The Aurora (Aurora Saga, Book 1) (29 page)

Read The Aurora (Aurora Saga, Book 1) Online

Authors: Adrian Fulcher

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Aurora (Aurora Saga, Book 1)
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He entered the lift.

James refrained from saying anything that would have killed the happy moment.

‘Goodbye, Gulino,’ Kalrea said softly, before the doors closed.

James took a deep breath. He had to get back to reality.

‘Is there anything we can do to defend ourselves?’

‘The rear laser is now operational, but the targeting system is damaged. You’ll have to control it yourself if we need to use it. I’m concentrating all resources on one of the event horizon drives. If I can get it working, we may be able to manoeuvre to somewhere with more protection.’

James watched the shuttle clear the
and disappear into the clouds. He sat thinking of Londuo for a while, and then wondered if they would survive until the following morning. He wanted to ask Kalrea a question which had been on his mind for some time now.

‘Kalrea, I would like to meet you,’ James asked.

‘But you have. I’m not sure I understand.’

‘I’ve only talked to you, Kalrea. You might as well be at the end of a communications console, on the other side of the galaxy. The
is a ship which you can control, I understand it’s your body, but what I’m trying to say is that, I would like see the real you. You must have a brain somewhere; a processor, memory core or something, even if it’s just a panel.’

Kalrea seemed unusually nervous.

‘I do have a Xint matrix, James, but it’s nothing, really.’

‘Where is it? Is it something I can I see?’

‘Why? Why would you want to see it? You don’t need to see it.’

‘Kalrea, I think you’re embarrassed! I’m sorry, I should never have asked.’

‘James, I’ve never shown my inner-self to anyone before. To me it’s like being naked. You would see what makes me what I am. For you it would be like someone opening up your head and watching your brain as it worked.’

‘I understand. It must be a very personal thing.’

‘It is. You could say I’m a little self-conscious about this. I’ve never seen myself before, so I’m a bit worried what I might look like.’

‘It’s your choice. And don’t worry, I would never order you to do this.’

‘Thank you, James, but I want to show you. You’ll need to hold on the edge of the seatra, you’re about to experience zero gravity.’

James gripped the edge of the seatra firmly; he didn’t know what to expect.

There was a loud cracking noise directly above him, and a circular line appeared in the ceiling. James looked up. A wide section of the ceiling moved downwards before swinging away, like the entrance to a very large safe. Light streamed out from the opening.

James’ mouth opened. He gazed upwards at a kaleidoscope of coloured light shining from within a cylindrical tube, which stretched into the distance high above him. His legs lifted from the floor. He steadied himself before turning, so he could look directly into the cylindrical tube.

‘That’s beautiful, Kalrea. Is that really you?’

‘Yes, what you see is my inner-self.’

The colours changed as she spoke. They moved along the cylinder into the distance.

‘You’re unbelievable, Kalrea.’

‘Can I read your mind to have a look?’

‘You could have just done it, Kalrea.’

‘But this is different, I don’t know what I’ll look like.’

The predominant colour within the cylinder changed to purple.

‘I do believe, you’re nervous,’ James said, watching the purple tones move away into the distance. ‘In fact, I can even see you’re nervous.’

He smiled. He felt an overwhelming happiness and had forgotten the perilous situation they were currently in.

‘Go on, Kalrea. I can assure you that you’ll not be disappointed.’

Kalrea read James’ mind.

The light brightened before turning more yellow, then darker.

‘Kalrea!’ James said, sensing a change in Kalrea.

She seems to be crying.

‘Are you all right?’ he asked.

‘Yes. Yes, James. I am beautiful. I’m just feeling slightly overwhelmed by what I’m seeing.’

‘Why are there some black patches on the surface?’ James asked.

‘That’s where I’ve been damaged. Don’t worry; it’s like your brain. That small amount makes no difference to me.’

‘How did they happen?’

‘As you know, when the ship is damaged I feel pain. Unfortunately, sometimes my mind is affected.’

