The Alpha's She-Wolf (3 page)

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Authors: K.S. Martin

BOOK: The Alpha's She-Wolf
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“Oh God.”  Shauna breathed.  “You really
are him.  You’re the man from my dreams, the one that’s been keeping me awake
for months.  Your voice isn’t quite as low in my dreams though.” 

“I’m catching cold and it’s making
my voice deeper.  I assure you that normally my voice is very sexy.”  It’s sexy
as heck right now, Shauna thought.  “Let me take you to dinner tonight so we
can discuss our future and the things that lie ahead, afterward we can go for a
run.”  Shauna nodded.  “Give me your address and I will pick you up at seven.”

“Oh, no not tonight, Mimi has
started dinner already, do you like spaghetti?  It’s Wednesday, so, it’s spaghetti
night.  You could eat with us, if you want to that is.”  Shauna felt like she
was rambling but he looked delighted by it.  His grey eyes twinkling as he
surveyed her while she spoke.  He nodded.  “Um, okay.”  Where had that come
from?  She’d gone mad, why did she invite him over?  He was enormous, dazzling,
gigantic, intimidating, gorgeous, and massive.  Shauna was just three inches
shy of six feet, so that put him at least six feet five.  His brown hair is
messy looking like the wind has had its way with him.  There was scar that cut
through his eyebrow and traveled toward his temple.  It was a silvery, old
line.  It was flat and straight but looked brutal.  What was he doing to get
that?  She could not let him follow her home.  This guy could crush her with a
thumb and forget about Naomi, she was so tiny that if he blew hard she would be
flattened.  Must escape!

“Shauna, you don’t have to be
nervous with me.”  He was sensing her trepidation.  “I’ve waited my entire life
for you; I’m elated that I have finally found you.”  She let out a breath she
hadn’t realized she was holding and nodded.  “What time is dinner?”  She’s not
what I expected at all, he thought.  I always thought my mate would be blonde, diminutive,
and fiery like Naomi.  It was Naomi in my dreams not Shauna.  Why?  Why did
Mother Nature keep screwing with him?  He’d probably seen Naomi before and just
didn’t realize. But if he ever met up with the good Mother he would certainly
ask.  Deep down he knew the answer.  An alpha could not only trust what he saw
because things could be deceiving.  He had to learn to trust his gut, his
scenting ability, and his reasoning.  For example, just because you grew up
with someone and looked up to them, it didn’t make them honest or trustworthy. 
A picture of Victor holding a knife to Derek’s throat floated through his
mind.  Someday, if Victor came back, he would pay for his sins against the
family and the pack.  Now,  this woman is tall, inhibited, and skittish.  But
her scent, God I want to roll around in it and stay buried in it forever. 
Connor decided to trust his gut and not some stupid dreams that gave him a hard
on.  It was Shauna’s scent and Shauna’s eyes that drew his soul to her not
Naomi.  She was gentle and skittish, maybe the good Mother wanted him to learn
to be gentle and to handle the skittish with care instead of bullying them the
way he was predicated to do.

“Half an hour?”  He nodded his

“Can you wait here for say three
minutes, my truck is in the underground garage across the street, I’ll follow
you?”  Give her a chance; maybe she isn’t always so reserved maybe she will
loosen up when she gets to know me.  He convinced himself.  Surely Mother
Nature found his match, his perfect other half, the answer to everything he

“Sure.  What do you drive?”  Shauna
was growing more wary by the second she needed to get away from this guy.  He
was so powerful and controlled.  He was gorgeous though, he had grey eyes that
had just the slightest amount of amber around the irises.  He had tanned skin
with just a slight amount of scruff that her fingers wanted to scratch.  His
face was straight angles and a square jaw and seemed sensitive one minute and
scary the next.  Her tummy quivered and her blood raced.  He said that she was
his mate but still she wasn’t sure.  Missus B said she would know immediately
but how could she know for sure?  He said that he knew.  Did all wolves have
one mate?  Could there be more than one possibility?  Did she wait or did she
run?  Why did she doubt Ms. B now?  Did she face her future or run from it? 
Shauna decided in an instant.  If he was her mate then he would do what she
needed him to do, he would give chase.  Shauna always wanted the chase.  It was
her other dream, the one where a big wolf chased her through the woods and she
wasn’t frightened or panicked because he was her mate, she was never afraid
when he chased her.  She was exhilarated, aroused and ready to match him.

