The Amish Widow (Amish Romance Mystery) (Amish Secret Widows' Society Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Amish Widow (Amish Romance Mystery) (Amish Secret Widows' Society Book 1)
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“That would be lovely, thank you.”

“Sit down, please.”

Mr. Weeks took a seat at the kitchen table. “The reason I’m here, besides checking that you’re okay, is to tell you that I’ve put in an insurance claim for your husband’s accident.”

“I see.” Emma busied herself getting the tea and cookies. She knew that
drank black tea and she was sure that she had some somewhere.

He continued, “So that means, you might get quite a sum of money.”

“Oh, that will come in handy.” Emma looked across at him.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned it at all.” He looked down at his hands that were clasped on the tabletop.

“Why do you say that?”

“Wil refused his safety harness so there’s only a small chance that the insurance will pay up. I’ve lodged the claim anyway. Maybe you could – well, pray about it.”

“I’ll certainly do that.” Emma knew that
always works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform. Emma wasn’t quite sure what that last part meant that had run through her head – it was part of a Scripture, she was sure of that.

“I don’t know why he refused his harness.” Mr. Weeks scratched his head.

“He was a very stubborn man and very sure of himself. He organized a lot of barn-raisings and did a lot of work at a great height; I guess he thought that he didn’t need one.” Emma placed the sugar cookies and a pot of tea down on the table. She glanced at Mr. Weeks’ worried face. “Surely you don’t hold yourself accountable?”

“In a way, I do.”

, please don’t. It was his decision and he wouldn’t want you to feel that way.”

Mr. Weeks’ eyes misted over. Emma hoped he would not cry. She wasn’t used to seeing men cry and she would not know what to do. “
wanted him home. It was his time to go.”

Mr. Weeks nodded.

“He’s in a much better place now. I know that in my heart.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Kurtzler. You’re very kind.” Mr. Weeks took a sip of the hot tea then picked up a sugar cookie. “Will you be staying on here – on the farm?”

Why was everyone interested on whether she was staying on? Was the whole town trying to make her sell? That’s certainly what it felt like. “The farm is leased so it’s enough for me to live on. I’ve no reason to sell.”
Especially if the insurance that money comes through,
she thought.

“I see. So you lease the whole farm? To a wheat farmer?”

“We… I mean I lease the land except the
, the barn and a little land to grow vegetables. Henry Pluver’s the man who leases it. He’s an Amish man who leases a few parcels of land around the area. He’s got his own farm too, but I’ve heard that his own farm isn’t very big.”

Mr. Weeks scratched his chin. “So he’s Amish you say?”

“Yes he is.”

“Pluver is an unusual name.”

“I guess it is. Come to think of it his family is the only Pluver in the community. I’m not sure of their history.”

Mr. White looked thoughtful and nibbled on the sugar cookie. “Are you friendly with the Pluver family?”

“No, not especially.” Emma thought of the Pluvers, the sour faced Mrs. Pluver and the creepy son, Bob. Mr. Pluver was just a typical Amish farmer. “It’s certainly good news about the insurance money. If it comes through.”

Mr. Weeks held up his hand. “I wouldn’t go spending it just yet.”

Emma smiled at the thought of going on a spending spree. She was very frugal with money as was all her
She’d been taught from a young age to make do with what she had. She could cook and sew and had need of very little. The money would just sit somewhere, in case the farm needed something or the
needed repair that was all.


Emma heard Wil at the front door.

“Come in and join us, Wil.”

Wil walked through to the kitchen and Mr. Weeks stood and nodded his head as a greeting. Wil did the same.

Emma noticed that the two men did not shake hands.
Probably they are still at odds with each other over the incident at the funeral.
Emma considered that Wil was rather rude to Mr. Weeks at the funeral when Mr. Weeks had offered her help.

As Wil sat at the table, Emma saw that his face was flushed and she figured that he must have rushed over when he saw a strange car parked in her driveway.

There was an awkward silence and Mr. Weeks took a large gulp of tea. There was a hostility arising from Wil toward Mr. Weeks and it was obvious that Mr. Weeks could feel it as well as she.

She rose to her feet. “I’ll fix you some tea, Wil.”

Emma. So, Mr. Weeks, what brings you here today?”

“I’m visiting Mrs. Kurtzler, as I mentioned I would. I can assure you I have no ill intentions towards Mrs. Kurtzler. Levi Kurtzler was a respected member of my team and I’m sure he would want me to see that his wife has everything she needs.”

Emma let out the breath that she had been holding onto. She thought that Mr. Weeks would have put Wil’s over protectiveness to rest.

“As I told you the other day – we look after our own. I appreciate your visit, but I will see that Emma has everything she needs.” Wil’s tone was bordering on hostile - again.

Emma nearly dropped the teapot she had just picked up. “Wil.”

Wil looked at her, stony faced.

Mr. Weeks stood abruptly. “I’ll be going now then, Mrs. Kurtzler. Please, you’ve got my number if you need anything and we’ll discuss that other matter if anything comes of it.”

