The Apple Tree (6 page)

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Authors: Kara Jimenez

BOOK: The Apple Tree
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He smiled with relief and took another bite.

Her gaze shifted to his hand. “So tell me the truth. Yesterday, you cut yourself on the glass. Why did you lie?”

The piece of pizza stuck in his throat and he swallowed hard to force it down. “You’re very direct, you know?”

She shrugged. “I know. I’m horrible at censoring myself. I blurt things out all the time and usually stick my foot in my mouth.”

I don’t mind. It’s kind of refreshing.” Except when he had something to hide.

The color rose on her cheeks and she ran her hand through her hair. “That’s nice, but you’re avoiding the question. Why did you lie?”

I…didn’t lie. I saw pizza sauce on my hand and thought I’d cut myself.” He smirked, hoping to appear nonchalant. “I don’t know why you even brought it up. It’s not a big deal.”

She leaned back in her chair. “I brought it up because I can tell you’re not telling me something…but I’m not sure what.”

He shrugged. “I’m not.” The lie felt like an ugly serpent wrapping around his body, squeezing him.

Her eyes narrowed and she nodded. “Okay.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes until she stood. “Well, my break is over. It was nice talking to you, Levi.”

Thanks for sitting with me.” He smiled. Would she forgive him for not being completely honest?





Stephanie and Kate came over to Bianca’s apartment on Friday night to get dressed before they all went to Lux. They gathered in her room, browsing through her wardrobe.

Oh, my gawd. You have the most original clothes. I love it!” Stephanie held up a floral patchwork skirt. “I can’t believe you find such cute stuff at Goodwill. Every time I go all I see are shoulder pads and polyester.”

Bianca shrugged. “You just have to dig a little. Here Kate, wear this.” She held up a taupe sleeveless blouse with black lace and beading around the neckline. Kate’s blonde curls and tanned skin would look nice with the color.

Kate reached out and took it from her. “Oh wow, it’s gorgeous.”

So your mom’s actually going to stay home with Owen tonight, like for reals?” Stephanie asked, while digging through the closet.

Yes, really. She said I should tell her more often if I want to go out.” Bianca took a black dress from the closet and held it up to herself, looking in the mirror. “I think she just leaves him with me all the time because she thinks I don’t mind, and most of the time I don’t.” She shrugged and put the dress back in the closet.

Well, I wouldn’t want to stay home all the time. Here try this.” Stephanie pulled out a red mini dress with three quarter sleeves and a black skinny belt, holding it toward her.

Bianca looked at it skeptically. “I do like that dress, but I’m going to wear it with leggings. It’s too short.”

And heels,” said Stephanie.

So did that guy who came in the other day ask you out?” asked Kate, lounging on the bed.

Bianca pretended to be captivated by the row of heeled shoes at the bottom of the closet. “I don’t know. Lots of guys come in.” She shrugged. “No one’s asked me out.”

The hunk. You know who I mean!” Kate threw a pillow at her.

No, he hasn’t. I just met him.” It seemed like she’d known him for a while though. Why did it feel like something in him just connected with something in her?

Who’s this guy?” Stephanie asked, her brown eyes gleaming.

Bianca met him the other night when she was lost.” Kate tossed her head back to look at Stephanie.

Ooooh, Bee, a knight in shining armor.” Stephanie giggled, making kissy faces at her.

Blood rushed to her cheeks. He was attractive, but he hadn’t acted very knight-like in the orchard, and he was probably lying. “And how’s Jeremy, Kate?” she asked.

We’re going out tomorrow night! He asked me yesterday.” Kate smiled and looked at the taupe blouse, still in her hands. “In fact, do you mind if I save this shirt to wear then? I’ll just wear what I have on tonight.”

Go ahead. You should wear it with skinny jeans. Wait, where are you guys going?”

I’m not sure yet, but I think jeans would be fine.”

Bianca changed into the red dress, and then helped Stephanie curl her long brown hair. When they sauntered downstairs, they found her mom in the living room doing yoga.

Bee, that dress is so cute on you!” She lifted her head from a downward dog pose. Owen sat on the floor next to her, playing with his wooden blocks. A glass of wine stood on the coffee table.

