The Bad Girls' Club (13 page)

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Authors: Kathryn O'Halloran

BOOK: The Bad Girls' Club
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He pulled a big hanky out of his pocket and handed it to me. I was rubbing myself dry when
Satoshi got back.

Thanks, Satoshi,’ I said.

They threw him out. The moron. I hate guys who can’t hold their drink. Speaking of which, I’ll get you another champagne.’

No. Let me get it,’ said Tom. ‘You got the last one.’

It’s OK, really. I don’t mind.’

Wait until I told Imogen and Beth about this. Imogen and Beth? Damn. I checked my watch. It was five minutes past ten.

‘Look, guys, I have to go…’

You only just got here,’ said Satoshi.

Stay awhile longer.’ Tom pleaded with those eyes. ‘Please.’

How could I turn them down? I mean, they
’d just rescued me and were all chivalrous.

Maybe, just for one more drink,’ I replied. Surely, I could get a cab home once Tom and Satoshi realised what a dowdy frump I really was.

Several hours later, they still hadn
’t realised. Tom had found a booth at the back of the bar for us. Well, he’d spotted it and asked me if I wanted to sit down. When I looked reluctantly at Satoshi, he’d extended the invitation to him as well. It was so cosy curling up in the booth, with the thick velvet seats. I felt rather tipsy even though I’d only had two drinks. I think it was the thrill of being between two men. I couldn’t decide which one I preferred. Satoshi had those strong arms that I just ached to have wrapped around me, while Tom had such a cheeky grin and that floppy, tousled hair.

I took off my jacket and settled myself back amongst the plush cushions.

‘You look like a kitten that’s just had a nice saucer of milk,’ said Tom.

I grinned at him.

‘Are you a nice kitty?’ he asked and stroked my leg.

Watch yourself or you’ll see my claws,’ I said, without much conviction.

slipped his arm around me. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll look after you.’

’m sure he would, although I was starting to think it was myself I needed protection from. Satoshi’s hand grazed my leg, making me giggle and squirm. And every time Tom looked at me, I melted. I did nothing to stop either of them.

Finally, the bar was closing. While Tom ordered last drinks,
Satoshi pulled me close to him.

What are you doing now? It’s too early to go home.’

Then he kissed my neck, just lightly so that I was all shivery.

Tom came back with the drinks before I could answer. He slipped into the booth beside me and glared at Satoshi.

So, what do you want to do, Juliette?’ Tom asked.

What did I want? I knew what I
wanted but tried to ignore that voice in my head. I couldn’t say
. There was no way I could say I wanted them both. No way.

Time to decide, Juliette,’ Tom whispered. ‘Who’s the lucky man?’

Both of them had their arms around me. I could smell that musky scent of
Satoshi as he leaned in close to me and Tom’s fingers lightly played with my arm. I didn’t want this to end.

Do I have to decide?’ I asked. I tried the enigmatic smile again.

Well, you could go home alone,’ said Satoshi. ‘If you want, I’ll get you a cab.’

He didn
’t seem in any hurry to do that though.

I thought about that for a moment.

‘I don’t know. It’s been so nice here with you both.’ I gulped. They were going to think I was awful. I waited for them to leave in disgust. But Tom looked at Satoshi, a slow grin breaking on his face as he realised what I wanted. Then Satoshi looked at Tom.

My place is just around the corner,’ said Satoshi.


‘What’s wrong?’ asked Tom as he stroked my belly with delicious tickles.

Nothing,’ I replied. But I flinched away from him. This was hardly the time to tell them that I had no idea what I was doing. Normally I was the kind of girl they would have both passed in the street without a second glance.

A little powder, a little paint, makes a girl something she aint,’ Imogen had said before I left. And this was definitely something I ‘aint’ – creamy filling in a hunk sandwich. I perched on the edge of Satoshi’s couch, a ball of butterfly nerves.

lived in an old converted warehouse full of shiny stainless steel and aged wood. And so tidy. Not a thing out of place. I took a deep breath and tried to relax.

If you aren’t feeling comfortable, then you don’t have to go through with this, you know. No one’s going to try to make you do anything you aren’t comfortable with. Right, Satoshi?’

I smiled at Tom. Then looked at him and at
Satoshi. Sure, I could leave now. I could be sensible. I could be sane and normal. I could miss out on all the fun. And they were both so gorgeous.

That’s OK. I think I just need to get used to the idea,’ I said, sitting back.

opened a bottle of wine and put on a CD of sultry jazz. He walked over and kissed me lightly on the lips. That melted the nerves slightly.

Don’t worry,’ he whispered in my ear. ‘I’m a little nervous too.’ He ran his hand through his hair and I felt more like reassuring him than worrying about myself.

Maybe you need a little massage to help you relax?’ Tom asked. ‘I’m an expert masseuse, if I do say so myself. Come on. No strings attached and no funny business, just a simple massage?’

That sounded good. I turned around so Tom could rub my neck. He really did know what he was doing. As his fingers ran down my back, I could feel my whole body get heavier.
Satoshi dimmed the lights then came over and took my hand, massaging the palms. It was bliss. I closed my eyes and sighed a little.

I think you’re too relaxed now,’ said Satoshi. ‘You are going to fall asleep. Maybe you should get up and dance, to wake up.’

I laughed. I did feel a little better.

