The Aurora (Aurora Saga, Book 1) (40 page)

Read The Aurora (Aurora Saga, Book 1) Online

Authors: Adrian Fulcher

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Aurora (Aurora Saga, Book 1)
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The other Aurora was thrown clear from the blast as well. I don’t know where it went,
Kalrea said.
The explosion has interfered with the Paradoxica’s scanners.

James replied.

It can’t be far—,
Londuo thought.

Kalrea interrupted her.

I’ve got control of the gateways!

Shut them down. Do it now!
James thought urgently.

James looked out at a nearby gateway. The white bolts of energy ceased and the pulse of light which ringed it slowly faded away. The wormhole imploded in an instant. James felt some relief.

At least no one can exit the Paradoxica now.

What’s that over there?
Londuo thought.

I’m not sure,
James replied.
It looks large, whatever it is.

Off the starboard side of the ship, bright red lights were flashing. The
turned and powered slowly towards them.

That’s the control centre of the Paradoxica,
Kalrea said.
It’s the source of those bolts of energy, used to power the gateways.

The control centre was spherical in shape and at least half a kilometre in diameter. Its diameter was changing constantly, moving slowly, as if it were breathing. Large transparent towers protruded out into the mist. From their ends the brightness of a scarlet light oscillated like a beating heart, repelling the surrounding mist.

We’re being hailed,
Kalrea said.

James was concerned.
From where?

Out of the mist behind the
, the other

The other me is very angry, James. She’s feeling the same grief I felt when I lost Sarhao. She wants to destroy me! Wait! Now she’s interfacing with the control centre,
Kalrea said.

We have to destroy the Paradoxica. It must never be used again,
James thought.

James, I’m scared!
Londuo thought.
I feel cold.

James sensed there was something wrong.

It’s all right
, he thought, but he suddenly felt disorientated.
There’s nothing to worry about

He tried to reassure Londuo; however, he was also starting to feel unnerved.

Londuo began to panic.

James, I have to get out! Please let me out of here!

James opened the seatra.

Londuo looked terrified and started to breathe heavily. They both sat upright. She clung to him.

James’ heart beat fast.

‘Kalrea, I feel cold too. What’s happening?’ he said.

‘We’re affecting the timeline. It’s working,’ Kalrea said over the ship’s address system.

James called Londuo, and she looked at him. He told her,

‘I’m here. I won’t leave you.’

She smiled back.

‘I know, but I feel this is the end, James. Don’t you feel it?’

‘Yes, Londuo,’ he said sadly.


Six plasma torpedoes were fired directly at the control centre. They exploded, but the control centre remained intact.

‘I can’t destroy it,’ Kalrea said.

The front laser strafed the structure. James could hear the anguish in her voice.

‘It’s shielded like the gateways. My weapons had no effect.’

‘Can you disable it, then?’

‘I don’t know,’ Kalrea replied. ‘There’s not much time. They’re hailing us again,’ Kalrea said. ‘James, it’s the captain of the
, he wants to talk to you.’

‘Put him through,’ James said.

‘James!’ Kalrea replied. ‘You need to know, it’s Lex, your father.’

‘What!’ James was stunned.

He suddenly felt like a child waiting to be told off by his father.

‘…This is Captain Brasdoi of the Qinant exploration force. Please identify yourself,’ Lex’s voice came through. ‘Why did you destroy one of our ships?’

James didn’t know what to say.

‘I repeat, this is Captain

‘Dad, it’s me, James… I mean Jameilo!’

‘Jameilo! It can’t be, he’s back on Qintaino. Who are you?’

‘No, dad, it is me. Really! This ship is the

‘So that’s your father,’ Londuo said.

‘Who’s that?’ Lex questioned. ‘I recognise that voice.’

‘My name’s Londuo,’ she replied.

‘Not Londuo Besic! I left you on Qintaino, Londuo,’ Lex sounded confused.

‘I’m sorry, but I’ve never met you before,’ Londuo replied.

‘Dad, you must listen to me; we don’t have much time. We’re from another timeline that you created when you went through the gateway. I’m sorry, but we cannot allow you or the
to exit the Paradoxica. You would, otherwise, become responsible for the beginning of a long and bloody war.’

‘James, the other Kalrea knows I’m trying to destroy the Paradoxica. She’s asking why,’ Kalrea said. ‘I can’t destroy it on my own!’

‘That’s Kalrea’s voice!’ Lex said.

‘James! There’s no more time; we must act now,’ Kalrea said.

‘Dad, please! We have to destroy the Paradoxica! We need your help. Kalrea, transmit to Lex and Kalrea all we know. Let them see,’ James instructed.

As he spoke wisps of vapour formed from his mouth.

‘All right,’ Kalrea replied.

James shivered. The hull of the
seemed to become transparent and for a moment he could see the mist outside.

What’s happening, where’s the Aurora?

‘This is really it,’ Londuo said, placing her head on James’ shoulder.

‘I hope we meet on Qintaino in this timeline.’

