The Beast and Me

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Authors: D. S. Wrights

Tags: #Abuse, #Adult, #Dark, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Horror, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: The Beast and Me
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The Beast And Me



D.S. Wrights


Copyright © 2014 D.S. Wrights
revised edition

All rights reserved.

ISBN:               1499527594

ISBN-13: 978-1499527599



For Padyn & Brit.


















First of all I want to thank the Lady Creeptures for encouraging me to try to write down the more marginal stories that whir in my mind. I wouldn’t have written this story, if it wasn’t for you.


Second – but never less: Brit and Padyn.

Brit, for her amazing passion and fan arts, which accompanied and inspired me along the way of writing and editing this story. You are amazing! Je t’adore!

Padyn, you inspired me in a totally different way and I think without you I would never have dared to write this story down. Thank you so much! Also for proof reading over and over again.


The same goes for you, Gosia, you helped me to file this story to perfection. I’m in your dept.


My special ‘thank you’ goes to Nici. You always told me that my writing is amazing, in a way that I truly believed you and was able to put my doubts aside. Thank you.


Also, I would like to thank 9aho, farmgirl1964, frbbjbaby4545, medwards245, russetfurbr, and xxsamwest.


Finally a ‘big thank’ you to Lisa.






Before you read this book, you should know that what happens in this story is brutal, cruel and unforgiving; and most certainly something that I would never approve of in real life (unless it is happening willingly, with the consent of both parties – if that’s the case: enjoy what you love).


Please remember that this is a fantasy story.


I am against violence and abuse of any kind and this story is not meant to romanticize it or make you believe that anything of this happening in real life is ‘okay’.

This is a fantasy, a dark and brutal one.


So if you have ever experienced abuse of any kind and know that you are sensitive about anything concerning violence, please don’t read this book.

You have been warned.


If you love the thrillingly insane mixture of horror and erotica: please go ahead and hopefully enjoy!


Day 4

I would never have expected that something like this would happen to me, not even in my darkest nightmares.

There’s nothing special about me, really. For all I know I’m average, at everything. At least I feel this way.

So, maybe that was the reason. And the fact that I don’t really have friends and that I was far away from the little family I got left. I didn’t really manage to make friends at the university. Not that I didn’t try, but maybe I’m too socially awkward, too average, too ordinary, too boring, and most definitely: not matching their standards.

Pretty soon I had given up – like always – but why even try when I end up being the one everyone talks about behind my back? So I’d rather stay out of these social bounds and mind my own business. It’s easier anyway.

But I guess that was one of the reasons they took me. I’m an easy target. Or everything was coincidence. I don’t know what I would like more.


I’ve been here for four days now – at least I believe so; it could be one or two days more, but not less. It’s not like I have anything to measure time with: they took my phone, my watch, everything but my clothes, and they haven’t touched me, so that is why I feel like they have chosen me for something, for a reason. I never expected that this would make me special enough to be abducted.

I believe today is a Monday, and with that it has to be the fourth day that I am here, but I’m not sure for how long I’ve been knocked out. I can’t tell time, because I have no daylight. I am just in this dim small cell which is even smaller than my dorm room.

At least they gave me this. Only after I asked them, because I felt like going insane, and I... I’d rather be punished for daring to speak, than to go mad down here. So, I promised not to cause any trouble in my cell, like shouting or something. I have the feeling that they would hurt me if I’d do that, so that was a promise easy to make. Being obedient is better than going insane.

Crazy, how relieving scratching signs on paper can be. I feel better already, or I’m just... telling myself so. I’d better not go there.


Maybe they will throw it away, after they are finished with me, but if you are reading this right now something else might have happened. I don’t know; I don’t want to think about it. I just want to keep my mind together. I need to stay sane, and to not think of what might happen next. I need that illusion of hope.

It’s... it’s like they are waiting for something and that thought alone is even more terrifying. I just need to distract myself, and try to not think of tomorrow.


