The Arrogance of Power (127 page)

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Authors: Anthony Summers

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RN and Wallace:
(“most seriously”)
p. 542; (Sherry Netherland handover) “Safe Deposit Boxes” file, Carmine Bellino Papers, courtesy of Bellino family, E, Bk. 5, p. 2142–, E, Bk. 4, p. 1536–; (RN behind payments) WHT, Mar. 21, 1973,
p. 168; (IRS probe) Mollenhoff, op. cit., pp. 109, 114, and see Dan Carter,
The Politics of Rage,
New York: Simon & Schuster, p. 389–.

Vietnam '71:
(“Can you believe?”) Wise,
Politics of Lying,
op. cit., p. 19–; (N. Viet. troops) “Kissinger and the Betrayal of S. Viet.” by Stephen Young, 1995, orig. draft for
Wall Street Journal,
provoided to author and transcript; Seymour Hersh int. of John Negroponte, provided to author; (“thugs”) see Chap. 26,

Tricia wedding:
(“Family proud of”) Troy, op. cit., p. 193; (chefs/cakes) Bryant with Leighton, op. cit., p. 311; Troy, op. cit., p. 193; (jokes)
NYT Magazine,
Oct. 20, 1974; (wedding described)
June 13, 1971; (RN/Pat dance) Troy, op. cit., p. 193, Klein, op. cit., p. 3; int. Herb Klein.

Pentagon Papers:
(“another headline”)
p. 508; (publication saga) David Rudenstine,
The Day the Presses Stopped,
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1976, and Sanford Ungar,
The Papers and

The Papers,
” New York: Dutton, 1972; (98%)
p. 509, and see eds. Strober,
op. cit., pp. 206, 209.

5 perjurers:
ed. Hedda Garza,
The Watergate Investigation Index,
Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1985, p.vii, the fifth man was Herbert Porter.

RN/Kiss. reaction:
(“Get story out”) Rudenstine, op. cit., p. 74; (“clear disloyalty”)
CD, June 14, 1971; (“no contact”) ibid., June 15, 1971; (“fired/” wants to be sure”) ibid., June 17, 1971; (“pleasure”) ibid., June 16, 1971; (Kissinger) Rudenstine, op. cit., p. 72; (“Too unsteady”) Kissinger,
White House Years,
op. cit., p. 730; (“destroying us”) Colson, op. cit., p. 59; (“irrational”) Pete Kinsey, memo to files, re: Colson int. Jan. 13, 1975, Box 16, Farago Papers,
Mugar Library, Boston University; (cables) Colson, op. cit., p. 60; int. Charles Colson for “Watergate: The Break-in,” Part 1, Brian Lapping Associates Production for Discovery Channel and BBC, Discovery Communications, 1994, home video.

(background) Rudenstine, op. cit., p. 33–; Sheehan, op. cit., p. 12–; (“bloody”) Shapley, op. cit., p. 487; (“murder”) eds. Strober,
, op. cit., p. 200; (“shut me up”) ibid., p. 201; (“brightest”) Rudenstine, op. cit., p. 121–; (“weird sexual habits . . .”) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p.110; (sex/children) Hersh,
Price of Power,
op. cit., p. 385; (Hiss)
CD, June 17, 20, 24, 29, July 1, 1971; (RN “weakling”) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p. 110.

“Bombing halt”/Brookings:
(RN ordered/“blackmail”),
p. 512; WHT, June 17, 1971, transcribed for author;
Jan. 24, 1997; (‘68 ploy) e.g.,
p. 327; (“I wanted it back”)
p. 512; (“Implemented”) WHT, June 17, 1971,
(“You're to break into”) WHT, June 30, 1971, transcribed for author and see
p. 6;
Nov. 22, 1996, Jan. 24, 1997, also
SF Examiner,
Nov. 21, 1996; (“Now you do it”) WHT, July 1, 1971, transcribed for author, and see
p. 7,
SF Examiner,
Nov. 24, 1976;
Nov. 22 & 23, 1996, Jan. 24, 1997;
Oct. 31, 1997; (“Who's going to?”) WHT, July 1, 1971, Conv. 534-5, Segmt. 1, transcribed for author;
pp. 10, 13; (“I really meant it”) WHT, July 2, 1971; AP, Oct. 5, 1999;
p. 17.

