The Agent Gambit (19 page)

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Authors: Sharon Lee,Steve Miller

Tags: #Science Fiction - Adventure, #Science Fiction - Space Opera, #Fiction - Science Fiction, #Space Opera, #Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945), #General, #Science Fiction, #Science Fiction - General, #Adventure, #General & Literary Fiction, #Fiction

BOOK: The Agent Gambit
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Spinning on his heel, he headed for the lot at Ponce and Celeste, moving at a dead run.

the fence while Val Con circled around to the front of the lot, checking the street.

She dropped silently from the top and moved quickly in the deepening dusk, using the few vehicles there were for cover, striking out in a diagonal and wondering what she would do if there were
red cars parked in the front row, facing out.

She left the shadow of the last car enroute and stepped out into the open.

There was only one car in the first row. Between her and it loomed a figure, too tall and much too blocky.

She froze, hand twitching toward her gun in reaction before she stilled it.

"Hi, Charlie."

"Hello, Roberta." His own gun was out, steady on her gut. "Where's your brother?"

"Bound to be around somewhere," she said lightly, keeping her eyes on his face, not on the gun. "He usually is."

"He wouldn't be down the Grotto, would he? Shooting cops with the rest of the Juntavas?" He was coldly sure of it, and the certainty kept his gun hand from shaking.

Can you shoot her-kill her-if you have to? he asked himself. He didn't know.

She was shaking her head. "We ain't Juntavas, Charlie."

"No? The cops go in to get you, the Juntavas goes in across the street and-boom! A war. Juntavas protects its own, but it ain't much on helping out strangers."

"It was an accident. And the explanation's complicated." She decided to push it. "Charlie, look, I'm in a hurry, okay? How 'bout I give you a call next time I'm in town, we have a drink and tell you all about it?"

No reaction. She hadn't really expected one, not with him in uniform and all, but it had seemed worth the try. Where the hell was Tough Guy?

"The story out of Mixla 'quarters," Charlie was saying, "is your brother's wanted for killing five people-eight-year-old kid was one of 'em." He watched her face closely, trying to gauge her acting ability.

She frowned and shook her head. "Not since I've known him. Not a baby." She took a breath. "Not to say he wouldn't. Just that he hasn't. I think."

Her gaze sharpened, locking on a movement in the dusk beyond his shoulder. Almost, she sighed.

"Charlie," she said, very quietly. "I like you, which is why I didn't draw on you and why I'm telling you this: There's a man behind you with a gun. He'll kill you, without an instant's hesitation or a moment's remorse, unless you drop that piece now."

He hesitated, weighing the chance of it being a lie, keeping the gun where it was.

She flung out both hands, her face revealing something that looked like fear in the uncertain light.


He dropped the gun and kicked it to one side.

"That's fine," she said gently. "I'm real sorry, but you're gonna have a headache when you wake up."

The blow clipped him just above the left ear, hard enough to do the job. He carried her face with him into unconsciousness.

car moved with sedate purpose through the streets of Econsey, toward the mainland and the shuttleport. The windows were opaqued so that the vulgar were denied a view of the vehicle's occupants. The emitter broadcast its message to all with the means to read it.

"Wasn't that just a bit harsh?" inquired the man in the seat next to the driver.

"Wasn't which?" she asked, slowing to a stop in obedience to a flashing signal.

"He will kill you, without an instant's hesitation or a moment's remorse . . . ." he quoted flatly.

She glanced at him. He was sitting straight in the comfortable seat, staring out the window. The tension in him puzzled her. She eased the car through the intersection as the light steadied and shrugged her shoulders.

"You have shown that tendency in the past," she said as mildly as possible.

Perhaps he snorted. Or perhaps he only let loose a breath that had been too long held, all at once, and with a vengeance.

"I'll try to rehabilitate myself," he said, and there was no inflection at all in his voice. After a moment, he slid down in the seat, moving his shoulders until he found comfort within the cushions, and closed his eyes. "Don't stop for anything," he told her. "And wake me when we get to the port."

It was her turn to snort, but he did not appear to hear; the rhythm of his breathing told her that he was asleep.