“It’s a blue SUV, a Tahoe.”  She
nodded.  “Be right back.”  Connor leaned over and kissed her cheek.  Shauna
smiled politely.  Even though he had her insides, flipping around like an
injured bird and the attraction was strong, escape and future avoidance seemed
the logical choice.  When Connor ducked into the garage, Shauna got in and started
the Jeep, pulled a U-turn and stomped the gas pedal.  

“What are you doing Shauna?”  Naomi
squealed.  “You said that you would wait for him.  He’s your mate Sissy.” 

“I’m scared.”  Shauna lied and accelerated. 
“I’m not sure.  He’s says he’s sure but how do I know?”  Her breaths became
ragged and she began to pant.  “I…  Oh Mimi…I can’t…”  Shauna gasped, “I think
my heart is going to pound its way out of my chest.  Shit, I can’t breathe Meems.”

“Shauna!  You listen to me right
now.  You pull over and relax.  Take deep breaths.  Where is your paper bag?” 
Shauna looked around and got even more frightened.  These attacks sucked.  Mrs.
B always thought that they would stop once she found her mate because he would
protect her and she would feel safe.  Not yet though.  There was no bag
anywhere in sight.  She was going to have a full-blown panic attack, the last
time this happened she’d wrapped their truck around a tree, thank goodness for
airbags.  This Jeep was so old though that she doubted it had airbags, she
really didn’t know for sure.  Shauna guided the SUV to the side of road because
they couldn’t afford another vehicle right now and she didn’t want to hurt Mimi. 
It would be okay, she’d wake up in awhile, and it would be okay.  The blackness
overtook her.



The Getaway

“Where did she go?”  Connor pulled
the Tahoe out of the parking garage and muttered to himself.  His mate was
supposed to be waiting for him at the curb and she wasn’t.  The Jeep was gone
and so was she.  She told him that she would wait, they were going to have
spaghetti for dinner, and later he would claim Shauna.  “Can’t claim her if I
can’t find her.”  Connor followed his gut and turned right.  This town wasn’t
so big that he couldn’t drive around for a while.  What did she say that
woman’s name was?  Mrs. Branson.  Connor pulled his cell out after easing the
SUV to the curb and dialed his brother Michael who was the internet and hacking
guru for the Maddock Corporation.  Within thirty seconds, he had an address. 
He thanked Mike and pulled back out into traffic.  Why did she run?  They were mates,
she was excited by that, he’d felt it.  Connor pulled over on the side of the
road behind the Jeep a few minutes later.  Did she feel guilty about leaving
him back there after she said that she would feed him?  Food was a very serious
promise to a wolf.  There was no movement inside the Jeep and Connor approached
it cautiously.  Shauna slumped over into the passenger seat out cold with her
head in Naomi’s lap.  Connor tried the locked door.  Naomi pushed the unlock
button.  “What happened?  Why did you leave?”  Connor asked leaning in the
driver’s door.

“Shauna is skittish on her best day
Connor.  She hyperventilates and has panic attacks.  We just have to wait a few
minutes.  Usually, I can calm her down but it came on fast today.”  Naomi was
petting Shauna’s head and face.  “She’ll be okay in a minute or two.  I don’t
know why she left she was upset and said something about how she wasn’t sure.”

“Well I am sure.  I’ll follow you,
you can drive right?”  Naomi nodded.  “Give me a minute to get her settled.” 
Connor lifted his mate from the truck easily and carried her to the passenger
side of his SUV.  He walked around and waved to Naomi as she got in the
driver’s side of the Jeep.  Connor followed her home.

Naomi unlocked and held the door
open for him.  “Her bedroom is the third door on the right upstairs.  She
should be awake by now.”  He carried her easily up the stairs.  Grinning, Naomi
stayed at the foot of the stairs until she could not see him then went to make
dinner.  Connor nudged the door open with his foot and went inside.  It was
definitely a woman’s room.  The walls were peach with white molding and the bed
was queen sized with a white lacy duvet.  White furniture that looked antique
stood around the room and a hooked rug that looked like a bouquet of roses
covered the high polished light wood floor.  The inside of this house was well
loved and well taken care of even thought the outside needed a coat of paint.  “I’m
going to put you down Angel.”  He realized he was just standing there looking
around with her in his arms.  Connor laid her gently down on the duvet and
checked her pulse again.  It was stronger now.  Connor looked down at Shauna
and studied her features.  God but she was beautiful and all he wanted to do
was protect her, just wrap her in his arms, and keep her there safe forever.

