The Angels' Share (16 page)

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Authors: Maya Hess

BOOK: The Angels' Share
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‘I have a meeting to go to but then I can get back early. Liz can give you a –’

‘Let’s get you back to my place, young lady, and give you a good going over.’ Liz emerged from the bathroom in her clothes again.

‘You took the words from my mouth,’ Lewis said. ‘I’ll join you ladies later. Have fun in the meantime.’

And then I was being driven across the island with the promise of much girly pampering making my heart skip beneath all the layers of my clothing.

*   *   *

I didn’t wear my dirty boots in the house. These were the first things to leave my body in a muddy heap by the door. My socks weren’t much better, although I had been washing my underwear in boiling water from the fire and scrubbing them with a bar of soap. I left my heavy jacket on the hook in the hall and began to relax as I entered the living room and warmed myself by the fire that had obviously been stoked earlier in the day.

‘Go straight upstairs,’ Liz suggested. ‘There’ll be plenty of hot water and I’ve loads of lovely body scrubs and lotions in the bathroom.’ She escorted me up the narrow stairs and retrieved several cream towels from a cupboard along the way. She showed me into a bathroom with low beams and a wooden floor and, in the middle, a cast-iron bath with lion’s-claw feet. There were dozens of candles and tea lights adorning the window sill and shelves and Liz meticulously lit each one. The warmth and glow that filled the bathroom made me want to shed all my clothes and never leave the room again. Liz turned on both taps, pulled the cord of the window blind and flicked off the main light so that even before I had taken off my clothes, I was drenched in sensual lighting.

‘Let me help you.’ Liz was tugging on my sweater and fiddling with my belt. ‘You’re so tense,’ she said as she trailed her hands down my body after discarding my woolly layers on the floor. ‘You can take a hot bath and then I’m going to give you an all-over massage. I’ll use aromatherapy oils to get you in the mood.’

‘The mood for what?’ I asked stupidly, feeling that I wouldn’t need anything to help me except Liz’s hands.

She didn’t answer but raised her eyebrows instead. ‘Go on, get them off.’ The slight nod of her head indicated clearly that she was waiting for me to discard my T-shirt and underwear and I knew that refusing out of stubbornness or shyness would be silly. Besides, not knowing when I might get another, I really wanted to indulge in a hot bath.

‘You win,’ I mumbled as I stretched my arms above my head to reveal an expanse of tanned skin left over from the Spanish summer. I dropped my shirt to the floor and reached to my back to unfasten my bra but Liz had already wrapped her arms around me, our bodies pressed together, and she was fiddling with the catch.

‘You’re so slim,’ she commented. ‘Do you ever eat?’

‘Like a pig when I get the chance.’ But I needn’t have replied because she wasn’t listening. Liz had deftly removed my boring plain cotton bra and cast it aside before transferring her attention to the little hillocks of flesh that were my breasts.

Just as I had done to her half an hour before, Liz cupped her hands beneath the mounds and weighed up my size in her palms. ‘Isn’t it odd,’ she said, ‘how we’re all shaped so differently and coloured in with different shades.’ I nodded, hardly able to keep my thoughts focused as she pushed my breasts together. ‘But we all feel in the same way, don’t we?’

I nodded, knowing this was how my touch had felt to her.

‘And can you imagine what Lewis would be thinking if he was watching us?’

I nodded again and a smile spread across my face. It was all in their plan, I realised. It was all written.

Liz ducked her head and brought her mouth down around my left breast. The sensation of her soft, wet lips on my skin was like nothing I had ever experienced and even as I stared at the top of her cropped, blonde hair it was hard to believe that it was another woman making me feel like this. I longed for my diary and a chance to record such a fantastic sensation. She looked up at me with heavy-lidded eyes. I felt sure she wanted more than a quick suck of my breast.

‘The water,’ I said, noticing how high the level had risen in the tub. Liz turned off the taps and then lingered over the withdrawal of my plain white knickers. She delighted in the revelation of the soft triangle of hair at the top of my legs and I secretly willed her to investigate further although I suspected that she would be getting to that.

‘Climb in,’ she said after swishing her hand in the water to test the temperature. She took a lavender-coloured bottle from a shelf and drizzled in a long stream of something that smelled divine, rather like the fresh herbs in the kitchen garden at Creg-ny-Varn. She swished again to create a thick layer of bubbles.

