Read The Alpha Dating Game: An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance Online

Authors: Dawn Steele

Tags: #alpha male, #college romance, #paranormal, #erotic romance, #shifter, #bbw, #billionaire romance, #new adult, #contemporary romance

The Alpha Dating Game: An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance (12 page)

BOOK: The Alpha Dating Game: An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance
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“Jessica, I never called you fat,” Kyle said urgently.

She gave his hand a little squeeze.

“I believe you,” she whispered.

They all sat down. Jericho was at the head of the table. He seated Kyle on his right and Jessica next to his son. Caleb took his customary seat on Jericho’s left. The two brothers glared balefully at each other.

Dinner was served by two maidservants in livery. The workers in this Gothic mansion were all sworn to secrecy as to what really happened here, Kyle knew. The soup course was first, and it was a broccoli and asparagus crème. The food here, prepared by Mrs. Ladou, a Creole import who looked after the boys after they lost their mother, was always good. But Kyle’s stomach felt like leather. He stared at the soup, pushed his spoon around and forced himself to take a sip.

“Not hungry, brother?” Caleb said pointedly. He had finished his.

“I had a late lunch.”

“Maybe I could get you some honey for that soup,” Caleb said with an evil smile.

Kyle glared at his brother.

“So tell me about college, Jessica,” Jericho said.

Throughout the next course, which Kyle didn’t eat much of either, Jericho asked Jessica all sorts of questions. He regaled her with tales of his boyhood, which was always extremely interesting to someone who hadn’t heard the stories a hundred times. The main course was a turkey leg basted in Cajun spices and garnished with wild rice.

All throughout the courses, Jericho kept plying Jessica with wine. Kyle kept sharp note of Jessica’s goblet. It was a very fine goblet and it was pure silver. It was also indistinguishable from the other silver goblets on the table, but Kyle knew that Jessica’s contained a hidden compartment at the base which slowly released a concoction when mixed with wine.

Jessica . . . I’m so sorry.
But still, he sat there with his heart wincing every time she took a sip from her goblet, and he didn’t do anything to stop her.

Caleb seemed to be having a very good appetite. He joined in the conversation now and then, peppering it with remarks bordering on the edge of sarcasm:

“Oh really? So my brother met you on a website? Figures. He never did have much luck the normal way.”

“Did I tell you about my brother’s last girlfriend? She was a total dog. Not half the class act you are, and certainly
the woman you are.”

“My brother always did have a healthy appetite but I guess he’s having the stomach flu tonight. I’d brace myself for a night of the runs, if I were him.”

“My brother always found it difficult to
up when the occasion needs it. So I always told him to grin and

When dessert – a peppermint custard – was finished, Kyle heaved a silent sigh of relief. But now he had to prepare for what would happen next.

It was going to be ugly.



Just Kyle knew she would, Jessica began to nod sometime after they exited the dining room, en route to the family living room for some coffee and cookies. In fifteen minutes, he was ready to catch her when she swooned from the effects of the drug in her goblet.

“Is she out?” his father said.

“Yes,” Kyle said shortly.

“Way to go, bro,” Caleb said. “She’s quite the catch. I wouldn’t mind fucking her myself if she weren’t meant for – ”

“Shut up!” Kyle said fiercely. If he wasn’t holding Jessica, he would have launched at his brother.

“Enough, both of you,” their father admonished. “Kyle, bring her to the sanctum.”

Kyle hefted the limp Jessica in his arms. She was quite a weight, but he had a strength that belied his lean frame. His chest quailed at how helpless she was. Her head lolled back upon her neck and her long dark hair dangled from her scalp. But she was still so beautiful to him.

Caleb was observing him shrewdly and Kyle quickly averted his gaze from Jessica’ face.

“Come,” Jericho said.

The brothers followed him to the sanctum, which was a handsome oak-paneled study surrounded by shelves and shelves of books, some of which were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. All this . . . to be his and his brother’s one day. There was a central map table in the room. Jericho swept it aside.

“Put her down.”

Kyle obeyed and braced himself for what must happen next. He hated this part. He had been party to it since he was eighteen, and he had always thought the act extremely demeaning to the victim. But it was a tradition that had to be followed like everything else and it was up to the Alpha of the clan to perform it.

He laid Jessica as gently as he could on the table. She was completely out. He hoped she wouldn’t remember a thing.

“Take off her underwear,” his father instructed him.

Kyle flushed. This was too intimate and intrusive. Jessica was a modest girl who trusted him and liked him well enough to share her body with him, and now he was betraying her trust in this shameful manner. But he had no choice.

Or had he?

“What’re you waiting for, brother?” Caleb said.s

Jericho eyed Kyle.

“Is anything wrong, son?” he inquired in a mild tone, and Kyle could sense the underlying suspicion in it.

With his family playing watchful hawks and with his brother ready to pour fuel on the fire of his unease, Kyle couldn’t very well admit that something was wrong.

He composed himself and said nonchalantly, “Nothing’s wrong.”

Jessica lay there, so vulnerable and completely at their mercy. Feeling as though he was about to commit an act of desecration, Kyle lifted her skirt and hiked it above her waist. She wore sweet white cotton panties. Her dark pubic thatch could be seen through the hazy material. Beneath it lay the pussy he had worshiped in the shower yesterday with his deftly flickering fingers.

He took a deep breath, aware of his brother’s cunning eyes on him, and pulled down her panties. Her glorious pussy was revealed as he shimmied the cotton scrap down her legs. He slid them off her heels and reverently folded them and put them on an armchair.

“Have you taken your liberties with her yet, brother?” Caleb inquired.

“No,” Kyle replied shortly. What he and Jessica did was none of anyone else’s business.

Caleb smiled. “Then you wouldn’t be averse to me taking a few liberties.”