So, day one was Friday evening, I think. I was on my way home from the groceries, heading towards my den. Per foot, since my bike had been stolen a few days earlier – maybe it had been them too, I shouldn’t start to think about this like that – however it happened so quickly, so fast. One moment I was out alone in the street and the next, I was in a car, some needle in my neck.  Just like in a thriller: a dark car pulled over, someone grabbed me, a sting piercing my neck and the next thing I knew, I remember, was that I was sitting this dark, small room without any light, apart from that faint one, crawling through beneath the door. I instantly knew that it was a cell. It smelled like one, it felt and sounded like one. This earthy, moist and cool smell of being underground in a cellar, and each move I made echoing back almost instantly.


First, I shouted for help, but they left me completely alone. There was no sign of life. Like someone had left me to die slowly. Surely they expected my reaction: First panic, then anger, then acceptance, as I realized that this metal door wouldn’t open, no matter what I did, and no one would reply to me. I finally fell asleep from exhaustion, with sore arms and aching fingers from hitting that door, from trying to fumble at its angles, even though I knew before I started that it would be useless, futile. Hope can be cruel as well. I know that now.


The second day was like the first: panic, anger, acceptance, and additional to that hunger. But the thirst was even worse. Dry lips from forgetting to drink half a day is different. When your mouth lacks of fluids you suddenly can sense, every wrinkle and every asperity with your tongue that feels like sandpaper. I don’t know for how long I kept searching my mouth until I realized that there wasn’t only that door in this cell.

After exploring on my knees and hands, I found a basin and a toilet. Water never had felt that strange, that intense in my life. And it took me more than just a moment to realize that at least drinking wouldn’t an issue. Yet there was still the hunger. So, I tried to drown it.


Just like the third day. Which was like the second, apart from that I skipped the anger, instantly jumping from panic, after I woke up, to acceptance, or rather remembering myself.

And today, well today I did nothing after I woke up – for a while. Then I washed myself, going back to try to just sleep and hope that something would be different after I opened my eyes, only to be terrified by that thought. I don’t know how often I slipped into a dreamless nap, until something did change: Someone came to my door, but I was far too afraid to shout, or even whisper, because no one had shown up until the day I stopped crying for help.


They gave me something to eat: bread, cheese, an apple and coke. It tasted like paradise. Well, it did after I had fought that gluey substance in my mouth, which obviously had been a result of me being famished. And while I ate, they spoke to me, told me that if I was a good girl, they wouldn’t need do kill me. They would not be forced to kill me. After they left, I realized those words, and that they really had said them. Or rather, that man who had been talking slowly, calmly, the whole time, like I was some toddler who had just learned to understand the human language.

If I stayed silent and nice, he said, I would even be allowed to ask for something little. So I dared to ask for this book and a pen. And it felt like a miracle that my wish was granted.


I’m tired now. I got fruits for Dinner and along with them came my book, my pen and a flashlight. And a good advice: “Stay nice.”

I don’t want to think about tomorrow. I just want to sleep and hope I’m just in a coma, about to wake up.

Day 5

I just got cereal for Breakfast, my favorite one. And that freaks me out.

How do they know? How can they know?

Did they watch me before they took me?

Or is it just coincidence. But it’s more like what I rather want to believe.

Still, that wasn’t the only thing creeping me out: I heard two men talking in front of my door, but I couldn’t really understand what they were saying. Only something about: testing first before continuing to invest more. Somehow I believe that they were talking about me. I feel tired and worn out. And I definitely have lost weight.

After just five days.


I got out of my cell today. It’s evening now. I just don’t know how to start, how to write this. They dragged me out and I don’t have to look at my arms and legs to feel the bruises. I couldn’t see their faces; my eyes were used to the darkness of my cell. They just came in and grabbed me, dragged me down a corridor which wasn’t that far, I believe, to a shower. Like one of those showers at a school gym. They told me to clean myself up and change clothes.