Connor went to the window and looked
down into the garden in the back yard.  It resembled his mother’s except Shauna
planted vegetables.  The bushy green rows in the patch of earth were neat and
weed free, any gardener would be proud of it.  A patient and determined hand
tended that garden, it didn’t seem like it would be Naomi’s cup of tea.  She
seemed more like a party girl, a good time girl.  He should introduce her to
Kirk and Mike.  Connor pulled out his cell and texted Derek.  “Connor?”  Shauna
was waking up.  He turned around to look at her.  “What are you doing here? 
How did I get here?”  He smiled and came over to face her.  She doesn’t want me
here, he thought.  She doesn’t want anything to do with me.  It’s best if I go.

“You had a panic attack and passed
out.  I found you and brought you here.  Your sister is downstairs getting
dinner ready.”

I’m sorry I left you before, I....” 
Shauna nibbled on her bottom lip.  God she was adorable.  So pretty.  So not,
what he expected.

“It’s okay.  You’re home safe now. 
He laid his business card on the dresser.  It was nice to meet you Shauna.” 
One side of his mouth lifted in almost a grimace.  He turned on the heel of one
Italian loafer and left her alone.  Shauna’s brows knitted listening to him
walk down the stairs and go out the screen door.  Shauna got up and hurried
after him.  He was backing out of the yard when she got there. 

“Where is he going?”  Naomi wrapped
an arm around Shauna’s waist and looked out of the door beside her.

“I think he just rejected me.” 
Shauna’s breath got shallow and quick. 

“Okay, once a day is enough. 
Breathe and sit down.  We’ll get this figured out Sissy.”  Naomi opened the
drawer of the buffet, pulled out a paper bag, and handed it to Shauna.  “What
did you say to him?”

“I just asked how I got here, and
what was he doing here.”  Naomi rolled her eyes.

“God Shauna.  Blunt at all?  Don’t
you like him?  I mean I know you were scared but he seemed nice to me.  I mean
he found us in less than five minutes and took care of you.  He could’ve taken
you back to his cave and claimed you but he was a gentleman and brought you
home safe and sound.  I think he’s hot and if you don’t want him, I would love
to see if he could give me one of those mind-numbing orgasms.  Damn gorgeous. 
So do you like him or can I have him?  Oh please tell me that I can have him.” 
Shauna laughed.

“Whore.”  Naomi giggled.  “No you
can’t have him.  I’m not sure yet if I want him.  He’s so big.  Have you ever
seen a man that big?”  Naomi shivered all over.

“I wonder if he’s that big all
over.”  She wet her lips with her tongue and closed her eyes then sighed. 
“Mmm.  I’m going to eat my dinner.”  Naomi headed to the kitchen and Shauna
followed her leaving her bag on the couch.  Naomi always had a way of calming
Shauna down.


“What is she like?”  Derek was
waiting for him on his porch.  Connor shook his head.  “What does that mean?” 
Derek followed him inside.  Connor went to the bar and poured two fingers of
bourbon then swallowed it and poured two more.  “Wow, that’s not good.  Want me
to leave you alone?”  Connor nodded.  “You know where I am if you need me.”  He
wouldn’t need this house after all.  It was a long ranch house with four
bedrooms, a theatre room, game room, massive kitchens indoors and out and a
pool.  The master bedroom which was previously two rooms, converted into one
room with two master closets and an en suite bath with a spa tub big enough for
two and a multi head shower room.  He designed and reconstructed this house for
the woman he dreamt of, the one that he planned to claim in the king sized bed
that was dressed in ruby silk sheets waiting for her.  He could let that dream
go.  There would be no claiming, no woman, and no pups splashing in the pool or
hugging his legs while he tried to walk.  Connor huffed out a breath.  Damn
this was disappointing.  His cell buzzed in his pocket but he ignored it.  He
did not feel like talking to anyone right now.  He poured two more fingers of
bourbon and went to the bedroom that would go to waste now.  Connor took his
jacket off and threw it across a chair.  A shower would benefit him greatly. 
He headed that way.



Kirk, Michael, and Derek piled into
Kirk’s Escalade after snatching Connor’s GPS off the dash of the Tahoe.  “This
bitch is going to listen to reason and that’s all there is to it.”  Michael
said from the back seat.  “She belongs to Connor and she needs to be told.” 

“I still say this is a bad idea.  Connor
is going to be pissed.  You know he doesn’t like us in his business.”  Derek
was still smart enough to be afraid of his big brother but he was even more
afraid of these two, of what they would do if they were without supervision. 
They had always gotten themselves in trouble if they didn’t have a baby sitter.