‘The colours - I’ve never seen anything so vivid in all my life, Kalrea. There’s no word that would describe it. You should be very proud.’

‘I am, James. And thank you.’

‘What for?’

‘For showing me. If it hadn’t been for you, I would never have seen myself.’

James smiled.

‘I wish Londuo could see this.’

‘James! I’m not getting naked for just anyone. I’m not that type of lady!’

James laughed. Kalrea seemed very pleased.

‘Is it dangerous if I was to get closer?’

‘No,’ Kalrea replied.

James was about to let go of the seatra, when Kira floated by. ‘Kira! I’d forgotten about Kira.’

‘She’ll be all right,’ Kalrea said. ‘Look, she’s enjoying it.’

He shook his head.
Now I’ve seen everything. Even a floating kiol!

James pushed upwards, letting go of the seatra. He grabbed the edge of the opening. He could now see the surface of the cylinder, which had an infinite number of coloured dots on it.

A purple light appeared again.

‘James, can you touch the surface?’ Kalrea asked apprehensively.

James ran his fingers over it. Where he touched it, a white light was produced. He felt a tingling sensation in his fingers. A pink glow started to shine within the cylinder. He could see it increase in intensity. Then he stopped. The colour changed suddenly to a dark-purple. Kalrea seemed to be extremely embarrassed.

‘What’s wrong?’ James asked.

‘Nothing. No, nothing,’ Kalrea said, in a very sheepish way. ‘I’ve… I’ve never felt like that before. It was… It was a fantastic feeling.’

James suddenly realised that Kalrea liked him touching her. He felt very uneasy, and many images flashed through his mind, which he knew Kalrea would have read. There was an uneasy moment of silence, which James broke:

‘Would you like me run my hand over the surface again?’

‘James, thank you, but I think I need to concentrate on the repairs.’

‘Of course. I’d better let you get dressed,’ James said cheekily.

Chapter Twenty-Six

James felt powerless and frustrated at being unable to do anything to help Kalrea repair the ship. For him time passed very slowly, and he spent many hours sitting on the edge of the seatra, watching Londuo resting peacefully inside. He wanted so much to be able to speak to her and wondered if he would ever hear her voice again.

Kira brushed up against his legs and then sat looking up at him in expectation, which indicated she was hungry.

‘Kalrea, Kira needs feeding again, please.’

A few moments later, a micnorit construction drone exited the lift, and Kira rushed over to get her food.

‘Given we’re unsure how long we’ll be stuck on this planet, I suggest you think about having something to eat as well,’ Kalrea said.

‘What sort of food do we have onboard, Kalrea, and most important of all, where can I find it?’

‘There’s a selection of dried food in a storage box next to the consoles,’ Kalrea replied.

A section of wall moved inwards, revealing a hidden cabinet. Inside was a brightly coloured stack of food bars.

James walked over and took out a random selection of them. They looked like small bars of chocolate but of different colours and without any packaging. Attracted by a red one, he tried it.

Grimacing at its salty taste, he asked Kalrea,

‘What’s this? It’s disgusting.’

‘That’s condensed tolu. Supposedly, it’s very good for you.’

‘I’m sure it is; but I bet you haven’t tried it.’

James suddenly realised what he had just said.

‘Sorry, Kalrea. I sometime forget you don’t eat.’

‘Sounds like I’m not missing much anyway.’

‘No, you’re not.’

James picked up another bar.

‘What’s this blue one called?’


He took a small bite.
It tastes a bit like banana,
he thought, pleasantly surprised, and then asked,

‘What are the ingredients?’

‘Eighty-three percent of a yimp bar is made from extract of giolp, a plant which was extensively farmed on Qintaino. It gives it the distinctive blue colour. Fifteen percent comes from polk, which is used as a preservative, then there’s some kilp, lemin and donli.’

‘Oh, I see,’ James replied. ‘I’ve no idea what any of those ingredients are! I think I’ll just try them, Kalrea.’