Satoshi grabbed my wrists and pulled me up. For a minute or two, I just giggled. I don’t dance. I’ve never danced. I don’t even know how to. I moved a little, trying to fake some style and soon my hips found the rhythm of the music. This wasn’t so bad. I could do this. I closed my eyes while I swayed with the music, knowing both of them were watching me. I felt sparkly and shiny.

Tom moved around behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I felt so safe and warm. We moved like that for a moment and I giggled nervously until his lips brushed against my neck. A shiver ran through my body and I leaned back, sinking into him. He began to nuzzle my neck with soft nips.

Satoshi joined us and ran his fingers down over my skin, tracing patterns on my belly. As I squirmed with ticklish pleasure, I rubbed against Tom, feeling him go hard.

I think she likes it,’ said Satoshi.

A little too much,’ replied Tom. ‘Maybe we should stop.’

No. Don’t stop.’

They both laughed and Tom moved his hands up to my nipples. I shivered and I giggled and I moaned; my fears draining away and my mind numb with pleasure. Keeping myself nice had never felt this good. It was like something had been awakened inside of me. Some wild, slutty part of me was taking control.

I could feel Tom’s breathe getting heavier on my neck and I couldn’t tell whose fingers were doing what. I realised that I didn’t care. I just wanted to give in to it.

Tom lifted my top and I raised my arms to help. They removed my bra, my skirt, my knickers until I was left in nothing but my stockings and boots. The rough fabric of Tom
’s jeans rubbed against my naked butt while Satoshi moved his fingers increasingly lower. Teasing my lower belly, running down my hips and thighs to the band at the top of my stockings, brushing against my hair and finally slipping inside me.

Tom supported me with his body, stroking my nipples and holding me tight. Soon a voice, that couldn
’t have been mine, screamed out. That just made Satoshi push harder. His fingers churned furiously, in time with my sighs.

’s fingers tightened around my nipples, twisting hard. I screamed and bucked. The words come out before I could stop them.

Rub me, rub my little mimi,’ I yelled.

pulled away and they both laughed at me.

Before I realised what I
’d said, a flood of heat gushed through me. I had to steady myself. Waves of pleasure crashed through my body. Wow.

It was like Christmas, my birthday and firecracker night rolled into one. I giggled a little, and grinned and felt my whole body blush. I couldn
’t move, couldn’t even think.

So, that was what all the fuss was about. I had never had an orgasm before. Craig tried hard, when we first started going out together anyway, but it ended up being just lots of pushing and grunting that didn
’t really do much for me. But this, this was wonderful.

All I could do was crumple onto the couch, panting and exhausted.

Then I come to my senses. The charade was over. I was no wanton adventuress fluent in the language of sex romps. I had to leave, to grab my clothes and get away.

What are you doing?’ Tom asked as I reached down for my top.

You laughed at me,’ I said.

But honey, it was gorgeous. Your mimi. Damn, that makes me hot. All sexy and screaming for more but talking like a little girl. A dirty little girl.’

I sat back down and looked at him. He smiled back at me, not mocking me but real lusty. And
Satoshi rubbed my back so nice I could hardly take offence. Maybe I would stick around after all. I curled up on the end of the couch and thought for a minute. The worst had happened and I’d survived. Then Satoshi knelt at my feet.

We’re sorry we laughed at you.’ He picked up my hand. ‘From now on, we’ll be your slaves. You just tell us what you want. Right, Tom?’

Tom nodded.

I had to think about that for a while. What did I want?  I wasn’t used to thinking about what I wanted, let alone telling anyone else. I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. I scrunched up my face for a minute. Well, for starters, they were both fully dressed while I was naked. That definitely wasn’t right.

Well, Satoshi, I think you should take your shirt off. Please.’

Yes, ma’am,’ he said.

He pulled his t-shirt off and swung it over his head. I clapped and cheered.

‘Now you, Tom.’

Tom strutted around the room, inching his t-shirt over his belly. He turned up the stereo and ground his hips to the music.

‘OK, Satoshi. Now the pants.’

This was hot, nothing like that tacky stripper on the girl
’s night out. These two boys were obeying my every command. I could definitely learn to like it.

stepped out of his jeans while Tom unzipped his fly.

Tom,’ I said. ‘Did I say you could do that?’

He looked up at me and laughed. But I frowned at him. Only when he stopped, did I smile at him.

‘OK, you can take your jeans off now too.’

Then I told them to I wanted them completely naked.

Satoshi begun to peel down his jocks, the head of his penis just peeking out. He stroked the top of it and looked at me. ‘So what do you call this?’ he asked.

A willie,’ I whispered. No, that wouldn’t do.  I could talk dirty. ‘A dick,’ I said, a bit louder. ‘A cock.’

I motioned for him to come over to me and I edged those jocks down further still. Soon Tom stood beside him and I had two succulent cocks to pick from –
Satoshi’s long, thin and pale and Tom’s shorter but wider. My mouth hovered, covering them both in my breath, moving teasingly between them, while they quivered with anticipation. I put down my drink and held a cock in each hand, weighing them up and moving them closer so that the tips were touching then drew a line with my tongue, from the base of Tom’s cock to the top then over to Satoshi and all the way down again. I could feel them both tremble. I wrapped my mouth around them both, their tastes mingling in my mouth.

’s hand moved back down between my legs. He whispered, ‘Your mimi, your hot little mimi,’ while he rubbed me.

It felt good but I pulled his hand away. I wasn
’t ready to give up control that easily. I had an idea. I looked at the straight-backed chairs in the dining area.

Satoshi, do you have some rope or maybe some ties even?’ I asked with a wicked grin.


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