The Art of Letting Go (The Uni Files) (4 page)

BOOK: The Art of Letting Go (The Uni Files)
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“Was too.”

“Oh for god’s sake, Meredith, get on with it.”

“Anyway, Ben saw you stagger away from your little safety spot and practically jumped off the stage to chase after you, shouting something about needing a break.”

“He did not!”

“He did.”

“He did not.”

“He did.”

“Meredith, please, this is killing me.”

“Oh yeah, anyway I lost sight of you for a moment, the band just carried on playing and I thought nothing of it until I caught a flash of white through the window.”

“There was a window?”

“Uh, yeah. The whole place turned to watch you guys stare at each other as you smoked your cigarettes, standing dangerously close whilst holding a flaming object, by the way.” She wags her finger at me.


“Anyway, even the band was watching by this point as he leant in to kiss you all romantically and you practically climbed into his skin.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.”

“Shut up.”

“The drummer gave a little drum roll and the whole place laughed, especially when your knees did that little buckle.”

Damn it.

“Then you stood there glaring at him before he threw you over his shoulder and walked off with you. Everyone cheered at that bit.”

Damn it.

“Did you not think he may be taking me off to murder me and you should come to my rescue?”

“Nah, you seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

Damn it.

“I did check on you when I got back.”


“You’re welcome. You were comatose and drooling, no doubt thinking about Mr. Sexy next door.”

“Oh do be quiet and pass the bloody chocolate.”

We sit in silence for a moment munching on the chocolate. I’m not sure what Meredith is thinking about. I’m thinking about snogging hot, sexy strangers.

“Well I guess you will have lots of time to drool over Ben in class,” she says after a while.


“Ben, you know when we’re in History together. You will be able to drool to your heart’s content.”

Damn it.

“You should see your face.”

“Bugger off.”

Damn him and his cocky smile and his blue eyes with freckles. Damn him to the pits of hell and keep him there.

17th September

Yay! First day of University! Well, first proper day that does not involve being hideously drunk or puking from too much alcohol, nor hiding in my bedroom to avoid my rather attractive but equally aggravating neighbour.

Meredith and I have met for breakfast. I cannot eat, though, I’m way too excited. So I just sip my coffee.

“Are you on a diet?” she asks.

“No, does it look like I am on a diet?” I poke my squishy middle to prove the point.

“Why are you not eating?”

Meredith is fast becoming my bestie. However, she does ask daft questions.

“Because I’m not hungry,” I reply, adding an eye roll for good measure.

“Who’s not hungry?” Ben asks as he saunters in looking annoyingly fresh in a blue shirt and dark jeans. Clearly he is not having a problem with lack of appetite. He is stuffing a whole doorstep of toast into his mouth.

I stare at him in disgust.

“What?” He mock shrugs around the overload of toast.

“You’re repulsive.”

“Not what you said the other night.” He gives me a wink, which makes me flush.

“Really? Did you just say that?”

“What?” he replies.

I flip him the finger. Meredith watches us with an amused expression on her face. Meredith thought I was hysterical yesterday when I practically barricaded myself into my room so I could not be tempted to try and snog Ben again.

That would have been dead embarrassing.

“Lilah, would you like a coffee?”

“Oh, yes, please, and a snog as well while you’re at it.”

Maybe not. Best to act indifferent.

“Dick,” I mutter under my breath, heading for the door grabbing my backpack as I go, purposely nudging him with my shoulder as I walk by. All I manage to achieve is knocking him off balance, which in turn makes him grab out for my squishy waist to balance against with fingers splayed along my midriff. I avert my gaze and duck around him.

Complete and utter rubbish.– Thirty seconds in a room with him and I have managed to initiate some skin on skin contact.


Fountain Pen

Howard, Howard. Where the hell is Howard?

No, I am not lusting after yet another guy. Howard is the building our History classes are in. Thing is, none of us have brought along a map. No chance!

We are way too cool for that!

So instead, we just follow each other around in circles until finally I give up and head into the library. With a big sigh of exasperation I decide to ask for directions.

It is just across the lawn, and quite pretty really. I try to slow my pace so I can gaze at the view, but Meredith tows me along by the elbow. Apparently, all of our aimless circling has made us late.

Registration involves picking our modules for the year and signing our name.

That’s it.

Funny bit is we don’t actually get to pick any modules. As we are single honour students, we are told which ones to complete.


Meredith and I sit together. Ben sits behind us, his long legs stretching out in front of him, tapping the leg of my chair for the duration of our time in the lecture room.

A Barbie girl comes in smelling heavily of some pop-star perfume.

“You’re that guy from the band?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Hi, I’m Barbie.”

This is what it sounds like to me.

“Hi. Ben Chambers,” he replies.

I can’t see him, but I know he is giving her the lopsided smirk.

I find myself swinging my chair onto the two back legs so I can get a bit closer to hear their conversation. I think she is asking him out.

What a bloody floozy!

I straighten up when there is a tap on my shoulder.

That’s embarrassing.

“Can I borrow your pen?” Ben asks.

“Seriously, you did not bring a pen to the first day of term?”

“No. Are you gonna lend or not?”