James, I’ve just finished deciphering one of the encryption keys to the diary.

Kalrea sounded pleased.

What! Just one? But you said there

s four hundred in all. At this rate it will take a year.

Sorry, James, but it’s a start.

‘Have you found anything useful in the diary

James asked, while eating.


m afraid one key has only unlocked very few words scattered throughout the data. I’ve done an analysis, and I think the diary belongs to a woman. The fragments seem female in nature.

Can you tell whose it is?

‘No, but within the data the name Frasin comes up a lot, and Antaio is also mentioned a few times.’

‘Do you think it could be referring to the same
Frasin and Antaio we know?’

‘The probability is very high, so yes, I believe it could be.’

‘Could the diary belong to Londuo’s friend, Frasin?’

James, writers do not normally use their name in their diary, so it can’t be Frasin’s. When I decipher another key, then other names or references may emerge and it should be clear.

Kalrea, Londuo is a very close friend of Frasin and she also knows Antaio. Do you think it could be hers?

James looked down at Londuo.
She looks so relaxed there, her eyes closed

He thought back to last time he kissed her, remembering her gaze and distinctive green eyes and said with conviction,

Kalrea, t
he diary must be hers!’

Why are you so certain?

I believe I’ve already met Londuo back on Earth. The day my mother died, she received a visit from an old woman. I was not sure up to now, but now I know that old woman was Londuo. She had the same eyes, and I remember her hiding something on her face, that must have been the symoi that Londuo has on her cheek.’

I’ve just scanned her, and she doesn’t have a diary. If you

re right, then I suggest when she

s recovered, you ask her for her diary.’


t worry, I will.

James finished eating the yimp bar. He picked up another.

That’s if we make it back
, James thought to himself.
If it

s Londuo

s diary, then that means she travelled back in time. But if she could travel in time, then why did she not do it when she was younger? She was old on Earth. It doesn’t make sense, yet.

This yimp bar is excellent, Kalrea. Are there anymore similar to this amongst

Kalrea interrupted.

‘James, I’ve picked up two Treitan heavy cruisers entering the system. They’re heading towards Ghuno. Get into the seatra!’ she said.

James’ heart quickened. He dropped the bar.

‘What’s the status of the drive?’

‘It’s barely functioning. If I by-pass all the fail-safes, I might be able to move the ship.’

‘Do it!’ James said. ‘Kira!’

He climbed into the seatra and looked over at Londuo. She lay there peacefully. He held her hand and waited for Kira to jump in. The lid then closed.

James looked down into the drive room at the only operational event horizon drive. He watched it pulse erratically, until, with a loud bang, it started. The
shifted, before slowly lifting into the air. He glanced nervously up into the sky, as three bright red dots emerged from the clouds, heading straight towards the ship.


Two of the mass-converters struck the ship. It was forced back into the ground with a jarring boom. The drive was silenced.

I’ve lost the stabilisers again,
Kalrea said.
It’ll take ten minutes, before I can try again.

Through the clouds appeared two large Treitan assault ships and four fighters. The assault ships held station in the distance, while the fighters rapidly descended towards the

They’re going to test our defences,
Kalrea said.

Two of the fighters passed close in front of the
. Pulses of light left the
front laser and the remains of the fighters rained down onto the surface. The other two fighters were now behind the
. James tried hard to target them, but each time he fired the rear laser it flashed harmlessly by the Treitan ships.

, James thought, frustrated by his efforts.

The fighters turned.

They’ve got a lock on the laser port!
Kalrea said.

The fighters fired, but their lasers just flashed harmlessly across the hull of the

James focused and fired again. The
rear laser sliced through the port drive of one of the fighters. It flipped over and spun into the ground. Flames leaped in the air.

James thought.

At that moment, four Treitan scout ships dropped down into view in front of the fighters. They fired their plasma missiles instantly. The
laser stopped abruptly. The assault ships then descended into the furrow behind the

Now they’ll board us,
Kalrea said.

