The Awakening (27 page)

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Authors: Mary Abshire

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: The Awakening
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The initials on my blade were SB. Now, I knew the B stood for Baxter.

I swallowed my sadness and understanding dawned upon me. Alison was part angel and had relations with a demon. Hence, my two breeds. The Senator had said Alison wanted a distinctive child. Well, she got one all right.

A part of me suspected there was more to know about Alison. Although I had no memory of her, her angel blood would always be with me. Perhaps that one remaining piece would continue to drive me to get answers.

The knot in my stomach tightened. I had zero memories of my mother. Someone cruel had stolen her from my life and memory. “I should have known,” I said softly.

Boss glanced at me with questionable eyes. He hadn’t said much since we left the Statehouse. “Known what?”

“Alison was my mother.” I felt sick, thinking about my mother working for Galluzzi. My mother had a decent soul once. She'd saved Galluzzi's life. And how was my mother paid back? Galluzzi lured her. I despised Galluzzi a thousand times more now. Maybe my mother should've let Galluzzi die in the car crash.

“How could you have known Alison was your mother?” Boss asked.

“Because she was
my mother
. I should know who my own mother is.” I swallowed as I lowered my head. “Or was.”

“If Galluzzi helped your mother, then she knows who your father is,” Boss said, taking his eyes off the empty road briefly.

“She does. And apparently it was my father’s watch I sold.”

Boss’s eyes rose in alarm. “What?”

“She asked if my father was still upset about me selling it. She knew about it, and I believe she knows who bought it.”

Boss’s hands tightened on the wheel. “Your father.” He glimpsed at me. “He must be one of the old ones.”

I sighed, leaned my head back, and closed my eyes. An ancient demon was my daddy.

“He must not be a local,” Boss said.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. “Why?”

“If he is truly angry at you, he would have found you by now.”

He had a good point. So maybe dear old Dad didn’t know what had happened to me or where to find me. Wait. He knew I sold the watch, or maybe he knew it was missing and the Senator knew I sold it. I felt the onset of a headache. Too many damn questions.

“I wonder if I sold the watch to make him mad.”

“The Senator could have talked you into selling it,” Boss suggested. “We don’t know how she knew about it.”

The thought had crossed my mind. So far, she knew the most about me. She even commented about being friends. Were we at one time? I thought it was a joke at first. Not anymore. Why would I have been friends with her? Yuck.

I sat up in my seat. “The woman has a cold heart. She admitted to ordering the deaths at the dump.”

“She admitted?” Boss asked, brow arched.

“She didn’t come out and say it, but she confessed she wanted to keep a secret hidden. And she pretty much admitted to trying to kill me.”

Damn secrets. Now I understood why an organization such as the WWOPP existed. Someone needed to make sure a singular race didn’t rule the world. If it were demons, we would all be in big trouble.

The skin around Boss's eyes tightened. He clenched his jaw. I watched him and wondered what he was thinking. As much as I wanted to pry, I held off.

“Did you get her to withdraw from the race?” he asked after several minutes of silence.

“I told her I would go to the council if she didn’t.”

“And your threat worked?”

“No, I added I would contact every clan in the world and tell everything I knew. I was bluffing to see if it would work, and it did. I watched her send a message to Sal saying she was not going to run.”

Boss shook his head. “What did you know?”

“I wish I knew. Believe me, I do.”

He met my gaze. “What secret could be worth so many lives? Why would she go to such great lengths to keep it hidden?”

“Why did someone spare me?” I countered. “Why am I so special?”

His gaze jumped from the road to me. Acknowledgement flashed in his eyes. “I don’t believe it. How did I fucking miss it?”

“What?” Panic rushed through me.

He stared at me. Recognition sparkled in his eyes. “You.”

“What?” I asked, confused.

“It’s you,” he said. “The secret is you.”

“Me?” I stared at him in disbelief. “She killed everyone because of me?”

“Think about it. You are a mixture of four races. There is no other creature like you on this Earth. What bigger secret is there worth killing for?”

Reality settled in. A knot in my stomach twisted. I was the reason for so many deaths. Could he be right? Galluzzi murdered thirty people because they knew about me.

Bile rose in my throat.

