Read The Baller's Baby Online

Authors: Cristina Grenier

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

The Baller's Baby (12 page)

BOOK: The Baller's Baby
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“No, but they'll get over it and come around.”

“I hope so. You excited about the game?”

“A little nervous. I invited your parents to come watch me.”

“You did?” Stacey asked, unable to contain her laughter.

“Your dad was all stoic about it.
I'll see what can be done
he says, stiff and formal. Then he hung up on me before I could say goodbye. I guess he's not a goodbye type either.”

“Oh no. You boxed him in and it pissed him off that he didn't see it coming and you got one up on him. I bet he's sitting at home trying to figure out a way to politely decline without seeming like a complete dick.”

“Well then, I guess I'm not as nervous as I thought.”

“Play well tonight,” Stacey said, a chuckle still in her voice. “And if my parents come, take them to a Thai restaurant. My dad can't resist Thai food and it'll be a good ice breaker since I'm here.”

“Sounds good,” Cole agreed. “I love you.”

“Stop beating me to the punch!” Stacey squealed, slapping the seat next to her. “I love you Cole Winslow.”


Cole made it to the Bixby Center half an hour before game time, the next night. Ten minutes later he was dressed and ready, even excited about the game. He found the ticket counter and bought two box seats, leaving with Max and instructing him on what to do if Stacey's parents showed up.

“I'll take care of it for you buddy,” Max assured him.

“Thanks again Max,” Cole said, returning to the stadium level just as fans started to flood in. Hurrying, Cole practically ran down the stairs of the bleachers, hopping onto the court just as the first fans started to recognize him. Turning with a big smile, Cole waved and ducked into the shadows of the locker room tunnel.

“You almost got peeled out there buddy,” Rick Bates said, noticing how the fans clamored near the edge of the rail, trying to see him.

“I thought I was done for out there for a minute.”

“What the hell were you doing out there, especially in uniform?”

“Giving Max a set of box tickets. My girl's parents might come tonight and since her dad isn't thrilled with me, I thought it'd be a nice gesture. If they show up, I'm taking them to dinner afterward, too.”

“Wow,” Bates said, surprised. “This woman must really be something to go through all that.”

“I love her,” Cole said, looking over at his friend.

“Told you have love lights on,” Bates teased. “Now answer this for me. Is the woman that you're half mad over
your manager, or is all that bullshit?”

Cole knew where this was going. Fraternizing with managers, agents, and industry people in general was highly frowned upon. Weighing his options, Cole said. “She manages my contracts and sponsors. She doesn't manage my personal life. I pursued her and I can tell you honestly that my life hasn't been the same since.”

“A good woman will do that to you, or so I've heard,” Bates agreed. “I'm not squealing on your buddy, but that doesn't mean there aren't people out there who won't. Be careful, for both of your sakes.”

“I will,” Cole assured him. “Right now though, I say we go put a pounding on the Stallions?”

“Sounds like fun to me.”

Cole, taking Rick Bates' place, led the team onto the court as 'Headstrong”
by Trapt blared through the speakers. Layups and rebounds rotated through the roster as player after player ran through their pregame routine.

The first half of the game was dominated on offense by the Rockets as Rick led the team to an eighteen point advantage. Cole sat restlessly on the sidelines waiting for a chance to run the defense for his team. He'd seen Max come and stand at the top of the first set of bleachers. When the older man met his eye he smiled and gave him a thumb up, pointing to a box above Cole's head.

Cole had grimaced and given a thumb up back. Finally, after half time, Cole got his chance as the Stallions won the tip off. As a small forward Cole could dominate the interior, running perfect picks on the Stallions when they got close to the key. The first shot the Stallions threw up, bounced off the backboard, glanced the net and fell gracefully into Cole's large hands. Landing hard on his heels Cole hugged the ball to his midsection until he had room to move. A strong pivot on his right foot cleared the way for him to pass it to Bates' who'd been subbed for Scott Tanner.

