘rational’ world, he spotted Heath sound asleep on one side, Doug out like a light on the other. All three of them were dressed in shorts. It took Adonis a minute but he didn’t recall them doing anything together. Nothing more than sitting in the whirlpool.
Oh, yes

Adonis remembered. The wine. His father had a universesized craving for Dionysus and his vine fruit. So, of course, in the basement of this home, was a cellar. A wine cellar. And he and his two companions drank until…


Adonis sat up, squinting from pain in his head. “Ow?” He rubbed his forehead and wondered why his brain ached. A low groan came from both of his friends as they began to stir.

“Dude…” Heath covered his face with his hands. “I’m so hung-over. What did you put in that wine?”

“Does hung-over mean my brain hurts?” Adonis moaned with him.

“Yeah. Where’s the aspirin?” Doug rolled to his side.

“I have no idea.” Adonis didn’t even know what it was.

“Thank fuck it’s Sunday.” Heath said, “I have a day to recuperate before work Monday. Oh, man.”

Doug gingerly got off the bed and left the room.

Adonis rubbed his face and temples. “No more wine. It always makes me ill.”

“I feel like shit.” Heath sat up slowly.

“I bet it was Hera’s idea.”

“Who?” Heath scratched his head through his messed up blond hair.

“Dude!” Doug said from another room. “You got some great pharmaceuticals.”

“I got great what?” Adonis tried to stand, managing to get to his feet slowly.

Both he and Heath found Doug in a large bathroom which had both a tub and shower stall, all done in Italian green marble with gold fittings.

“Xanax, Valium…” Doug read the labels. “What?” He showed Adonis a bottle. “Viagra?”

Heath and Doug stared at Adonis strangely.

“You need Viagra? Dude, aren’t you like twenty-something?”

“What’s Via…Vi-what?” Adonis took the bottle and tried to read it. “Will this help my head?’

Doug and Heath laughed, then cringed at the pain in their heads. “Not the right head, dude.” Doug put it back into the medicine chest. “Ibuprofen.” He showed the bottle.

“Good. Let me get us water or something.” Heath headed to the kitchen, the other two right behind him. He opened the double door of a huge stainless steel refrigerator and removed bottled water.

Adonis took the plastic bottle and stared at the label. “This is just water?”

“Yes. Open your hand,” Doug said.

Adonis did, and Doug shook two pills into his palm. At the curious tilt of Adonis’ head, Doug said, “Take them with the water. Smith? Are you for real?”

Adonis put the pills on his tongue and swallowed them down with a gulp of the water. A noise at the door startled them all. They jumped on top of each other and gasped.

“Good morning!” A plump, dark-haired, young woman wearing a casual dress entered the house carrying a large floral purse.

Adonis had no clue who she was. He and his friends held onto each other as they tried to figure it out.

“What would you like for breakfast this morning?” she said in a sing-song way and set her purse on the table. “I can make you wonderful pancakes or waffles.”

“Dude,” Heath whispered into Adonis’ ear. “Are you married?”

“No!” he shouted and then calmed down, stepping back from their clustered embrace. “I’m not married.”

The young woman held out her hand to Heath. “I am Maria, Smith’s housekeeper. How do you do?”

Adonis looked up. “Dad! You rock!”

“Pancakes!” Doug said enthusiastically.

“With bacon and sausages?” She began filling a carafe to make coffee.

“Yes, please!” Doug patted Adonis’ back. “Man, you actors really have it made.”

Adonis nodded, but didn’t know what to say.

“Go relax. I will call you when it’s ready.” She put an apron on over her sundress and waved them out.

The two men pumped their fists into the air and knocked knuckles. Adonis watched them celebrate and shook his head, looking up at the ceiling, wondering how long his dad was going to get away with spoiling him. Hera’s back was never turned for long.


Reese had slept poorly, so getting up early was not appealing. Though the clock read nearly ten, he laid prone, refusing to move.

His mobile phone rang and he made a noise of annoyance. Reaching blindly for the phone on his nightstand, Reese peeked at the caller ID and answered. “What?”

“You sound like shit. Are you sick?”

“In the head.”

Elvis laughed. “I already know that. Thought you might want to hit the waves.”

