The Battle Within (18 page)

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Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Battle Within
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Sandy, Vicky, and Andrea went to the place Andrea picked out for their night of fun. It was called
Club Peacock
! According to Andrea, it was the place to be. The name alone sent Sandy and Vicky into hysterical laughter.

It was worth a try. When they arrived and went inside it was hard to see since it was so dark. However, the place was packed with people on the dance floor. The music was blaring some of the latest hip-hop music, and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

While most of the people in the club seemed to be younger, they didn’t feel too out of place. Sandy wore a strapless form-fitting yellow mini with matching heels. The dress really brought out the color of her blue eyes and red hair. She wore her unruly curls down, and Vicky placed a diamond tiara in it. She’d also given her a sash that said
Super-Hot Bride to Be

Andrea knew she had to come with it tonight, or she’d never get a dance because Sandy and Vicky were knockouts. While she chose to let Sandy be the belle of the ball, she still wore a black sleeveless two piece mini skirt. There was only a hint of midriff showing. And since she was so short unlike the Amazon’s she was with, she paired it with the tallest pair of bright pink stilettos in her closet. They matched her lipstick.

Andrea yelled over all the noise, “I told you guys, this place is really hot right now. Let’s see if we can find a table.”

Vicky and Sandy exchanged glances. Both thinking the same thing…what have we gotten ourselves into because we are too old for this.

As they walked around the club, luckily, a group of people was leaving a table just as the trio was walking up to it. They sat down, and a waitress immediately came over to take their drink orders.

“What will you have ladies?”

Andrea yelled out, “Shots! Bring out a round of Red Headed Sluts in honor of my red-headed cousin getting hitched!”

“Got it. I’ll be right back.”

No sooner had the waitress left, did a random guy who reminded Vicky of the character Jerome from the classic show Martin come over to their table. While he wasn’t dressed like he was caught in an eighty’s time warp, his hair and silver tooth, said otherwise. “Wow…you ladies are beautiful. I’m not sure which one of you, I should ask for a dance.” He looked at Sandy and saw her sash, looked at Vicky and saw her massive ring, then looked at Andrea.”

“How about a dance little lady?”

“Umm…not right now. We just got here. But, I tell you what…come back in about a half an hour with a couple of your friends and maybe we’ll have enough drinks in us to dance with you.”

He nodded, grinned, and walked away.

Vicky laughed out loud, “Are you serious?”

Sandy laughed too but in the back of her mind, with everything that was happening with Roman, she just wanted to be home.

Andrea shrugged, “Who cares what they look like. We’re just here to have fun.”

Vicky continued to laugh, “You know…you’re right. I promised Jason I wouldn’t dance with any cute guys…so in that regard, I won’t be lying.”

The waitress returned with their drinks.

Sandy, Vicky, and Andrea each picked up a shot.

Andrea spoke, “On the count of three…bottoms up!” Okay…one…two…three!”


After a few rounds of shots, a couple of hours on the dance floor, Sandy was ready to call it a night. But, before she left she needed to go to the ladies room.

“Hey, I’m going to the bathroom.”

Vicky responded, “I’ll go with you.”

“No, I'm fine. It’s just over there. I’ll be right back.”

Sandy waded her way through the crowd. After using the bathroom, she went over to the sink to wash her hands. It was a little crowded, so she didn’t pay too much attention when someone bumped into her.

“I’m sorry.”

The voice sounded familiar, but Sandy didn't look up, “No problem. It’s a little crowded in here.”

“I almost didn’t think I’d find you tonight.”

Sandy finished and finally looked up. She smiled when she saw that it was Kate. “Oh…hi! I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was you. My friends thought they would take me out kind of like a bachelorette party.”

Kate didn’t return her smile, “So, the wedding is still on?”

Sandy’s smile faltered, “Yes…why wouldn’t it?”

“So, I guess Roman didn’t tell you.”

The hairs on the back of her neck were starting to stand up, “Tell me what?”

“Everything that happened between us yesterday.”

“Don’t talk to me in riddles, Kate. If you have something to say, please just say it.”