Thanks, Mom.” Was that her first glass or had she had more? “You should move that wine up higher before Owen gets ahold of it.”

Her mother rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry, I’m watching him.” She rose and moved the glass to the top of the TV stand anyway. “You worry about him too much,” she said, serious now.

Come on, we have to get going,” Stephanie pleaded, pulling her toward the door.

Bianca opened the door. “Bye, Mom, I’ll be home by midnight.”

Have fun girls!” She settled back into her downward dog.





Crowds gathered, smoking and chatting, outside the door of Lux. Techno-rock music pounded her eardrums as they stepped inside. Thankfully the volume wasn’t as loud as some places. They could still hear each other talk. An eclectic assortment of artwork decorated the walls and several lit candles stood on each table, casting an eerie glow throughout the room.

They found a table near the door. Kate and Stephanie sat down while Bianca volunteered to get the drinks.

What do you guys want? And you’d better give me money for this.”

Sex on the beach.” Stephanie handed her a ten dollar bill.

Pinot noir,” said Kate, also giving her some cash.

She stepped up to the bar. On the other end of the counter, the bartender stood with his back to her, his arms wrapped around a pretty blonde. She found a black stool to sit on while she waited. After a moment she yelled, “Excuse me!”

The bartender ignored her and kissed the blonde. She waved her hand in frustration.

A man slid into the stool next to her. Shaggy black hair framed his sapphire eyes and strong jawline.

Good evening, ma’am,” he said with a small wink. He wore a black leather jacket that clung to his well-defined body and jeans that looked like they cost more than her entire wardrobe.

Are you waiting for a drink?” he asked. When she nodded he picked up a cardboard coaster and flicked it between his thumb and middle finger. It flew through the air, clipping the bartender in the side of his head.

Hey!” The bartender pulled away from the blonde, looking around. When he saw the man next to her, his tone changed. “Oh, hey, man. What’s up?”

This woman has been waiting for a drink.” He nodded toward her.

I’m sorry, what can I get for you?” the bartender asked.

She placed her order and waited for the guy to make the drinks.

"Bartenders," the stranger beside her muttered, with a shake of his head. He held out his hand. “I’m Peter.”

Bianca.” She smiled and took his hand.



evi lounged on the couch in his cabin. Aldo lay next to him, taking up the rest of the space on the worn, plaid loveseat. In his hand he held a book,
Catcher in the Rye
, but couldn’t make himself pay attention to it. He stroked Aldo’s shaggy fur and wondered what Bianca was doing.

It’d been two days since he’d checked up on her. He didn’t need to. The curse took time to work, but his thoughts kept turning back to the way her hair fell over her shoulder. The gentle way she handled the little boy and the way she seemed to blurt things out without thinking first. He sighed, giving up on the novel and tossing it aside.

Standing, he walked to the fireplace, lifted the poker and shifted the logs in the dancing orange flames. A wave a heat washed over him and he had to take a step back to avoid the smoke.

She hadn’t been wearing a wedding ring when he’d seen her at Papa’s Pizza, so most likely the curse would affect the little boy he’d seen at the park. There could be someone she loved more, but he hadn’t seen her with anyone else.

He tossed the poker on the brick hearth. It landed with a sharp clatter, startling Aldo who lifted his head and looked at him with all-knowing eyes.

What’s wrong with me, Al?” Levi returned to the couch and scratched the dog’s ears. “This is what we do every night.”

Sure, he had friends he occasionally spent time with, but with the exception of the few people like him, he couldn’t let himself get too close to anyone.

Levi turned back to the flames, keeping his hand on Aldo’s back. “It’s not enough now. Why?”

The dog huffed and gave him a look that seemed to say,
You know why

Levi buried his face in his palms. “Yeah, I know.” It began when the stunning redhead wandered onto his property.

Tomorrow he’d see her. The changes would be apparent by then.

He trudged into the kitchen to grab a beer out of the fridge. Standing with the door open, he took a swig as her honey brown eyes and her tender smile filled his mind. It was a shame she’d been brought into all this, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to feel completely unhappy about it.



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