Brooking break-in attempts:
(Caulfield) E, Bk. 22, p. 10359–; (Dean) eds. Strober,
op. cit., p. 225; Dean,
Blind Ambition,
op. cit., p. 47, and Dean article in
Rolling Stone,
Sep. 8, 1974; (“cased the joint”) handwritten notes of John Dean int., Watergate Task Force, Box 125, 1 of 3, E, NA; (veteran guard)
Nov. 23, 1996, re: Roderick Warrick; (2nd reconnaissance) Ulasewicz with McKeever, op. cit. p. 232; (other operatives) Liddy, op. cit., p. 236; Liddy testimony, Mark Lane,
Plausible Denial,
New York: Thunder's Mouth, 1991, p. 202, operatives were Gordon Liddy and Howard Hunt, see this Ch., note 13; (Colson disclaimer) Charles Colson testimony Dec. 5, 1974,
U.S. v. John Mitchell,
NA; (Ehrlichman called off/RN knew) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 368; (“Don't discuss”) WHT, June 30, 1971, transcribed for author.

Howard Hunt:
(“talk to Hunt”) WHT, June 30, 1971, transcribed for author; (“Colson never told me”) WHT, Apr. 28, 1973;
p. 372; (RN mentioned Hunt's name) WHT, June 30, 1971, transcribed for author; (“kind of a tiger”) WHT, July 1, 1971;
p. 13; (Colson knew) Colson, op. cit., p. 62; (Haldeman/Hunt) WHT, July 1, 2, 1971;
pp. 14, 19; (“first-rate analyst”) WHT, Aug. 12, 1971;
p. 27; (Colson/Hunt/6 men) Colson, op. cit., p. 62; (“dirty guy”)
CD, July 2, 1971; (“I want to alert”) transcript of call, July 7, 1971, R, St. of Info., Bk. II, p.467.

(RN/San Clemente) Wicker, op. cit., p. 644–; Pete Kinsey, memo to files, re: int. Charles Colson, Jan. 20, 1975, Box, Farago Papers, Mugar Library, Boston University; (“Mr. Young”)
p. 514;
p. 80–; (Krogh inexperienced) White,
op. cit., p. 149.

(and Nazi Germany) Liddy, op. cit., p. 22–; Hougan,
Secret Agenda,
op. cit., p. 37–; (guns/killing) Summers,
op. cit., pp. 406, 413;
p. 86; Magruder,
American Life,
op. cit., p. 174; (“cowboy”)
p. 87; (“LIDDY” Page) advertisements on the “Official G. Gordon Liddy Web Page, Real Time Internet Services, Inc. 1996–2000, posted March 2000; (“best memo”) Liddy, op. cit., p. 250.

(RN wanted Hoover gone) Summers,
op. cit., p. 412; (“Hoover assigned”) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 143 and see
p. 513; (“2 people”) Ehrlichman testimony, E, Bk. 6, p. 2626; (disappointed/E'man approval) Bud Krogh and David Young to John Ehrlichman, Aug. 11, 1971, E, Bk. 6, p. 2644; (actual break-in)
p. 97–; (“vital importance”) E, Report, p. 120, citing Nixon speech, May 22, 1973 and see R, Trans. of Recorded Pres. Conv., Mar. 21, 1973, p. 112; (“had to be discredited”)
p. 513; (“painted evil”) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p.116; Douglas Hallett, Colson aide in
NYT Magazine,
Oct. 20, 1974; (“neutralized”) E, Report, p. 121; (Krogh told author) ints. Egil Krogh; (“direct action”) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 365 and int. John Ehrlichman; (“I briefed Ehrlichman”) RN/Colson conversation, WHT, Aug. 12, 1971;
p. 27–; (“one little operation”) RN/Ehrlichman, Sept. 8, 1971, transcribed for author; (“There wasn't anything”) Ehrlichman testimony, E, Bk. 7, p. 2804; (“Goddamn to hell”) RN/Ronald Ziegler, May 14, 1973;
p. 492; (“I am stuck with”) RN/Alexander Haig, Fred Buzhardt, May 16, 1973;
p. 512; (“I believe somehow”) ibid., p. 510; (“I did not authorize”) E, Report, p. 120, citing Nixon speech, May 22, 1973; (“Did I know about it?”) ints. Egil Krogh; (“I was so damn mad”) Haldeman with DiMona, op. cit., p. 114, Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 367 and int. John Ehrlichman; (“I do not believe”)
p. 514; (Ehrlichman surmised) Ehrlichman, op. cit., p. 368; (Colson denied) Charles Colson testimony, R, Bk. III, pp. 271, 455 and Colson, op. cit., pp. 225, 251; (Colson privy) Howard Hunt to Charles Colson, July 28, 1971, E, Bk. 9, p. 3886, Ehrlichman to Colson, Aug. 27, 1971, E, Bk. 6, p. 2651; (“It would be hard”) int. Alexander Haig in eds. Strober,
, op. cit., p. 224.