I lifted a leg over the enamel roll-top edge of the tub and let loose a flicker of a smile as I saw Liz devouring the sight of my parted thighs. She placed a hand on my bottom, perhaps to guide me, perhaps to do as I had done to her in Lewis’s office, and allowed her touch to slide up my body as I sat down in the sudsy hot water.

‘Mmm, two baths in as many days,’ I said, lying back and closing my eyes. The bubbles didn’t quite cover the spread of my breasts as I settled in the deep bath and I lifted one leg out of the water to run my hands down its length. ‘What luxury,’ I said and Liz stroked my forehead with her wet hand. She began to gently massage my temples, dispersing the tension that had been building up over the last few days. Even discussing my apparently futile case so briefly with Lewis had sent tight, aching lines through my head, neck and shoulders.

‘I don’t think I’ll ever get my home back,’ I said with my eyes closed, while Liz’s fingers worked magic around my eyes. ‘I’m just going to have to accept that Kinrade’s there to stay and the closest I’m ever going to come to my inheritance is by being its cleaner.’

‘Sshh, don’t think about that now. I can feel you tensing up.’ Liz’s voice dropped a couple of tones and even her words helped to soothe me. She walked her fingers down my face and onto my shoulders before stroking around my breasts and I knew, without even looking, that my nipples would be peeking out from beneath the bubbles.

‘I’m going to wash you first and then you can come and lie beside the fire and I’ll massage you all over. Sound good?’

‘Wonderful,’ I said, ‘but what about you? You must be stressed from all that shopping.’ I opened one eye and giggled. ‘Did you see how Lewis was looking at you in your new lingerie?’

‘Did you see the massive hard-on he had, more like,’ Liz replied. ‘Like most men, he’s a sucker for sexy undies.’

Briefly, I thought of Marco and his simple and basic desire for a naked body. The less clothing the better, in his opinion. And if he was able to ravage his naked lover in the sunshine or beside a lake or, and this was his favourite, with the risk of being caught then he was a happy man. That was why, I supposed, I had never bothered buying lacy knickers or bras or even considered anything as extravagant as Liz’s new lilac lingerie.

‘Do you have a lot of naughty undies?’ I asked, hoping she would have something to fit me. I fancied experimenting.

‘Drawers full and it all comes from the little boutique in town. They import it from France.’ Liz’s hands were resting on my stomach. ‘I bet we could find something for you to put on after your bath. She dragged her hands down my tummy, spreading out and avoiding the bit I wanted her to touch most and then down my legs to my ankles. ‘You have lovely long legs. I wish mine were this slim.’ Liz glanced down at her body, still clothed, and sighed.

‘You have a gorgeous figure and like you said earlier, everyone’s made differently.’

Liz took my compliment to as a cue to stand up and remove her blouse and short skirt, hanging each item carefully over a chair. Again I was faced with the sight of her in her new corset, thong and sheer stockings but more intriguing than this, way more delectable than the expensive lingerie, was what Lewis had said to me in the beach cottage: that Liz had already decided that I was the one. I was her ultimate fantasy.

‘I decided to wear it home. It makes me feel so…’ – Liz looked at the ceiling for a second – ‘so indecent!’

I sat up in the bath so that my face was level with the tiny triangle of sheer lace that disappeared between her pale thighs. How I wanted to lean forward and plant a tiny kiss on the barely visible strip of dark hair that nestled behind her new panties. How I knew I would never dare do such a thing.

Liz took a large natural sponge and added a dose of rose-scented body wash. She began with my back and lathered up and down my spine, her fingers brushing against the sides of my breasts as her strokes swept under my arms.

‘That feels so good. You have no idea what aches and pains I have from sleeping on a bed made from a couple of ancient armchairs.’ I dropped my head back and hugged my knees as Liz rubbed my back vigorously. Gradually, she worked her way over my shoulders, down my arms, across my stomach, although very gently, and up and down my legs with brisker strokes again.

‘Lie back,’ she instructed. ‘I can’t reach all of you if you sit like that.’ She guided me back into the nest of bubbles and discarded the sponge in the water. Then both her hands began to slosh water over my breasts and she fondled them tenderly, making sure she drew my nipples into hard buds once again.