Irritably, she yanked on the wheel, snapping the car from left to right. He rolled bonelessly with the jerk, his breathing unaltered.

"I guess you'll want tea and crumpets when we get there," she muttered. She smoothed the car through another curve and onto the main highway.

* * *

for a roadblock was on the Econsey side of the last bridge to the mainland, and that was exactly where they'd set it up. Miri sighed and let the car slow fractionally.

"Hey, sleeping beauty."

He eased to a sitting position, in no hurry about it.

"Roadblock," she told him, stating the obvious.

"Maintain your speed."

She slanted a glance at his face. He didn't
crazy. But, then, he never did. Well, what the hell. She kept the car on course and steady.

The roadblock loomed closer, lights flashing, and she could make out the expressions on the faces of the people lining the roadway before them.

Then something very strange happened. The 'block began to move clear of the road and the guard fell back, holstering their pieces or bringing them to rest.

Miri took a deep breath, meticulously keeping the pace.

The roadblock lumbered clear a bare moment before impact. Miri let her breath out in rationed units as the brown car continued its stately progress across the bridge and onto the mainland.

"Tough Guy?"

"Yes?" He was settling back into the seat, no doubt arranging himself for another nap.

"Why'd they do that?"

"Possibly they judged an interplanetary incident too high a price to pay for stopping and searching the Yxtrang ambassador's private vehicle." He yawned.

"Oh." She was silent for a short time, digesting his words. "I don't want to pry into your private life or anything, but you didn't by any chance
this car from the Yxtrang, did you?"

"To the best of my knowledge, the Yxtrang delegation for this sector is presently on Omenski."

"Good place for them," she agreed. "Hope they fall in love with the place and never leave." She made a left-hand turn into a wide thoroughfare and then the tower light from the shuttleport was directly before them.

"Sorry I'm so dense," she said, "but I didn't have a nap. What made the cops think we were the Yxtrang ambassador?"

"The emitter says we are." He shook his head and sat up straighter in his seat. "I'm afraid I must have read the wrong code out of the manual at the rental office. It was really very hard to read-grainy and flickering. One of the connectors loose, I should think."

She looked at him. "You wouldn't have had anything to do with that, I guess."

He turned to face her, eyes wide. "How could I have?"

"Never mind, I don't think I really want to know."

The port was less than a half-block distant now and she was beginning to feel loose for the first time since she and Murph had started their negotiations.

We just might pull it-

She swung the car-easily, easily-into a side street, moved to the end, and turned into a wider avenue, heading away from the tower light.

"Did you see what I thought I saw?"

He nodded. "Yes. Checking people as they go in. I'm afraid neither of us can pass for Yxtrang at any distance."

"Funny, the things you live to regret." She took a breath. "Now what?"

There was a pause, which she was inclined to think was bad news.

"Let's get a bit closer to the port and leave the car. If we can mix with a group going through, we might have a chance to confuse things and get by."

She laughed and made a left; shortly thereafter a right turn headed them back to the port.

"No plan, but, sister, do we got guts!" She pulled to the curb and killed the power, grinning. "Okay, let's go crash the gate."


even worse from the street than it had from the car. Even granting the two of them awesome powers of mayhem and confusion, Miri was ninety-five percent certain that they wouldn't be able to fade through the checkpoint. She didn't bother to ask her companion for the official figures.

Nor did he offer them, just stood at her shoulder in the pool of shadow they'd chosen as their observation point and silently watched the procedure.

After a time, she felt him shift next to her. "Let us get a drink."

She turned her head, but it was impossible to see his face in the inkblot they occupied. "Sounds like the most useful thing we can do," she agreed. "Maybe two or three. Then we can come back and try to bull on through. Won't hurt so much when we get perforated."

She heard the shadow of his laugh as he moved out onto the sidewalk. "No faith, Miri."

"None," she said, catching up. "My folks weren't real religious, either. Are we really gonna take a kynak break with the cops
the Juntavas within eight seconds in every direction?"

He turned down a slender alleyway at the far end of which multicolored neons promised cheap warmth and noise.