“Slept like crap.” Reese rolled to his back and closed his eyes.

“Got the surfboards waxed and ready to go, buddy.”


“So? You’re going to lay in bed all day?”

“It’s an option.”

“Look. I’ll pack the truck with both our boards and bring espresso. Double-shots.”

“And five-hour energy drinks.”

Elvis laughed. “Sure.”

“And a McMuffin.”

“Man, you’re sure demanding for a guy who’s not my boyfriend.”

“You’re the one who expects me to surf after two hours of sleep.”

“True. See ya soon.”

Reese disconnected the phone, moaned and curled back under the blankets.


Adonis burped, pushing the plate aside.

Maria smiled sweetly at him and cleared the empty dishes.

“Dude, let’s hit the beach!” Heath stood and put his mug into the sink. “Thanks, Maria. That was awesome!”

“You are very welcome.”

Doug pushed his chair in. “Come on, Smith. The weather is rad!”

“The beach.” Adonis checked his wings and wondered if it was really true and no one could see them. No one? “Um. Maria?”

“Yes, Smith?” She set the dishes in the dishwasher.

“Do you see anything strange on my back?” He turned around.

She approached him and caressed the feathers gently.

“Nothing that will be a problem for you in your search.”

I knew it! She’s a goddess!
He frowned and wondered if she would play a double-agent for both his dad and mom. Doug shook his head. “I’ve never seen a guy so paranoid about how his ass looks.”

“Smith! You got a perfect bubble-butt. Come on and let’s show it off at the beach.” Heath waved him on.

The two boys left the room. Adonis spun around to confront Maria. “Who sent you? Dad or Hera?”

“Your father did. I am to watch over you. He’s been enjoying tossing you toys.” She tilted her head to the slick mobile phone on the counter.

“Why can’t he get Hera to rid me of this chicken shit?” He flapped his wings at her.

“He’s doing his best to even out the odds of you finding your wife.” She caressed his long brown hair affectionately. “A man of your beauty will attract a woman easily. Do not worry.”

I don’t want a woman!

“Dude! Is that your red Ferrari?” Heath yelled from another room.

“Go. Enjoy. You have only thirteen days left.” She nudged him.

He bit his lip on voicing his thoughts and raced to get ready.


Reese had eaten his breakfast sandwich, chugged his energy drink and stood sipping his espresso as Elvis zipped up his wet suit for him. “Thanks.”

“Do me.”

Reese put the empty cup on the truck cab floor and zipped Elvis’ suit for him.

“Thanks.” Elvis looked out at the ocean. “Look at those waves! Sweet!”

“I’m awake. I’m awake.” Reese tried to convince himself the caffeine was working. He picked his board up out of the bed of the truck.

“You will be once we’re in the water.”

He gave Elvis a smile. They were best friends. Elvis had been a fan of his writing and they began an email communication. It turned into a very good friendship. Elvis was a Special-Ed teacher at an elementary school in Hawthorne. He had a small frame, shaven head and a goatee, bright blue eyes and an infectious smile.

They never had a sexual spark, but the bond for a platonic relationship was instant. Elvis preferred bears and big ole boys, while Reese was stuck on pretty boys and models.

Needless to say, thirty-five year old Elvis had a better chance at finding Mr Right than he did. He’d had several very long term relationships. If you could call five years long term, which Reese indeed did.

They carried their boards under their arms to the cresting tide. A few dozen surfers were already enjoying the rough sets as the lifeguards kept the swimmers and surfers separated by colored flags and buoys.

“So?” Elvis asked as they waded into the tepid Pacific. “You hear from Brian lately?”

“No. What are your thoughts on dating a man under eighteen?”

Elvis’ eyes widened in shock as a wave slapped them both hard.

Seeing the reaction, Reese said, “Never mind.”


Did Adonis know how to drive? Hell yeah!

He had stopped off at each of the two men’s apartments, waiting in his metal Italian steed while they changed into bathing suits and got what they needed. Adonis played with the radio, hearing music that was so intense he blasted it until his ears rang with the pulsing beat.

“Dude!” Heath sat beside him in the bucket seat, rocking along with him.

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