The Alpha Prime Commander (2 page)

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Authors: Kelly Lucille

BOOK: The Alpha Prime Commander
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“How did a human
companion come to be tied to the Alpha Prime Commander?”

She stiffened.  “I’m not
a companion.”

He took note of the
insulted bite of her words and could not help the relief that flashed through
him.  He could, however, hide it and wonder why the fuck it mattered so much.  “But
you are a bonded servant to him?”

“Not exactly, no.”

Jackson gritted his teeth
at the non-answer.  “What is your relationship with Alpha Prime Commander Lo

She turned and looked him
full in the face, studying him briefly.  “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me

He stiffened.  “My what?”

“Your relationship to
Commander Lo Cordan of the Alpha Prime.”

His lips were stiff. “There
is no . . .“

“Spare me the lies.  I’m
a sensitive.  A minor one, as my gift is solely in connections, but it comes in
handy occasionally.  I can feel the connection between you as faint as it is. 
A word of advice.  Don’t ask others to answer questions you don’t want to
answer yourself.”

Before he could do more
than growl at her, she had pushed the final door open and he stomped in ready
to blast the man that had plagued him for years.  Unfortunately, he was not
prepared for him to be naked in a tub.

“Shit,” Jackson said
freezing at the threshold.

“Yeah.”  He might have
imagined the whisper from the girl beside him, but when he looked at her there
was no denying the clenched jaw or the way she carefully did not look at the
big bastard in the tub.

“Ah, Jackson.  I see you
met my Lena.” Lo Cordan, Commander of the Alpha Prime, spoke with more than a
hint of playful malice in his tone.  With gold hair slicked back to reveal the
powerful lines of his jaw, his gold cat eyes stared at them from an inhumanly
beautiful face.  He radiated languid menace.  “Lena, you remember I told you
about Jackson?  He is the only one, besides yourself of course, who has ever
tried to kill me – and lived.  You should get along splendidly.”



Lena was very carefully
saying nothing, her jaw clenching as she stared at the wall.

Jackson could relate; suddenly
he wanted to be anywhere but here.  Instead, he was caught like a bug on fly
paper, his eyes drawn unerringly to the inhuman eyes of the man in a tub big
enough for a dozen people.  When the Alpha Prime Commander was clothed, you
could at least pretend he was a civilized being.  Naked, all the civilized
trappings were stripped away and all you saw was the great wild beast you only
suspected was there before.  Lo Cordan was a thing of lethal fucking danger. 
Seven feet of twisted steel golden skin and feline grace, he remained the only
man who had ever plagued Jackson’s nightmares, and the big bastard got off on
pushing his buttons.  The fact that Jackson’s body hit flight or fight panic
like prey facing a predator every time he came into contact with the big
bastard just pissed him off, which might explain why they regularly tried to
pound each other into dust.  

Jackson gritted his teeth
and wished like hell the big bastard could not see the cold sweat behind his
anger.  “I am here as an Alliance representative,” he ground out.  “The Alpha
Guild is allowed one rep just like everyone else.  Your . . . Lena will have to
be sent home.”

There was a short silence
while the big beast casually stirred the water around him with six-inch claws. 
Jackson narrowed his eyes at the sight of them.  They were retractable, and
either it was a conscious threat against Jackson’s authority, or Lo Cordan was
hiding some serious emotion behind that taunting smile.  “I’m afraid that’s not

Jackson bared his teeth
in a parody of a smile.  “Then you will be barred from the proceedings.”

Cordan bared his own
inhumanly sharp teeth.  In intimidation, he had Jackson beat hands down.  But
then it was hard to compete with a set of fangs made for rending their enemies. 
“You overstep yourself, captain, but then you always have.”

Jackson snorted.  “Coming
from you that’s almost funny.”

The Alpha Prime’s
naturally deep voice was devoid of emotion, but the slight growl behind the
words gave him away.  He was not as benign as he was pretending to be.  “You
don’t have the authority to ban me.”

“I am head of security,
specifically requested for this detail; I have the authority to ban anyone I
see as a security risk.  Send her home or you’re out.  The fact that it burns
your ass is just an added perk.”  Jackson turned to leave the bathing room, and
saw Lena move in front of the door to block his way.   All the adrenaline in
the room seemed to flow instantly to his dick, making him suddenly and
uncomfortably hard as a pike.  With his back to the man in the tub, it was easy
to re-channel all his aggression to the girl.  Hell, he welcomed it.  He walked
up to her until they were eye to eye, their bodies almost touching.  “You think
you can keep me in this room?”

There was a splash that
had Jackson tensing up.  The girl was shaking her head, her eyes sad.  “Not me.”