‘I’m glad we met in this life. I know we’ll meet again. If you see a shy boy looking at you across a crowded room, it will be me,’ James said cheerfully.

Londuo managed a smile.

James felt light-headed.

‘Kalrea, I can’t hear you in my head anymore,’ he said in a concerned voice. ‘Dad, are you still there?’

There was no reply.


‘Jameilo! I’m here,’ Lex replied. ‘We understand.’

Kalrea said,

‘The other Kalrea and me, we’re both trying to overload the control centre’s systems.’

‘I knew Lex would do the right thing,’ James said, his voice quieting. ‘Can you both do it?’ James felt weak.

‘Of course,’ Kalrea replied.

James smiled.

‘Kalrea, I want you to know that you mean a lot to me,’ he said. ‘I’ve enjoyed every moment we’ve had together.’

‘Thank you, James,’ she replied softly. ‘I’m sorry I can’t get you out of this.’

‘It’s not your fault, Kalrea. We knew this would happen if we were successful.’

‘I love you, both,’ Kalrea replied. ‘The control centre will destroy itself in two minutes.’

‘Good, then we’ve done it,’ James said. ‘What will happen to Lex and the other

‘I’m not sure,’ Kalrea replied. ‘I think it can survive.’

‘I can’t see anymore!’ Londuo said.

James could hardly lift his arm. Using all his remaining energy he gripped Londuo’s hand.

‘Me neither, I can’t see, Kalrea! What’s happening?’

He suddenly felt frightened.

‘We cannot exist in this timeline,’ Kalrea said.

‘Kalrea, where will the other
end up?’ James said. ‘I mean, in what time?’

‘It’s too late,’ Kalrea said.

There was a flash of brilliant light outside the ship, and the control centre disappeared. James felt the ship vibrate violently.


‘We’ve returned to normal space,’ Kalrea seemed surprised.

‘And the other
?’ James asked.

‘It’s here too.’

The two ships drifted in space.

‘Where are we, Kalrea? And in what time?’ James said.

‘I can’t… tell…,’ Kalrea said, with her voice changing pitch.

‘Kalrea! Dad!’ James said, but there was no reply.

‘Kiss me, James,’ Londuo said with urgency. ‘One last time. I love you so much.’

‘I love you too, Londuo. Remember… Remember, Londuo, we have all the time in the universe,’ James said, just before they kissed.

and everything within it faded slowly away into the darkness, while the other
drifted motionless in space, watching on.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

On Qintaino, Jameilo (James) was sitting at a small table within a bar, staring into the cold glass of kalti ginom in front of him. The news was playing on a Kimlo holographic table, nearby. Jameilo was listening to it.

‘…We want to welcome the latest member of inter galactic alliance to Qintaino, the Treitans; our first plant species. I know you’ll all welcome this race to the alliance with open arms. They bring a greater understanding of the Lonilo galaxy and will add a new dimension to the reptile and mammal membership of the alliance. They’ve travelled many sykals to be here for this historic event. We know they are a peaceful race with many values similar to ours—’

Jameilo was distracted by two Telecans and a Qinant who were sitting at the bar, arguing over a game of pinsop. The noise of the news and people talking seemed distant as Jameilo’s mind wondered. He was concerned for his father, who was the captain of the
, away on his first mission with Ontano Gindot, the captain of the sister ship,

A shadow of a tall figure swept across the table, stopping abruptly in front of him. Jameilo focused and looked up to see a girl with long hair standing there. He could not see her face, because of strong coloured lights coming from behind her.

‘You look a bit down, Jameilo. Are you alone?’ she asked him.

Jameilo nodded slowly, trying to make out who the figure was.

‘Do I know you?’ he asked.

‘No, I don’t think so, but I know you,’ she replied. ‘May I join you?’

‘Yes, please do,’ Jameilo replied, pointing to the seat next to him.

‘Londuo. My name’s Londuo. I worked with your father, Lex, on the construction of the
,’ she said, as she sat down.

Jameilo stared at her for a moment and thought, w
ow, you look fantastic. I wonder why you want to sit with me.

Her long brunette hair shone in the light, and his attention was drawn to the symoi on the left side of her face. He looked into her eyes.

Those eyes. I know those eyes,
he thought and then said, ‘Are you sure we haven’t met before. I feel I know you from somewhere...’


** THE END **


Thank you for reading
The Aurora


Dear Reader,


I need to ask a favour. Reviews can be tough to come by these days, and as an author they are invaluable for future projects. Whether you loved or hated
The Aurora
, I do value your feedback. If you’re so inclined, I hope you may be able to take a few moments to post a customer review and rating on Amazon.


The third book in the Aurora Saga is
Kalrea’s Legacy
, which I expect to complete by the end of August 2014. Nevertheless, each of the books in the Aurora Saga can be read as a standalone story. If you have the time, here’s a link to my author page on Amazon. You can find all of my books here:
. Feel free to also write to me at
[email protected]
or visit my blog at


Once again, thank you so much for reading
The Aurora
and immersing yourself in my universe.


In gratitude,


Adrian Fulcher


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