The Apartment (Apartment #1) (3 page)

BOOK: The Apartment (Apartment #1)
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“Sorry about that, dear.” She smiled warmly down at her and held out her hand. Lily shook it timidly. “I’m Mrs. Knight. Were you interested in signing up for a class?”

“Uh… no. Actually, I was wondering about the sign in your window. The apartment?”

“Oh! Yes, certainly.”

“If it’s still available, I was hoping I might be able to schedule a time to look at it.”

Mrs. Knight looked at her watch and thought for a moment. “Well, I’m going to be stuck here for a while. If you don’t mind viewing it by yourself, I could give you the key and you could take a look at it right now.”

“Oh, that would be great!” Lily couldn’t keep the enthusiasm out of her voice.

“Well, come with me back to the office for a minute. I’ll grab the key for you.” They walked together down the hall, making pleasant small talk. Lily enjoyed the steady
click click click
of her walking stick as she tapped it out of habit.

Mrs. Knight motioned for Lily to follow her into the small office, sitting down at a desk against the wall. She opened the center drawer and started rifling through piles of loose papers while Lily let her eyes wander around the cluttered room, landing on the many stacks of CDs in the corner. She had music from all over the world, for every kind of dance you could imagine.

“Where in the—?” Mrs. Knight mumbled to herself. “It was here earlier. What on earth did I do with that key?” She looked back at Lily as if she had the answer. “Wait a minute—that nice young man.”

“Young man?”

“Yes, there was a lovely young man who stopped in to look at it earlier. I forgot I gave him the key. But that was hours ago! I’ve been so busy that I didn’t realize he never brought it back down.”

“Should you be concerned?” If Lily ended up taking the apartment she didn’t want some psycho out there with a key to her place.

“Oh heavens, no! I’m sure that he just set it down up there and forgot all about it.” She glanced down at her watch with a frown. “I really must get back. Why don’t I show you the way and you can head up and take a look? If you see the key laying around up there, just be a dear and bring it back down with you. If it’s not there, don’t worry. I’ll get the locks changed if I have to.”

“Really, if it’s too much trouble right now I can come back.”

“Oh, don’t be silly! You’re here now. She stood to usher Lily into the hall. “You know, I really must get another spare key made. I misplaced my last one after the
.” She emphasized the last word dramatically as if Lily was supposed to know what she was talking about.

“Incident?” Lily asked, mainly because she could tell that Mrs. Knight wanted her to.

“Oh yes,” she sighed. “I’m afraid the last tenant hadn’t been seen for days and he wasn’t answering his phone. When he didn’t answer the door either, I finally had to use my spare to open it up and it must have gotten lost in all the excitement. Poor thing.” She shook her head slowly and made a sign of the cross over her chest.

Lily turned instantly pale. “You mean he died up there?”

“Not quite.” She reached out and patted her arm. “But Mr. Douglas had a terrible stroke. When I found him, he was face down on the floor. Nobody knows how long he was there. I tried to hold onto his place for him for as long as possible, but the doctors say he won’t be coming home. He’s in hospice care now.” She looked very sad for a moment. “I used to work with him many years ago. He was a teacher at the school. It just breaks my heart to see someone so intelligent brought low like that. He can’t even talk now.”

Now it was Lily’s turn to pat her on the arm. She couldn’t fathom what it would be like to go from being a fully functioning human being one day to being trapped inside your own mind for the rest of your life. Sometimes the human mind terrified her. That was why she could never bring herself to work at a nursing home; the thought of being around so many patients with dementia made her want to cry.

“Well, come on. Let me show you where to go.” Mrs. Knight led her all the way down the hallway, past the door to the dance studio, until they reached the rear exit. “Now, you can access the apartment from back here,” she said, opening the large door. “There’s a parking lot on the other side of the alley behind here that all the tenants along the strip use. Most of the stores have at least one apartment upstairs, but some of them are lived in by the owners.” She pointed to another door next to them. “This door here leads upstairs. The same key will unlock it if you need it, but most tenants leave this one unlocked for visitors. Now, the room is just up at the top of the stairs. If you have any questions come and find me, okay?”