"Why not?" he asked.

Or, she translated, do you have a better idea?

She didn't, so she followed.

was noisiest, full nearly to overflowing with men and women in leathers and other work clothes. It was the perfect place for them to hide, though there seemed barely enough room to accommodate two more bodies, no matter how small.

Val Con hesitated at the door, weighing the scene, while Miri stood at his shoulder, watching the crowd absently. She stiffened suddenly and he snapped his eyes to her face, looking for a clue to the trouble.

She was grinning and leaning a bit forward, eyes squinted against the smoke. In a moment, she turned to him, grin undiminished.

"Tough Guy, you're a genius. Let's go." She started forward.

He dropped his hand, gently encircling her wrist. "Tell me."

"Part of that mob in there's the Gyrfalks-my old unit." There was no missing the excitement in her voice. She jerked her wrist and he let it go.
Tough Guy."

He followed, afraid of losing her in the press of bodies and the eddying smoke as she pushed and wove her way through, moving with the stride of a person with a goal in sight.

What the goal was, Val Con couldn't tell. He was satisfied to keep her in sight, and re-established himself at her left shoulder when she caught up against a temporary body-jam.

The jam sorted itself out and she moved on, he maintaining his position as they broke out into the center of the room.

There it was less crowded, though a goodly portion of available floor space was taken up by the biggest Terran that Val Con had ever seen: Eight feet tall if he was an inch, shoulders wider than Edger's shell, chest and ribcage said his planet of origin had been just a tad light on oxygen, and there was not an ounce of fat on him. His shoulder-length blond hair was tied back with a black cord. His full beard was curled and very likely perfumed. He was drinking something brownish from a liter pitcher, an arm draped possessively across the shoulders of a slender dark woman who would have dwarfed any man but this one.

Miri strode straight up to the blonde godling, Val Con just behind her; she stopped with legs braced and hands on hips, head craned upward.

The godling finished the contents of the pitcher and extended a long arm to deposit it on the bar. His lapis gaze fell upon the face of the woman before him.

By the highest, iciest, most diamond of the Magnetas! By the deepest hellhole of Stimata Five! By-"

Words failed him and he reached down, encircled Miri's waist with his huge hands, and threw her upward as if she were a doll; he caught her and gave her a kiss that might have drowned someone less alert.

She captured his ponytail, yanking on it and smacking the side of his head with the flat of her hand.

"Jason! Put me
you overgrown bumblebear!" She swatted him again and Val Con winced with the force of the blow.
"Put me-"

"Down," Jason finished, placing her with the utmost gentleness atop the bar. "Of course, my darlin'. Down it is, and nicely, too. Ah, it's a sight for a man's heart to see you, my small-but there's something amiss!
A kynak for the Sergeant, on the double! Or will you have a triple, my love?"

"A single," Miri said, collapsing crosslegged to the bar and waving a hand at Val Con. "And one for my partner, too."

Jason's eyes lit on the little man in dark leathers, noting the gun belted for a crossdraw from the right, but seeing no other hardware. The stranger was slender, though with a certain whippiness about him that said he'd do well for himself, hand-to-hand. A fighter, and no nonsense. The sort of person one would want at Redhead's back.

He shifted his attention to the beardless golden face, encountering eyes as warm and cuddlesome as shards of green glass: Jealous, then. Not the best trait possible, since partners were not always lovers, but who cared, if it kept him sharp?

"Partner, is it?" he drawled, turning back to Redhead. "Bit exotic for your taste, I'd have thought . . . ." No reason not to hone the little man a shade finer. He looked around.
Ah, here we are, my love . . . ."

The barman shoved a glass into Miri's hand and held the other out to Val Con, who looked into the dark depths and dared a sip. He was not quite able to control the shudder that ran through him.

Miri laughed. "Like this-" she told him, knocking back a quarter of hers. "Don't
it, for pellet's sake! It'll kill you."

"It may, in any case." He tipped a brow, half-smiling. "How well does it burn?"

She laughed again, then turned where she sat, holding both hands out to the woman who approached.

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