Other break-ins:
(“horse's-ass crap”) WHT, May 16, 1973, to Haig and Buzhardt;
p. 516; (National Archives) WHT, Sep. 10, 18, 1971, transcribed for author; (“additional burglaries”)
Nixon/Buzhardt, June 7, 1973, WHT;
p. 494; (“break-ins sanctioned”) Kissinger,
Years of Upheaval,
op. cit., p. 75; (100 break-ins) Sen. James Abourezk, presenting article by Robert Fink, “The Unsolved Break-ins, 1970–1974,” Congressional Record, Oct. 9, 1974, Vol. 120, No. 153; (Ellsberg wife's burglary) Wise,
American Police State,
op. cit., p. 157fn–; (NAACP) Congressional Record,
supra.; NYT,
May 31, 1973; Dorris Hendricks, NAACP to researcher Robert Fink, June 3, 1974; (Potomac Associates) John Caulfield to John Dean, July 6, Aug. 9, 1973, E, Bk. 21, p. 9765–; Jack Caulfield testimony, E, Bk., 21, p. 9727, E, Report, pp. 143, 234; Roger Witten, Justice Dept. to Phil Heyman, July 2, 1973, enclosing July 9 letter to Heyman from Mitchell Rogovin, Congressional Record, Oct. 9, 1974,
re: June 27, 1973 break-in attempt; int. William Watts; (Lou Harris) ibid.; (Caplin) ibid. and re: Caplin support of Dem. protest, E, Bk. 7, p. 2978, and re: Enemies List, E, Bk.4, p. 1707 and, re: Dec. 31, 1973 break-in, research note by Robert Fink; (Weicker) individual views of senators of the Select Cttee., E, Final Report, pp. 1193, 1217.

“Let me be sure”:
p. 541.

69,000 troops:
ibid., p. 584.

Christmas '71:
(CBS) Troy, op. cit., p. 194; (“did his bit”)
p. 383; (avoid schmaltz)
CD, Nov. 22, 1971; (boat parade) Dec. 28, 1971, ibid.; (Hunt) int. Howard Hunt; Hunt,
op. cit., p. 187.

(in limousine) int. Kenneth Whittaker; (Tully) int. Andrew Tully; Las Vegas
July 22, 1973.

Chapter 29

“We are lucky”:
int. Bryce Harlow in eds. Miller Center, op. cit., p. 16.

(“Jesus God!”) WHT, July 2, 1971, transcribed for author; (Rose Mary's Baby)
July 23, 1973;
The New Yorker,
Mar. 11, 1974, E, Bk. 22, pp. 10209, 10232; ($60 million)
Sep. 29, 1973; (by suitcase) int. Larry Dubois, coauthor of
series, Sep. 1976 and Apr. 1977.

Foreign donations:
(Shah) int. Joseph Spear; Howe and Trott, op. cit., p. 492; (“we Arabs”) Sampson, op. cit., p. 189; (Marcos) Kutler, op. cit., p. 207; (illegal) E, Report, p. 573.