Bates ran option five, a 2-1-2 zone offense. Pressing the ball outside, Bates passed the ball to Kyle Kenney who quickly hit Cole in the paint for an easy two points as Cole took his shot. The Stallions grabbed their chance, patiently waiting for Cole to set his man-to-man coverage. As they brought the ball down the court, Cole shifted positions with Sheppard, posting a hard pick on a Stallions offensive player. The kid hit the floor hard, drawing a foul on Cole.

As usual Cole set up at the bottom of the paint opposite a Stallions player, waiting for the kid to take his two shots from the free throw line. The first ball floated up, swishing through the net with ease. The second shot, however, wasn't so lucky and bounced haphazardly around the rim of the basket before falling. Expert precision had Cole boxing the Stallions player out and snagging the ball. Again Cole passed it to Bates' who pivoted, passing it to Tanner, who was back in the game. Tanner caught the pass, planting both feet at the edge of the three point line. With often practiced ease, Tanner took the shot, following through as the ball sailed toward the net. Hitting the corner of the backboard Tanner's shot slipped quietly through the net for three points.

The Stallions were back on defense for the last two minutes of the game, hoping like everything to pull off a win, even being down ten points. They powered through back-to-back baskets, cutting the lead to six, until Bates snagged an errant shot. Passing the ball to Cole, Bates followed his teammate down the court. Running well ahead of Bates, Cole found the lane wide open and came up high for a slam dunk.

A time out by the Rockets gave the Stallions something to think about and only thirty seconds to do something about it. Bringing in their three point shooter, the Stallions hoped, Stiles would put up some points. At nearly seven foot three he had Bates by a good six inches, and Cole by nine, but Bates was busy with two opponents and Cole was left to defend the behemoth.

Stiles held up an open palm with his massive right hand, signaling his teammates to do what they do best. Cole saw a player pass behind him, Stiles watching him the whole time. Playing by instinct now, Cole planted both feet, did a deep squat and brought both large hands up straight over his head as Stiles tried to pass the ball. Stuffing the Stallions giant, Cole watched the ball bounce off Stile's hands as he landed back on his feet. Turning toward the Rockets bench, Cole heard the final buzzer and celebrated with his teammates as they won by eight nail biting points.

Cole quickly showered and changed into jeans, a white tank and a dress shirt. He did his hair and brushed his teeth. “Got a hot date tonight, Winslow?”

“I'm taking my girlfriends parents to dinner while she's in Thailand.”

“Wow, what'd she go overseas for?” Tanner asked.

“She's trying to sign a player from over there, something about Professional bowling or something like that.”

“She's an athletic manager, huh?” Stiles chimed in.

“Yeah, she's quite amazing at it, honestly. I don't often think of women being particularly great managers, but she's phenomenal.”

“If she's that good, I may have to look her up when my contract renews.”

“She's definitely the best.”

“Well have fun with that. I'm sure you'll have tons to talk about.

“I'll be happy to go home with anything less than a raging headache.”

“I hear that. Alright fellas, I'm out.”

“See ya, Tanner,” Cole said, giving his teammate a thump on the shoulder.

Five minutes later, Cole found Sandra and Gerard Patterson standing near the Rockets bench, talking animatedly with his coach.

“Mr. and Mrs. Patterson,” Cole said, clearing his throat. “If you're ready to go, I'm set as well.”

“That will be fine,” Gerard replied, his attitude just as cold as it had been.

“Coach, see you tomorrow for practice.”

“That you will, son. You played great tonight, Cole. Keep it up and you'll be leaving us for the NBA before you know it.”

“We'll see, Sir,” Cole replied before turning and allowing the Patterson's to proceed him through the exit.

“Great game tonight, Cole,” Max said, smiling.

“Thanks Max, for everything.”

“Not a problem.” Max smiled and laughed. “Have a great night folks.”

“Thank you,” Gerard said, turning to nod at the older guard.