“Thank you so much, Mrs. Knight. I really appreciate it. I’m sorry to have disturbed your class.”

“It’s no problem, sweetie. I needed a break from those guys anyway, before I started smacking them with my stick!” They shared a final laugh before parting ways, each one going through a different door.

Lily walked up the dark stairway. At the top of the stairs there was a long, skinny hallway, and at the end of the hall was one lonely door on the left-hand side. Lily took a deep breath and stepped forward, bringing her hand to the knob.

The door pushed wide open as soon as she touched it.
What the hell? He couldn’t even bother to shut it completely?

She walked in slowly, looking from side to side in the empty room. It was dark and gloomy, but that could have been due to the fact that the sun had already begun to set. Lily reached over and flipped the light switch. Nothing. Mrs. Knight had failed to mention that the electricity had been cut off.

Deciding that she needed to make the most of the dwindling sunlight so she could see the room, she wandered around looking for windows. There was a small one above the sink in the kitchen that helped brighten things a bit when she opened the blinds.

Not bad
, she thought.
Not good, but not bad
. There was a little bathroom with a shower and what looked to be one bedroom on the other side of the living room.

As she walked further into the dark apartment, she instantly noticed how warm it was. Slipping her jacket off and dropping it to the floor, she stopped to flip the other light switch on the opposite wall by the bedroom as well, just to make sure. Still nothing. Frustrated, she fumbled her way through the darkness until she found the doorknob leading to what she hoped was the bedroom. Right as she started to turn the handle, it began to spin in her hand. Before she realized what was happening, the door was pulled open swiftly, causing her to stumble forward and land against a very solid chest.

She screamed and jumped backwards.

Right on the other side of the door she had just fallen through was a man. He made no move toward her, nor did he even blink at her outburst; he simply stared at her.

“Who the hell are you?” Lily gasped as she stepped back a few more feet, praying that she wasn’t about to become the first in a string of brutal rape/slayings to terrorize the Midwest. She was just about to yell at him again when she actually managed to get a good look at him.

He was leaning against the door jamb, wearing a white dress shirt that was unbuttoned a few times at the collar and what looked like designer jeans that had been artificially distressed. Lily knew there was no way jeans that clean could have so many holes in them. His hair, which was a rich, burnished gold, was sticking out in every direction as if he’d been shoving his hands in it repeatedly. His cheekbones and jawline were so chiseled that it almost hurt to look at them, and his thick growth of stubble only served to enhance their beauty.

Lily moved her eyes up slowly, hovering on the most luscious pair of full, pouty lips she had ever seen in her life. They looked soft and pink, and for some reason she couldn’t help but wonder how they would feel against her own, how they might taste. Continuing upward, she took in his long, straight nose before finally landing on a sight that made her breath catch in her throat.

Piercing jade eyes stared back at her, surrounded by longer lashes than any man had the right to possess. They were swollen and red, and it was obvious that he had been crying. She had never felt like more of an intruder than she did in that moment, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away.

He looked tragic, and broken, and heartbreakingly beautiful.

Lily suddenly remembered Mrs. Knight mentioning the “lovely young man” who had forgotten to return the key. If this was him, then that had been the understatement of the century.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered after managing to find her voice. “I didn’t know anyone was still up here. Mrs. Knight said she thought you had left.” He said nothing, but continued to stare at her warily. Feeling the need to fill the awkward silence, Lily began rambling. “What do you think of the apartment?” She glanced around the empty room. “It’s a bit of a dump, to be honest, but it has potential.”

When he still didn’t answer, she turned and walked back into the kitchen, hoping to give him a moment to collect himself. It wouldn’t stop her mouth, though, which made no sense to her because she spent most of her time avoiding people as much as possible. “These cabinets aren’t too bad,” she called out, opening and closing doors. “There’s not much counter space, though.”

She went back into the living room and began critiquing the space, wondering to herself the entire time why she couldn’t just shut the hell up. Deep down she knew that it was because she wanted to hear him speak to her. It
a little creepy that he wasn’t saying anything, and she wanted him to break the tension. If she was being honest with herself, she also wanted to find out if his voice was as beautiful as the rest of him.