“Yes, thank you. I’ll see you out.” Emma walked Mr. Weeks to the front door. “I’m so sorry about that,” she whispered.

Mr. Weeks shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. It didn’t bother me.” He gave her a smile and a little wink before he turned and walked to his car.

Emma marched straight back to Wil who had a mouthful of cookie. “Wil, that was rude. Don’t you think?”

I don’t. There was only one thing he was doing here, Emma. He’s attracted to you and you’re a woman on your own. You have to be more careful. You can’t let people into the
like that.”

Emma folded her hands across her chest and looked down at him sitting at the table leaning back eating cookies. “Well, you’re in the
aren’t you?”

He shook his head and his eyes turned to the ceiling. “That’s different. You’re like my little
. We’ve been friends forever.”

So, that’s what he thinks of me. He doesn’t see me as a woman; he sees me as his little schweschder.
Emma didn’t know why, but she was a little disappointed to know that he thought of her in that way. Although, neither did she want the aggravation of him being attracted to her; it was far too soon for her to consider another man
in her life. Why was she so upset by his words? Maybe she did like him, in that special way, just a little. She sat down opposite him and picked up a cookie and took a bite. They sat in silence for a moment; the only noise was that of crunching cookies.

“Before Mr. Weeks arrived, I was packing Levi’s clothing into boxes.”

“Do you need help?”

Emma shrugged her shoulders. She did not know what she wanted. Maybe she wanted help and maybe she didn’t. Maybe she wanted to be alone while she packed up Levi’s clothes. “I’m planning to take them to over to Bessy’s place.”

Wil took a mouthful of his tea then placed the teacup down on the table. “I’ll take them to Bessy’s for you.”

“That would be a help. You could carry the boxes down the stairs for me too.”

“Of course.”

Emma was grateful for his help, but at times he was too much. Sometimes she just wanted some space. Emma’s thoughts turned to Bessy. She was around the same age as Wil and she had never married either. For a moment she wondered if they would make a match, but then Emma dismissed the idea. If they were to make a match they would’ve had plenty of time to get together before now. But then, who was there for Wil and who was there for Bessy? It dawned on Emma at that moment that she should be grateful that she had known real love. It was clear that many of the married people she saw about the place were not happy with their choices and then there were a handful of people in the community who remained unmarried. Levi and she were happy and very much in love;
for that, she was grateful.

A smile flickered across her face. She had found something to be grateful for, just like the bishop said on the Sunday. Days ago she thought she had nothing to be grateful for and now she did.

Chapter 3.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Revelation 21:4


Maureen gave Emma a ride to the ‘widows’ meeting.’

“You’ve baked?” Maureen said as she glanced at the plate of food Emma held in her hand.

Emma climbed into the buggy. “
, I thought I’d bring something with me.”

“Well, put it in the back with my lot.”

She stretched her arm to put the plate in the back seat next to two large plates.

“I’ve baked a couple of things too,” Maureen said.

Emma looked across at Maureen and noticed that she looked a little weary. “Are you okay, Maureen?”

, I’m all right. Just a little tired. I started work early this morning.”

Maureen worked at a restaurant and did the cleaning of a morning and sometimes of an evening. “Not working tonight then, I guess?”

. Three days a week I work in the evenings and six days a week in the mornings. It’s odd hours, but that makes the pay better.”

Maureen was in her late thirties, which was quite a bit older than Emma was. She was very confident and sure of herself, except when she spoke of her late husband. It was clear to Emma that Maureen missed her husband dreadfully.

Ten minutes later they arrived at Ettie and Elsa-May’s
. It was a tiny little
and it glowed like a beacon, as large dark trees surrounded it.

“Looks like Silvie’s here already,” Maureen said as she tipped her head toward the other buggy in the drive. “You go on ahead with the food; I’ll just tie up the horse.”

Emma struggled in with the three plates of food and somehow managed to knock on the door.

“Come in dear, nice to have you here,” Ettie said.

Elsa-May came up behind Ettie and greeted Emma.

“We brought some cookies and things,” Emma said handing Ettie one of the plates.

. We won’t say
to food.” Elsa-May laughed and took the other two plates from her and headed to the kitchen.

Emma hung around the doorway ‘til Maureen came in and ushered her into the living room where Silvie sat. There was no couch, which might have been more comfortable, just hard wooden chairs.

The two older widows came into the living room; Elsa-May had knitting in her hands and Ettie had needlework. Elsa-May lifted up the knitting, which was of a soft yellow color. “I’m to be a
again.” She offered the information to Emma. It was clear that the other ladies already knew.

“That’s so exciting. How many other
do you have?”

“I’ve six others and this will make seven.”

Although Emma smiled, she tried hard not to think of the fact that she had no
to remind her of Levi and she would never have any

Ettie leaned slightly forward. “Does that upset you, Emma?”

I’m happy for Elsa-May.”

The ladies all looked at her; it was clear they could see straight into her heart.

Maureen explained. “The group is here so we can tell each other our inner thoughts and feelings. What you tell us will not leave this room.”

