The Amateur (31 page)

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Authors: Edward Klein

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Cold War
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Confidence Course, The
Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Corzine, Jon
Council on Foreign Relations
Covenant with Black America, The
Craig, Greg
Cropsey, Seth
Crowley, Philip (P. J.)
Crown, Lester
Cult of Obama
Curry, Lacy Kirk (“L. K.”)
“Daisy Girl” commercial
Dalai Lama
Daley, Richard J.
Daley, Richard M.
Daley, William M. (“Bill”)
Dallek, Robert
Day One People
see also
First-Day People
Deaver, Michael
debt ceiling
Democratic National Convention 2004, 2008, 2012,
Democratic Party
American Jews and big government and New Deal and New Democrats
DeParle, Nancy-Ann
Desert One
Dewey, Thomas
Diller, Barry
Dinerstein, Sid
Dionne, E. J.
DiSalvo, Joe
Disintegration: The Splintering of Black America
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Doebler, Max
Dolan, Timothy
Domestic Policy Council
Donahue, Tom
Donilon, Cathy
Donilon, Tom
Dowd, Maureen
Doyle Dane Bernbach
Dr. Phil
Dreams from My Father
Dubois, Joshua
Dukakis, Michael
Duncan, Arne
economic parity
Economic Strategy Institute
Élysée Palace
Emanuel, Ezekiel
Emanuel, Rahm
advice to Obama
Michelle Obama and
Obama’s Jewish problem and
as Obama’s legislative brain
as professional pol
Valerie Jarrett and
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Epstein, Richard
Erlanger, Steven
Ethics and Public Policy Center
European Union
Everyday Icon: Michelle Obama and the Power of Style
Fallows, James
Fannie Mae
Fayyad, Salam
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Feinberg, Kenneth
Feith, Douglas
Felsenthal, Carol
First Amendment
First-Day People
see also
Day One People
Flowers, Rahni
Ford, Gerald (“Gerry”)
Forgotten Man, The
Foxman, Abe
Friedman, George
Gaddafi, Muammar
Game of Character, A
Gannett House
Gates, Robert
Geithner, Timothy (“Tim”)
Gelb, Leslie
George Kaiser Family Foundation
Gibbs, Robert
Gibson, Mel
Glick, Caroline
Goldberg, Bernard
Goldwater, Barry
Goodwin, Doris Kearns
Goolsbee, Austan
Graham, Lindsey
Grant, Ulysses S.
Great Depression
Great Recession
Green, Al
Group of
Guantanamo Bay detention camp (“Gitmo”)
Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Guy, Buddy
Habitat Executive Services
Hadley, Stephen
Hagan, Joe
Haig, Al
Hail to the Chief
Hanson, Victor Davis
Harpo Studios
Hart, Gary
Hartman, Hermene
Harvard Law Review
Hastings, Michael
Health and Human Services Committee
Henninger, Daniel
HHS contraceptive mandate
Hoenlein, Malcolm
Holbrooke, Richard
Holder, Eric
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Hopkins, Harry
Horovitz, David
Hyannis Port
IAC/InterActive Corp
Immaculate Intervention, doctrine of
International Olympic Committee
International Symposium on Preventing Genocide and Mass Atrocities
Israel and
war in
1967 borders
America and
Arab narrative of
Barack Obama and
Jewish voters and
Palestinian peace talks and
right to exist of
State of
West Bank occupation and
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
J Street
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Santita
Jarrett, Robert
Jarrett, Valerie
Chicago ties of
isolation of Obama and
Jordanian royal family and
Oprah and
working-class African-Americans and
Jarrett, Vernon
West bank of
Western Wall of
Jesus Christ
Jewish Lobby
Joffe, Eric
Johnson, Al
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Samuel
Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
Jolkovsky, Binyamin
Jones, Brad
Jones, Diane
Jones, James Logan
anti-Semitic remarks of
Jouriles, Nick
JP Morgan chase
Kagan, Robert
Kaiser, George
Kantor, Jodi
Kellerman, Jonathan
Kennedy clan
Kennedy Compound
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, David
Kennedy, Edward (“Ted”)
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, Joe
Kennedy, John F.
Bay of Pigs disaster and
temperament of
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Kerry
Kennedy, Max
Kennedy, Randall
Kennedy, Robert (“Bobby”)
Kennedy, Robert F.
Keystone XL Pipeline project
Khalidi, Rashid
King, B. B.
King, Gayle
King’s College, The
Klutznick, Philip
Koch, Ed
Koop, C. Everett
Kwame Nkrumah Academy
Lavin, Michael
Lew, Jacob
Lewis, John
Libyan civil war
Lieber, Robert
Lincoln, Abraham
Lippert, Mark
Live Baby Bill
Loop Capital Markets
Lungren, Daniel (“Dan”)
Mack, Kenneth
Marphatia, Raj
Marshall Plan
Marshall, George C.
Marx, Karl
Mastromonaco, Alyssa
Matrix, The
Matthews, Chris
McCain, John
McDonald, Forrest
McGovern, George

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