“Fine. He doesn’t love you. Maybe he thought he did, but he obviously doesn’t, if he could sleep with me so close to your wedding.”

“You’re lying. Roman loves me. He would never
on me.” Sandy was feeling like she couldn’t breathe, “Why are you telling me these lies? And, how did you know I was going to be here?”

“You would like to believe that I’m lying wouldn’t you. Well, I’m not. Not only does Roman tell me everything. He coordinated this evening with Andrea weeks ago. I saw it on his calendar. Before you both make the mistake of your lives, I thought it would be best that you knew the truth.”

Sandy felt sick. She shook her head no but deep inside, she’d known it was true. “Kate, I don’t know what games you’re playing, but whatever you are trying to do, won’t work. I love Roman, and he loves me.” She pushed past her and walked out of the bathroom.

When she came back to the table, her face was flushed. Vicky noticed her first, “Sandra are you feeling okay?”

Her voice was shaky, “I think I’ve just had a bit too much to drink. I really need to get home.”

Andrea was concerned too, “I’ll text the driver to let him know we’re ready.”


Chapter 20


Sandy’s legs felt like lead as she walked into her house. Was she getting what she deserved for everything that happened with Franklin?

The light was still on in Roman’s office. Did she want to have this conversation with him? Maybe she should just go to her bedroom, pull the covers over her head, and pretend like she’d never even seen Kate tonight.

As much as she wanted to run and hide, something inside of her would let her do it. If he’d cheated with Kate and lied about it, last night would have been the perfect opportunity to come clean.

His door was slightly ajar, so she pushed it open a little more, “Hey. I’m home.”

Roman looked up from his laptop, “I was expecting you to be out much later. Why home so early?” It was then that he noticed the stricken look on her face.

He got up out of his chair and went to her, “What’s wrong?”

Sandy wrung her hands, “Roman, I know that we have some problems that we’re still working through. But, do you want to do this? Do you really want to get married?”

He held her by her shoulders, “Of course, I do. After everything that has happened between us over the last couple of weeks, I’m still here.”

“I just want to make sure we’re getting married for the right reasons. Not because we’re trying to prove something to anyone.”

“Who would I be trying to prove anything to?” He was a little irritated at her statement, “I’ve forgiven you for things that happened with my mother and sister, but most of all, I’ve forgiven you for cheating on me with Franklin. I’ve done a lot of forgiving in this relationship.”

Sandy had so many feelings going on inside of her that she was starting to feel overwhelmed. “Roman…I think we both have had things we needed to forgive each other for especially when it comes to your mother and sister. But, I aired out all of my skeletons yesterday.”

She closed her mouth and tapped her finger against her lips. Then whispered, “But, did you?”

“What are you talking about? I don’t have any skeletons.”

“Roman, please be honest with me. I know I’ve messed up but I want us to start this marriage off right. I’ll forgive you just like you’ve forgiven me. I just need you to be honest.”

He yelled, “I have been honest! What are you talking about?”

“I saw Kate tonight. She said you slept with her. Is that true?”

“What?! Are you serious? Kate would
have said that.”

Sandy searched his eyes for the truth. She was so battered that she wasn’t even sure if she could spot it even if she saw it. She wanted to believe him. He was her prince charming and unlike Joshua or even Franklin, he would never betray her…

Her voice was eerily low, “She said it. But, is it true? If it’s not, hallelujah. But, if it is true, then I’ll have to deal with it. I just need to know the truth. I don’t want to go into our marriage on a lie.”

Roman pulled Sandy into his arms, “I promise you that it’s not true.”

She decided to believe him. Sandy wasn’t sure if it was because she knew deep down he was telling the truth, or because she just wanted to believe in him.


Chapter 21


It had been a week since Sandy confronted Roman after her bachelorette party. She was upstairs in her bedroom getting ready for the Rutherford’s anniversary party when he walked into the room.

Things between them had still been tense but were starting to get a little better everyday…until today.

It was getting late, and Roman was still wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, “Roman, the party is in a few hours. You think you might want to start getting dressed?”

