The Audacity of God's Grace: 10 Strategies To Living Your Best Life Now

BOOK: The Audacity of God's Grace: 10 Strategies To Living Your Best Life Now
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God’s Grace

10 Strategies To Living Your Best Life Now


Copyright © 2014 John U. Nwankwo.


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Part I What You Believe Is What You Become!

What You Believe Is What You Become!

Chapter One
Success Begins With Determination & Belief

Chapter Two
Your Mind Works Like The Atm

Chapter Three
Have A Millionaire Mindset

Chapter Four
Religious Exploiters Influence, Politics & Wealth

Part II
10 Strategies To Living Your Best Life Now Program

Strategy Number 1
Automate Your Mind To Work For Success

Strategy Number 2
You Can Make Your Mind Work For You

Strategy Number 3
God Has Armed You With Immense Power

Strategy Number 4
I Can Do Better Than I’m Doing Right Now

Strategy Number 5
Enlarge Your Determination And Industriousness

Strategy Number 6
Don’t Settle For Defeat: Go For Victory

Strategy Number 7
Dominate Your Circumstances & Environment

Strategy Number 8
Be Disciplined & Consistent

Strategy Number 9
Invest In Yourself: It Takes Courage To Succeed

Strategy Number 10
Be Stubborn For Your Own Success: Investigate Success

Part III
Summaries & Additional Readings For What The Audacity Of God’s Grace Could Mean For You


Dedicated to my best friend—my lover, my queen, my wife, and my sister.

You are the mother to our three distinguished children; a great team player.

My pastor, my nurse, and my business partner—Jane John Nwankwo.

You are uncommon. You will live long.


“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”

Muhammad Ali

“Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the facts.”

William James

“One person with a belief is equal to ninety-nine who have only interest.”

—John Stuart Mill


“That who are undetermined to believe that new ways of thinking works and begins to train their minds to work for them will not achieve success.”

—John Nwankwo

I have always believed that the grace of God is powerful and inexplicable. What I failed to realize at first however, was that the grace of God has greater stake not just in our spiritual well-being alone, but in the material, mental, physical, and emotional well-doing and the total recovery of every stolen goods that the enemy has taken from the treasuries of our lives. After going through bounds of loss, sicknesses and recovery, I re-discovered the beauty, the audacity, the tenacity, and the limitless power of God’s grace at work and how it can completely transform people’s lives. It is for this reason that I believe strongly that the grace of God performs wonders, for I have personally experienced and reap a fortune of its power. But it can only work wonders for us, when our minds begins to believe that yes, it does. It was David Schwartz who once observed that: “the size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.
When we
think little goals,
what we should expect is
little achievements. Think big goals and
win big success.” Over the years, I have personally discovered that our minds are the product of the joy or the pain of our lives because they determine our success or failure. Determination to succeed, a belief system in the “I Can Win or I Can Achieve Attitude” is the key. This is why you must think success and be determined to succeed before you can experience success. But it all depends on your availability and ability to believe in you, which is why Norman Vincent was known for saying that: “Anybody can do just about anything with himself that he really wants to and makes up his mind to do.”

My personal journey has taught me a lesson that: If you don’t get dissatisfied with small things in life, you will never WIN big or GROW rich! Your success will depend on what you believe, how you are taught or programmed to believe, and the ingredients of your belief system. It’s like a seed that grows. But it all begins in your mind.

“If you don’t get dissatisfied with small things in life, you will never WIN big or GROW rich!”

This is why I strongly believe that those who believe they can move mountains will do. Your belief system triggers your joy, or defeats your happiness. The power to do, the power to become, the power to earn, the power to use available legitimate opportunities and resources to reach limitless heights and succeed, and the power to win life victories are triggered by what you believe. For anyone wanting to live their best life now, there is no substitute to a belief that you can. The beginning point is usually the size of your belief and your determination which is why David Schwartz was known for saying that: “Success isn’t based on luck. Successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do.” Most people I’ve met in my journey for success all wanted to succeed and do well in life. No one in their right thinking mind wants to substitute success to struggle through life. All of us long for success, happiness, prosperity, and good health. However, the price to our success lies in our power to do. The power to do or not to do is programmed in our mind and our ability to believe and act on what we believe which will ultimately become the deciding denominator of our life victories or serial defeats.

What This Book Can Do For You

One of the major things this book can do for you are to help you become extremely successful. I was looking for the easiest way to challenge you and what you have been taught about living your best life today. I wanted to make you ponder and think about the quality of your everyday life and to give you the tools you need for the quality control of your mind. On the other hand, this book can enable you to deal with issues of your life now—today, and enable you to take action on what is next.

This book will help anyone who are struggling economically and also for those who longs for financial freedom, and for a purpose driven life and lifestyle. Additionally, this book is packaged for those people who are looking for the power to do, to earn more, and for anyone out there who loves God, but have not reached where they want to be in their material life. In the course of my journey for success, what I discovered is that majority of poor people look for immediate reward—compensation. This is why they don’t properly plan for what is next. For me, this is what makes the big difference between the rich and the poor. What this book can do for you are to spur you into action and help you dismantle the programmatic or structured system of failure the enemy has installed over your mindset in your everyday life and help you think about your life now while you plan in decades. The book can help you to win BIG! But it depends on how you think, what your values are, and your belief system.

Why I Wrote This Book

One of the major reasons why I wrote this book is to help you become extremely successful. My primary objective for writing this book is this: To help you succeed beyond where you are today and do better than you are doing right now. How about that? I wrote this book to remind you that you can live your best life now and do better than you have done in the past by the special grace of God. The reason why you must live your best life now is that there are endless opportunities and resources scattered around you to enable you to do so. You just need to take advantage of them; for “your” NOW life determines what is NEXT for you. I was looking for a way to challenge you and anyone who wants to do better than they have done before now to think differently and seriously make a soul searching of the quality of your life and what you stand for. I was looking for how to get you to ask yourself a number of questions such as: What am I mostly afraid of? What is holding back my success, happiness and joy? What do I mostly waste my mind and thoughts on? What are the major egregious mistakes of my life and is there anything I can do about them? Have I betrayed myself and God for settling for less? What are the things I need to do to live my best life now that I have not consciously done before? Can I be more responsible for my own life goals, dreams and happiness now—my health, my values, my finances, and the financial freedom of my future and my children? What is my short term and long term goals for life and what are my strategies to achieve bigger dreams? Can I serve God better, improve my personal relationship with Jesus his son, grant more room for the Holy Spirit to occupy my mind and help me live in victory over every defeat? Why wouldn’t I live for God and pursue big dreams? And lastly, is there any reason why I cannot thank God in advance, think successfully, and trust God enough to promote me to become extremely wealthy—just like one of the America’s great millionaires while I sincerely serve God and solve humanity’s problems?

While you consider these questions, remember that it was Eleanor Roosevelt who once stated that: “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” You’ve got to have a dream—a big dream indeed, and begin to achieve them in order to have a brighter future for your life and that of your loved ones or family. This is why your NOW Life—short term goals determines your NEXT Life—impact goals or long term goals which will help you to continually live your best life with a future of unlimited possibilities.
That future is what God wants for you and it can begin right NOW!

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