Spinning around slowly, she nearly jumped when she turned back to find that he was now standing in the kitchen doorway watching her, as if he’d been following her around like a lost puppy. “Any idea what she’s charging for this place?” Lily whispered. “I sort of… forgot to ask.” She blushed deeply, once again unable to look away from him. He simply stared back at her, and when he blinked again she saw a fresh set of tears slide down his cheeks.

Knowing that she had seen his tears, he spun around and went back into the kitchen. Worried that she’d somehow embarrassed him, she followed him into the small space. For some reason she was drawn to his open vulnerability. He seemed like a skittish, wounded animal that she felt compelled to help rather than fear.

Lily crossed the room and leaned against the counter top, nervously turning the faucet on and off in the guise of checking the water as she waited for him to speak. When he still didn’t respond, she knew that she had to stop beating around the bush. “Listen, I’m sure you’d love for me to get the hell out of here. Even if you don’t want the place, it’s obvious that you need some privacy.” He grimaced in response to her words but maintained eye contact. “Are you alright?” After what felt like minutes he shook his head slowly. “It’s just that… I would feel terrible if I left here and didn’t at least try to help.”

That was Lily, always ready to lend a hand to someone in need. She tried to smile, but it felt odd under his scrutiny. His gaze was unsettling to her, but strangely she felt more exposed than afraid. His eyes didn’t look past her or through her; they saw deep inside her. The feeling of being drawn to him returned even stronger.

After a long pause she took a deep breath and bit the bullet. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Yes,” he choked out. Although his voice sounded raw, as if he’d been screaming, she wasn’t surprised to hear the musical perfection behind it.

“What can I do?”

He moved then, slowly walking toward her like a wildcat stalking its prey. The closer he got to her, the more she could feel something growing and tingling, as if an electric current was shooting between their bodies. He didn’t stop until he was right in front of her with his arms on each side of the countertop, effectively caging her in. It didn’t escape her notice in that moment that he even smelled beautiful. Not once did it ever occur to her to feel scared or to move away; his presence was so magnetic that she couldn’t imagine breaking the connection.

He looked deep into her eyes for almost a minute, allowing the electricity to build between them to a breaking point.

“You can let me fuck you,” he whispered.

Chapter 3

Lily stared at the beautiful stranger in disbelief. He was only inches away from her face now and his words were still hanging in the air around them, thick and heavy with suggestion.

You can let me fuck you

“That’s not funny,” she whispered. He was so close that her breath fluttered against his skin.

“Do you hear me laughing?” His voice sounded gruff now, as if it almost pained him to talk. He only broke eye contact with her long enough to glance down at her lips quickly. When he looked back up, it was just in time to see a brief flash of fear in her eyes. Immediately, his stance shifted. “Hey, I’m not going to hurt you. I just… just…” His face crumbled and he choked on another sob.

Any traces of fear went out of her mind the instant she saw his jade eyes swimming with tears again. Unable to stop herself, Lily reached out and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She felt his warm hands touch her hips tentatively before sliding around to the small of her back, eventually crushing her to him.

He buried his face in her neck and began to weep.

“I’m sorry!” he cried. “I just wanted to feel… something—
—again.” Lily smoothed her hand over the back of his head in what was meant to be a comforting gesture, but she couldn’t help sliding her fingers through his unruly hair and noticing how similar the texture was to silk. In response, his grip around her tightened. “I’ve been numb,” he breathed against the skin of her neck. “Numb for so fucking long that I don’t remember what anything feels like anymore.”

“Shh, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” Lily continued stroking his hair as he shook. She had absolutely no idea what to think about the man in her arms. She only knew that she couldn’t let go.

As she held him, she could feel the electric current growing even stronger between their bodies. Everywhere they touched felt like it would start humming at any moment, and Lily couldn’t help wondering in the back of her mind if her hair might start standing straight up. The man in her arms must have felt it, too, because after a few seconds he grew silent, as if he was also listening for the internal hum between their bodies. She felt his fingers grip her tighter before they eased up, sliding beneath the edge of her shirt.

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