Fundraising in U.S.:
(business leaders' mtg) Washington
Oct. 15, 1976; (Phillips, Ashland, Gulf, Goodyear)
Nov. 14, 1973; (Braniff) ibid.,
Mar. 24, 1976; (American)
Aviation Week and Space Technology,
July 16, 1973;
Nov. 14, 1973; (Occidental) Louis and Yazijian, op. cit., p. 216; ($5 million)
Jan. 2, 1974; (cabinet officials) Providence [RI]
Nov. 15, 1973; (Grumman)
Sep. 14, 1976;
Mar. 20, 1980; (McDonald's) William Dubrovir, Joseph Gebhardt, Samuel Buffone, Andra Oakes,
The Offenses of Richard Nixon,
New York: Quadrangle, 1974, p. 80–; (NY architect)
Dec. 10, 1973; (Steinbrenner) Breslin, op. cit., p. 196, E, Report, p. 451; (“Anybody that wants”) WHT, June 23, 1971, transcribed for author; (13 ambassadors)
p. 134–; (Annenberg) Emery, op. cit., p. 502; Howe and Trott, op. cit., p. 483; (Rebozo in bar) Darius Davis testimony, E, Bk. 22, p. 10564; (Manzi) UPI, Feb. 15, 1979, citing witness Anthony Mansueto.

(“largest security fraud”)
Mar. 12, 1973; (pending indictment)
June 21, 1995; (“Vesco is crook”) WHT, July 11, 1973;
p. 625; (VIP dinner) Arthur Herzog,
New York: Doubleday, 1987, p. 21–; ('68 contribution) F. Donald Nixon testimony, Apr. 5, 1973, E, Bk. 22, p. 10711–; (Rose Bowl) int. A. L. “Ike” Eisenhauer; A. L. Eisenhauer and Robin Moore,
The Flying Carpetbagger,
New York: Pinnacle, 1976, p. 91–, and see
Jan. 2, 1969; (Mitchell “pressure”) Hutchison, op. cit., p. 205–; Jospeh Persico,
New York: Viking, 1990, p. 148; McClendon, op. cit., p. 197;
Mar. 6, 1974; (aide suggested)
Time, Newsweek,
Mar. 12, 1973, the aide was CREEP vice president and former WH aide Daniel Hofgren; (Vesco aide to US)
Mar. 12, 1973, the aide was Laurence Richardson, Jr.; (“surrogate”) Magruder,
American Life,
op. cit., p. 183; (Edward helped arrange)
Apr. 6, 1974; int. Edward Nixon; (Donald Sr. ‘68) F. Donald Nixon testimony, E, Bk. 22, p. 10711; (son/Vesco) int. Donald A. Nixon, refs.; Eisenhauer and Moore, op. cit.; (“Ah . . . let's go on”) transcript of Cronkite–Vesco int., Apr. 2, 1974; ed. Miller,
Breaking of the President,
Vol. 4, op. cit., p. 69; Boston
Apr. 3, 1974.

RN and Teamsters:
(“The P apparently met”) Dec. 9, 1971 entry,
p. 382; (“The President wants you”) Haldeman to Colson, Sept. 8, 1970; ed. Oudes, op. cit., p. 157–; (Mollenhoff opposed) Mollenhoff memo to files, Sep. 12, and to John Ehrlichman, Sep. 17, 1969, Mollenhoff Papers, Gerald R. Ford Library; (Chotiner “handling”) Mollenhoff, op. cit., p. 45, citing call from former Justice Dept. official Walter Sheridan; (“substantial sums”) Quarles to McBride, Aug. 30, 1973 enclosing Tab B, Colson memo to Krogh, June 6, 1970, Campaign Contributions Task Force, Box 803, WSPF, NA; (Hoffa barred) ed. Shoenebaum, op. cit., p. 303; (Teamsters endorsement) Colson to RN, July 17, 1972, WH Special Files, staff members and Office, NP, NA; (
Aug. 31, 1981; (Hall) ibid., Cleveland
Plain Dealer,
Aug. 23, 24, 1981, NYT, July 20, 1975; ints. Harry Hall, the late John Daley, and former IRS Supervisor
Marty Philpott, and refs., Neff, op. cit., refs.; (Colson/Vegas)
Aug. 8, 1977, citing FBI sources; (Colson attorney for Teamsters) ed. Schoenebaum, op. cit., p. 139.

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