Before he could turn to
face the real threat, a seven-foot predator was pressed against his back.  One
clawed hand came around his neck before he could curse. He was shoved none too
gently into the woman before him.  As Lena’s soft breasts cushioned his chest,
his own erection pressed into a soft female belly and had her gasping.  A
second clawed hand went to his hair to pull back his head, so that his neck was
vulnerable.  He finally found his brain through the paralyzing fucking fear and
started to shove back only to feel sharp teeth at his neck.  He knew exactly
how potent an Alpha’s bite was, if he didn’t just rip out his throat.  He
froze, cursing his own stupidity.  You turn your back on an apex predator, you
get what you deserve.  Fucking brilliant way to stay alive Jackson.

“Tell me something,
Jackson.  Why is it that you always feel the need to push me?  Is it that you
want to see how far you can go before I push back?” 

The Prime pushed forward
into Jackson, which ground him against the soft curvy body of the female.  By
now, she was backed up against the door with nowhere to go.  Looking into her
eyes Jackson saw the same thing she must be seeing in his eyes – pure fucking
angry lust mixed with fear.  He was not the only one who was horny and hating
it.  The question was whether she was reacting to Jackson or the big naked
fucker behind him.  Then he saw her eyes widen just as he scented the
pheromones Cordan released.  He wrenched himself out from between them and
backed up his hand full of laser pistol before he realized he had it out and
pointing at Cordan.

“What the fuck are you
doing?  Releasing mating pheromones with an unwilling party is against Alliance

“Oh, but I am not
releasing it for you.  And releasing it for my own Pletar in my own room is
perfectly legal.”  He moved in towards the girl who was shaking her head and
pressing herself against the door.  The scent of strange spices got stronger
and he heard her groan; he wanted to feel that sound against his skin.  Cordan
wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her up until she was pressed
between him and the door, her feet well off the floor.  Her eyes were closed
tightly against him and she was gasping for air.  Jackson could see the need
she was fighting while trying to divorce herself from the man holding her. 
That she was resisting was obvious and futile.  Cordan laid his teeth along her
shoulder, licking up from her neck to her chin, and then with a groan that
Jackson could feel in his cock she was lost, her arms wrapped around Cordan’s
thick neck, his hair like gold silk mingled with dark brown, and her legs
wrapped around powerful thighs.  The pheromones were so thick that even from
across the room Jackson could feel the need.  He had dropped his gun and pulled
off his armor before he noticed enough to care.

“Fuck!” he shouted it
when he realized he was stripping.

He stopped, with a full
body shudder, turning with his shirt off and his pants undone to bang his
closed fists against the wall.  The lust was driving his body like nothing he
had ever felt before.  Cordan had tried for years to hire him each time they
met, who the fuck knows why, because there was never any doubt that the Alpha
Prime found him just as antagonizing as Jackson found Cordan.  He had never
released mating hormones before this.  Never made it sexual at all.  It was not
called the killing need for nothing.

“Let me the fuck out of
here.”  Jackson ground out the words between shuttering breaths.

“You are not being
forcibly restrained.  Leave any time you want to.”  The voice was a purr
directed at Jackson, but he never raised his attention from the woman in his

Jackson pulled himself
together enough to stumble towards the door, his dick a painful ache between
his thighs as his blood seemed to boil beneath his skin.  He tried not to
breathe on his way to the door.  He didn’t bother to pick up his discarded
armor.  All he could think of was getting out that door while he could still
form the thought.  He found himself once more before them.  He wondered if he
was losing time because her boots were gone and Cordan had pulled off her top. 
Jackson had a clear shot of Cordan’s mouth on one of the rosy nipples that
topped perfect breasts.  The next thing he was aware of was touching that
skin.  Hot and silky beneath his touch, he covered her free breast with his
hand and squeezed while Cordan worked the other one.  She had been so affected
by the pheromones she was writhing with it.  Jackson knew he was not far behind
and tried to make himself care. 

“Fuck!”  The word tore
itself out of his mouth as he pulled his hand from her velvety skin.  Before he
got far enough away, Cordan struck, his teeth sinking into Jackson’s wrist.  Jackson
fell to his knees beneath the sudden pleasure pain, his back arching so his
head nearly touched the floor.  Then, his back hit the floor and the girl was
pressed down against his bare chest with a glistening Cordan following. 
Jackson shuddered beneath the heat and weight of them.

“Foolish children. Always
running from your fate.”  Cordan ground himself viscously against them.  “How
long before you realize there is nowhere to go but here?”