This is fine, I thought. One woman tending to another’s needs. It’s a feminine thing to do. This is OK, I convinced myself, but I couldn’t help the little gulp of air in my throat as a hand slipped between my legs and ever so gently began to knead my inner thighs. I felt her wrist brushing against my mound and she even parted my lips once or twice unintentionally as she reached deep down to give my buttocks a playful squeeze.

‘You like that?’ she asked as I whimpered again. I nodded, not sure if I wanted her to go further.

Suddenly, our matching fantasies – to be intimate with another woman – seemed a dangerous game to play. True, I had never felt so comfortable being naked in front of a woman before. True, too, that I knew she harboured a desire to experiment specifically with me. What I was worried about was that I would let her down, that I wouldn’t be able to satisfy her in the way that Lewis could.

Then the answer to my worries called out from downstairs.

‘I’m home.’ Lewis approached, every footstep a second nearer to him witnessing his wife with her hands between another woman’s legs, and, spurred on by her husband’s approach, Liz dared to ease a finger into the groove between the lips of my pussy. With the warm water and Liz’s foreign touch, I knew that nothing short of several orgasms would settle the unreal feelings that enveloped me as thoroughly as the water.

The door opened and Lewis was standing, hands in his pockets, peering through the steam and attempting to focus on what was going on. He half smiled, half-frowned when he noticed where Liz’s hand was nestled.

‘You couldn’t wait?’ he asked, approaching his wife from behind as she knelt beside the bath. He admired how the lace of her new lingerie decorated her skin and delivered two sensual kisses either side of her neck before peering into the bath. ‘You dirty little thing,’ he said to me. ‘Make sure you get her sparkling clean, Liz. That way it’ll take us longer to make her filthy again.’

Lewis and Liz exchanged glances and Liz continued to probe with her slender fingers between my pussy lips. I couldn’t prevent my hips from rising and falling in the water, causing her fingertips to rub my bubble-filled cleft. I wasn’t sure who I wanted most – Liz and her unfamiliar yet gentle way with my body or Lewis, who I knew was capable of filling me up and levering me to an incredible orgasm. As I bathed in the bubbles and the sensations from Liz’s fingers, I decided that both of them would be nice.

‘How exactly do you propose to make me dirty?’ I asked them.

‘Shouldn’t be too hard,’ Lewis commented while playing with Liz’s short hair. ‘I think you’re a natural when it comes to being grubby. What about your behaviour the other evening, for instance? Liz, I’ll have you know that it was all Ailey’s fault that I came home to you spent and satisfied.’

Liz turned and looked up at Lewis, winking at the same time as running a finger neatly between my lips, prising them apart in the water. I arched my back at the fragility of her touch. No man had ever dealt with me this lightly.

‘Little hussy,’ she directed at me. ‘Messing about with my husband, huh?’ I nodded shamefully, going along with their game. ‘I had to work extra hard to get him aroused all over again. I was so desperate for him to come home and when he did, he smelled of you.’

‘Liz already knows what you taste like,’ Lewis added. He clamped his arms around his wife’s body and burrowed two fingers beneath her flimsy thong, searching for something warm and moist. I could see the needy tremble in his arms as he worked, the same urgency mirroring in his face as the prospect of having two women to deal with dawned on him. Lewis’s fingers never did find the treat they were seeking because Liz pulled away and fetched a towel off the heated rail.

‘Time to get dry.’ She held out the soft towel and gestured for me to stand up. Lewis looked out of place in his work trousers and shirt and would no doubt have willingly shed his clothes but stood motionless, gawping at the sight of his sexily dressed wife attending to my needs. He was silent as Liz helped me from the bath, the bubbles sliding from my clean skin, and remained that way as she dabbed and patted me to remove the excess moisture. She didn’t, however, attempt to dry my breasts or between my legs and I shivered as the air cooled my wet skin.

‘Lewis, you see that the fire is stoked so that Ailey doesn’t catch her death while I dress her up into a little treat.’

The implication was, as far as I could discern, that I would become a kind of edible fancy for the adventurous couple. That they were older, more experienced and obviously far more daring than me made me suspect that even if I had not been a willing party, I would have found it nearly impossible to prise myself from their tempting lair. I was their prey. I was excited. I followed Liz into her bedroom and watched as she pulled item after item of exotic lingerie from a drawer.

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