The Beast House (22 page)

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Authors: Richard Laymon

BOOK: The Beast House
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“What happened here?”

Captain Frank shook his head. He sighed. “My mother did that. She was an awful prude, God rest her bones. I never got a chance, myself, to see the drawing before she ruined it.”

“That’s a shame,” Gorman said. He studied what remained of the creature. Except for the claws on its fingers and toes, it appeared remarkably human. The shoulders and chest were broad, the limbs thick as if heavily muscled. One arm was longer than the other, but Gorman assumed that to be a fault of the artist. “Do you know the size of it?”

Captain Frank took a drink of beer and rubbed his mouth. “About three feet tall. That’s what it was when my father got rid of it. ‘Course, now, it wasn’t much more than a year old, then. He said the full-grown ones they killed on the island were better than six feet.”

Gorman nodded, and Captain Frank turned the page. He expected another sketch, perhaps a rear view of the creature, but found instead a newspaper clipping. The handwritten scrawl at the top of the page read, “Clarion, July 21, 1902, Loreen.” The article’s heading was printed in bold type.


Loreen Newton, three-year-old daughter of Frank and Mary, was savagely attacked and slain in the yard of her parents’ Front Street home. Alarmed by the child’s screams…

Gorman shook his head as if dismayed, and turned to the next page without finishing the story. Taped to its center was the child’s funeral notice. He didn’t bother reading it. He flipped the leaf over, and unfolded the full front page of the Clarion’s August 3, 1903 edition. He stared at the stark headline:


“This is wonderful,” Gorman said.

“My father, he’s the one saved these early articles. I’m the one added on, after he was gone, and put them all together here.”

After glancing at the four columns of small print, Gorman refolded the page. Subsequent articles described the capture, trial, and lynching of Gus Goucher. Then Gorman found another folded front page of the Clarion, this one recounting the slaughter, nearly thirty years later, of Maggie Kutch’s husband and children. After a few follow-up stories, Gorman came upon a clipping about the disappearance of Captain Frank’s father.

“Here’s where I started keeping them,” the old man said.

Gorman scanned a story about the opening of Beast House for tours. Then he flipped through page after page of articles detailing the disappearances of towns-people and visitors, two or three for each year. “That’s a lot of missing people,” he said.

“It’s just the ones that got reported. I figure there’s plenty more, folks nobody missed.”

“And you suspect the beast was responsible for all this?”

“Maybe not all,” Captain Frank admitted. “Some of those folks maybe just run off, or got themselves lost in the hills, or drowned. There’s no telling how many, but I’ll wager Bobo got his share of them.”

“Why was nothing done about it? This must be fifty or sixty missing persons over a twenty-year period.”

“Well, sir, the police, they didn’t see anything so strange about it. Lord knows, I told them time after time it was the beast making off with those folks. Did they listen? No, indeed. They seemed to think it was normal, losing a couple folks a year.”

“Acceptable losses,” Gorman muttered.

“And they made up their minds, way back, that I’m just a loony. I can’t even get them to listen to me anymore.”

“Have you showed this to them?” he asked, tapping the scrapbook.

“Sure. Like I say, they think I’m loony.”

Gorman came upon another full front page of the newspaper. This one dealt with the attack in 1951 on Tom Bagley and Larry Maywood. After follow-up stories came more pages with clippings about disappearances. Finally, near the back of the book, he found articles about last year’s slayings of the Ziegler father and son, and patrolman Dan Jenson.

He reached a blank page.

Captain Frank took a swig of beer. “That’s all, till tomorrow’s Clarion. I’ll be adding whatever they print on this business you told me about—the Crogans and your friend. They’ll go in, sure enough.”

“You’re pretty confident Bobo got them?”

“I’d wager on it, matey.”

Gorman nodded. He gently closed the book, and stared at it. “This is a very impressive document, Frank.”

“I always felt it’s been my duty to keep a record of all these goings-on.”

“How would you feel about making it public?”

“Public?” The old man raised a bushy white eyebrow.

“I’d like to write up your story. Are you familiar with People magazine?”


“I’m a staff writer for People. Maybe you saw my piece on Jerry Brown?” There must’ve been a piece on Brown recently, he thought.