Jackson’s jaw was locked
so tight he could barely speak.  When the fuck did his clothes disappear?  Then
he could have cared less because Cordan rose to his knees taking Lena with him,
giving Jackson an unhindered view of her sleek body and naked pussy.  No hair
anywhere on her, she was all subtle muscles under womanly curves.  Perfect, she
was fucking perfect as if he’d conjured her from his hottest wet dream.  Cordan
growled, his big lethal tipped hands covered those blushing breasts and she
arched against him, whimpering in need and grinding her sopping pussy down on
his giant cock.  From where he sat beneath and before them, Jackson had a
mouthwatering view.  His hips jerked reflectively as his iron hard dick
Fucking pheromones. 
Cordan growled holding on to the writhing
beauty in his arms, his jaws locking down on her flawless shoulder, biting
down, making her scream and thrash as if she would die if she wasn’t fucked

“Damn you!” she yelled,
grabbing Cordan’s cock beneath her with both hands and trying to sit on it. 
Instead, he shoved her down on her hands and knees; with his talons digging
into her plump ass, he held her in place and shoved into her from behind.  As
big as he was, he forced her to take it all in one thrust, positioned above
Jackson, causing her to face-plant in Jackson’s naked and straining lap.  He
groaned, arching up into soft skin and silky hair. 

“Take him,” Cordan
growled from behind her, pulling almost all the way out and ramming forward
again as she gasped, pressing back to take all that she could.  Jackson should
have moved away, but he was enraptured by the sight of them both.  She licked
her plump lips, her violet eyes open and on his straining cock.

“Do it,” he growled.

Her eyes dilated with
need.  There was no playful hesitation; with the next thrust of Cordan’s hips,
she took him all the way down her throat and sucked.  Jackson grabbed handfuls
of her silky hair and held on, shuttling in and out of her hot mouth while
Cordan took her pussy, his gold Alpha eyes flames as he took them both beneath
him.  Jackson had to close his eyes to the sight, but he could still feel the
proprietary light burning him.  He heard an animalistic “Come Lena.”  And then
Lena was screaming around his dick as he came down her throat while she
swallowed and shuddered with her own climax.  Cordan’s own roar of release was
loud enough to alert the next star system. 

Jackson was too replete
to move except to pull Lena up into his arms and away from a purring Cordan who
ended up wrapped around his back, his hands never straying too far from the
girl Jackson held like a lifeline.  It didn’t take long for Jackson to tense

“Get the fuck off!” 

Then Cordan’s weight was
off them and the pheromones abruptly cut off. The cessation did nothing to stop
the desire, just the hard cutting edge of it.  The girl, Lena, shuddered and
curled in on herself.  Understanding more than he would have liked, Jackson
pulled her in tight until he was curled around her in a spoon on the floor. 
She clutched his arms to her as she continued to twitch.  As he huddled on the
floor holding the shaking girl, he heard the water splash.  Lo Cordan laughed,
back in his decadent full water bath.

Jackson glared his hatred
into Cordan’s golden eyes over the girl’s head.  She just held him tighter, as
if that could keep the bad monster away.

“Bastard,” he hissed. 
With every cell of his body he wanted to kill the big bastard, almost as much
as he wanted to fuck the girl in his arms.

“Still denying yourself,
I see.”  Cordan’s tone was equal parts mocking and bitter, which Jackson did
not understand.  He was the one who kept pushing; what the fuck did he have to
be bitter about?

“Not myself, just you.”

Cordan drank them in with
flashing anger.  His eyes heated to liquid gold when they brushed over the
girl.  “It must be the perverse in me that finds that so . . . intoxicating.”

“Yeah, well, fuck you.” 
He felt like an idiot huddled on the floor trading barbs while clutching the
girl that had just given him the best orgasm of his life, but he didn’t think
he could let go just yet.

The gold eyes frosted,
and for a moment, Jackson saw a mad beast beneath the fire.  “Watch yourself,
puppy.  I can only take so much.”  As usual,
anger made no sense. 
He was the one who fucking pushed them into this.

Finally, Lena seemed to
get a hold of herself.  She released her hold on Jackson with a final shudder
and rolled out of his arms.  It was his problem if he badly wanted her back
where she belonged. 
Where she belonged?  What the fuck am I thinking?

She grabbed her clothes
off the floor with a stabbing motion that bespoke her perturbation.  She looked
at Cordan, careful to keep her eyes above the water line.  “You finished
playing, Your Majesty?”  The words had a bite that had Cordan snapping his
teeth in her direction but his answer was mellow enough.

“For now.”

Without another word or
so much as a glance in Jackson’s direction, she was out the door with a slam. 
Jackson looked from the door to Cordan in the tub.  “She seems nice.”

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