There was everything there. Meaning: everything that was mine. My shampoo and shower gel, my clothes, absolutely everything.

I believe they just emptied my dorm. Everyone will believe that I just left. They won’t miss me. No one will miss me. My family will believe that I’m still there and the other students will just assume that I have left. The semester has just started. They won’t miss me.


I should try not to panic. They said if I behave nicely, I would be okay. I have to cling to that, and try to stay sane. Only that way I will be able to behave like they want me to, because... if I don’t... getting rid of me will be easier. Maybe they wanted to show me that by giving me all my stuff right then and there, but not really for me to keep it. So I have to keep my mind sorted and focused. Maybe if I just describe this, all of this, it will seem... different.

I did what they told me to. I expected them to come in any time and do horrible things to me, but nothing happened. Everything is clean, bright and new. White tiles and metal. Since I didn’t know how much time I had I hurried with everything, but after I had finished and dried my hair they kept me waiting. That was when I realized that the only thing missing were shoes. The clothes they gave me were a pair of my training pants, which already seemed too large, underwear and a T-shirt. Even though I didn’t sniff, I could sense the strange smell of the fabric. It was, or rather is, some sort of mental institution flavor. I can still smell it. And it’s not only the clothes; it’s the floor, the walls, the air. All of it. It smells like madness.


They took me again as suddenly as the first time and again I had no chance to see their faces, this time because they blindfolded me. It’s like all of this isn’t their first time. The thought alone gives me goose bumps.

At least this time I was allowed to walk on my own, they just held me at my upper arms and pulled me down the corridor. We turned left. First time we had turned left as well. I remembered. So they took me away from my cell. I tried to focus on the direction so that I wouldn’t freak out. Focus is the key. My Dad once taught me. When you are afraid, when you feel like you are panicking: focus on something that helps you, that doesn’t threaten you. So I concentrated on my steps, on the way.

They told me they wouldn’t like me to freak out.


They unlocked something that sounded like a huge metal door and walked me inside, then through a second one. I think this isn’t even important. I don’t want it to be. I cannot really recall for how long we walked and now that I am writing, I am not really sure if I could go that path on my own. I wouldn’t want to.

Just when I felt like this would go on for all eternity: opening metal doors, walking to the next, it stopped and before I realized my wrists were in chains. Somewhere along the way I just had fallen into listening to my steps and how they matched my heartbeat, and then suddenly the sound of metal snapping and I snapped wide awake.

My heart hammered so fast I thought it wanted to jump out of my chest.

“There’s a grate behind you, so relax”, one of the men said, but it wasn’t really helpful, because they left and closed the door behind them; and the sound of metal falling into metal seemed to echo back from concrete walls, of a large room.

Instinctively, I pulled at the chains only to scratch my knuckles at the wall I was facing.

I could hear how something else made of metal moved. That was when those words became helpful because they told me I wouldn’t end up as a meal for something. And still my skin was covered with goose bumps. If I thought my heart was going crazy after being shackled, I had been completely wrong. It was now. Every heartbeat hurt, like it wanted to tear itself free.


Something came closer. I could hear its steps behind me. But I could barely move, definitely not reach to my blindfold – I think that’s ultimately why they had put it on. I wasn’t allowed to see whatever came close. Or maybe it was to prevent me from panicking?

Whatever it was, it came straight to that grate separating me from it. I could hear it breathe, inhale... sniffing. It was catching my scent.

But why? What for? Now that I think about it, maybe to become familiar with me? To find me? ... To hunt me down?

Whatever it was, unlike me it stayed calm and made a sound that – I don’t know – sounded like a huge cat or a purring bear?

“Okay, back!” a male voice sounded through a speaker, different from the first. "Back now."

There was a grunt behind me, but it seemed to understand that order. And they came in, unshackled me and dragged me out. All the way back to my cell.


I guess that was the test they had spoken about this morning. And I feel that I have passed it. I don’t know if I should be happy about it.

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