The Battle

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Authors: Alessandro Barbero

BOOK: The Battle
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Translated from the Italian by John Cullen


Copyright © 2003 by Alessandro Barbero


Translation copyright © 2005 by John Cullen


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address Walker & Company, 104 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10011.


Published in 2006 by Walker &Company
Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.


eISBN: 978-0-802-71831-0


Originally published in Italy as
La battaglia, Storia di Waterloo
by Gius. Laterza & Figli in 2003


First published in hardcover in the U.S. in 2005


This paperback edition published in 2006


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The history of a battle is not unlike the history of a ball! Some
individuals may recollect all the little events of which the great result
is the battle won or lost; but no individual can recollect the order in
which, or the exact moment at which, they occurred, which makes all
the difference as to their value or importance.




I object to all the propositions to write what is called a history of the
battle of Waterloo. . . . But if a true history is written, what will
become of the reputation of half of those who have acquired
reputation, and who deserve it for their gallantry, but who, if their
mistakes and casual misconduct were made public, would NOT be
so well thought of?




Leave the battle of Waterloo as it is.








Campaign Maps




PART ONE - "We'll See Tomorrow"


2. "Who Will Attack the First Tomorrow?"


3. "The Decisive Moment of the Century"


4. The Nature of the Armies


5. The British Army: "The Scum of the Earth"


6. The French Army: "All Must March"


7. The Prussian Army


8. The Minor Armies


9. "As Bad a Night as I Ever Witnessed"


10. On the Brussels Road


11. Letters in the Night


13. The Emperor's Breakfast


14. The Numbers in the Field


15. Wellington's Deployment


16. Napoleon's Deployment


17. "Vive l'


18. What Is a Battle?


19. Napoleon's Orders


20. Napoleonic Infantry Tactics


21. The Skirmish Line


22. Hougoumont


23. The Defense of the Chateau


24. The Bombardment in the Hougoumont Sector


25. The Attack on the North Gate


26. The Grande Batterie


27. News of the Prussians


28. Billow's March


29. New Orders for Grouchy


30. La Haye Sainte


31. The First Attack on La Haye Sainte


32. Crabbe's Charge


33. D'Erlon's Advance


34. The Attack on the Sunken Lane


35. The Firefight Along the Chemin d'Ohain


36. The Intervention of the British Cavalry


37. The Charge of the Household Brigade


38. The Charge of the Union Brigade


39. Dragoons Against Guns


40. Jacquinot's Lancers


41. "Tu N'es Pas Mort, Coquin?"


43. Papelotte


44. The Second Attack on La Haye Sainte


45. The Great French Cavalry Attacks Against the Allied Squares


46. "Where Are the Cavalry?"


"Vous Verrez Bientot Sa Force, Messieurs"


48. Blucher Attacks


49. Plancenoit


50. "I'll Be Damned If We Shan't Lose This Ground"


51. The Nivelles Road


52. "Infantry! And Where Do You Expect Me to Find Infantry?"


53. The Last Effort to Take Hougoumont


54. The Capture of La Haye Sainte


55. The Advance of the French Artillery


56. The Renewed Attack on Plancenoit


57. Ziethen at Smohain


58. Napoleon's Last Attack


59. "Voila Grouchy!"


60. The Imperial Guard's Advance


61. The Attack of the Imperial Guard Grenadiers


"La Garde Recule!"


64. The Squares of the Old Guard


65. The Meeting at La Belle Alliance


66. The Prussian Pursuit


67. Night on the Battlefield


68. "A Mass of Dead Bodies"


69. Letters Home


70. "I Never Wish to See Another Battle"






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