Cole showed the Patterson's to Thai-Phoon a Thai restaurant that served only traditional dishes.

“Stacey mentioned that you, Mr. Patterson, are particularly fond of Thai food and this place serves only the best.”

“Terrific,” Gerard said, his manner still stiff, but Cole noticed a light in his eyes.
Just like Stacey got when she was really happy.

The threesome took a quiet table in the back, Cole allowing Stacey's parents to sit before he did. His mother might not think so, but he'd learned his manners well during his upbringing. “So tell me Cole, how did you meet our daughter?”

“I had contacted her agency about representing me. I was due up for a contract renewal and wanted the best. Your daughter happens to be incredibly knowledgeable in the field.”

“How did you seduce her?”

“Gerard Allen,” Sandra exclaimed, loud enough that Cole knew she wasn't pleased.

“It's okay Mrs. Patterson,” Cole said, “I can respect plain speaking and a father above anyone has a right to ask certain questions.”


“It didn't start off as some slutty romance novel,” Cole said, feeling defensive, more of Stacey than himself. “Your daughter berated me for not practicing enough, or taking her advice. I blew her off and went home, but I couldn't get her words out of my head. I pinged her address and drove over to her house. We talked and I apologized for not listening to her. She was right and I'd messed up. The next night we practiced. Your daughter can be tough as nails sir, no offense intended. During our practice Stacey got a phone call just as I passed her the ball. The phone call distracted her and when she looked back the ball slammed into her face, breaking her nose. After I set it, I drove her to the hospital to have it looked at. I drove her back to her car and the rest as they say is history.”

“I see,” Gerard said, sounding disappointed. “May I ask about your family?”

“You can ask about anything, Sir,” Cole explained. “Whether or not I'll answer you is my decision.”

Cole could see that Gerard didn't like his answer. He might respect it, but he didn't like it. “Where were you raised?”

“Tennessee. I was born there and raised there for most of my life,” Cole started. “My parents divorced when I was eight and when my father left I never saw or heard from him again. My mom was sort of lost without him. She didn't know how to parent us, but gave it her best shot. My older sister and I learned to rely on ourselves and only each other. To this day she and her family are really the only extended family I have.”

“How did you feel about your parents' divorce and your father leaving?”

“Like any eight year old would. I was devastated. I didn't know why my dad didn't want to see us. I didn't know how to help my mom, except to be quiet and try to stay out of her way and not require too much.”

“Your sister?”

“She was twelve, old enough to know much more than me. We talked about it a lot of nights, whispering in our beds about when we thought our dad might come back. We discussed ways to help our mom, although none of them were particularly successful. It wasn't until I started playing for the Rockets that I was really able to give her a hand up in the world.”

“And how did she like you playing basketball instead of going to school to get a degree?”

“At first she was angry, steamed that I wouldn't continue my education,” Cole said, knowing what Mr. Patterson was really asking. “I'm not a scholar Mr. Patterson. I didn't really like school, but knew that it made it easier on my mother, so I went. Basketball makes sense to me. I understand the logistics of the game and I feel comfortable on the court in a way I never would behind a desk or working for someone else. I can excel as an individual and with the team.”

“Hmm,” Gerard muttered, thinking.

“How is Stacey?” Sandra asked, clearly concerned.

“She didn't call you?” Cole asked, concern showing in his face too. “She said she might call you, because she wasn't feeling well when she landed.” Before Sandra could move, Cole had already pressed her number and had the phone to his ear.

“Cole?” Stacey greeted, her voice sleepy. Biting down on all the emotions swirling through him, Cole closed his eyes, relieved that she'd answered.

“Hey, I'm eating dinner with your parents and your mother said you didn't call her.”

“No, I was so worn out by the time I got to the hotel that I simply crashed.” Stacey said, sitting up on the side of her bed. The sun was bright outside as Stacey felt the now familiar nausea roll through her. “Can I talk to her now, if she's there?”

BOOK: The Baller's Baby
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