He moved towards Jessica. Before Kyle could stop him, Caleb stubbed his fingers into Jessica’s snugly folded pussy leaves.

“So soft,” he said hungrily.

“Damn you!” Kyle launched at Caleb, who registered surprise. He pulled his brother off Jessica’s helpless body and wrestled him to the floor.

All over his body, the need for
took charge and he felt his body transforming. His torso and limbs lengthened and thickened, ripping his clothes and shredding them into ribbons with sharp k-r-a-a-a-c-ks. Caleb responded by transforming himself.

“Stop it!” Their father’s voice was stentorian.

The two brothers were beyond care. Both of them were in their towering bear forms now. They launched their hulking bodies at each other, clubbing each other, trying to get the advantage. Kyle was the bigger of the two but Caleb was slick and wiry. They crashed into the shelves and a dozen priceless tomes fell to the floor.

Kyle drew back his paw and struck his brother in the muzzle repeatedly. His brother retaliated by swiping back at every part of him he could get his paws on. Kyle kicked out and cuffed his brother. So ferocious were his pummels and roars that he failed to register the huge dark shadow behind him.

Jericho, the Alpha, let out a mighty bellow. The glass on the windows shook. The huge great black bear which was his father seized Kyle and threw him off his brother and against the wall.

“Cease this!” the black bear thundered.

Kyle crashed against a low table. The force juddered the entire wall and the plaster cracked. Oil paintings commissioned specially for the study splintered off their hooks and fell onto the floor. Kyle barely felt any pain.

He sprang to his feet, but his father was there with a right hook which caught him on the jaw.

“Stay down.”

“Not until he apologizes.”

“You dare defy me?”

Kyle growled. But defying his father was beyond him. His father was far stronger. One day, he would be as strong as Jericho, if not stronger, but today was not the day. Still, he was incensed enough to want to fight his brother again. Caleb was climbing to his feet and spitting fur out of his mouth, a very human gesture.

The door of the study swung open. Two of his cousins, Abel and Mira, were in their bear forms as they raced in. They immediately saw what happened.

“Seize him,” Jericho thundered, pointing at Kyle. “He has compromised the Gathering. He cannot be trusted to see this through. Lock him in the north tower until I decide what to do with him.”

“No!” Kyle roared.

His cousins charged him. Kyle decided to go for broke. He fought back, clubbing and clawing and biting. Fur flew and massive paws swiped faces, gouged eyes. More werebears flooded the now crowded study. It finally took five of his cousins to bring Kyle down.

He didn’t want to transform, but they held him down. His limbs flailed and he fought them with every ounce of his strength. His father, now in naked human form, appeared in between them with a large hypodermic syringe in his hand. It was filled with a clear liquid which Kyle knew to be a tranquilizer.

The needle jabbed him.

“Don’t hurt her,” Kyle managed to gasp before his veins burned with the overdose. Then his vision turned cloudy and his world went dark.

His last sight was that of his father’s grim visage, which clearly said:
You are not worthy to be my successor. Or even my son.



Kyle woke up naked and with a splitting headache. He took in his surroundings. He was on the cold stone floor in what was obviously the north tower of the Enclave.

The towers were specifically built to contain werebears and other enhanced were-folk, which might or might not be prisoners of the clan. The towers’ walls were very sturdy, and he was in a cell fronted by a titanium-reinforced grate which could keep an elephant in. He had been here before, of course, but on the other side of the grate.

Now his status was obvious. He was his father’s prisoner. A fallen werebear once poised to be the Alpha, successor to his father. Now he couldn’t be trusted by any of his clan members because he couldn’t rein in his emotions where the human girl was concerned.

It was as his father said. He had been ‘compromised’.

He wondered what had happened to Jessica. Everything was going wrong now. Nothing was going by rote.

He remembered what happened at the last Gathering which occurred one year ago.

His father had selected the virgin, a nineteen-year-old college freshman named Alison Korin from the website. Jericho used his charm to lure them in. He was still a very handsome man, and many college girls were smitten, especially when they were wined and dined with great fanfare. It was usually a girl’s fantasy to be courted by a rich man, and they were willing to make concessions about his age.

The search for a virgin could not start too early, because there was the chance the girl might get to know the hunter too well and start dropping too many hints about who he was. And many girls who started as virgins did not stay virgins, which made it doubly difficult. The search could not start too late either for obvious reasons.

So the hunt had to start at the right moment. Not too early, not too late, but just right, like the story of Goldilocks and her three bears. Only here, there were a whole lot more bears involved. A hell of a lot more bears.

Kyle went to the grate and tested it. The metal was forged in a crisscross and everything was controlled by a computer code. Even if he shifted to his bear form, he would not be able to destroy the grate by sheer physical force.

He needed to find a way out.

Jessica’s life was at stake.

And possibly his own, if Caleb had his way.



Jessica awoke on a very plush, comfortable bed. Her head felt like a lead ball, but the mattress was so spacious and accommodating that she never wanted to get up. She had only read about beds like these, costing thousands and thousands of dollars. These beds anticipated your every movement and molded themselves to fit around your body so that you’d get the best rest possible.

She opened her eyes groggily. She was in a bedroom. A mauve frilly canopy tented her four-poster bed. She looked down at herself. She was still dressed in yesterday’s clothes, but it was morning now. The sunshine streamed through the windows and birds twittered outside. The windows were protected by a patterned iron grill which threw pretty floral shadows onto the bedspread.

Where was she again?

Ah, yes. The dinner party. Meeting Jericho. All in all, a charming, enjoyable affair. Jericho had made her feel so much at ease. There was tension between the two brothers, yes. But she thought that was nothing more than normal sibling rivalry.

BOOK: The Alpha Dating Game: An Extremely Sensual BBW Shifter Romance
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