“Pull the car over.” I covered my mouth. Nausea burned my insides and I didn't have the strength to fight it this time.

Boss slowed the car and veered to the side. I threw the door open and leaped out.

Grass brushed against my boots as I stumbled into the ditch. People died because they knew about me. I was responsible for their deaths. Oh God, I was so damned.

My stomach heaved. I dropped to my knees, bent over, and braced myself. Tears flowed from my eyes as I spewed everything I had in my stomach.

I didn’t want to believe it. Yet, I knew Boss was right. He said it was impossible for someone like me to exist. I did. The blame fell on me for all the deaths.

When I had nothing left in me, I sat on my knees and cried. I mourned for the souls taken because of me. I begged for forgiveness. I prayed for mercy on my soul. I didn’t deserve to live.

Why did I survive? Why did someone spare me? I had caused so much death and chaos.

“It’s not your fault,” Boss said, standing behind me.

Sniffling, I wiped the tears from my face and the spit from my chin. I couldn’t look at him. I was bad. I was evil. He’d called me an abomination. That last word described me best.

“They’re dead because of me. Every one of them,” I said. More tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Galluzzi ordered the deaths. They are dead because of her.”

But if they’d had zero knowledge of me, they would be alive today.

“I may not have given the order, but I am the reason.”

He came to my side. His big feet stopped near my knee. “You can’t blame yourself. Galluzzi tempted Alison. Alison gave birth to you. It’s because of them you exist. If you want to blame someone, blame them.”

I wiped the moisture from my face. Blame them? Oh, I wanted to. I wouldn’t exist today if it weren’t for them.

Tilting my head back, I gazed up at the stars. Thanks Mom and thanks Senator for making my life a living hell.

Boss squatted near me and gazed into my eyes. “You are not a bad person.”

In my heart, I didn’t believe I was a cruel or vicious killer. I didn’t pull a trigger on any of the people at the dump, not that I recalled. I wasn’t a cold-blooded killer like Galluzzi.

Strong, compassionate eyes bore down on me. “You told me I had a soul. To be honest, I didn’t think I did for a very long time. You opened my eyes to new possibilities. You saved my life. You saved Tabby’s. You were saved for a reason.”

Maybe he was right because someone did save me. In a way, he and Jonas had saved me too.

I took a cleansing breath. The cool night air filled my lungs, along with the stench of vomit. I wrinkled my nose.

Boss stood and extended his hand. “We don’t have all the answers yet. If I were you, I would want to find a way to bring Galluzzi to justice.”

He couldn't have been more right. We had too many questions and the Senator needed to be brought to justice. The bitch needed someone to bring her down. Maybe someone spared me for that very reason.

I gripped Boss’s hand and pulled myself to my feet. “Do you think you can handle it if I stick around a bit longer?”

He smiled in amusement. “I believe I can.”

“Good, because I’m joining your investigation. The first order of business is getting my name.”



Chapter 28


The bright rays of the sun shone into the coffee shop window, warming me. Cars passed by and light reflected off the windshields, blinding me. I sat at the small rectangular table, holding a tall cup of hot cocoa and waiting for Jackson to arrive. The chocolaty aroma floated into my nose, relaxing me.

After Boss and I had returned to the house, I’d cleaned up, and taken a short nap. Jonas arrived in the early morning and I updated him on my findings with Sal and Galluzzi. While he slept, I made a long list of outstanding questions. He woke up early in the afternoon and we discussed my list over lunch. It came to me then that I needed to have a chat with Jackson.

I called the werewolf and told him I had new information. He was more than eager to meet, just as I suspected he’d be. Jonas wanted to join me, but I talked him into keeping Tabby company at the hospital. Since Boss avoided sunlight, for good reasons, Jonas dropped me off. I was sure I could talk Jackson into giving me a ride after our little chat.

A large pick-up truck parked in front of the coffee shop. The driver's side door opened and out came a handsome man.

My heart fluttered as I watched Jackson. The werewolf had an appeal I couldn’t resist. Who wouldn’t be attracted to a hunk like him? And he had the good cop role going for him too. Maybe that was part of the attraction. Whatever the reason, I couldn’t resist staring into his dark brown eyes and craving his earthly scent.