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Barbie reaching for her biro.

“It’s a fountain pen. Can you write with one of those?”

Oh please, lord, tell me I did not just say that!

The blue eyes stare at me, and then his brows give a slight sarcastic lift.

“Oh, I am sure I can manage, just this once.” He smirks.

“Dick,” I mutter under my breath, turning back around to hide my flaming red cheeks.

18th September

After registration yesterday and my little ‘fountain pen’ gaffe we were all trooping back across campus (I was still attempting to admire the view), when Ben suggested the three of us go for a drink at the student union bar. I was in two minds, part of me wanted to get back to the Guinea Cage and away from Ben as quick as possible. The other half of me wanted to find out what the student bar was like.

“Come on, Lilah, what’s the worst that can happen? It’s only one pint of beer,” he’d taunted with his smirky half-lip-hitch.

That’s true. What’s the worst that can happen?

Meredith and I turned our feet to follow the path his were taking and trailed after him inside bar.

The worst that can happen is that I don’t just have the ‘one pint’ as Ben suggests to the barman, Trev, with a commanding wave of the hand which makes my stomach take an alarming dive to an area that has not been utilised in a while. A long while.

The worst that can happen is that I drink five beers and end up drunk, being groped against a tree in the middle of campus with my legs clamped around Ben’s waist.

I am blaming Meredith. She should never have left me alone. Again.

Lilah + Ben + Alcohol = Bad.

During our little boozy afternoon sojourn in the bar Meredith was courted by a vast line of suitor’s who were all knocked out by her green eyes and flame hair combo. By the time we got up to leave and found that it was getting dark outside, she was royally smashed but perhaps not as much as me considering she managed to make it across campus without borderline assaulting someone. Meredith disappeared off into the dark shadows and left me meandering along after Ben who by this point, due to my inebriated state was looking even hotter than normal.

Hot does not cover it. Scorching is the more accurate temperature description.

So there I am, tipsy, against a tree, legs in inappropriate places, and I am just considering the unfastening of some clothing when thankfully my commonsense came back and gave me a hearty slap around the face. I pushed at Ben’s chest until he released me from his unconventional hold and then took a step back from him contemplating what to say to him.

“Sh'tell him the truth,” Meredith had slurred at me before leaving me to my downfall.

I should have, I should have told him about John and the simple fact I am not in a position to be groped against trees. Did I? Of course I bloody didn’t. I ran away like a big fat girl, leaving him standing there alone in the darkness probably thinking that he had been attacked by a complete lunatic.

What’s that sound? Oh, hold on a minute. It must be my self-respect and dignity fleeing from campus.


Time to evaluate my first few days at University. So far I have:

Been drunk excessively.

Smoked excessively.

Flirted with/kissed a sexy hot boy. Twice.

Failed to pay any attention at all during first lecture due to eavesdropping on sexy hot boy’s conversation behind.

Been home to my flat and caught by ghastly brother doing so.

Not good. Not good at all, Delilah.

Not a very successful start to term. Hopefully things will improve tomorrow once lectures begin in earnest.

We are studying lots of exciting topics like Ancient Rome, something about Athens and . . . hold on . . . I almost fell asleep there thinking about it.

I have to remind myself that this is what I actually wanted. I chose to come here. So tomorrow there will be no flirting and no drinking. I can’t promise on the cigarettes. I would rather give in and have a ciggie than give in and throw myself at Ben like the wanton hussy that I apparently am.

19th September

I am winning. No alcohol has passed my lips today and I have not snogged anyone either—top marks all around.

I did nearly fall off my chair in class as I tried to listen to whatever brainless drivel Barbie was whispering to Ben, until Meredith gave me a sharp elbow in the ribs.

“What are they whispering about?” I hiss in her general direction whilst still balancing on two chair legs.

“Get a grip, Lilah, they are looking at the primary source which we are supposed to be doing as well,” she hissed back.


20th September

There is a flaw in my plan to ignore Ben.

We are the only ones who smoke, which means this keeps happening:

“Hey,” Ben says.

Oh, for fuck’s sake!


“Can I borrow a cigarette?”

“Do you plan to give it back?”


“Well then it is not borrowing is it?” I am being facetious but who cares?

“Why are you hiding in a hedge?”

“Why are you following me into a hedge?” I have my eyes closed to ignore him, but I know he is smirking.

“I’m just enjoying the beautiful campus.”

“Oh, go away, you thoroughly irritating person!”

“No can do. I am quite attached to this hedge.”

I can’t help it, I start to smile. It is bloody impossible not to.

“Well I shall find somewhere else to smoke then.”

“Am I annoying you?”

“Yes, you’re breathing.”

He slowly eyes me up and down. “Nice tracksuit. Have you been exercising?”

“Fuck off.”



“Listen, Ben, we don’t have to talk to each other just because we are the only ones out here.”

“Guess not.” He gives a little shrug and stubs out his cigarette before wandering off in the direction of the library and I am left with a distinct urge to follow him.

I don’t. I am maintaining some self-control but I find it best to come back into the dorm and barricade myself in. That way I can’t be tempted to go and loiter in hedges and flowerbeds.

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