“Turn left in fifty yards.”  The
GPS woman said. 

“Yes ma’am.”  Kirk mumbled and
turned the truck.  He pulled into the yard and shut the lights off.  There was
blonde pixie sitting on the steps in red and white striped footy pajamas.  She
could be Waldo or the cat in the hat.  “What do we have here?”  Kirk asked with
a huge grin.  “Is that her?”  Mike was leaning up into the front trying to
see.  “Get back shit head.  I got dibs if it isn’t.”

“Bullshit, she gets to pick.”  He
put his hand in Kirk’s face.  “Shake it asshole.”  Derek was a little shocked,
all of this time he thought they shared females.  Kirk shook Mike’s hand and
opened his door.  He pressed the child safety lock as he climbed out
effectively locking Mike in the back of the truck.  He looked back at the truck
and laughed then strode up to the porch in front of Derek.  Naomi watched them warily
but sipped her coffee nonchalantly.

“Evening Ma’am.  Do you know Connor
Maddock?”  Naomi nodded.  “I’m his brother Kirk and this is Derek.”  Naomi set
her cup down and stood up.  Standing on the third step up she looked Kirk in
the eye and stuck her hand out to shake his.

“I’m Naomi.  Shauna is inside.  Is
there something that we can do for you boys?”

“I’m Mike and I’d love a cup of
coffee.”  Mike said as he walked up behind his brothers slapping Kirk on the
back of the head as he pushed past him.  Naomi’s amber eyes flashed brightly. 
He noticed and his own eyes lightened back at her.  Naomi gasped softly.  Mike
grinned as he took in her lush curves under the ridiculous pajamas.

“Please, come inside.”  Naomi
turned and grabbed her cup then went up the steps.  Mike’s head tilted and bent
over with her as grabbed the cup, Derek and Kirk grinned at each other. 
“Shauna!”  She yelled up the steps holding the door open for them to follow her

“Yeah?”  She heard Shauna call.

“We have company, get decent, and get
down here.  Follow me to the kitchen guys.”  Naomi continued down the hall to
the large kitchen. 

“This is a great house, have you
girls lived here long?”  Mike was on her heels making her seem even smaller.  If
she stopped, he would plow into her.  Kirk and Derek followed their brother
giving each other curious glances.  Mike wasn’t usually this aggressive with a
woman.  He usually let them offer then he would take them up on it but he was actively
pursuing this one.  Naomi was giggling at something that he said when Shauna
came down the back steps into the kitchen.

“What’s up Sis?”  Shauna looked at
the room full of big wolves that all reminded her of a bigger scary wolf
because they all had the same wicked grey eyes.  The big scary wolf that
rejected her for no reason at all this afternoon.  Jerk.  Shauna decided that
it was for the better but something deep inside her still wanted a chance to
get to know him at least a little anyway.  She wished she’d worn her robe to
cover her thin tee shirt with the drooping neckline.  They didn’t seem to
notice her at all, not the way men should. 

“These are Connor’s brothers. 
That’s Kirk,” he nodded and called her ma’am, “That’s Derek.”  He nodded and
shook her hand.  “And this is Mike.”  Naomi smiled up at him and he was smiling
back at her.  That was interesting.  Shauna thought.  Naomi seemed to like
Mike, because she was quiet for a change and goo-goo eyed.  Usually Mimi was
very outgoing around men, very loud and all over them but it always resulted in
the same way, she would toy with them, but she wasn’t serious.  This however
seemed serious.  They were very into in each other.  Shauna grinned.  “It’s
nice to meet you all.  What can we do for you?”  Naomi was pouring cups of
coffee from the old-fashioned percolator and handing them out to the men. 

“Well ma’am, Connor is very upset
and we can’t have him upset.  So you need to call him and make up and tell him
that you’re sorry.”  Kirk spoke up.

“I need to tell him that I’m
sorry?  He rejected me.  I’m sorry that he did but my apologizing isn’t going
to make him take that back.”  Kirk’s brows knitted and he looked at Derek who

“Maybe I got it wrong?”  His mouth
drew back in a thin tight line.  “He came in and poured bourbon, shot it,
poured more, and shot that.  He was pouring more when I left.  Naturally I
assumed she rejected him since he never drinks unless the problem unsolvable.  Hell,
I didn’t even consider that he rejected her since it’s all he has wanted since
he was like what?  Ten?”  He looked at Shauna now.  “What happened if you don’t
mind me asking ma’am?”  Shauna worried her lip and her eyes misted.  Shauna got
up and took the stairs two at a time.