Jonas wanted me to refrain from discussing my mixed breeds. To avoid any more bloodshed, keeping hush was a good idea to me, which meant I had to be careful what I told him. He already suspected I was different. I didn’t need to encourage him any further.

Jackson strolled in with a pleasant grin on his kind face. He looked just as sexy in casual clothes, T-shirt and jeans, as he did in uniform. His large muscles stood out, calling to women and intimidating men. My pulse spiked, watching his robust body move and briefly recalling his nakedness. I licked my lips. Yes, he was divine.

He filled in the seat across from me.

“Hello,” I said, smiling.

“Hot chocolate?” he asked, pointing at my cup.

I nodded. “Can I get you something? My treat this time.” Well, more like Jonas’s treat. He’d given me money in case I needed a taxi.

“No, but thanks.” He glanced around the coffee shop. “Where is your friend, Jonas?”

“He dropped me off and went to the hospital.”

“Oh.” A hint of smile touched the corner of his lips. “I’m glad you called. I think we might have got off on the wrong foot.”

Wrong foot was one way of putting it.

I shrugged. “I didn’t mind. It’s not every day a naked man falls on me.”

His lips curled in a delightful smile. “I take it you’re not married.”

I sipped my coffee and shook my head.

“Good.” He rested his arms on the table and threaded his fingers together. His chocolate eyes gazed into mine. “I find you very interesting. Not to mention attractive.”

I laughed as a wave of heat rushed to my head, and my heart flipped again. “You know, I think this could be dangerous for us.”

“I’m a cop. I’m always involved in danger.”

True. I couldn’t argue.

“We both have a common interest, and I think we should stay focused on it.”

He raised a brow. “Focus on us or the investigation?”

I grinned. “The investigation.”

He released a big sigh. “Someone else?”

“No, yes, I mean...” Flustered, I looked away from him. What was I doing? We were supposed to talk about the information I had for him.

He placed his warm hand on mine. “If you want to talk, I’ll listen. If you need help, I will help you. I give you my word.”

The temptation to tell him everything inundated me. He was kind. He was interested. He offered protection and his honor. How could I refuse?

“I have good news. Well, maybe good news.” I couldn’t tell him the truth about me. Every bit of me wanted to, but Jonas’s warning played in my head. I didn’t want to put Jackson in any danger.

“Oh?” He kept his hand on mine.

“I think I know who is responsible for the deaths of your Alpha and pack brothers.”

All pleasantness drained from his face. “What did you find out?”

“I believe Senator Galluzzi ordered the deaths, though I can’t prove it at this time.”

“The Senator?” He scrunched his eyes in disbelief.

“I met with Sal early this morning. We made an agreement. He would remove my picture from the website if I convinced the Senator to withdraw from the next presidential election.”

“Why would he want her to withdraw?”

“Because he wants the councilman position. He wants to have power over Galluzzi.”

“Why did he ask you?”

“He knew I would investigate the murders. He knew I would have greater influence on her. Moreover, he knew I was supposed to be at the meeting.” I sipped more cocoa.

“What?” His eyes enlarged. “You were supposed to be there?”

I set my cup down as I swallowed. “The council sent me. I was on my way to the meeting when the taxi I was in got a flat tire. I showed up late and found them.” Yes, I’d lied. I had to.

“You were supposed to die with them,” Jackson said in a grim voice.

“I believe so.” That part was true.

He rubbed his hand over his mouth and gazed out the window. The werewolf was smart and without a doubt, he would go back over every word I’d already told him to make sure my story matched.

He returned his eyes to mine. “Jonas said you were sent to help investigate the murders.”

“He said that to protect me. After what happened, I didn’t know whom to trust. The vampire councilman directed me to contact Boss and Jonas.”

“Then why were you sent here?”

“I was told to attend the meeting and report back. They didn’t tell me what the meeting would be about, who was attending, or anything.”

He slipped his hand away from mine and straightened. “My gut tells me something is off.”

Was this wolf a detective or what? It seemed he was born to be one.

He eyed me suspiciously. “Why didn’t you go with the demon councilman?”

“The council sent me later, after the councilman had already left.”

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