“No, I…”

“Well, that’s all right. The point is: I find myself shocked and amazed by what you’ve told me this afternoon, by the information in your scrapbook, by the very existence of a monstrosity such as Beast House, by the seeming indifference of the local authorities to what appears to be a seventy-five-year string of disappearances and grisly murders. With your cooperation, I’d be willing to do a feature article that exposes the truth of the situation. With enough public awareness, the authorities will be forced to take action. The story, of course, will focus on you.”

Captain Frank frowned as if thinking it over.

“What do you say?”

He sighed. “I’ve always planned to take care of Bobo myself.”

“So much the better. If you can do that before the story’s printed, we’ll include your account of the hunt and photos of you with the body.”

“I don’t know, Mr…”

“Wilcox. Harold Wilcox.”

“I don’t know, Mr. Wilcox. It does sound like a fine idea. Mighty fine. What’ll I have to do?”

“Nothing, really. Just leave it to me. You’ve already given me sufficient information. Of course, I would need to borrow your scrapbook, at least long enough to have its contents photocopied. I’d be more than glad to give you a receipt for it. There must be a copying machine somewhere in town…”

“Over at Lincoln’s Stationery.”

“Fine. I could have it done this afternoon and get it back to you…” He paused. “Would tomorrow morning be convenient for you?”

“I do hate to let it out of my hands.”

“You’re welcome to come along, if you don’t trust me.”

“Oh, it’s not that I don’t trust you, Mr. Wilcox.”

“I could probably get it back to you this evening, if that’s preferable.”

Captain Frank chewed his lower lip.

“I tell you what. Suppose I leave a deposit with you? Say a hundred dollars. You keep my money until I return the book to you.”

“Well, that sounds fair enough.”

Gorman removed a pair of fifty-dollar bills from his wallet. “Do you have some spare paper so we can write out the receipts?”

“I don’t guess we need to,” Captain Frank said, and picked up the money. “You just take good care of this book for me, and I’ll take good care of your money.”

They shook hands.

With the scrapbook clamped under one arm, Gorman left the bus.

On his way through town, he spotted Lincoln’s Stationery. He grinned, and kept on driving.


Tyler, sitting on the edge of the bed, rolled a stocking up her leg. As she clipped it to the straps of her black garter belt, someone knocked on the door. “Who is it?” she called.

“Me,” came Abe’s voice.

“Just a minute,” she said, and quickly started to put on the other stocking. “Are you alone?”


“Poor man.”

“That’s me.”

She finished with the stocking, and rushed to the door. Staying out of view behind it, she pulled it open. Abe stepped into the room. “That was quick,” she said as she shut the door.

In the ten minutes since he left he had changed into navy slacks and a powder blue polo shirt. Tyler had managed to blow-dry her hair and begin dressing.

“I just couldn’t stand being away from you,” he said.

She stepped into his arms and kissed him. His hands roamed down her back, curled over her bare buttocks, pulled her closer against him. “Nice outfit,” he said after a while. He fingered a strap of her garter belt.

“Glad you like it,” Tyler said, and hugged him hard as Dan forced his way into her mind. Dan, who had given her the first one, gift-wrapped, during cocktails at the White Whale restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf. It was red and frilly with lace. He’d added a pair of nylons to the box. Without his asking, she’d excused herself and put them on in the restroom. And now he was dead, his savaged body on display—not his body, she reminded herself. Just a wax dummy.

“What’s wrong?” Abe whispered.

She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

He took hold of her shoulders and eased her away. He stared into her eyes. “I know what’s bothering me,” he said.



She moaned.

“I don’t want to leave you.”

“We could stay another day.”

“I’d like to, but that would only be putting it off.”

“Let’s keep putting it off,” Tyler said through a tight throat. Her eyes felt hot. Then they filled with tears. She lowered her head as the tears started sliding down her cheeks.

“When do you have to get back for your job?”

She shrugged.

“Do you have to get back for your job?”

She looked up at him. “Do you want me to starve?”

“No. I want you to come with me.”

“You do?”

“Of course. I…I think you and I…I guess the thing of it is, I love you.”