“Honestly, I don’t think it’s a good idea to for us to even go.”

“We RSVP’d”

“People cancel all the time.”

“They are like family to me. I promised I would be there. I can’t just not show up. But, I totally understand if you don’t want to go.”

He glared at her, “Is Franklin going to be there?”

Sandy sighed, “I’m sure he probably will be.”

If looks could kill, Sandy would be dead. His eyes cut her deeply as he headed toward the bathroom, “I just need to take a shower.”


On the other side of town, Franklin wasn’t faring much better. He listened to her intently on the phone.

She paced back and forth in her living room, “I don’t understand why we can’t cancel tonight, Franklin. I’ve just told you that I’m going through a crisis. And, I don’t feel like you’re supporting me the same way I would support you. If it were me, I would have hopped in my car already and been at your house.”

“April, I’ve told you…you don’t have to go. But, I have to at least show my face for an hour, or so. The Rutherford’s were like a mother and father to me. This is important to them, and I can’t miss it.”

Nothing she tried seemed to be getting through to him. “Fine. I’ll go. But, I’m going to hold you to not staying very long.” Angrily, she disconnected the call and threw her phone on the sofa. In a huff, April went into her bedroom to start getting ready for the party. Her frustration was at an all-time high.


The mile long winding driveway, with perfectly sculpted greenery on either side, on a star filled night was more than a perfect backdrop for the Rutherford’s anniversary party. Expensive cars were lined up everywhere. This party always brought out the Who’s Who of Atlanta.

While the scenery was incredible, Sandy had mixed feelings about coming, and almost canceled several times.

For obvious reasons, Roman didn’t want to be here, but Sandy promised Vicky and Miriam she would be there. They were family. Although, it was too soon to expect, Roman was going to have to get used to some interaction between them. However, she might have to limit it at least for a little while.

Sandy was just grateful, Andrea had come along too. She’d been chatty almost the entire way over which helped to absorbed some of the awkward silence.

“My goodness Sandy, do you remember when we were little girls pretending to be Cinderella at the ball?”

Sandy smiled.

“This feels like we’ve finally arrived at the ball. Thank you for inviting me.”

Roman was angry. His jaw clenched at the remark.

Sandy reached out and covered her hand with his, “It is pretty incredible isn’t it? After all these years, the Rutherford’s still seem to be so in love. Roman, hopefully, that will be us one day, racking up a ton of years and memories of married bliss.”

He didn’t respond.

Their car pulled up to the valet and the door opened. Sandy couldn’t help but wish this night were already over.


Franklin and Troy were all decked out in their tuxedos. Their car was just about to pull up in front of April’s townhouse.

“I have a bad feeling about this.”

Franklin rolled his neck, “Dare I ask why?”

“She and I…let’s just say we get along much better when we’re not in the same room. And, you have us in the same car. That can’t be good.”

“Come on Troy, you are both adults. I’m sure you can get along for the short ride over to the Rutherford’s.”

Troy lifted a brow as he gave Franklin a skeptical grin, “If you say so.”

“Why did you invite me anyway? I could have stayed at your place, watched the game and drank beer all night.”

He shrugged, “I thought you would enjoy it. And, you’re going back home soon. The Rutherford’s party is typically a good time.”

“Well, if I’m not having a good time, you and ice princess are going to have to walk back to her townhouse because I’m taking the limo home.”

Franklin smirked thinking between April and Troy, either way, he might just be walking back home.

“You’re smirking, but I’m not kidding.”

The car stopped, “We’re here.” A second later, the driver opened his door, and Franklin exited the car.

Troy watched Franklin walk toward April’s door as he wondered if the infamous Sandra Catchings was going to be at the party. He couldn’t wait to meet her. If the stars aligned, maybe he could even stir up a little trouble.

Twenty minutes later, Franklin came back to the car with April. She turned her nose up as soon as she saw Troy.

He spoke dryly, “April.”

“Troy.” She wished she could have ignored him completely.

Franklin injected himself, “See…there. That wasn’t so hard. I’ve been told the first step is always the hardest. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, maybe we can have an enjoyable evening.”

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