“Crap on a biscuit.”  Naomi bit out. 
Mike rubbed her arm.  “She... he…”  She let out a long sigh, “Son of biscuit
eater.”  Naomi shook her head with defeat.

“Is that son of biscuit eater
eating crap on a biscuit?”  Derek asked.  The guys all laughed.  Naomi stopped suddenly
and laughed too until she snorted and that made them all laugh harder.  She
started to get up but wobbled and Mike pulled her into his lap, they both
stopped laughing.  Mike’s lips brushed lightly across hers.  Naomi gasped and
gazed into his eyes. 

“She asked him what he was doing
here and how did she get here.  He rescued her from a panic attack and brought
her home.  I think he took it to mean that she didn’t want him here and I
wouldn’t blame him.  I mean she just met him today in town and they made plans
to have dinner here then she was scared and left without him.  You know.  What
would you think?  I don’t blame him.  Anyway, so she asks him all that and he drops
his card on the dresser then leaves.  Shauna is so shocked that he’s left that
by the time she gets to the front door, he’s gone.  She didn’t mean it the way
he took it.  She was confused when she came to.  I think she really likes him
but how he makes her feel is scaring her.  She texted him earlier but he never
texted back.  I guess he’s decided that she’s not worth the trouble but she is
worth it.”

“He’s probably confused too.  He’s
been having these dreams about a woman but it’s not Shauna, the woman in the
dreams looks like you.”  Derek says.  Naomi swallowed hard and squeaked.

“Me?”  He didn’t seem interested in
me at all.  Well, I mean at first he was, at the store he came right up to me
and we were making plans to go out but then he shook my hand and said ‘You’re
not her.’  It was weird you know?  He was really into me and then he wasn’t at
all.  I’ve never lost a guy that quick; it has got to be some kind of record
for me.”  Naomi pouted making them laugh.

“Connor is not your mate
sweetheart.”  Mike squeezed her around the middle.  “I am.”  Kirk’s head
snapped up to look at his brother and Derek nearly choked on his coffee.  “I
knew it the minute I got out of the truck.”  Naomi looked into his eyes. 

“I believe you.”  She whispered. 
“What happens now?”  Kirk who was just as much the lady’s man as his brother
was jealous.  Even though he liked to go out and sleep with random women, every
wolf hopes to find his mate.  Some take years and some never find her.  Kirk
was the last of the Maddock brothers excluding Victor, to have a mate with this
latest development.  He didn’t begrudge his brother having found her but he did
want more than ever to find his mate now.

“You come home with me and we plan
our future over breakfast darling.”  Naomi nodded and tried to scoot off his

“Where do you think you’re going?” 
His arms were like a steel band around her.  “I won’t let you get away like
Connor let Shauna get away, I plan on keeping you.”  He grinned down at her

“I need to pack a bag.”  She put
her hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him lightly on the lips.  “I’ll be
back in a few minutes.”

“Bring your sister with you.”  Naomi


“Shauna, I’m going with Mike, I
think he’s my mate.  I can’t leave you here alone.”  Naomi stood in Shauna’s
bedroom doorway in her jeans and favorite black tee shirt.  It said AC/DC
across it when they were younger but the letters were fading off now.

“I will be fine.  I’m not afraid to
stay alone.  I’ve done it lots of times when you were on dates.”  Naomi

“If you insist.”  Naomi went to her
and wrapped her arms around Shauna then squeezed her tight.  “Love you.” 

“Are you sure he’s the one?” 
Shauna asked softly.

“I am.  I thought so when he came
up on the porch and then later I just knew when he kissed me.  It was just like
she said, it was like lightning.”  Shauna smiled softly and squeezed her sister
back.  “I never believed any of that fairy tale bull crap but it was exactly
like she said.”

“I’m glad Mimi.”  Naomi picked up
her bag.  “I wish it had been that easy for me.”  Shauna eyes were hollow with

“It can be.  Come with us.”  Shauna
was shaking her head.  Mimi shrugged and left.  “Suit yourself.”  Mimi called
over her shoulder


“Where’s Shauna?”  Mike asked.

“Not coming.  She wants to stay
here.”  He nodded and looked at his brothers. 

“Boys.”  Derek was shaking his head
but Kirk was on his way up the stairs.  Shauna was screaming and the next thing
they knew she was hauled out of the front door and down the steps to the truck.

“We are in so much trouble.”  Derek
said pulling the front door closed behind him as he followed them to the truck.


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