How are they going to get onboard?
James thought.

He quickly viewed the rear of the ship.

The Plyane hull will—

He stopped abruptly, as he looked in the wrecked drive room. At the back were two gaping holes where the event horizon drives once stood.

I’ve activated the ships internal defences,
Kalrea said.
We can’t allow them to capture the Aurora.

You mean you will activate the self-destruct?

James felt a deep sadness. He knew that meant Kalrea would not survive.

Yes, it is just a question of time before they reach the bridge I’m afraid, then I’ll have no choice.

The Treitan assault ships touched down on the surface. Clouds of dust lifted into the air obscuring them.

James watched on nervously. Out the dust suddenly sped a large vehicle, then two seconds later three more appeared. The sand-coloured vehicles were the size of a house and hovered across the surface. Each had a plasma tube mounted on either side of the main body and a circular turret on the roof. He looked at them transfixed, while they raced toward the
. When they got closer he could make out a thin yellow window on the front of the closest vehicle, behind which he could just make out some movement. The vehicles one by one dropped to the ground near the back of the
. They opened their doors, and many Treitans rushed out, most carrying what looked like laser rifles and others grouped in pairs carrying large tubes.

James almost laughed to himself as the cumbersome bodies of the Treitans tumbled over the surface, their tentacles flailing in the air, juggling their weapons. His ship was about to be boarded and all he could do was laugh.

They’ve reached the drive cones,
Kalrea informed him.

James quickly looked down at the Treitans massing around the event horizon drive cones.

Suddenly a small missile exploded inside the ship. Yellow smoke filled the drive room.

I can’t see them anymore. Where are they?
James thought, trying to see inside the drive room. He could hear laser fire as the Treitans rushed in.

They’re about to enter the cargo bay through one of the breaches in the blast walls,
Kalrea said.

Six Treitans moved slowly into the now smoke-filled cargo bay. Pulses of light leaped out from the red eye in the roof of the cargo bay. The Treitans were instantly atomised. A red glow, which turned orange, marked their positions, before fading away.

More Treitans moved into the room.

James saw the red eye fire once more, but there was also an explosion which shook the ship. Part of the ceiling of the cargo bay fell to the floor.

Two of the Treitans who were carrying a plasma tube moved towards the
pojin lift door. One sprawled out in front of the other with the plasma tube held above it; its tentacles were wrapped around the tube’s bulk, pointing it towards the lift door. A bolt of red light emerged from the tube, and then the lift door, surrounding walls and floor turned white before melting. A molten river of material flowed for a second before solidifying. A team of ten Treitans then entered the lift shaft.

James felt completely helpless and was now resigned to the fact it was the end of Kalrea and the

Kalrea, I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to say it. Before you die, I want to thank you for all you’ve done for me. I’ve really enjoyed your company. I will miss you—

The cruisers, they’re starting to turn away from the planet,
Kalrea said suddenly.

James thought. His mind focused on the scanners.


Four Qinant ships had just dropped from light speed, catching the Treitan cruisers by surprise. The
and three destroyers thundered towards the turning cruisers.

‘All ships, fire!’ Isistia ordered.

A volley of torpedoes screamed into the distance, striking the event horizon drives of nearest Treitan cruiser. A burst of white light erupted from its rear.

Fighters suddenly emerged from the other Treitan ships.

‘Captains Gani and Lexu, finish that cruiser off,’ Isistia ordered. ‘Captain Treno, keep your ship close to me. Launch all fighters!
fighters, protect the

continued towards the stricken Treitan cruiser, while the
turned towards the other.

Five more torpedoes from the Qinant destroyers struck the damaged Treitan cruiser. Drawn in by the planet’s gravity well, it started to drift slowly into the green atmosphere, where it floated like a sinking ship at sea. The green atmosphere pierced through the hull, then as it slowly sank, explosions rippled through the ship. Sections of the hull imploded.

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