The Anarchist Cookbook (5 page)

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Authors: William Powell

Tags: #Reference, #Handbooks & Manuals

BOOK: The Anarchist Cookbook
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any signal with a radar signal of your own. I have tested this idea with the cooperation of a

local cop and found that his unit reads random numbers when my car approached him. It is

suprisingly easy to make a low power radar transmitter. A nifty little semiconductor called

a Gunn Diode will generate microwaves when supplied with the 5 to 10 volt DC and enclosed

in the correct size cavity (resonator). An 8 to 3 terminal regulator can be used to get this

voltage from a car's 12v system. However, the correct construction and tuning of the

cavity is difficult without good microwave measurement equipment. Police radars commonly

operate on the K band at 22 GHz. Or more often on the X band at 10«25 GHz. most

microwave intruder alarms and motion detectors (mounted over automatic doors in

supermarkets & banks, etc.) contain a Gunn type transmitter/receiver combination that

transmits about 10 kilowatts at 10«25 GHz. These units work perfectly as jammers. If you

cannot get one locally, write to Microwave Associates in Burlington, Massachusetts and ask

them for info on 'Gunnplexers' for ham radio use. When you get the unit it may be

mounted in a plastic box on the dash or in a weather-proof enclosure behind the PLASTIC

grille. Switch on the power when on an open highway. The unit will not jam radar to the

side or behind the car so don't go speeding past the radar trap. An interesting phenomena

you will notice is that the drivers who are in front of you who are using detectors will hit

their brakes as you approach large metal signs and bridges. Your signal is bouncing off of

these objects and triggering their radar detectors!

PS If you are interested in this sort of thing, get a copy of POPULAR

COMMUNICATIONS. The ads in there tell you where you can get all kinds of info on all

kinds of neat equipment for all kinds of neat things!

18. Smoke Bombs by the Jolly Roger

Here is the recipe for one hell of a smoke bomb!

4 parts sugar

6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter)

Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well. Pour it into a future

container and, before it solidifies, imbed a few matches into the mixture to use as fuses.

One pound of this stuff will fill up a whole block with thick, white smoke!

19. Mail Box Bombs by the Jolly Roger

Two liter bottle of chlorine (must contain sodium hypochlorate)

Small amount of sugar

Small amount of water

Mix all three of these in equal amounts to fill about 1/10 of the bottle. Screw on the lid

and place in a mailbox. It's hard to believe that such a small explosion will literally rip the

mailbox in half and send it 20 feet into the air! Be careful doing this, though, because if

you are caught, it is not up to the person whose mailbox you blew up to press charges. It is

up to the city.

20. The easiest way to hot-wire cars by the Jolly Roger

Get in the car. Look under the dash. If it's enclosed, forget it unless you want to cut

through it. If you do, do it near the ignition. Once you get behind or near the ignition look

for two red wires. In older cars red was the standard color, if not, look for two matched

pairs. When you find them, cross them and take off!

21. How to make Napalm by the Jolly Roger

Pour some gas into an old bowl, or some kind of container.

Get some styrofoam and put it in the gas, until the gas won't eat anymore. You should

have a sticky syrup.

Put it on the end of something (don't touch it! ). The unused stuff lasts a long time!

22. How to make a fertilizer bomb by The Jolly Roger



Fertilizer (the chemical kind, GREEN THUMB or ORCHO)


Diesel fuel

Make a pouch out of the newspaper and put some fertilizer in it. Then put cotton on top.

Soak the cotton with fuel. Then light and run like you have never ran before! This blows up

500 square feet so don't do it in an alley!!

23. Tennis Ball Bombs by The Jolly Roger


Strike anywhere matches

A tennis ball

A nice sharp knife

Duct tape

Break a ton of matchheads off. Then cut a SMALL hole in the tennis ball. Stuff all of the

matchheads into the ball, until you can't fit any more in. Then tape over it with duct tape.

Make sure it is real nice and tight! Then, when you see a geek walking down the street, give

it a good throw. He will have a blast!

24. Diskette Bombs by The Jolly Roger

You need:

A disk


White or blue kitchen matches (they MUST be these colors!)

Clear nail polish

Carefully open up the diskette (3«" disks are best for this!)

Remove the cotton covering from the inside.

Scrape a lot of match powder into a bowl (use a wooden scraper, metal might spark the


After you have a lot, spread it evenly on the disk.

Using the nail polish, spread it over the match mixture

Let it dry

Carefully put the diskette back together and use the nail polish to seal it shut on the

inside (where it came apart).

When that disk is in a drive, the drive head attempts to read the disk, which causes a


the fuckhead try and fix THAT!!

25. Unlisted Phone Numbers by The Jolly Roger

There are a couple of different ways of doing this. Let's see if this one will help: Every

city has one or more offices dedicated to assigning numbers to the telephone wire pairs.

These offices are called DPAC offices and are available to service reps who are installing

or repairing phones. To get the DPAC number, a service rep would call the customer service

number for billing information in the town that the number is located in that he is trying

to get the unlisted number of. (Got that?) The conversation would go something like this:

"Hi, Amarillo, this is Joe from Anytown business office, I need the DPAC number for the

south side of town." This info is usually passed out with no problems, so. . if the first

person you call doesn't have it, try another. REMEMBER, no one has ANY IDEA who the

hell you are when you are talking on the phone, so you can be anyone you damn well please!