Emma looked at each lady in turn. Each of them had their eyes fixed upon her. She could see they were all filled with love and the bond that united them was loss. “All right then. If I’m totally honest – I’m upset that I don’t have
I thought that I might be having a
and then I just found out that I’m not.” Tears ran down Emma’s cheeks. She could feel her mouth down turn and her face contort into something ugly, but she did not care and cried harder.

Silvie was the closest to Emma and she put her arms around her. “Let it all out. It’s
to cry.”

The other ladies murmured their agreements with Silvie’s advice. Emma put her arms around Silvie’s graceful, slender neck and cried some more.

Ettie popped her embroidery on the floor and disappeared then came back and offered Emma a handkerchief.

,” Emma managed to say. After a while, Emma stopped crying and blew her nose. “I’m so sorry.” She looked at their concerned faces. “I feel so foolish.”

, don’t. We’ve all been through it. You might find you cry at odd times because you’re so used to holding it all in and putting on a brave front,” Silvie said.

, when you feel like crying it’s best to cry and not hold it in,” Maureen added.

“I’ll have to get used to hearing that people are having
I suppose and seeing couples happy. I just don’t know why
had to take Levi now. Couldn’t I have had a few more years with him and at least a
– or maybe two?” Emma asked.

“Who knows the mind of
?” Elsa-May said.

Ettie added, “No one does. We just have to trust Him; we’re not called to understand Him.”

“Anything else on your mind, Emma?” Maureen asked.

Emma managed a smile. “
, nothing else.” She wanted someone else to say something. She felt as if she’d dominated the group with her problems for long enough.

“I longed for a
as well, Emma. I know how you feel,” Maureen said.

Emma acknowledged Maureen’s admission and smiled. It was at least
to know that someone knew the pain that she was going through. “Tell me, does it get easier?”

Maureen smiled revealing the slight gap in her two front teeth. “Oh
. It does. I find I have to keep myself busy though. Busy with lots of things and working helps as well.”

“I find it best not to think about him at all. I got rid of everything he owned and I put him out of my mind. Every time I think about him I still want to cry,” Silvie said, with tears in her eyes.

A silence fell over the group. Elsa-May clapped her hands. “Let’s eat.” She rose to her feet and they all followed her to the kitchen. It appeared Emma was not the only one who had brought food. There was cheesecake, chocolate cookies, sugar cookies, chocolate fudge bars, roasted almonds and dried figs.

Ettie asked, “Everyone having meadow tea?”

Everyone said ‘yes’ to meadow tea with the supper. Emma followed everyone’s lead and sat up at the table in the kitchen. Even though the chairs in the kitchen were wooden as well, they were far more comfortable than the chairs in the lounge room.

Emma looked around at the ladies, then said, “I want to thank everyone for sharing their feelings. It makes me feel so much better. I mean – I felt alone and now I don’t.”

The elderly, Ettie put a hand briefly over hers. “That’s why we meet.”

Emma picked up a chocolate chip cookie and took a bite. Silvie sat opposite Emma. She was quite young to be widowed and Emma wondered if she had ever considered getting married again. Surely
would have someone else for her seeing was such a lovely girl and so pretty. Her hair was blonde, her skin creamy and her eyes were the bluest of blue that Emma had ever seen. Maureen was also attractive, a little older than Silvie, but still, a very handsome woman and she was wise and intelligent.
Surely Gott could find menner for these women,
she thought.
Maybe, they are like me and don’t want another man.

“Emma, anytime you’re feeling sad you can always come visit me. I don’t live that far from you,” Silvie said.

, I’ll remember that.”

Emma knew that Maureen and Silvie had jobs. Maybe that’s what she needed. If she had a job, that would take her mind off things.

* * *

The next day, Emma forced herself out of bed and once she fed the animals, she threw herself into gardening. Keeping busy was her new way of coping with life without Levi.

“Here you are.”

Emma looked up when she heard Wil’s familiar voice. “Hello, I’m gardening.”

“I can see that.”

Emma stood up from her crouched position. “I’m all right, Wil. You don’t have to visit me everyday.”

“I’m just making sure you’re okay and you’re not hassled by vultures or anyone, that’s all.”

, no one’s been ‘round.”

Well, if you have everything under control I’ll be on my way.”

Emma did not want to rely on Wil. She had to be self sufficient if she was going to get through these next few months that everyone told her were going to be very tough. “
, Wil, for everything you’ve done.”

Wil turned to leave and as he walked away he put a hand in the air and gave a wave.

She was comforted in the knowledge that Wil was on the farm next door. If she ever did need anything, he was only a few minutes walk away.

Emma crouched down again with her garden fork in hand. “Where do all these weeds come from?” she asked herself out loud.

A few moments later, Emma heard a car in the driveway. She stood up and walked around to the front of the
Rarely did she have a visit from anyone in a car. It was a large, black car. She could not see inside the car, as the windows were dark. The driver’s side door opened slowly and Emma suffered pangs of anxiety when she saw the vulture emerge from the car.

Emma did not wish to have to contend with this man again, this man who would not take ‘no’ for an answer. She glanced up the road hoping that Wil was still around, but she could see no sign of him.

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