“Oh, Abe.” Sobbing, she threw her arms around him. “I love you so much.”

For a long time, they held each other. When Tyler finished crying, she wiped her eyes on the shoulder of his shirt and kissed him.

“Well, now that’s settled…” he said.

“What’ll we do?”

“Join Jack and Nora at the Happy Hour.”

“About tomorrow.”

“Whatever we decide, we’ll do it together.”

“I do have to get back to LA. Some time.”

“Can you postpone it a few days?”

“Sure. I guess so.”

“Why don’t we check with Nora, then? If everybody agrees, we’ll head on over to my place.”

“Your place? What place?”

“The Pine Cone Lodge. It’s a resort hotel up at Shasta.”

“It’s yours?” Tyler couldn’t keep the astonishment out of her voice.

“Dad’s and mine. He’s been after me to take over running the place so he can work in some more fishing. I won’t start right away, though. Hell, he’s waited this long. We can spend a while just fooling around. It’s pretty nice up there. You can see how you like it, see if it’s the sort of place where you might like to settle down, raise some kids…”


“You know, those tiny little human things.”

“My God, Abe.”

“If all that fresh air is too much for you, or you want to hang onto your job, I’ve had an offer from an old buddy with the LA Sheriff’s Department. He was pretty miffed when I turned him down. I’m sure he’d be more than happy, though, to…”

“No way,” Tyler said. “I’ve never had anything against fresh air, and my job…” she shook her head, “I can live without it. Besides.” She stared into his eyes. “LA’s no place to bring up kids.”

Grinning, he said, “Well.”

“Well,” Tyler echoed. She kissed him again. “I guess I’d better put some clothes on.”

“Don’t do it on my account.”

Abe watched while she stepped into her pleated skirt and pulled her white cashmere sweater over her head. Sitting at the dressing table, she fastened a thin gold chain around her throat. Abe stood behind her, looking at her reflection as she brushed her hair and applied lipstick. Turning her head slightly, she studied a faint red blotch on the side of her neck. She wondered if she should try to cover it with makeup.

“How’d you get that?” Abe asked.

“You should know.”

He looked perplexed. “Did I do that?”

“With your very own mouth, darling. I could show you five or six more, but since I’m already dressed…”

“It can wait till after dinner, I guess. It’ll give me something to look forward to.”

She decided to leave it alone. After all, nobody would notice the blemish except perhaps Nora and Jack, and they were probably well aware that she and Abe had spent the afternoon making love. They had likely been busy with a similar pastime themselves.

She got up from the dressing table, slipped into her sandals, and picked up her purse.

“You’ve got your key?” Abe asked.

She nodded. He opened the door for her, and took her hand as they walked into the courtyard. In spite of the breeze, the late afternoon sun felt hot on Tyler’s back. The air smelled sweet, an aroma of pine mixed with the fresh ocean scent. “Is your Pine Cone Lodge like this?” she asked.

“It’s a bit larger. You can see it for yourself tomorrow. Do you think Nora will mind the side trip?”

“I doubt that. She’s always on the lookout for an adventure. Especially where there’s a man involved. As long as Jack’s going to be with us, I don’t think she’ll squawk.”

“We should change the driving arrangement so they can travel together.”

“So they can travel together?”

Abe squeezed her hand. “Well, I wouldn’t mind a new passenger. You’re prettier than Jack.”


They walked past the rear of Gorman Hardy’s Mercedes, a reminder that Brian Blake had disappeared. Blake, the motel owners and their daughter. Though there’d been some speculation during lunch about the missing four, Tyler hadn’t given them a thought all afternoon. She suddenly felt a little guilty about that, as if she’d selfishly ignored their plight, as if she’d neglected her duty to worry about them.

Whatever happened to them, she told herself, they won’t be any better off with me worrying.

Besides, she didn’t know the girl at all, had only spoken briefly with the father when they checked in, had seen the mother just for a few moments last evening at the restaurant, and disliked Brian Blake.

That shouldn’t matter, she thought. If something awful happened to them, you should be concerned.

Okay, I’m concerned. Right now, I’m dwelling on them instead of thinking about myself and Abe. That’s concern. I hope they’re all right. There.

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