When you call the DPAC number, just tell them that you need a listing for either the

address that you have, or the name. DPAC DOES NOT SHOW WHETHER THE NUMBER

IS LISTED OR UNLISTED! Also, if you're going to make a habit of chasing numbers down,

you might want to check into getting a criss-cross directory, which lists phone numbers by

their addresses. It costs a couple hundred bucks, but it is well worth it if you have to

chase more than one or two numbers down!

26. Fuses by The Jolly Roger

You would be surprised how many files are out there that use what falls under the

category of a "fuse." They assume that you just have a few lying around, or know where to

get them. Well, in some parts of the country, fuses are extremely hard to come by... so

this file tells you how to make your own. Both fuses presented here are fairly simple to

make, and are fairly reliable.

SLOW BURNING FUSE - 2 inches per minute

Materials needed:

Cotton string or 3 shoelaces

Potassium Nitrate or Potassium Chlorate

Granulated sugar


Wash the cotton string or shoelaces in HOT soapy water, then rinse with fresh water

Mix the following together in a glass bowl:

1 part potassium nitrate or potassium chlorate

1 part granulated sugar

2 parts hot water

Soak strings or shoelaces in this solution

Twist/braid 3 strands together and allow them to dry

Check the burn rate to see how long it actually takes!

FAST BURNING FUSE - 40 inches per minute

Materials needed:

Soft cotton string

Fine black powder (empty a few shotgun shells!)

Shallow dish or pan


Moisten powder to form a paste.

Twist/braid 3 strands of cotton together.

Rub paste into string and allow to dry.

Check the burn rate! !

27. How to make Potassium Nitrate by The Jolly Roger

Potassium Nitrate is an ingredient in making fuses, among other things. Here is how you

make it:

Materials needed:

3« gallons of nitrate bearing earth or other material

« cup of wood ashes

Bucket or other similar container about 4-5 gallons in volume

2 pieces of finely woven cloth, each a bit bigger than the bottom of the bucket

Shallow dish or pan at least as large in diameter as the bucket

Shallow, heat resistant container

2 gallons of water

Something to punch holes in the bottom of the bucket

1 gallon of any type of alcohol

A heat source

Paper & tape


Punch holes on the inside bottom of the bucket, so that the metal is "puckered" outward

from the bottom.

Spread cloth over the holes from the bottom.

Place wood ashes on the cloth. Spread it out so that it covers the entire cloth and has

about the same thickness.

Place 2nd cloth on top of the wood ashes.

Place the dirt or other material in the bucket.

Place the bucket over the shallow container. NOTE: It may need support on the bottom so

that the holes on the bottom are not blocked.

Boil water and pour it over the earth very slowly. Do NOT pour it all at once, as this will

clog the filter on the bottom.

Allow water to run through holes into the shallow dish on the bottom.

Be sure that the water goes through ALL of the earth!

Allow water in dish to cool for an hour or so.

Carefully drain the liquid in the dish away, and discard the sludge in the bottom.

Boil this liquid over a fire for at least two hours. Small grains of salt will form - scoop

these out with the paper as they form.

When the liquid has boiled down to « its original volume let it sit.

After « hour, add equal volume of the alcohol; when this mixture is poured through paper,

small white crystals appear. This is the potassium nitrate.


Redissolve crystals in small amount of boiling water.

Remove any crystals that appear.

Pour through improvised filter then heat concentrated solution to dryness.

Spread out crystals and allow to dry.

28. Exploding Lightbulbs by The Jolly Roger

Materials needed:

Lightbulb (100w)

Socket (duh...)

¬ cup soap chips

Blackpowder! (open some shotgun shells!)

¬ cup kerosene or gasoline

Adhesive tape

Lighter or small blowtorch


Procedure for a simple exploding lightbulb:

Drill a small hole in the top of the bulb near the threads!

Carefully pour the blackpowder into the hole. Use enough so that it touches the filament!

Insert into socket as normal (make sure the light is off or else YOU will be the victim! )

Get the hell out!

Procedure for a Napalm Bulb:

Heat kerosene/gasoline in a double boiler.

Melt soap chips, stirring slowly.

Put somewhere and allow to cool.

Heat the threads of the bulb VERY carefully to melt the glue. Remove threads, slowly

drawing out the filament. Do NOT break the cheap electrical igniters and/or the

filament or this won't work!

Pour the liquid into the bulb, and slowly lower the filament back down into the bulb. Make

sure the filament is dipped into the fluid.

Re-glue the threads back on. Insert it into a socket frequently used by the victim and get

the hell out!

When the victim flips the switch, he will be in for a BIG surprise!

29. Under water igniters by The Jolly Roger

Materials needed:

Pack of 10 silicon diodes. (Available at Radio Shack. You will know you got the right

ones if they are very, very small glass objects!)

Pack of matches

1 candle


Light the candle and allow a pool of molten wax to form in the top.

Take a single match and hold the glass part of a single diode against the head. Bend the

diode pins around the matchhead so that one wraps in an upward direction and then

sticks out to the side. Do the same with the other wire, but in a downward direction.

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